Blob Blame Raw

#include "tools/levelselection.h"

// TnzTools includes
#include "tools/tool.h"
#include "tools/toolhandle.h"

// TnzCore includes
#include "tfilepath.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "tregion.h"

// Boost includes
#include <boost/algorithm/cxx11/copy_if.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

namespace boost_a = boost::algorithm;

//    Local namespace  stuff


TTool *tool()
	return TTool::getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->getTool();


struct StrokeData {
	UCHAR m_hasColor,

void getBoundaries(TVectorImage &vi, std::vector<int> &strokes)
	enum { FORWARD = 0x1,
		   BACKWARD = 0x2,

	struct locals {

		static inline bool isBoundary(const std::vector<StrokeData> &sData, UINT s)
			return (sData[s].m_hasColor != INTERNAL);

		static void markEdges(const TRegion &region, std::vector<StrokeData> &sData,
							  bool parentRegionHasColor)
			bool regionHasColor = (region.getStyle() != 0);

			// Traverse region edges, marking associated strokes accordingly
			UINT e, eCount = region.getEdgeCount();
			for (e = 0; e != eCount; ++e) {
				const TEdge &ed = *region.getEdge(e);

				int strokeIdx = ed.m_index;
				if (strokeIdx >= 0) // Could be <0 in case the corresponding
				{					// stroke is a region 'closure' (autoclose)
					assert(0 <= strokeIdx && strokeIdx < sData.size());

					StrokeData &sd = sData[strokeIdx];

					UCHAR side = (ed.m_w1 > ed.m_w0) ? FORWARD : BACKWARD;

					sd.m_hasRegion |= side;
					if (regionHasColor)
						sd.m_hasColor |= side;

			if (parentRegionHasColor) {
				// Mark non-region edge sides with color
				for (e = 0; e != eCount; ++e) {
					const TEdge &ed = *region.getEdge(e);

					int strokeIdx = ed.m_index;
					if (strokeIdx >= 0) {
						StrokeData &sd = sData[strokeIdx];
						sd.m_hasColor |= (INTERNAL & ~sd.m_hasRegion);

			// Mark recursively on sub-regions
			UINT sr, srCount = region.getSubregionCount();
			for (sr = 0; sr != srCount; ++sr)
				markEdges(*region.getSubregion(sr), sData, regionHasColor);
	}; // locals

	std::vector<StrokeData> sData(vi.getStrokeCount());

	// Traverse regions, mark each stroke edge with the side a COLORED region is on
	UINT r, rCount = vi.getRegionCount();
	for (r = 0; r != rCount; ++r)
		locals::markEdges(*vi.getRegion(r), sData, false);

	// Strokes not appearing as region edges must be checked for region inclusion separately
	UINT s, sCount = vi.getStrokeCount();
	for (s = 0; s != sCount; ++s) {
		if (!sData[s].m_hasRegion) {
			TRegion *parentRegion = vi.getRegion(vi.getStroke(s)->getPoint(0.5));

			if (parentRegion && parentRegion->getStyle())
				sData[s].m_hasColor = INTERNAL;

	// Output all not internal regions
	boost_a::copy_if(boost::make_counting_iterator(0u), boost::make_counting_iterator(vi.getStrokeCount()),
					 std::back_inserter(strokes), boost::bind(locals::isBoundary, sData, _1));

} // namespace

//    VectorLevelSelection  implementation

	: m_framesMode(FRAMES_NONE), m_filter(EMPTY)


bool LevelSelection::isEmpty() const
	return (m_framesMode == FRAMES_NONE || m_filter == EMPTY);


void LevelSelection::selectNone()
	m_framesMode = FRAMES_NONE;
	m_filter = EMPTY;


//    Related standalone functions

std::vector<int> getBoundaryStrokes(TVectorImage &vi)
	std::vector<int> result;
	getBoundaries(vi, result);

	return result;


std::vector<int> getSelectedStrokes(TVectorImage &vi, const LevelSelection &levelSelection)
	struct locals {

		static void selectStyles(const TVectorImage &vi, const std::set<int> &styles,
								 std::vector<int> &strokes)
			UINT s, sCount = vi.getStrokeCount();
			for (s = 0; s != sCount; ++s) {
				if (styles.count(vi.getStroke(s)->getStyle()))
	}; // locals

	std::vector<int> strokes;

	switch (levelSelection.filter()) {
	case LevelSelection::EMPTY:;

		CASE LevelSelection::WHOLE : strokes.assign(boost::make_counting_iterator(0u),

		CASE LevelSelection::SELECTED_STYLES : locals::selectStyles(vi, levelSelection.styles(), strokes);

		CASE LevelSelection::BOUNDARY_STROKES : getBoundaries(vi, strokes);

	return strokes;