diff --git a/c++/iir_blur/iir_blur.cpp b/c++/iir_blur/iir_blur.cpp
index be45b26..d083d5e 100644
--- a/c++/iir_blur/iir_blur.cpp
+++ b/c++/iir_blur/iir_blur.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+ ......... 2016 Ivan Mahonin
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
@@ -68,14 +85,13 @@ private:
vector tmp;
- int maxi;
- double maxv;
+ int offset;
bool valid;
double radius;
- Checker(double radius): maxi(), maxv(), valid(), radius(radius) {
+ Checker(double radius): offset(3), valid(), radius(radius) {
- tmp.resize(blank.size());
+ tmp.resize(blank.size() + 2*offset);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)blank.size(); ++i)
blank[i] = gauss(i, radius);
@@ -86,82 +102,76 @@ public:
double c = 1.0/params.k2;
Params p;
- p.k0 = -(a*a + 2.0*c*b)/(c*a*a);
- p.k1 = (c + 2.0*b)/(c*a*a);
- p.k2 = -1.0/(c*a*a);
+ p.k0 = (a*a + 2.0*c*b)/(c*a*a);
+ p.k1 = -(c + 2.0*b)/(c*a*a);
+ p.k2 = 1.0/(c*a*a);
return p;
double check2(const Params ¶ms) {
if ( abs(params.k0) > 0.99999999
- || abs(params.k1) > 0.99999999
+ //|| abs(params.k1) > 0.99999999
|| abs(params.k2) > 0.99999999
|| params.k0 < 1e-6
|| abs(params.k2) < 1e-6 ) return INFINITY;
- return check(convert_params(params), true);
+ return check(convert_params(params));
+ //return check(params);
- double check(const Params ¶ms, bool mode3a = true) {
+ double check(const Params ¶ms) {
valid = false;
//if (mode3a && fabs(params.k0 + (params.k1 + params.k2)/(params.k0 + params.k1 + params.k2)) >= 0.999999999)
// return INFINITY;
- if (!mode3a && fabs(params.k1 + params.k2/(params.k1 + params.k2)) >= 0.999999999)
- return INFINITY;
if (fabs(params.k0) < 1e-10 && fabs(params.k1) < 1e-10 && fabs(params.k2) < 1e-10)
return INFINITY;
- maxv = 1.0 - params.k0 - params.k1 - params.k2;
- int offset = 3;
- maxi = offset;
- tmp[offset] = 1.0;
- for(int i = offset; i < (int)tmp.size(); ++i) {
- if (mode3a)
- tmp[i] = (i == offset ? maxv : 0.0)
- + params.k0*tmp[i-1]
- + params.k1*tmp[i-2]
- + params.k2*tmp[i-3];
- else
- tmp[i] = (i == offset ? 1.0 : 0.0)
- + (i-1 == offset ? params.k0 : 0.0)
- + params.k1*tmp[i-1]
- + params.k2*tmp[i-2];
- if (i < (int)tmp.size()/2 && maxv < tmp[i]) { maxv = tmp[i]; maxi = i; }
- }
- //if (maxv < 1e-20 || isnan(maxv)) return INFINITY;
- //maxi = (int)round(radius) + offset;
+ double k = 1.0 - params.k0 - params.k1 - params.k2;
+ tmp[offset] = k;
+ for(int i = offset+1, end = (int)tmp.size()-offset; i < end; ++i)
+ tmp[i] = params.k0*tmp[i-1]
+ + params.k1*tmp[i-2]
+ + params.k2*tmp[i-3];
+ for(int i = (int)tmp.size()-offset-1, end = offset-1; i > end; --i)
+ tmp[i] = k*tmp[i]
+ + params.k0*tmp[i+1]
+ + params.k1*tmp[i+2]
+ + params.k2*tmp[i+3];
- //double k = blank[0]/maxv;
double delta = 0.0;
- for(int i = maxi; i < (int)tmp.size(); ++i) {
- double t = tmp[i];
- //double d = blank[i - maxi] - t;
- //delta += d*d;
- //if (t < 0) delta += 5*d*d;
- delta += fabs(blank[i - maxi] - t);
- if (t < 0) delta += fabs(t);
+ //double minv = tmp[offset];
+ //double kblank = 1.0/blank[0];
+ for(int i = 0; i < (int)blank.size(); ++i) {
+ double t = tmp[i + offset];
+ double d = blank[i] - t;
+ delta += fabs(d*d);
+ //if (t < minv) minv = t;
+ //if (minv < 0) minv = 0;
+ //delta += 2*fabs(t - minv);
+ //delta += 0.1*fabs(d/(kblank*blank[i] + 0.1));
if (isinf(delta) || isnan(delta)) return INFINITY;
valid = true;
- return delta;
+ return sqrt(delta/blank.size())*blank.size();
void graph(const string &filename) {
+ int base_size = 768;
int count = blank.size();
- int scale = 256/count + 1;
