/* ......... 2015 Ivan Mahonin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Drawing; namespace Contours { public static class Geometry { public enum IntersectionType { None, Cross, Identical, Inverted, Touch_a0, Touch_a1, Touch_b0, Touch_b1, Touch_a0_b0, Touch_a0_b1, Touch_a1_b0, Touch_a1_b1, Along_a0_b0_a1_b1, Along_a0_b0_b1_a1, Along_a0_b1_a1_b0, Along_a0_b1_b0_a1, Along_b0_a0_a1_b1, Along_b0_a0_b1_a1, Along_b1_a0_a1_b0, Along_b1_a0_b0_a1 } // Compare to points place at line base0-base1 public static int comparePointsAtLine(Point a0, Point a1, Point base0, Point base1) { if (base0.X < base1.X && a0.X < a1.X) return -1; if (base0.X < base1.X && a1.X < a0.X) return 1; if (base1.X < base0.X && a0.X < a1.X) return 1; if (base1.X < base0.X && a1.X < a0.X) return -1; if (base0.Y < base1.Y && a0.Y < a1.Y) return -1; if (base0.Y < base1.Y && a1.Y < a0.Y) return 1; if (base1.Y < base0.Y && a0.Y < a1.Y) return 1; if (base1.Y < base0.Y && a1.Y < a0.Y) return -1; return 0; } public static bool isPointAtLine(Point p, Point p0, Point p1) { if (p == p0 || p == p1) return true; if (p0 == p1) return false; if ((long)(p.Y-p0.Y)*(long)(p1.X-p0.X) != (long)(p.X-p0.X)*(long)(p1.Y-p0.Y)) return false; if (p1.X > p0.X) return p.X >= p0.X && p.X <= p1.X; if (p1.X < p0.X) return p.X >= p1.X && p.X <= p0.X; if (p1.Y > p0.Y) return p.Y >= p0.Y && p.Y <= p1.Y; //if (p1.Y < p0.Y) return p.Y >= p1.Y && p.Y <= p0.Y; } public static IntersectionType findIntersection(Point a0, Point a1, Point b0, Point b1, out Point c) { c = new Point(0, 0); Point da = new Point(a1.X - a0.X, a1.Y - a0.Y); Point db = new Point(b1.X - b0.X, b1.Y - b0.Y); if (a0.X == b0.X && a0.Y == b0.Y && a1.X == b1.X && a1.Y == b1.Y) return IntersectionType.Identical; if (a0.X == b1.X && a0.Y == b1.Y && a1.X == b0.X && a1.Y == b0.Y) return IntersectionType.Inverted; long divider = (long)da.X*(long)db.Y - (long)db.X*(long)da.Y; if (divider == 0) { if ((long)da.X*(long)(b0.Y - a0.Y) != (long)da.Y*(long)(b0.X - a0.X)) return IntersectionType.None; int a0b0 = comparePointsAtLine(a0, b0, a0, a1); int a0b1 = comparePointsAtLine(a0, b1, a0, a1); int a1b0 = comparePointsAtLine(a1, b0, a0, a1); int a1b1 = comparePointsAtLine(a1, b1, a0, a1); int b0b1 = comparePointsAtLine(b0, b1, a0, a1); int b0a0 = -a0b0; int b0a1 = -a1b0; int b1a0 = -a0b1; int b1a1 = -a1b1; int b1b0 = -b0b1; // a0a1b0b1 if (a1b0 == 0 && b0b1 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Touch_a1_b0; // a0a1b1b0 if (a1b1 == 0 && b1b0 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Touch_a1_b1; // b0b1a0a1 if (b0b1 <= 0 && b1a0 == 0) return IntersectionType.Touch_a0_b1; // b1b0a0a1 if (b1b0 <= 0 && b0a0 == 0) return IntersectionType.Touch_a0_b0; if (a0b0 <= 0 && b0a1 <= 0 && a1b1 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_a0_b0_a1_b1; if (a0b0 <= 0 && b0b1 <= 0 && b1a1 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_a0_b0_b1_a1; if (a0b1 <= 0 && b1a1 <= 0 && a1b0 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_a0_b1_a1_b0; if (a0b1 <= 0 && b1b0 <= 0 && b0a1 