## ## Includes ## include_directories( SYSTEM ${SIGCPP_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CAIRO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GLIBMM_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GIOMM_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) ## ## Modules ## ## TODO: make configurable ## TODO: write some macros set(MODS_ENABLED lyr_freetype lyr_std mod_bmp mod_dv mod_example mod_ffmpeg mod_filter mod_geometry mod_gif mod_gradient mod_imagemagick mod_jpeg # mod_libavcodec # - build failure # mod_magickpp # - made optional mod_mng mod_noise mod_openexr mod_particle mod_png mod_ppm mod_svg mod_yuv420p # mptr_mplayer # - "This code has vulnerabilities" ) ## Magick++ support option(WITH_MAGICPP "Enable Magic++ module (output format support)" OFF) option(WITHOUT_MAGICPP "Disable Magic++ module (output format support)" OFF) if (${WITH_MAGICPP} AND ${WITHOUT_MAGICPP}) message(FATAL_ERROR "You cannot request both WITH_MAGICPP and WITHOUT_MAGICPP!") endif() if (NOT ${WITHOUT_MAGICPP} AND ImageMagick_Magick++_FOUND) list(APPEND MODS_ENABLED mod_magickpp) elseif (${WITH_MAGICPP} AND NOT ImageMagick_Magick++_FOUND) message(SEND_ERROR "Magic++ support is requested, but the package cannot be located.") endif() ## Magick++ support (end) ## Process selected modules set(SYNFIG_MODULES_CONTENT "") message("-- Synfig modules:") foreach(MOD IN ITEMS ${MODS_ENABLED}) message("-- ${MOD}") set(SYNFIG_MODULES_CONTENT "${SYNFIG_MODULES_CONTENT}\n${MOD}") add_subdirectory(${MOD}) endforeach(MOD) file(WRITE synfig_modules.cfg ${SYNFIG_MODULES_CONTENT}) install( FILES synfig_modules.cfg DESTINATION etc )