integer function isamaxf(n,sx,incx) c c finds the index of element having max. absolute value. c jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78. c modified 3/93 to return if incx .le. 0. c modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*) c real sx(*),smax integer i,incx,ix,n c isamaxf = 0 if( .or. incx.le.0 ) return isamaxf = 1 if(n.eq.1)return if(incx.eq.1)go to 20 c c code for increment not equal to 1 c ix = 1 smax = abs(sx(1)) ix = ix + incx do 10 i = 2,n if(abs(sx(ix)).le.smax) go to 5 isamaxf = i smax = abs(sx(ix)) 5 ix = ix + incx 10 continue return c c code for increment equal to 1 c 20 smax = abs(sx(1)) do 30 i = 2,n if(abs(sx(i)).le.smax) go to 30 isamaxf = i smax = abs(sx(i)) 30 continue return end