Blame bugs/upstream/000007.txt

Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Subject: Duplicate a skeleton layer and delete a bone in the duplicated crash
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Chris Moore 7063ba
Add skeleton, duplicate the layer, edit the duplicated and try to delete a
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
bone, it crashes.
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
ss-debug: /home/carlos/Software/Synfig-git/install/include/ETL/_handle.h:280: T* etl::handle<t>::operator->() const [with T = synfig::ValueNode]: Afirmaciรณn `obj' fallida.</t>
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Git Revision: "New bug #6"
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
(Maybe related with the 000001)
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Chris Moore 1248a0
Carlos Lopez 410e6b
Chris Moore 1248a0
This also happens in the master branch with blines.
Chris Moore 1248a0
Chris Moore 1248a0
1. draw a bline outline
Chris Moore 1248a0
2. right-click it and 'duplicate'
Chris Moore 1248a0
3. select the duplicate (it's the top one in the layer list)
Chris Moore 1248a0
4. stretch the params dialog so it's about half the screen width and height
Chris Moore 1248a0
5. expand the vertices
Chris Moore 1248a0
6. scroll down so the vertices start towards the top of the params panel
Chris Moore 1248a0
7. remove (smart) the first vertex - it crashes
Chris Moore 1248a0
Chris Moore 1248a0
See bug #2412776.
Chris Moore d15597
Chris Moore d15597
Chris Moore d15597
Chris Moore d15597
A recent commit mostly fixed the problem, but it still crashes like this:
Chris Moore d15597
Chris Moore d15597
1. draw a bline outline
Chris Moore d15597
2. encapsulate it
Chris Moore d15597
3. export the canvas parameter
Chris Moore d15597
4. open the new canvas in its own window
Chris Moore d15597
5. focus the new window
Chris Moore d15597
6. copy and paste the outline layer
Chris Moore d15597
7. stretch the params dialog so it's about half the screen width and height
Chris Moore d15597
8. expand the vertices
Chris Moore d15597
9. scroll down so the vertices start towards the top of the params panel
Chris Moore d15597
10. remove (smart) the first vertex - it crashes