Blame bugs/resolved/000020.txt

Carlos Lopez 879e61
Subject: Inserted BoneWeight pairs in a Bone influence convert type are not available for other bones
Carlos Lopez 879e61
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Create a fresh file.
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Create a skeleton (it provides bone1, bone2, bone3)
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Create a bline.
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Convert one of the vertices parameter to Bone Influience (from now BI). It provides a bone4
Carlos Lopez 879e61
inside the first automatically created Bone Weight Pair valuenode (from now BWP).
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Expand the Bone Weight List (BWL) and right click on the first BWP.
Chris Moore a89348
-Select Insert Item smart. Do it twice. It creates other two BWPs that provide bone5 and bone6.
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Go to the skeleton and try to find the bone6 or 5 in any of the parent param of any bone. You cannot.
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Go to bone4 from the 1st created BWP and try to select bone5 or bone6 form the Ă rent parameter. You cannot.
Carlos Lopez 879e61
-Go to bone5 and select the bone6 form the parent param chooser. You can.
Chris Moore a89348
 You should be able to do it for any bone.
Chris Moore a89348
Carlos Lopez 879e61
Chris Moore a89348
dooglus, Wed Dec 17 00:46:11 CET 2008
Chris Moore a89348
Chris Moore a89348
It looks like bones 5 and 6 have a different parent canvas than 1 through 4.
Chris Moore 09965a
Chris Moore 09965a
Chris Moore 09965a
dooglus, Wed Dec 17 01:09:59 CET 2008
Chris Moore 09965a
Chris Moore 09965a
It's just another case where the canvas wasn't being set.