# # Beginning of user configuration # # This library's version VERSION = 0.1.1 # If you set the suffix, the library name will be libopenblas_$(LIBNAMESUFFIX).a # and libopenblas_$(LIBNAMESUFFIX).so. Meanwhile, the soname in shared library # is libopenblas_$(LIBNAMESUFFIX).so.0. # LIBNAMESUFFIX = omp # You can specify the target architecture, otherwise it's # automatically detected. # TARGET = PENRYN # If you want to support multiple architecture in one binary # DYNAMIC_ARCH = 1 # C compiler including binary type(32bit / 64bit). Default is gcc. # Don't use Intel Compiler or PGI, it won't generate right codes as I expect. # CC = gcc # Fortran compiler. Default is g77. # FC = gfortran # Even you can specify cross compiler # CC = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc # FC = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran # If you need 32bit binary, define BINARY=32, otherwise define BINARY=64 # BINARY=64 # About threaded BLAS. It will be automatically detected if you don't # specify it. # For force setting for single threaded, specify USE_THREAD = 0 # For force setting for multi threaded, specify USE_THREAD = 1 # USE_THREAD = 0 # If you're going to use this library with OpenMP, please comment it in. # USE_OPENMP = 1 # You can define maximum number of threads. Basically it should be # less than actual number of cores. If you don't specify one, it's # automatically detected by the the script. # NUM_THREADS = 24 # If you don't need CBLAS interface, please comment it in. # NO_CBLAS = 1 # If you don't need LAPACK, please comment it in. # If you set NO_LAPACK=1, the library automatically sets NO_LAPACKE=1. # NO_LAPACK = 1 # If you don't need LAPACKE (C Interface to LAPACK), please comment it in. # NO_LAPACKE = 1 # If you want to use legacy threaded Level 3 implementation. # USE_SIMPLE_THREADED_LEVEL3 = 1 # If you want to drive whole 64bit region by BLAS. Not all Fortran # compiler supports this. It's safe to keep comment it out if you # are not sure(equivalent to "-i8" option). # INTERFACE64 = 1 # Unfortunately most of kernel won't give us high quality buffer. # BLAS tries to find the best region before entering main function, # but it will consume time. If you don't like it, you can disable one. # NO_WARMUP = 1 # If you want to disable CPU/Memory affinity on Linux. # NO_AFFINITY = 1 # If you would like to know minute performance report of GotoBLAS. # FUNCTION_PROFILE = 1 # Support for IEEE quad precision(it's *real* REAL*16)( under testing) # QUAD_PRECISION = 1 # Theads are still working for a while after finishing BLAS operation # to reduce thread activate/deactivate overhead. You can determine # time out to improve performance. This number should be from 4 to 30 # which corresponds to (1 << n) cycles. For example, if you set to 26, # thread will be running for (1 << 26) cycles(about 25ms on 3.0GHz # system). Also you can control this mumber by THREAD_TIMEOUT # CCOMMON_OPT += -DTHREAD_TIMEOUT=26 # Using special device driver for mapping physically contigous memory # to the user space. If bigphysarea is enabled, it will use it. # DEVICEDRIVER_ALLOCATION = 1 # If you need to synchronize FP CSR between threads (for x86/x86_64 only). # CONSISTENT_FPCSR = 1 # If any gemm arguement m, n or k is less or equal this threshold, gemm will be execute # with single thread. You can use this flag to avoid the overhead of multi-threading # in small matrix sizes. The default value is 4. # GEMM_MULTITHREAD_THRESHOLD = 4 # If you need santy check by comparing reference BLAS. It'll be very # slow (Not implemented yet). # SANITY_CHECK = 1 # Run testcases in utest/ . When you enable UTEST_CHECK, it would enable # SANITY_CHECK to compare the result with reference BLAS. # UTEST_CHECK = 1 # The installation directory. # PREFIX = /opt/OpenBLAS # Common Optimization Flag; -O2 is enough. # DEBUG = 1 ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) COMMON_OPT += -g # -DDEBUG else COMMON_OPT += -O2 endif # Profiling flags COMMON_PROF = -pg # # End of user configuration #