+ int scale = base_size/count + 1;
+ int div = count/768 + 1;
- int pad = max(16, count/8);
- int gw = count*scale;
+ int pad = max(16, count*scale/div/8);
+ int gw = count*scale/div;
int gh = gw;
- Surface::Color axis = Surface::convert_color(0, 0, 0, 1);
- Surface::Color ca = Surface::convert_color(0, 0, 1, 0.75);
- Surface::Color cb = Surface::convert_color(1, 0, 0, 0.75);
+ Surface::Color axis = Surface::convert_color(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ Surface::Color ca = Surface::convert_color(1, 0, 0, 0.25);
+ Surface::Color cb = Surface::convert_color(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
Surface s(gw + 2*pad, gh + 2*pad);
s.clear(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
@@ -174,13 +184,13 @@ public:
s.move_to(pad, pad);
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- s.line_to(pad + i*scale, pad + (int)round((1.0 - blank[i]/blank[0])*gh));
+ s.line_to(pad + i*scale/div, pad + (int)round((1.0 - blank[i]/blank[0])*gh));
if (valid) {
s.move_to(pad, pad);
- for(int i = 0; i < count - maxi; ++i)
- s.line_to(pad + i*scale, pad + (int)round((1.0 - tmp[i + maxi]/maxv)*gh));
+ for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ s.line_to(pad + i*scale/div, pad + (int)round((1.0 - tmp[i + offset]/blank[0])*gh));
@@ -231,11 +241,16 @@ public:
if (level < finder->max_report_level) {
cout << "level " << level << " ";
- cout << (open ? " begin" : " end")
+ for(int i = level; i < finder->max_report_level; ++i)
+ cout << " ";
+ cout << (open ? " begin" : " end ")
+ << fixed
+ << setprecision(8)
<< " " << current.k0
<< " " << current.k1
<< " " << current.k2
<< " " << value
+ << " (" << finder->best << ")"
<< endl;
@@ -243,25 +258,48 @@ public:
double find() {
if (max_variants <= 0) return value;
+ if (value < finder->best) finder->best = value;
int i[3];
for(i[0] = 0; i[0] < finder->sub_division; ++i[0])
for(i[1] = 0; i[1] < finder->sub_division; ++i[1])
for(i[2] = 0; i[2] < finder->sub_division; ++i[2]) {
- Entry sub;
- sub.finder = finder;
- sub.parent = this;
- sub.level = level + 1;
- sub.max_variants = max_variants/4;
- if (sub.max_variants < 1) sub.max_variants = 1;
- for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
- sub.min.k[j] = (max.k[j] - min.k[j])/finder->sub_division*(i[j] + 0.5 - 4.0) + min.k[j];
- sub.current.k[j] = (max.k[j] - min.k[j])/finder->sub_division*(i[j] + 0.5 + 0.0) + min.k[j];
- sub.max.k[j] = (max.k[j] - min.k[j])/finder->sub_division*(i[j] + 0.5 + 4.0) + min.k[j];
+ Params p;
+ for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
+ p.k[j] = (max.k[j] - min.k[j])/finder->sub_division*(i[j] + 0.5) + min.k[j];
+ finder->value(i[0], i[1], i[2]) = finder->checker.check2(p);
+ }
+ finder->clear_zones();
+ for(i[0] = 1; i[0] < finder->sub_division-1; ++i[0])
+ for(i[1] = 1; i[1] < finder->sub_division-1; ++i[1])
+ for(i[2] = 1; i[2] < finder->sub_division-1; ++i[2])
+ if (finder->is_local_minimum(i[0], i[1], i[2])) {
+ Zone &z = finder->zone_for_value(i[0], i[1], i[2]);
+ double &v = finder->value(i[0], i[1], i[2]);
+ if (v < z.value) z.set(v, i);
+ }
+ for(i[0] = 0; i[0] < finder->zone_count; ++i[0])
+ for(i[1] = 0; i[1] < finder->zone_count; ++i[1])
+ for(i[2] = 0; i[2] < finder->zone_count; ++i[2]) {
+ Zone &z = finder->zone(i[0], i[1], i[2]);
+ if (!isinf(z.value)) {
+ Entry sub;
+ sub.finder = finder;
+ sub.parent = this;
+ sub.level = level + 1;
+ sub.max_variants = max_variants/2;
+ if (sub.max_variants < 1) sub.max_variants = 1;
