Blob Blame Raw
{% extends "repo_master.html" %}
{% from "_formhelper.html" import render_field_in_row %}

{% block title %}{{ select.capitalize() }} - {{ }}{% endblock %}
{%block tag %}home{% endblock %}

{% block header %}
<link href="//"
{% endblock %}

{% block repo %}

<section class="settings">

    <h3>Update description</h3>
    <form action="{{ url_for('.update_description',
                    username=username, }}" method="post">
      <input name="description" value="{{ repo.description }}" />
      <button type="submit" title="Update description">
      {{ form.csrf_token }}

    <h3>Private web-hook key</h3>
      Each message sent to the web-hook are signed via hmac and SHA1 using
      this private key.
      This key is private to your project, make sure to store in a safe place
      and do not share it.
        {{ repo.hook_token }}
    <form action="{{ url_for('.new_repo_hook_token',
                  username=username, }}"
        method="post" class="icon">
    <button class="icon_button" type="submit"
      onclick="return confirm('Are you sure to generate a new token for '
        + 'this project/fork? \nThis will break all web hook in place and '
        + 'cannot be un-done.');"
      title="Generate a new hook token">
      <span class="icon icon-refresh blue"></span>
    {{ form.csrf_token }}

    <h3>API key</h3>
      API keys are tokens used to authenticate you on pagure. They can also
      be used to grant access to 3rd party application to behave on this
      project on your name.
      These keys are valid for <span class="strong">60</span> days.
      These keys are private to your project, make sure to store in a safe
      place and do not share it.

    {% if repo.tokens %}
    {% for token in repo.tokens %}
      {% if token.user.username == g.fas_user.username %}
          {{ }}
          valid until: {{ }}
          <a class="clickable"
            onclick="show_acls({{ token.acls_list |safe }})">ACLs</a>
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    <a href="{{ url_for('.add_token', username=username, }}"
        method="post" class="icon">
    <button class="icon_button" type="submit"
      title="Generate a new API token">
      <span class="icon icon-plus blue"></span>
      Get a new Key

  <h3>Project's options</h3>
  <form action="{{ url_for('.view_settings',
                  username=username, }}" method="post">
    {% for key in repo.settings | sort %}
      <td><label for="{{ key }}">Activate {{ key | replace('_', ' ') }}</label></td>
        {% if repo.settings[key] in [True, False, 'y'] %}
        <input id="{{ key }}" type="checkbox" value="y" name="{{ key }}" {%
         if repo.settings[key] -%}checked=""{%- endif -%}/>
        {% else %}
        <input id="{{ key }}" type="text" value="{{ repo.settings[key] }}"
         name="{{ key }}" />
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  <p class="buttons indent">
      <input type="submit" class="submit positive button" value="Update">
      <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="button" onclick="history.back();">
      {{ form.csrf_token }}

  <h3>Re-generate git repos</h3>
  <form action="{{ url_for('.regenerate_git',
                  username=username, }}" method="post"
    <input name="regenerate" value="tickets" type="hidden"/>
    <button class="" type="submit"
      title="Regenerate tickets git repo">
      <span class="icon icon-refresh blue"></span>
      Regenerate the git repo for issues
    {{ form.csrf_token }}
  <form action="{{ url_for('.regenerate_git',
                  username=username, }}" method="post"
    <input name="regenerate" value="requests" type="hidden"/>
    <button class="icon_button" type="submit"
      title="Regenerate requests git repo">
      <span class="icon icon-refresh blue"></span>
      Regenerate the git repo for requests
    {{ form.csrf_token }}

<section class="users">
  <h2>Users and Groups</h2>

  <p>Here below is the list of user having commit rights to this repo.</p>

    <a href="{{ url_for('.add_user', username=username, }}"
        class="icon icon-plus-sign blue">

    <a href="{{ url_for('.add_group_project', username=username, }}"
        class="icon icon-plus-sign blue">
        [add group]

      <a href="{{ url_for('.view_user', username=repo.user.user) }}">{{ repo.user.user }}</a>
  {% for user in repo.users %}
      <a href="{{ url_for('.view_user', username=user.user) }}">{{ user.user }}</a>
      <form class="icon del_icon" method="POST"
        action="{{ url_for('.remove_user', username=username,, }}">
          onclick="return confirm('You sure you want to remove this user from this project?');"
          title="Remove user">
          <span class="icon icon-trash blue"></span>
        {{ form.csrf_token }}
  {% endfor %}
  {% for group in repo.groups %}
      <a href="{{ url_for('.view_group', group=group.group_name) }}">@{{ group.group_name }}</a>
      <form class="icon del_icon" method="POST"
          onclick="return confirm('You sure you want to remove this group from this project?');"
          title="Remove group">
          <span class="icon icon-trash blue"></span>
        {{ form.csrf_token }}
  {% endfor %}

{% if plugins %}
<section class="hooks">
  <div id="accordion">
    {% for plugin in plugins %}
      <h3 class="plugin_title" data-plugin="{{ plugin }}">{{ plugin }}</h3>
      <div id="body_{{ plugin }}"></div>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

<section class="tags">

    Here below is the list of tags associated with one or more issue of
    the project.

  {% for tag in tags %}
      <a href="{{ url_for('view_issues', username=username,, tags=tag.tag) }}">
        {{ tag.tag }}
      <form class="icon del_icon" method="POST"
        action="{{ url_for('remove_tag', username=username, }}">
        <input type="hidden" value="{{ tag.tag }}" name="tag" />
        {{ tag_form.csrf_token }}
          onclick="return confirm('Do you really want to remove the tag: {{ tag.tag }}?');"
          title="Remove tag">
          <span class="icon icon-trash blue"></span>
      <a href="{{ url_for(
            '.edit_tag',username=username,, tag=tag.tag) }}">
        <button class="icon_button" title="Edit tag">
          <span class="icon icon-edit blue"></span>
  {% endfor %}

<section class="delete">
  <form action="{{ url_for('.delete_repo',
                  username=username, }}"
        method="post" class="icon">
    <button class="icon_button" type="submit"
      onclick="return confirm('Are you sure to delete this project/fork? \nThis is final and cannot be un-done.');"
      title="Delete the project/fork">
        <span class="icon icon-trash blue"></span>
        Delete project

{% endblock %}

{% block jscripts %}
{{ super() }}
  function show_acls(acls) {
    var _txt = '<div title="ACLs details" id="show_meeting">'
      + '<ul>';

    for (i = 0; i < acls.length; i++) {
        _txt += '<li>' + acls[i] + '</li>';

    _txt += '</ul>' + '</div>';
    var _elt = $(_txt);
    var _height = $(window).height() * 0.8;
        height: 250,
        width: 250,
        modal: true,
        cache: false,

  $(function() {
    $( "#accordion" ).accordion({
      collapsible: true,
      active: false,
      heightStyle: 'content',
      activate: function( event, ui ) {
        var _plugin = ui.newHeader.attr('data-plugin');
        if (!_plugin) {
          return false;
        var _url = "{{ url_for('.view_plugin',, username=username, plugin='') }}";
        _url += _plugin + '/0';
            url: _url ,
            type: 'GET',
            dataType: 'html',
            success: function(res) {
        return false;

{% endblock %}