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_a0_b1_b0_a1; if (b0a0 <= 0 && /* a0a1 */ a1b1 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_b0_a0_a1_b1; if (b0a0 <= 0 && a0b1 <= 0 && b1a1 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_b0_a0_b1_a1; if (b1a0 <= 0 && /* a0a1 */ a1b0 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_b1_a0_a1_b0; if (b1a0 <= 0 && a0b0 <= 0 && b0a1 <= 0) return IntersectionType.Along_b1_a0_b0_a1; return IntersectionType.None; } if (a0.X == b0.X && a0.Y == b0.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_a0_b0; if (a0.X == b1.X && a0.Y == b1.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_a0_b1; if (a1.X == b0.X && a1.Y == b0.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_a1_b0; if (a1.X == b1.X && a1.Y == b1.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_a1_b1; long numeratorX = (long)da.X*((long)b1.Y*(long)b0.X - (long)b0.Y*(long)b1.X) - (long)db.X*((long)a1.Y*(long)a0.X - (long)a0.Y*(long)a1.X); long numeratorY = (long)db.Y*((long)a1.X*(long)a0.Y - (long)a0.X*(long)a1.Y) - (long)da.Y*((long)b1.X*(long)b0.Y - (long)b0.X*(long)b1.Y); Point p = new Point((int)(numeratorX/divider), (int)(numeratorY/divider)); if ( comparePointsAtLine(p, a0, a0, a1) < 0 || comparePointsAtLine(p, a1, a0, a1) > 0 || comparePointsAtLine(p, b0, b0, b1) < 0 || comparePointsAtLine(p, b1, b0, b1) > 0 ) return IntersectionType.None; if (p.X == a0.X && p.Y == a0.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_a0; if (p.X == a1.X && p.Y == a1.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_a1; if (p.X == b0.X && p.Y == b0.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_b0; if (p.X == b1.X && p.Y == b1.Y) return IntersectionType.Touch_b1; c = p; return IntersectionType.Cross; } public static bool isCCW(Point a, Point b, Point c) { long d = (long)a.X*(long)c.Y - (long)a.Y*(long)c.X; // angle AC < 180 deg if (d > 0) return (long)a.X*(long)b.Y >= (long)a.Y*(long)b.X && (long)c.X*(long)b.Y <= (long)c.Y*(long)b.X; // angle AC > 180 deg if (d < 0) return (long)a.X*(long)b.Y >= (long)a.Y*(long)b.X || (long)c.X*(long)b.Y <= (long)c.Y*(long)b.X; // angle AC == 180 deg if ((a.X >= 0) != (c.X >= 0) || (a.Y >= 0) != (c.Y >= 0)) return (long)a.X*(long)b.Y >= (long)a.Y*(long)b.X; // angle AC == 0 deg return true; } public static bool isCCW(Point center, Point a, Point b, Point c) { return isCCW( new Point(a.X - center.X, a.Y - center.Y), new Point(b.X - center.X, b.Y - center.Y), new Point(c.X - center.X, c.Y - center.Y) ); } public static void makeLongestLine(Point p0, ref Point p1) { int MaxValue = int.MaxValue >> 1; Point direction = new Point(p1.X - p0.X, p1.Y - p0.Y); int amplifierX = direction.X > 0 ? (MaxValue - p0.X)/direction.X + 1 : direction.X < 0 ? (MaxValue + p0.X)/(-direction.X) + 1 : int.MaxValue; int amplifierY = direction.Y > 0 ? (MaxValue - p0.Y)/direction.Y + 1 : direction.Y < 0 ? (MaxValue + p0.Y)/(-direction.Y) + 1 : int.MaxValue; int amplifier = Math.Min(amplifierX, amplifierY); p1 = new Point( p0.X + direction.X*amplifier, p0.Y + direction.Y*amplifier ); } } }