Blob Blame Raw
{% extends "master.html" %}

{% block title %}{{username}}{% endblock %}
{%block tag %}users{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<h2>{{ username | avatar(36) | safe }} {{ username }}</h2>

{% if g.fas_user and g.fas_user.username == username %}
<a href="{{ url_for('user_settings') }}">Update settings</a>
{% endif %}

{% if total_page_repos and total_page_repos > 1 %}
        {% if repopage > 1%}
            <a href="{{ url_for('view_user', username=username) }}?repopage={{repopage - 1}}">
                &lt; Previous
        {% else %}
            &lt; Previous
        {% endif %}
        <td>{{ repopage }} / {{ total_page_repos }}</td>
            {% if repopage < total_page_repos %}
            <a href="{{ url_for('view_user', username=username) }}?repopage={{repopage + 1}}">
                Next &gt;
            {% else %}
            Next >
            {% endif %}
{% endif %}
<section class="project_list">
    {% for repo in repos %}
      <a href="{{ url_for('view_repo',}}">
        {{ }}
      <span class="commit_date">
    {% endfor %}

{% if total_page_forks and total_page_forks > 1 %}
        {% if forkpage > 1%}
            <a href="{{ url_for('view_user', username=username) }}?forkpage={{forkpage - 1}}">
                &lt; Previous
        {% else %}
            &lt; Previous
        {% endif %}
        <td>{{ forkpage }} / {{ total_page_forks }}</td>
            {% if forkpage < total_page_forks %}
            <a href="{{ url_for('view_user', username=username) }}?forkpage={{forkpage + 1}}">
                Next &gt;
            {% else %}
            Next >
            {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if forks %}
    <section class="fork_list">
      <h3>Forked repos</h3>
        {% for repo in forks %}
          <a href="{{ url_for('view_repo', username=username,}}">
            {{ }}
          <span class="commit_date">
            {{ forks_obj[loop.index - 1] | lastcommit_date}}
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% endblock %}