Blob Blame Raw

#ifndef FLIPBOOK_H
#define FLIPBOOK_H

#include "toonzqt/flipconsole.h"
#include "imageviewer.h"

#include "tlevel_io.h"
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "tsound.h"
#include "filebrowserpopup.h"

#include "tfx.h"
#include "toonz/txsheet.h"

#include <QTimer>

#include "toonzqt/flipconsoleowner.h"

class QPoint;
class TPalette;
class TFilePath;
class FlipBook;


class SaveImagesPopup : public FileBrowserPopup

	FlipBook *m_flip;

	SaveImagesPopup(FlipBook *flip);

	bool execute();

class LoadImagesPopup : public FileBrowserPopup

	LineEdit *m_fromField;
	LineEdit *m_toField;
	LineEdit *m_stepField;
	LineEdit *m_shrinkField;

	int m_minFrame, m_maxFrame;
	int m_from, m_to, m_step, m_shrink;

	QStringList m_appendFilterTypes;
	QStringList m_loadFilterTypes;

	FlipBook *m_flip;

	LoadImagesPopup(FlipBook *flip);

	bool execute();
	bool executeApply();
	bool doLoad(bool append);

public slots:

	void onFilePathClicked(const TFilePath &);
	void onEditingFinished();

// FlipBookPool

class FlipBook;

class FlipBookPool
	map<int, FlipBook *> m_pool;
	map<int, QRect> m_geometryPool;
	int m_overallFlipCount;

	TFilePath m_historyPath;


	static FlipBookPool *instance();

	void load(const TFilePath &historyPath);
	void save() const;

	FlipBook *pop();
	void push(FlipBook *flipbook);

// FlipBook
class TSoundOutputDevice;
class TSoundTrack;
class SaveImagesPopup;
class LoadImagesPopup;
class TFx;
class TXsheet;
class TXshSimpleLevel;

class TPanelTitleBar;
class TPanelTitleBarButton;

class FlipBook : public QWidget, public TSoundOutputDeviceListener, public FlipConsoleOwner

	int m_poolIndex;

	QString m_viewerTitle;
	QString m_title, m_title1;
	ImageViewer *m_imageViewer;
	FlipConsole *m_flipConsole;

	int m_shrink;
	int m_framesCount;
	TRect m_loadbox;
	TDimension m_dim;
	map<string, TRect> m_loadboxes; //id in the cash, rect loaded actually
	class Level
		Level(const TLevelP &level, const TFilePath &fp, int fromIndex, int toIndex, int step)
			: m_level(level), m_fp(fp), m_fromIndex(fromIndex), m_toIndex(toIndex), m_step(step), m_randomAccessRead(false), m_incrementalIndexing(false)
		TLevelP m_level;
		int m_fromIndex, m_toIndex, m_step;
		bool m_incrementalIndexing;
		bool m_randomAccessRead;
		TFilePath m_fp;

		TFrameId flipbookIndexToLevelFrame(int index);
		int getIndexesCount();

	vector<Level> m_levels;
	vector<QString> m_levelNames;
	TPalette *m_palette;

	bool m_playSound;
	vector<string> m_addedInCache;
	TSoundOutputDevice *m_player;
	TSoundTrack *m_snd;

	//bool m_doCompare;

	//questi sono per il saving dei frame
	TLevelWriterP m_lw;
	TLevelReaderP m_lr;
	TXshSimpleLevel *m_xl;
	int m_currentFrameToSave;
	SaveImagesPopup *m_savePopup;
	LoadImagesPopup *m_loadPopup;

	bool m_isPreviewFx;
	TFxP m_previewedFx;
	TXsheetP m_previewXsh;
	QTimer m_previewUpdateTimer;
	bool m_freezed;
	UCHAR m_flags;

	TPanelTitleBarButton *m_freezeButton;

	enum Flags { eDontKeepFilesOpened = 0x1 };

