diff --git a/c++/contourgl/cl/contour-base.cl b/c++/contourgl/cl/contour-base.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d854ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/contourgl/cl/contour-base.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ ......... 2015 Ivan Mahonin
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+kernel void clear(
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ global int4 *mark_buffer )
+ int id = get_global_id(0);
+ if (id >= width*height) return;
+ int c = id % width;
+ int4 v = { 0, 0, c | (c + 1), 0 };
+ mark_buffer[id] = v;
+kernel void path(
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ global int *mark_buffer,
+ global float2 *points,
+ int begin,
+ int end )
+ const float e = 1e-6f;
+ int id = get_global_id(0);
+ if (id >= end) return;
+ float2 s = { (float)width, (float)height };
+ int w1 = width - 1;
+ int h1 = height - 1;
+ float2 p0 = points[id];
+ float2 p1 = points[id + 1];
+ bool flipx = p1.x < p0.x;
+ bool flipy = p1.y < p0.y;
+ if (flipx) { p0.x = s.x - p0.x; p1.x = s.x - p1.x; }
+ if (flipy) { p0.y = s.y - p0.y; p1.y = s.y - p1.y; }
+ float2 d = p1 - p0;
+ float kx = fabs(d.y) < e ? 1e10 : d.x/d.y;
+ float ky = fabs(d.x) < e ? 1e10 : d.y/d.x;
+ while(p0.x != p1.x || p0.y != p1.y) {
+ int ix = (int)floor(p0.x + e);
+ int iy = (int)floor(p0.y + e);
+ if (iy > h1) break;
+ float2 px, py;
+ px.x = (float)(ix + 1);
+ px.y = p0.y + ky*(px.x - p0.x);
+ py.y = max((float)(iy + 1), 0.f);
+ py.x = p0.x + kx*(py.y - p0.y);
+ float2 pp1 = p1;
+ if (pp1.x > px.x) pp1 = px;
+ if (pp1.y > py.y) pp1 = py;
+ if (iy >= 0) {
+ float cover = pp1.y - p0.y;
+ float area = px.x - 0.5f*(p0.x + pp1.x);
+ if (flipx) { ix = w1 - ix; area = 1.f - area; }
+ if (flipy) { iy = h1 - iy; cover = -cover; }
+ ix = clamp(ix, 0, w1);
+ global int *row = mark_buffer + 4*iy*width;
+ global int *mark = row + 4*ix;
+ atomic_add(mark, (int)round(area*cover*65536.f));
+ atomic_add(mark + 1, (int)round(cover*65536.f));
+ int iix = (ix & (ix + 1)) - 1;
+ while(iix > 0) {
+ atomic_min(row + 4*iix + 2, ix);
+ iix = (iix & (iix + 1)) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ p0 = pp1;
+ }
+kernel void fill(
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ global int4 *mark_buffer,
+ global float4 *image,
+ float4 color,
+ int invert,
+ int evenodd )
+ const int scale = 65536;
+ const int scale2 = 2*scale;
+ const int scale05 = scale/2;
+ int id = get_global_id(0);
+ if (id >= height) return;
+ int w1 = width - 1;
+ global int4 *row = mark_buffer + id*width;
+ global float4 *image_row = image + id*width;
+ int cover = 0;
+ int ialpha;
+ int2 c0 = { 0, id };
+ int2 c1 = c0;
+ int4 empty_mark = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ while(c0.x < w1) {
+ int4 mark;
+ while(c1.x < width) {
+ mark = row[c1.x];
+ empty_mark.z = c1.x | (c1.x + 1);
+ row[c1.x] = empty_mark;
+ if (mark.x || mark.y) break;
+ c1.x = min(mark.z, width);
+ }
+ ialpha = abs(cover);
+ ialpha = evenodd ? scale - abs((ialpha % scale2) - scale)
+ : min(ialpha, scale);
+ if (invert) ialpha = scale - ialpha;
+ if (ialpha > scale05) {
+ while(c0.x < c1.x) {
+ image_row[c0.x] = color;
+ ++c0.x;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c1.x >= width) return;
+ ialpha = abs(mark.x + cover);
+ ialpha = evenodd ? scale - abs((ialpha % scale2) - scale)
+ : min(ialpha, scale);
+ if (invert) ialpha = scale - ialpha;
+ if (ialpha > 4) {
+ float alpha = (float)ialpha/(float)scale;
+ float alpha_inv = 1.f - alpha;
+ global float4 *pixel = &image_row[c1.x];
+ float4 cl = *pixel;
+ cl.x = cl.x*alpha_inv + color.x*alpha;
