# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
# USA.
""" Pagure-flavored Markdown
Author: Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>
Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import flask
import markdown.inlinepatterns
import markdown.preprocessors
import markdown.util
import pygit2
import re
import six
import pagure.lib
from pagure.config import config as pagure_config
# the (?<!\w) (and variants) we use a lot in all these regexes is a
# negative lookbehind assertion. It means 'match when the preceding
# character is not in the \w class'. This stops us from starting a
# match in the middle of a word (e.g. someone@something in the
# MENTION_RE regex). Note that it is a zero-length match - it does
# not capture or consume any of the string - and it does not appear
# as a group for the match object.
MENTION_RE = r'(?<!\w)@(\w+)'
# Each line below correspond to a line of the regex:
# 1) Don't start matching in the middle of a word
# 2) See if there is a `forks/` at the start
# 3) See if we have a `user/`
# 4) See if we have a `namespace/`
# 5) Get the last part `project`
# 6) Get the identifier `#<id>`
# PREPROCIMPLLINK is used by ImplicitIssuePreprocessor to replace the
# '#' when a line starts with an implicit issue link, to prevent
# markdown parsing it as a header; we have to handle it here
IMPLICIT_PR_RE = r'(?<!\w)PR#([0-9]+)'
IMPLICIT_COMMIT_RE = r'(?<![<\w#])([a-f0-9]{7,40})'
STRIKE_THROUGH_RE = r'~~(.*?)~~'
class MentionPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" @user pattern class. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text. """
name = markdown.util.AtomicString(m.group(2))
text = '@%s' % name
user = pagure.lib.search_user(flask.g.session, username=name)
if not user:
return text
element = markdown.util.etree.Element("a")
base_url = pagure_config['APP_URL']
if base_url.endswith('/'):
base_url = base_url[:-1]
url = '%s/user/%s' % (base_url, user.username)
element.set('href', url)
element.text = text
return element
class ExplicitLinkPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" Explicit link pattern. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text. """
is_fork = m.group(2)
user = m.group(3)
namespace = m.group(4)
repo = m.group(5)
idx = m.group(6)
text = '%s#%s' % (repo, idx)
if not is_fork and user:
namespace = user
user = None
if namespace:
namespace = namespace.rstrip('/')
text = '%s/%s' % (namespace, text)
if user:
user = user.rstrip('/')
text = '%s/%s' % (user.rstrip('/'), text)
idx = int(idx)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return text
issue = _issue_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx)
if issue:
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, issue, text)
request = _pr_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx)
if request:
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, request, text)
return text
class CommitLinkPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" Commit link pattern. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text. """
is_fork = m.group(2)
user = m.group(3)
namespace = m.group(4)
repo = m.group(5)
commitid = m.group(6)
text = '%s#%s' % (repo, commitid)
if not is_fork and user:
namespace = user
user = None
if namespace:
namespace = namespace.rstrip('/')
text = '%s/%s' % (namespace, text)
if user:
user = user.rstrip('/')
text = '%s/%s' % (user.rstrip('/'), text)
if pagure.lib.search_projects(
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, commitid, text)
return text
class ImplicitIssuePreprocessor(markdown.preprocessors.Preprocessor):
Preprocessor which handles lines starting with an implicit
link. We have to modify these so that markdown doesn't interpret
them as headers.
def run(self, lines):
If a line starts with an implicit issue link like #152,
we replace the # with PREPROCIMPLLINK. This prevents markdown
parsing the line as a header. ImplicitIssuePattern will catch
and parse the text later. Otherwise, we change nothing.
# match a # character, then any number of digits
regex = re.compile(r'#([0-9]+)')
new_lines = []
for line in lines:
# avoid calling the regex if line doesn't start with #
if line.startswith('#'):
match = regex.match(line)
if match:
idx = int(match.group(1))
# we have to check if this is a real issue or PR now.
# we can't just 'tag' the text somehow and leave it to
# the pattern to check, as if it's *not* one we want
# the line treated as a header, so we need the block
# processor to see it unmodified.
namespace, repo, user = _get_ns_repo_user()
except RuntimeError:
# non-match path, keep original line
if (
_issue_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx) or
_pr_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx)
# tweak the text
new_lines.append('PREPROCIMPLLINK' + line[1:])
# this is a non-match path, keep original line
return new_lines
class ImplicitIssuePattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" Implicit issue pattern. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text. """
idx = markdown.util.AtomicString(m.group(2))
text = '#%s' % idx
idx = int(idx)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return text
namespace, repo, user = _get_ns_repo_user()
except RuntimeError:
return text
issue = _issue_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx)
if issue:
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, issue, text)
request = _pr_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx)
if request:
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, request, text)
return text
class ImplicitPRPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" Implicit pull-request pattern. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text. """
idx = markdown.util.AtomicString(m.group(2))
text = 'PR#%s' % idx
idx = int(idx)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return text
namespace, repo, user = _get_ns_repo_user()
except RuntimeError:
return text
issue = _issue_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx)
if issue:
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, issue, text)
request = _pr_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx)
if request:
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, request, text)
return text
class ImplicitCommitPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" Implicit commit pattern. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text. """
githash = markdown.util.AtomicString(m.group(2))
text = '%s' % githash
namespace, repo, user = _get_ns_repo_user()
except RuntimeError:
return text
if pagure.lib.search_projects(
pattern=repo) \
and _commit_exists(user, namespace, repo, githash):
return _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, githash, text[:7])
return text
class StrikeThroughPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" ~~striked~~ pattern class. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text. """
text = markdown.util.AtomicString(m.group(2))
element = markdown.util.etree.Element("del")
element.text = text
return element
class AutolinkPattern2(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
""" Return a link Element given an autolink (`<http://example/com>`). """
def handleMatch(self, m):
""" When the pattern matches, update the text.
