Blob Blame Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 (c) 2014 - Copyright Red Hat Inc

   Pierre-Yves Chibon <>


import datetime
import textwrap
import os
from math import ceil

import flask
import arrow
import markdown
import pygit2

from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer
from pygments.lexers.text import DiffLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter

import progit.exceptions
import progit.lib
import progit.forms
from progit import (APP, SESSION, LOG, __get_file_in_tree, cla_required,
                    generate_gitolite_acls, generate_gitolite_key,
                    generate_authorized_key_file, authenticated)

# Jinja filters

def jinja_hasattr(obj, string):
    """ Template filter checking if the provided object at the provided
    string as attribute
    return hasattr(obj, string)

def lastcommit_date_filter(repo):
    """ Template filter returning the last commit date of the provided repo.
    if not repo.is_empty:
        commit = repo[]
        return arrow.get(commit.commit_time).humanize()

def humanize_date(date):
    """ Template filter returning the last commit date of the provided repo.
    return arrow.get(date).humanize()

def rst2html(rst_string):
    """ Template filter transforming rst text into html
    if rst_string:
        return progit.doc_utils.convert_doc(unicode(rst_string))

def format_ts(string):
    """ Template filter transforming a timestamp to a date
    dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(string))
    return dt.strftime('%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S')

def format_loc(loc, commit=None, filename=None, prequest=None, index=None):
    """ Template filter putting the provided lines of code into a table
    if loc is None:

    output = [
        '<div class="highlight">',
        '<table class="code_table">'

    comments = {}
    if prequest and not isinstance(prequest, flask.wrappers.Request):
        for com in prequest.comments:
            if commit and com.commit_id == commit:
                if com.line in comments:
                    comments[com.line] = [com]
    for key in comments:
        comments[key] = sorted(
            comments[key], key=lambda obj: obj.date_created)

    if not index:
        index = ''

    cnt = 1
    for line in loc.split('\n'):
        if filename and commit:
                '<tr><td class="cell1">'
                '<a id="%(cnt)s" href="#%(cnt)s">%(cnt_lbl)s</a></td>'
                '<td class="prc" data-row="%(cnt_lbl)s"'
                ' data-filename="%(filename)s" data-commit="%(commit)s">'
                '<img src="%(img)s" alt="Add comment" title="Add comment"/>'
                '</td>' % (
                        'cnt': '%s_%s' % (index, cnt),
                        'cnt_lbl': cnt,
                        'img': flask.url_for('static', filename='users.png'),
                        'filename': filename,
                        'commit': commit,
                '<tr><td class="cell1">'
                '<a id="%(cnt)s" href="#%(cnt)s">%(cnt_lbl)s</a></td>'
                % (
                        'cnt': '%s_%s' % (index, cnt),
                        'cnt_lbl': cnt,

        cnt += 1
        if not line:
        if line == '</pre></div>':
        if line.startswith('<div'):
            line = line.split('<pre style="line-height: 125%">')[1]
        output.append('<td class="cell2"><pre>%s</pre></td>' % line)

        if cnt - 1 in comments:
            for comment in comments[cnt - 1]:
                    '<td colspan="2"><table style="width:100%%"><tr>'
                    '<td><a href="%(url)s">%(user)s</a></td>'
                    '<td class="right">%(date)s</td>'
                    '<tr><td colspan="2" class="pr_comment">%(comment)s'
                    '</table></td></tr>' % (
                            'url': flask.url_for(
                                'view_user', username=comment.user.user),
                            'user': comment.user.user,
                            'date': comment.date_created.strftime(
                                '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S'),
                            'comment': comment.comment,


    return '\n'.join(output)

def text_wraps(text, size=10):
    """ Template filter to wrap text at a specified size
    if text:
        parts = textwrap.wrap(text, size)
        if len(parts) > 1:
            parts = '%s...' % parts[0]
            parts = parts[0]
        return parts

def avatar(packager, size=64):
    """ Template filter sorting the given branches, Fedora first then EPEL,
    then whatever is left.
    output = '<img class="avatar circle" src="%s"/>' % (
        progit.lib.avatar_url(packager, size)

    return output

def shorted_commit(cid):
    """Gets short version of the commit id"""
    return cid[:APP.config['SHORT_LENGTH']]

def markdown_filter(text):
    """ Template filter converting a string into html content using the
    markdown library.
    if text:
        # Hack to allow blockquotes to be marked by ~~~
        ntext = []
        indent = False
        for line in text.split('\n'):
            if line.startswith('~~~'):
                indent = not indent
            if indent:
                line = '    %s' % line
        return markdown.markdown('\n'.join(ntext))

    return ''

def html_diff(diff):
    """Display diff as HTML"""
    if diff is None:
    return highlight(

def patch_to_diff(patch):
    """Render a hunk as a diff"""
    content = ""
    for hunk in patch.hunks:
        content = content + "@@ -%i,%i +%i,%i @@\n" % (
            hunk.old_start, hunk.old_lines, hunk.new_start, hunk.new_lines)
        for line in hunk.lines:
            content = content + ' '.join(line)
    return content