+ cl.y = cl.y*alpha_inv + color.y*alpha;
+ cl.z = cl.z*alpha_inv + color.z*alpha;
+ cl.w = min(cl.w + alpha, 1.f);
+ *pixel = cl;
+ }
+ c0.x = c1.x + 1;
+ c1.x = min(mark.z, width);
+ cover += mark.y;
+ }
diff --git a/c++/contourgl/clrender.cpp b/c++/contourgl/clrender.cpp
index d4cda7a..bb079af 100644
--- a/c++/contourgl/clrender.cpp
+++ b/c++/contourgl/clrender.cpp
@@ -418,3 +418,213 @@ void ClRender2::wait() {
+// ------------------------------------------------
+ClRender3::ClRender3(ClContext &cl):
+ cl(cl),
+ contour_program(),
+ contour_clear_kernel(),
+ contour_path_kernel(),
+ contour_fill_kernel(),
+ surface(),
+ points_buffer(),
+ mark_buffer(),
+ surface_image(),
+ prev_event()
+ contour_program = cl.load_program("contour-base.cl");
+ assert(contour_program);
+ contour_clear_kernel = clCreateKernel(contour_program, "clear", &cl.err);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ assert(contour_clear_kernel);
+ contour_path_kernel = clCreateKernel(contour_program, "path", &cl.err);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ assert(contour_path_kernel);
+ contour_fill_kernel = clCreateKernel(contour_program, "fill", &cl.err);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ assert(contour_fill_kernel);
+ClRender3::~ClRender3() {
+ send_points(NULL, 0);
+ send_surface(NULL);
+ clReleaseKernel(contour_path_kernel);
+ clReleaseKernel(contour_fill_kernel);
+ clReleaseProgram(contour_program);
+void ClRender3::send_surface(Surface *surface) {
+ if (this->surface) {
+ wait();
+ cl.err |= clReleaseMemObject(surface_image);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ surface_image = NULL;
+ }
+ this->surface = surface;
+ if (this->surface) {
+ //Measure t("ClRender::send_surface");
+ int zero_mark[4] = { };
+ surface_image = clCreateBuffer(
+ cl.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
+ surface->count()*sizeof(Color), NULL,
+ &cl.err );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ assert(surface_image);
+ mark_buffer = clCreateBuffer(
+ cl.context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
+ surface->count()*sizeof(zero_mark), NULL,
+ &cl.err );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ assert(mark_buffer);
+ cl.err |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer(
+ cl.queue, surface_image, false,
+ 0, surface->count()*sizeof(Color), surface->data,
+ 0, NULL, NULL );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_clear_kernel, 0, sizeof(surface->width), &surface->width);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_clear_kernel, 1, sizeof(surface->height), &surface->height);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_clear_kernel, 2, sizeof(mark_buffer), &mark_buffer);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ size_t count = surface->count();
+ cl.err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
+ cl.queue, contour_clear_kernel,
+ 1, NULL, &count, NULL,
+ 0, NULL, NULL );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_path_kernel, 0, sizeof(surface->width), &surface->width);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_path_kernel, 1, sizeof(surface->height), &surface->height);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_path_kernel, 2, sizeof(mark_buffer), &mark_buffer);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 0, sizeof(surface->width), &surface->width);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 1, sizeof(surface->height), &surface->height);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 2, sizeof(mark_buffer), &mark_buffer);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 3, sizeof(surface_image), &surface_image);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ wait();