	FlipBook(QWidget *parent = 0,
			 QString viewerTitle = QString(),
			 UINT flipConsoleButtonMask = FlipConsole::cFullConsole & (~(FlipConsole::eFilledRaster | FlipConsole::eDefineSubCamera)),
			 UCHAR flags = 0,
			 bool isColorModel = false);
	void setLevel(const TFilePath &path, TPalette *palette = 0, int from = -1, int to = -1, int step = 1, int shrink = 1,
				  TSoundTrack *snd = 0, bool append = false, bool isToonzOutput = false);
	void setLevel(TFx *previewedFx, TXsheet *xsh, TLevel *level, TPalette *palette = 0, int from = -1, int to = -1, int step = 1, int currentFrame = 1, TSoundTrack *snd = 0);
	void setLevel(TXshSimpleLevel *xl);
	void onPlayCompleted() {}
	bool doSaveImages(TFilePath fp);
	int getCurrentFrame() { return m_flipConsole->getCurrentFrame(); }
	QString getLevelZoomTitle() const { return m_title1 + m_title; }
	void setTitle(const QString &title);
	QString getTitle() const { return m_viewerTitle; }
	void showFrame(int frame);

	TFx *getPreviewedFx() const;
	TXsheet *getPreviewXsheet() const;
	bool isFreezed() const { return m_freezed; }
	TRectD getPreviewedImageGeometry() const;
	void schedulePreviewedFxUpdate();

	bool canAppend();
	bool isSavable() const;

	void setPoolIndex(int poolIndex) { m_poolIndex = poolIndex; }
	int getPoolIndex() const { return m_poolIndex; }

	// show / hide the red border line indicating the frame is under rendering
	void setIsRemakingPreviewFx(bool on)
	void addFreezeButtonToTitleBar();

	void setProgressBarStatus(const std::vector<UCHAR> *pbStatus);
	const std::vector<UCHAR> *getProgressBarStatus() const;

	void adaptGeometry(const TRect &interestingImgRect, const TRect &imgRect);

	// When Fx preview is called without the subcamera,
	// render the full region of camera by resize flipbook and
	// zoom-out the rendered image.
	void adaptGeometryForFullPreview(const TRect &imgRect);

	void reset();

	void onDrawFrame(int frame, const ImagePainter::VisualSettings &vs);

	void minimize(bool doMinimize);

	ImageViewer *getImageViewer() { return m_imageViewer; }
	TRect getLoadbox() const { return m_loadbox; }
	void setLoadbox(const TRect &box);
	TDimension getImageSize() const { return m_dim; }

	void swapBuffers();
	void changeSwapBehavior(bool enable);

	// When viewing the tlv, try to cache all frames at the beginning.
	// NOTE : fromFrame and toFrame are frame numbers displayed on the flipbook
	void loadAndCacheAllTlvImages(Level level, int fromFrame, int toFrame);

	friend class PreviewFxManager;

	void clearCache();
	void adaptWidGeometry(const TRect &interestWidRect, const TRect &imgWidRect, bool keepPosition);

	void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e);
	void dropEvent(QDropEvent *e);

	void playAudioFrame(int frame);
	TImageP getCurrentImage(int frame);

	void showEvent(QShowEvent *e);
	void hideEvent(QHideEvent *e);
	void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e);
	void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e);

	void enterEvent(QEvent *e) { m_flipConsole->makeCurrent(); }


	void closeFlipBook(FlipBook *);
	// when freeze button is released, emit the signal to PreviewFxManager for re-rendering
	void unfreezed(FlipBook *);
	// when using the flip module, this signal is to show the loaded level names in application's title bar
	void imageLoaded(QString &);

protected slots:

	void onDoubleClick(QMouseEvent *me);
	void onButtonPressed(FlipConsole::EGadget button);
	void onCloseButtonPressed();
	void saveImage();

	void freeze(bool on);

public slots:

	void saveImages();
	void loadImages();

	void performFxUpdate();
	void regenerate();
	void regenerateFrame();
	void clonePreview();
	void freezePreview();
	void unfreezePreview();


void viewFile(const TFilePath &fp, int from = -1, int to = -1, int step = -1, int shrink = -1,
			  TSoundTrack *snd = 0, FlipBook *flipbook = 0,
			  bool append = false, bool isToonzOutput = false);

#endif // FLIPBOOK_H