Blob Blame Raw
using System;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Diagram {
    public class Test {
        public static Diagram buildTestDiagram() {
            return new Diagram()
                    "Block Number One",
                    "Very cool block, with the best number One. Important thing."
                    "Block Number Two",
                    "Very cool block, with the best number Two. Important thing."
                    "Block Number Three",
                    "Very cool block, with the best number Three. Important thing.",
                    "Block Number Four",
                    "Very cool block, with the best number Four. Important thing."
                    "Block Number Five",
                    "Very cool block, with the best number Five. Important thing."
                .addLink("b1", "b3")
                .addLink("b1", "b4")
                .addLink("b2", "b3")
                .addLink("b3", "b4")
                .addLink("b4", "b5");

        public static ActiveDiagram buildTestActiveDiagram(Diagram diagram) {
            ActiveDiagram d = new ActiveDiagram();

            d.diagram = diagram;

            d.captionFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12f, FontStyle.Bold);
            d.textFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 10f);
            d.margin = d.captionFont.GetHeight();
            d.padding = d.textFont.GetHeight();
            d.arrowSize = new SizeF(10f, 15f);
            d.pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 3f);
            d.brush = Brushes.White;


            return d;

        public static ActiveDiagram buildTestActiveDiagram() {
            return buildTestActiveDiagram(buildTestDiagram());