+ }
+Surface* ClRender3::receive_surface() {
+ if (surface) {
+ //Measure t("ClRender::receive_surface");
+ cl.err |= clEnqueueReadBuffer(
+ cl.queue, surface_image, CL_FALSE,
+ 0, surface->count()*sizeof(Color), surface->data,
+ prev_event ? 1 : 0,
+ prev_event ? &prev_event : NULL,
+ NULL );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ wait();
+ }
+ return surface;
+void ClRender3::send_points(const vec2f *points, int count) {
+ if (points_buffer) {
+ wait();
+ cl.err |= clReleaseMemObject(points_buffer);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ points_buffer = NULL;
+ }
+ if (points && count > 0) {
+ points_buffer = clCreateBuffer(
+ cl.context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY,
+ count*sizeof(vec2f), NULL,
+ &cl.err );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ assert(points_buffer);
+ cl.err |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer(
+ cl.queue, points_buffer, false,
+ 0, count*sizeof(vec2f), points,
+ 0, NULL, NULL );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_path_kernel, 3, sizeof(points_buffer), &points_buffer);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ wait();
+ }
+void ClRender3::draw(const Path &path) {
+ //Measure t("ClRender::contour");
+ assert(surface);
+ assert(points_buffer);
+ int miny = max(0, path.miny);
+ int maxy = min(surface->height, path.maxy);
+ int invert_int = path.invert ? 1 : 0;
+ int evenodd_int = path.evenodd ? 1 : 0;
+ if (miny >= maxy || path.begin >= path.end) return;
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_path_kernel, 4, sizeof(path.begin), &path.begin);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_path_kernel, 5, sizeof(path.begin), &path.end);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 1, sizeof(maxy), &maxy); // restrict height
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 4, sizeof(path.color), &path.color);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 5, sizeof(invert_int), &invert_int);
+ cl.err |= clSetKernelArg(contour_fill_kernel, 6, sizeof(evenodd_int), &evenodd_int);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ cl_event path_event;
+ size_t group_size = 1;
+ size_t offset = path.begin;
+ size_t count = ((path.end - path.begin - 1)/group_size + 1)*group_size;
+ cl.err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
+ cl.queue,
+ contour_path_kernel,
+ 1,
+ &offset,
+ &count,
+ NULL,//&group_size,
+ prev_event ? 1 : 0,
+ prev_event ? &prev_event : NULL,
+ &path_event );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ offset = miny;
+ count = ((maxy - miny - 1)/group_size + 1)*group_size;
+ cl.err |= clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
+ cl.queue,
+ contour_fill_kernel,
+ 1,
+ &offset,
+ &count,
+ NULL,//&group_size,
+ 1,
+ &path_event,
+ &prev_event );
+ assert(!cl.err);
+void ClRender3::wait() {
+ cl.err |= clFinish(cl.queue);
+ assert(!cl.err);
+ prev_event = NULL;
diff --git a/c++/contourgl/clrender.h b/c++/contourgl/clrender.h
index fd32aa5..f676fa2 100644
--- a/c++/contourgl/clrender.h
+++ b/c++/contourgl/clrender.h
@@ -99,4 +99,43 @@ public:
+class ClRender3 {
+ struct Path {
+ int miny;
+ int maxy;
+ int begin;
+ int end;
+ Color color;
+ bool invert;
+ bool evenodd;
+ };
+ ClContext &cl;
+ cl_program contour_program;
+ cl_kernel contour_clear_kernel;
+ cl_kernel contour_path_kernel;
+ cl_kernel contour_fill_kernel;
+ Surface *surface;
+ cl_mem points_buffer;
+ cl_mem mark_buffer;
+ cl_mem surface_image;
