Subject: Edit a parent parameter waypoint doesn't seems to work Create a skeleton, go to animation mode, modify the parent paramter of a bone. It creates a waypoint. Expand the bone and right click the waypoint. It would open a dialog to edit the parent paramter. The drop down list doesn't seems to work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When I right-click a waypoint, I see a menu, not a dialog. The menu seems to act as it should. Did you mean 'menu' where you wrote 'dialog'? Or did you mean to say that I should click 'Edit' to get the edit dialog? And what exactly doesn't work? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (10:54:18) Genete: Create a skeleton, go to animation mode, modify the parent paramter of a bone. It creates a waypoint (the waypoint is created in the parent parameter of the bone). Expand the bone and right click the waypoint of the parent parameter of the bone. It offers a context menu (Jump to, Delete, Edit, Both, In, Out, etc.). Select Edit context menu entry. It opens a dialog window to edit the parent paramter. The drop down list (in the dialog window) doesn't seem to work. Try to use the drop down list to select a different parent bone and it remains unchanged ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resolved: it's just a case of putting the currently selected value at the top of the menu.