+ for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ sub.min.k[j] = (max.k[j] - min.k[j])/finder->sub_division*(z.index[j] + 0.5 - finder->zone_size) + min.k[j];
+ sub.current.k[j] = (max.k[j] - min.k[j])/finder->sub_division*(z.index[j] + 0.5) + min.k[j];
+ sub.max.k[j] = (max.k[j] - min.k[j])/finder->sub_division*(z.index[j] + 0.5 + finder->zone_size) + min.k[j];
+ }
+ sub.value = z.value;
+ add_variant(sub);
- sub.value = finder->checker.check2(sub.current);
- add_variant(sub);
if (level < finder->max_level) {
@@ -279,32 +317,59 @@ public:
current = variants.begin()->current;
+ if (value < finder->best) finder->best = value;
return value;
+ struct Zone {
+ double value;
+ int index[3];
+ Zone() { clear(); }
+ void clear() { value = INFINITY; memset(index, 0, sizeof(index)); }
+ void set(double value, int *i) { this->value = value; memcpy(index, i, sizeof(index)); }
+ };
Checker checker;
int sub_division;
+ int zone_count;
+ int zone_size;
+ int s0;
+ int s1;
+ int s2;
int max_level;
int max_report_level;
+ vector values;
+ vector zones;
+ double best;
Entry root;
double radius,
Params min,
Params max,
- int sub_division,
+ int zone_count,
+ int zone_size,
int max_variants,
int max_level,
int max_report_level
- sub_division(sub_division),
+ sub_division(zone_count*zone_size),
+ zone_count(zone_count),
+ zone_size(zone_size),
+ s0(1),
+ s1(sub_division),
+ s2(sub_division*sub_division),
- max_report_level(max_report_level)
+ max_report_level(max_report_level),
+ values(sub_division*sub_division*sub_division),
+ zones(zone_count*zone_count*zone_count),
+ best(INFINITY)
root.finder = this;
root.min = min;
@@ -316,8 +381,30 @@ public:
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
root.current.k[j] = 0.5*(root.max.k[j] - root.min.k[j]) + root.min.k[j];
root.value = checker.check2(root.current);
+ best = root.value;
return root.find();
+ double& value(int i0, int i1, int i2)
+ { return values[i0*s0 + i1*s1 + i2*s2]; }
+ bool is_local_minimum(int i0, int i1, int i2) {
+ double *vp = &value(i0, i1, i2);
+ double v = *vp;
+ return v < *(vp-s0) && v <= *(vp+s0)
+ && v < *(vp-s1) && v <= *(vp+s1)
+ && v < *(vp-s2) && v <= *(vp+s2);
+ }
+ Zone& zone_for_value(int i0, int i1, int i2)
+ { return zones[(i2/zone_size*zone_count + i1/zone_size)*zone_count + i0/zone_size]; }
+ Zone& zone(int i0, int i1, int i2)
+ { return zones[(i2*zone_count + i1)*zone_count + i0]; }
+ void clear_zones() {
+ for(vector::iterator i = zones.begin(); i != zones.end(); ++i)
+ i->clear();
+ }
double find_near(Checker &checker, double step, Params ¶ms) {
@@ -338,17 +425,31 @@ double find_near(Checker &checker, double step, Params ¶ms) {
return best_value;
+double find_near2(Checker &checker, double step, Params ¶ms) {
+ Finder finder(
+ checker.radius,
+ Params(params.k0-step, params.k1-step, params.k2-step),
+ Params(params.k0+step, params.k1+step, params.k2+step),
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 16,
+ 1
+ );
+ finder.find();
+ params = finder.root.current;
+ return finder.root.value;
void log_begin() {
ofstream f(logfile, ios_base::app);
f << endl << "double coefs[][7] = {" << endl;
-void log_params(double radius, int maxi, double maxv, const Params ¶ms, double value) {
+void log_params(double radius, const Params ¶ms, double value) {
ofstream f(logfile, ios_base::app);
f << " { " << radius
- << ", " << maxi
<< setprecision(13)
- << ", " << maxv
<< ", " << params.k0
<< ", " << params.k1
<< ", " << params.k2
@@ -358,7 +459,7 @@ void log_params(double radius, int maxi, double maxv, const Params ¶ms, doub