+ cl_event prev_event;
+ ClRender3(ClContext &cl);
+ ~ClRender3();
+ void send_surface(Surface *surface);
+ Surface* receive_surface();
+ void send_points(const vec2f *points, int count);
+ void draw(const Path &path);
+ void wait();
diff --git a/c++/contourgl/contourgl.cpp b/c++/contourgl/contourgl.cpp
index c1c1596..e2063dd 100644
--- a/c++/contourgl/contourgl.cpp
+++ b/c++/contourgl/contourgl.cpp
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ int main() {
{ Surface surface(width, height);
Measure t("test_lines_cl2.tga", surface, true);
Test::test_cl2(e, data, surface); }
+ { Surface surface(width, height);
+ Measure t("test_lines_cl3.tga", surface, true);
+ Test::test_cl3(e, data, surface); }
{ Measure t("test_lines_downgrade", true); Test::downgrade(data, datalow); }
@@ -88,6 +91,9 @@ int main() {
{ Surface surface(width, height);
Measure t("test_lineslow_cl2.tga", surface, true);
Test::test_cl2(e, datalow, surface); }
+ { Surface surface(width, height);
+ Measure t("test_lineslow_cl3.tga", surface, true);
+ Test::test_cl3(e, datalow, surface); }
diff --git a/c++/contourgl/test.cpp b/c++/contourgl/test.cpp
index bf221c6..634b79e 100644
--- a/c++/contourgl/test.cpp
+++ b/c++/contourgl/test.cpp
@@ -351,3 +351,66 @@ void Test::test_cl2(Environment &e, Data &data, Surface &surface) {
+void Test::test_cl3(Environment &e, Data &data, Surface &surface) {
+ // prepare data
+ vector paths;
+ vector points;
+ paths.reserve(data.size());
+ for(Data::const_iterator i = data.begin(); i != data.end(); ++i) {
+ if (!i->contour.get_chunks().empty()) {
+ ClRender3::Path path = {};
+ path.color = i->color;
+ path.invert = i->invert;
+ path.evenodd = i->evenodd;
+ path.miny = path.maxy = (int)floor(i->contour.get_chunks().front().p1.y);
+ path.begin = (int)points.size();
+ points.reserve(points.size() + i->contour.get_chunks().size() + 1);
+ for(Contour::ChunkList::const_iterator j = i->contour.get_chunks().begin(); j != i->contour.get_chunks().end(); ++j) {
+ int y = (int)floor(j->p1.y);
+ if (path.miny > y) path.miny = y;
+ if (path.maxy < y) path.maxy = y;
+ points.push_back(vec2f(j->p1));
+ }
+ path.end = (int)points.size();
+ points.push_back( points[path.begin] );
+ ++path.maxy;
+ paths.push_back(path);
+ }
+ }
+ // draw
+ ClRender3 clr(e.cl);
+ // warm-up
+ {
+ clr.send_surface(&surface); clr.send_points(&points.front(), (int)points.size());
+ for(int ii = 0; ii < 100; ++ii)
+ for(vector::const_iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i)
+ clr.draw(*i);
+ clr.wait(); clr.send_points(NULL, 0); clr.send_surface(NULL);
+ }
+ // measure
+ /*{
+ clr.send_surface(&surface); clr.send_points(&points.front(), (int)points.size());
+ for(int ii = 0; ii < 100; ++ii)
+ for(vector::const_iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i)
+ clr.draw(*i);
+ clr.wait(); clr.send_points(NULL, 0); clr.send_surface(NULL);
+ }*/
+ // actual task
+ clr.send_surface(&surface);
+ clr.send_points(&points.front(), (int)points.size());
+ {
+ Measure t("render");
+ for(vector::const_iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i)
+ clr.draw(*i);
+ clr.wait();
+ }
+ clr.receive_surface();
diff --git a/c++/contourgl/test.h b/c++/contourgl/test.h
index b8437ff..6d3d3dd 100644
--- a/c++/contourgl/test.h
+++ b/c++/contourgl/test.h
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public:
static void test_sw(Environment &e, Data &data, Surface &surface);
static void test_cl(Environment &e, Data &data, Surface &surface);
static void test_cl2(Environment &e, Data &data, Surface &surface);
+ static void test_cl3(Environment &e, Data &data, Surface &surface);