:arg m: the matched object
url = m.group(2)
if url.startswith('<'):
url = url[1:]
if url.endswith('>'):
url = url[:-1]
el = markdown.util.etree.Element("a")
el.set('href', self.unescape(url))
el.text = markdown.util.AtomicString(url)
return el
class ImagePatternLazyLoad(markdown.inlinepatterns.ImagePattern):
""" Customize the image element matched for lazyloading. """
def handleMatch(self, m):
el = super(ImagePatternLazyLoad, self).handleMatch(m)
# Add a noscript tag with the untouched img tag
noscript = markdown.util.etree.Element("noscript")
# Modify the origina img tag
img = markdown.util.etree.Element("img")
img.set('data-src', el.get('src'))
img.set('src', '')
img.set('alt', el.get('alt'))
img.set('class', 'lazyload')
# Create a global span in which we add both the new img tag and the
# noscript one
outel = markdown.util.etree.Element("span")
return outel
class PagureExtension(markdown.extensions.Extension):
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
# First, make it so that bare links get automatically linkified.
AUTOLINK_RE = '(%s)' % '|'.join([
markdown.inlinepatterns.AUTOLINK_RE = AUTOLINK_RE
md.preprocessors['implicit_issue'] = ImplicitIssuePreprocessor()
md.inlinePatterns['mention'] = MentionPattern(MENTION_RE)
# Customize the image linking to support lazy loading
md.inlinePatterns["image_link"] = ImagePatternLazyLoad(
markdown.inlinepatterns.IMAGE_LINK_RE, md)
md.inlinePatterns['implicit_commit'] = ImplicitCommitPattern(
md.inlinePatterns['commit_links'] = CommitLinkPattern(
md.inlinePatterns['autolink'] = AutolinkPattern2(
if pagure_config.get('ENABLE_TICKETS', True):
md.inlinePatterns['implicit_pr'] = \
md.inlinePatterns['explicit_fork_issue'] = \
md.inlinePatterns['implicit_issue'] = \
md.inlinePatterns['striked'] = StrikeThroughPattern(
def makeExtension(*arg, **kwargs):
return PagureExtension(**kwargs)
def _issue_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx):
""" Utility method checking if a given issue exists. """
repo_obj = pagure.lib.get_authorized_project(
flask.g.session, project_name=repo, user=user, namespace=namespace)
if not repo_obj:
return False
issue_obj = pagure.lib.search_issues(
flask.g.session, repo=repo_obj, issueid=idx)
if not issue_obj:
return False
return issue_obj
def _pr_exists(user, namespace, repo, idx):
""" Utility method checking if a given PR exists. """
repo_obj = pagure.lib.get_authorized_project(
flask.g.session, project_name=repo, user=user, namespace=namespace)
if not repo_obj:
return False
pr_obj = pagure.lib.search_pull_requests(
flask.g.session, project_id=repo_obj.id, requestid=idx)
if not pr_obj:
return False
return pr_obj
def _commit_exists(user, namespace, repo, githash):
""" Utility method checking if a given commit exists. """
repo_obj = pagure.lib.get_authorized_project(
flask.g.session, project_name=repo, user=user, namespace=namespace)
if not repo_obj:
return False
reponame = pagure.utils.get_repo_path(repo_obj)
git_repo = pygit2.Repository(reponame)
return githash in git_repo
def _obj_anchor_tag(user, namespace, repo, obj, text):
Utility method generating the link to an issue or a PR.
:return: An element tree containing the href to the issue or PR
:rtype: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
url = flask.url_for(
'ui_ns.view_commit', username=user, namespace=namespace,
repo=repo, commitid=obj)
title = 'Commit %s' % obj
elif obj.isa == 'issue':
url = flask.url_for(
'ui_ns.view_issue', username=user, namespace=namespace,
repo=repo, issueid=obj.id)
if obj.private:
title = 'Private issue'
if obj.status:
title = '[%s] %s' % (obj.status, obj.title)
title = obj.title
url = flask.url_for(
'ui_ns.request_pull', username=user, namespace=namespace,
repo=repo, requestid=obj.id)
if obj.status:
title = '[%s] %s' % (obj.status, obj.title)
title = obj.title
element = markdown.util.etree.Element("a")
element.set('href', url)
element.set('title', title)
element.text = text
return element
def _get_ns_repo_user():
""" Return the namespace, repo, user corresponding to the given request
:return: A tuple of three string corresponding to namespace, repo, user
:rtype: tuple(str, str, str)
root = flask.request.url_root
url = flask.request.url
user = flask.request.args.get('user')
namespace = flask.request.args.get('namespace')
repo = flask.request.args.get('repo')
if not user and not repo:
if 'fork/' in url:
user, ext = url.split('fork/')[1].split('/', 1)
ext = url.split(root)[1]
if ext.count('/') >= 3:
namespace, repo = ext.split('/', 2)[:2]
repo = ext.split('/', 1)[0]
return (namespace, repo, user)