Blame c++/iir_blur/surface.cpp

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    ......... 2015 Ivan Mahonin
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    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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    (at your option) any later version.
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    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
bw 249abc
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    GNU General Public License for more details.
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    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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    along with this program.  If not, see <http: licenses="""">.</http:>
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#include <cstring></cstring>
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#include <cmath></cmath>
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#include <fstream></fstream>
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#include "surface.h"
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using namespace std;
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Surface::Surface(int width, int height):
bw 249abc
	buffer(new Color[width*height]),
bw 249abc
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	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(Color)*width*height);
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	{ delete[] buffer; }
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unsigned int Surface::convert_channel(double c) {
bw 249abc
	int i = (int)round(c*255.0);
bw 249abc
	return i < 0 ? 0 : i > 255 ? 255 : (unsigned char)i;
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unsigned int Surface::blend_channel(unsigned int a, unsigned int dest, unsigned int src)
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	return (dest*(255-a) + a*src) >> 8;
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Surface::Color Surface::convert_color(double r, double g, double b, double a) {
bw 249abc
	return  convert_channel(r)
bw 249abc
		 | (convert_channel(g) << 8)
bw 249abc
		 | (convert_channel(b) << 16)
bw 249abc
		 | (convert_channel(a) << 24);
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Surface::Color Surface::blend(Color dest, Color src) {
bw 249abc
	unsigned int sa = src >> 24;
bw 249abc
	if (sa >= 255) return src; else if (sa == 0) return dest;
bw 249abc
	unsigned int da = (dest >> 24) + sa;
bw 249abc
	if (da > 255) da = 255;
bw 249abc
	return  blend_channel(sa, dest | 0xff, src | 0xff)
bw 249abc
		 | (blend_channel(sa, (dest >> 8) | 0xff, (src >> 8) | 0xff) << 8)
bw 249abc
		 | (blend_channel(sa, (dest >> 16) | 0xff, (src >> 16) | 0xff) << 16)
bw 249abc
		 | (da << 24);
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void Surface::line(Color color, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, bool blending) {
bw 249abc
	if (x1 < x0) swap(x1, x0);
bw 249abc
	if (y1 < y0) swap(y1, y0);
bw 249abc
	int pdx = y1 - y0;
bw 249abc
	int pdy = x0 - x1;
bw 249abc
	int d = 0;
bw 249abc
	for(int x = x0, y = y0; x <= x1 && y <= y1;) {
bw 249abc
		if (blending) blend_point(x, y, color); else set_point(x, y, color);
bw 249abc
		if (abs(d+pdx) < abs(d+pdy))
bw 249abc
			{ d += pdx; ++x; } else { d += pdy; ++y; }
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void Surface::rect(Color color, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, bool blending) {
bw 249abc
	if (x1 < x0) swap(x1, x0);
bw 249abc
	if (y1 < y0) swap(y1, y0);
bw 249abc
	for(int x = x0; x < x1; ++x)
bw 249abc
		for(int y = y0; y < y1; ++y)
bw 249abc
			if (blending) blend_point(x, y, color); else set_point(x, y, color);
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void Surface::save(const string &filename) const
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	// create file
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	ofstream f(("results/" + filename).c_str(), ofstream::out | ofstream::trunc | ofstream::binary);
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bw 249abc
	// write header
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	unsigned char targa_header[] = {
bw 249abc
		0,    // Length of the image ID field (0 - no ID field)
bw 249abc
		0,    // Whether a color map is included (0 - no colormap)
bw 249abc
		2,    // Compression and color types (2 - uncompressed true-color image)
bw 249abc
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Color map specification (not need for us)
bw 249abc
		0, 0, // X-origin
bw 249abc
		0, 0, // Y-origin
bw 249abc
		(unsigned char)(width & 0xff), // Image width
bw 249abc
		(unsigned char)(width >> 8),
bw 249abc
		(unsigned char)(height & 0xff), // Image height
bw 249abc
		(unsigned char)(height >> 8),
bw 249abc
		32,   // Bits per pixel
bw 249abc
		0     // Image descriptor (keep zero for capability)
bw 249abc
bw 249abc
	f.write((char*)targa_header, sizeof(targa_header));
bw 249abc
bw 249abc
	// write data
bw 249abc
	if (true) {
bw 249abc
		int line_size = 4*width;
bw 249abc
		const char *end = (char*)buffer;
bw 249abc
		const char *current = end + height*line_size;
bw 249abc
		while(current > end) {
bw 249abc
			current -= line_size;
bw 249abc
			f.write(current, line_size);
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	} else {
bw 249abc
		f.write((const char*)buffer, 4*width*height);
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