#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(c) 2014-2018 - Copyright Red Hat Inc
Patrick Uiterwijk <puiterwijk@redhat.com>
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import subprocess
import sys
import os
if "SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" not in os.environ:
print("Welcome %s. This server does not offer ssh access." % sys.argv[1])
# Since this is run by sshd, we don't have a way to set environment
# variables ahead of time
if "PAGURE_CONFIG" not in os.environ and os.path.exists(
os.environ["PAGURE_CONFIG"] = "/etc/pagure/pagure.cfg"
# Here starts the code
import pagure
import pagure.lib
from pagure.utils import is_repo_user
from pagure.config import config as pagure_config
# Get the arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Invalid call, too few arguments", file=sys.stderr)
remoteuser = sys.argv[1]
args = os.environ["SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"].split(" ")
# Expects: <git-(receive|upload)-pack> <repopath>
if len(args) != 2:
print("Invalid call, too few inner arguments", file=sys.stderr)
cmd = args[0]
path = args[1]
if cmd not in ("git-receive-pack", "git-upload-pack"):
print("Invalid call, invalid operation", file=sys.stderr)
# Git will encode the file path argument within single quotes
if path[0] != "'" or path[-1] != "'":
print("Invalid call: invalid path", file=sys.stderr)
path = path[1:-1]
if path[0] == '/':
# With the "ssh://hostname/repo.git", SSH sends "/repo.git"
path = path[1:]
if os.path.isabs(path):
print("Non-full path expected, not %s" % path, file=sys.stderr)
if not path.endswith(".git"):
path = path + ".git"
session = pagure.lib.create_session(pagure_config["DB_URL"])
if not session:
raise Exception("Unable to initialize db session")
gitdir = os.path.join(pagure_config["GIT_FOLDER"], path)
(repotype, username, namespace, repo) = pagure.lib.git.get_repo_info_from_path(
gitdir, hide_notfound=True
if repo is None:
print("Repo not found", file=sys.stderr)
project = pagure.lib.get_authorized_project(
session, repo, user=username, namespace=namespace, asuser=remoteuser
if not project:
print("Repo not found", file=sys.stderr)
if repotype != "main" and not is_repo_user(project, remoteuser):
print("Repo not found", file=sys.stderr)
# Now go run the configured command
# We verified that cmd is either "git-receive-pack" or "git-send-pack"
# and "path" is a path that points to a valid Pagure repository.
if project.is_on_repospanner:
runner, env = pagure_config["SSH_COMMAND_REPOSPANNER"]
runner, env = pagure_config["SSH_COMMAND_NON_REPOSPANNER"]
runenv = {
"username": remoteuser,
"cmd": cmd,
"reponame": path,
"repopath": gitdir,
"repotype": repotype,
"region": project.repospanner_region,
runargs = [arg % runenv for arg in runner]
if env:
for key in env:
os.environ[key] = env[key] % runenv
os.execvp(runargs[0], runargs)