Blame synfig-core/src/modules/mod_magickpp/trgt_magickpp.cpp

Carlos Lopez a09598
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
Carlos Lopez a09598
/*!	\file trgt_magickpp.cpp
Carlos Lopez a09598
**	\brief Magick++ Target Module
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**	$Id$
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**	\legal
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**	Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Chris Moore
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**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
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**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
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**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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**	General Public License for more details.
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**	\endlegal
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** === N O T E S ===========================================================
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** ========================================================================= */
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/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
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#ifdef USING_PCH
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#	include "pch.h"
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#	include <config.h></config.h>
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#include <synfig general.h=""></synfig>
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#include <etl misc=""></etl>
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#include "trgt_magickpp.h"
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/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
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using namespace synfig;
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using namespace std;
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using namespace etl;
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/* === G L O B A L S ======================================================= */
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/* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */
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template <class container=""></class>
MagickCore::Image* copy_image_list(Container& container)
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	typedef typename Container::iterator Iter;
	MagickCore::Image* previous = 0;
	MagickCore::Image* first = NULL;
Matthew White 017ecc
	MagickCore::ExceptionInfo* exceptionInfo = MagickCore::AcquireExceptionInfo();
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	for (Iter iter = container.begin(); iter != container.end(); ++iter)
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		MagickCore::Image* current;
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Matthew White 017ecc
			current = CloneImage(iter->image(), 0, 0, Magick::MagickTrue, exceptionInfo);
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			if (!first) first = current;
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			current->previous = previous;
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			current->next	  = 0;
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			if ( previous != 0) previous->next = current;
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			previous = current;
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		catch(Magick::Warning &warning) {
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			synfig::warning("exception '%s'", warning.what());
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Matthew White 017ecc
	exceptionInfo = MagickCore::DestroyExceptionInfo(exceptionInfo);
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	return first;
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Matthew White 017ecc
	MagickCore::ExceptionInfo* exceptionInfo = MagickCore::AcquireExceptionInfo();
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		bool multiple_images = images.size() > 1;
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		bool can_adjoin = false;
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		if (multiple_images)
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			// check whether this file format supports multiple-image files
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			Magick::Image image(*(images.begin()));
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				can_adjoin = image.adjoin();
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			catch(Magick::Warning &warning) {
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				synfig::warning("exception '%s'", warning.what());
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		// the file type is now in image.imageInfo()->magick and
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		// image.adjoin() tells us whether we can write to a single file
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		if (can_adjoin)
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			synfig::info("joining images");
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			unsigned int delay = round_to_int(100.0 / desc.get_frame_rate());
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			for_each(images.begin(), images.end(), Magick::animationDelayImage(delay));
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			// optimize the images (only write the pixels that change from frame to frame
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			// make a completely new image list
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			// this is required because:
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			//   RemoveDuplicateLayers wants a linked list of images, and removes some of them
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			//   when it removes an image, it invalidates it using DeleteImageFromList, but we still have it in our container
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			//   when we destroy our container, the image is re-freed, failing an assertion
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			synfig::info("copying image list");
			MagickCore::Image *image_list = copy_image_list(images);
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			synfig::info("clearing old image list");
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				synfig::info("removing duplicate frames");
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Matthew White 017ecc
					RemoveDuplicateLayers(&image_list, exceptionInfo);
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				catch(Magick::Warning &warning) {
Carlos Lopez a09598
					synfig::warning("exception '%s'", warning.what());
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			if (!getenv("SYNFIG_DISABLE_OPTIMIZE"))
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				synfig::info("optimizing layers");
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Matthew White 017ecc
					image_list = OptimizeImageLayers(image_list,exceptionInfo);
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				catch(Magick::Warning &warning) {
Carlos Lopez a09598
					synfig::warning("exception '%s'", warning.what());
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				synfig::info("optimizing layer transparency");
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Matthew White 017ecc
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				catch(Magick::Warning &warning) {
Carlos Lopez a09598
					synfig::warning("exception '%s'", warning.what());
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			synfig::info("recreating image list");
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			insertImages(&images, image_list);
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		else if (multiple_images)
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			// if we can't write multiple images to a file of this type,
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			// include '%04d' in the filename, so the files will be numbered
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			// with a fixed width, '0'-padded number
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			synfig::info("can't join images of this type - numbering instead");
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			filename = (filename_sans_extension(filename) + sequence_separator + "%04d" + filename_extension(filename));
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		synfig::info("writing %d image%s to %s", images.size(), images.size() == 1 ? "" : "s", filename.c_str());
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			Magick::writeImages(images.begin(), images.end(), filename);
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		catch(Magick::Warning &warning) {
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			synfig::warning("exception '%s'", warning.what());
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	catch(Magick::Warning &warning) {
Carlos Lopez a09598
		synfig::warning("exception '%s'", warning.what());
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	catch(Magick::Error &error) {
Carlos Lopez a09598
		synfig::error("exception '%s'", error.what());
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	catch(...) {
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		synfig::error("unknown exception");
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	if (buffer1 != NULL) delete [] buffer1;
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	if (buffer2 != NULL) delete [] buffer2;
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	if (color_buffer != NULL) delete [] color_buffer;
	//exceptionInfo = MagickCore::DestroyExceptionInfo(exceptionInfo);
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magickpp_trgt::set_rend_desc(RendDesc *given_desc)
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	desc = *given_desc;
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	return true;
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	width = desc.get_w();
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	height = desc.get_h();
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	start_pointer = NULL;
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	buffer1 = new unsigned char[4*width*height];
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	if (buffer1 == NULL)
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		return false;
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	buffer2 = new unsigned char[4*width*height];
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	if (buffer2 == NULL)
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		delete [] buffer1;
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		return false;
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	color_buffer = new Color[width];
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	if (color_buffer == NULL)
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		delete [] buffer1;
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		delete [] buffer2;
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		return false;
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	return true;
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	Magick::Image image(width, height, "RGBA", Magick::CharPixel, start_pointer);
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	if (transparent && images.begin() != images.end())
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magickpp_trgt::start_frame(synfig::ProgressCallback *callback __attribute__ ((unused)))
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	if (start_pointer == buffer1)
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		start_pointer = buffer_pointer = buffer2;
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		start_pointer = buffer_pointer = buffer1;
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	previous_buffer_pointer = start_pointer;
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	transparent = false;
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	return true;
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magickpp_trgt::start_scanline(int scanline __attribute__ ((unused)))
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	return color_buffer;
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	if (previous_buffer_pointer)
		color_to_pixelformat(previous_buffer_pointer, color_buffer, PF_RGB|PF_A, 0, width);
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	if (!transparent)
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		for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
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			if (previous_buffer_pointer &&					// this isn't the first frame
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				buffer_pointer[i*4 + 3] < 128 &&			// our pixel is transparent
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				!(previous_buffer_pointer[i*4 + 3] < 128))	// the previous frame's pixel wasn't
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				transparent = true;
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	buffer_pointer += 4 * width;
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	if (previous_buffer_pointer)
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		previous_buffer_pointer += 4 * width;
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	return true;
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