void log_params(const Checker &checker, const Params ¶ms, double value) {
- log_params(checker.radius, checker.maxi, checker.maxv, params, value);
+ log_params(checker.radius, params, value);
void log_params(const Finder &finder) {
@@ -385,40 +486,51 @@ void graph(Checker &checker, const Params ¶ms) {
checker.graph(strprintf("iir_%04d.tga", ri));
+void test() {
+ Checker checker(16);
+ Params p(0.9304775714874, -0.02728819847107, 0.9257968425751);
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(8) << checker.check2(p) << endl;
+ checker.graph("test.tga");
void process() {
- const double initial_radius = 8.0;
- //const double min_radius = 1.0;
- //const double max_radius = 2048;
- //const double step = 0.1;
- //const double params_step = 1e-7;
+ const double initial_radius = 16.0;
+ const double min_radius = 1.0;
+ const double max_radius = 2048;
+ const double step = 0.1;
+ const double params_step = 0.05;
cout << "find initial params" << endl;
Finder finder(
- Params( 0.25, -1, -1),
- Params( 1, 1, 1),
- 256,
+ Params(0, -1, -1),
+ Params(1, 1, 1),
+ 16,
+ 16,
- 3,
- 5
+ 4,
+ 8
- finder.checker.check2(finder.root.current);
+ cout << finder.checker.check2(finder.root.current) << endl;
+ cout << find_near(finder.checker, params_step, finder.root.current) << endl;
graph(finder.checker, finder.root.current);
- /*
cout << "walk back" << endl;
Params params = finder.root.current;
for(double r = finder.checker.radius; r > min_radius - 0.5*step; r -= step) {
Checker checker(r);
- cout << " " << r << flush;
+ cout << " " << r << endl;
- double value = find_near(checker, params_step, params);
+ double value = find_near2(checker, params_step, params);
+ checker.check2(params);
graph(checker, params);
+ if (abs(round(r*10) - r*10) < 1e-10)
+ log_params(checker, params, value);
cout << " " << params.k0
<< " " << params.k1
@@ -431,10 +543,13 @@ void process() {
params = finder.root.current;
for(double r = finder.checker.radius; r < max_radius + 0.5*step; r += step) {
Checker checker(r);
- cout << " " << r << flush;
+ cout << " " << r << endl;
- double value = find_near(checker, params_step, params);
+ double value = find_near2(checker, params_step, params);
graph(checker, params);
+ checker.check2(params);
+ if (abs(round(r*10) - r*10) < 1e-10)
+ log_params(checker, params, value);
cout << " " << params.k0
<< " " << params.k1
@@ -442,7 +557,6 @@ void process() {
<< " " << value
<< endl;
- */
@@ -450,49 +564,6 @@ void process() {
int main() {
+ test();
- /*
- string logfile = "results/coef.log";
- { ofstream f(logfile.c_str(), ios_base::app); f << endl << "double coefs[][7] = {" << endl; }
- Params prev(0.914, 0.129, -0.216);
- for(double r = 4.0; r < 2048.1; r *= pow(2.0, 0.125)) {
- cout << endl;
- cout << "find coefficients for radius " << r << endl;
- double x = 0.1*log2(r)/2;
- Finder finder(
- r,
- Params(prev.k0 - x, prev.k1 - x, prev.k2 - x),
- Params(prev.k0 + x, prev.k1 + x, prev.k2 + x),
- 128,
- 1,
- 3,
- 5
- );
- finder.find();
- finder.checker.check(finder.root.current);
- finder.checker.graph(strprintf("iir_%08.3f.tga", finder.checker.radius));
- ofstream f(logfile.c_str(), ios_base::app);
- f << " { " << finder.checker.radius
- << ", " << finder.checker.maxi
- << setprecision(20)
- << ", " << finder.checker.maxv
- << ", " << finder.root.current.k0
- << ", " << finder.root.current.k1
- << ", " << finder.root.current.k2
- << ", " << finder.root.value
- << " }," << endl;
- cout << endl;
- prev = finder.root.current;
- }
- { ofstream f(logfile.c_str(), ios_base::app); f << "};" << endl << endl; }
- */