# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(c) 2015 - Copyright Red Hat Inc
Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>
import re
import os
import progit.exceptions
re.compile('fixe?[sd]?:?\s?#(\d+)', re.I),
re.compile('.*\s+fixe?[sd]?:?\s?#(\d+)', re.I),
re.compile('fixe?[sd]?:?\s?https?://.*/(\w+)/issue/(\d+)', re.I),
re.compile('.*\s+fixe?[sd]?:?\s?https?://.*/(\w+)/issue/(\d+)', re.I),
re.compile('.*\s+relate[sd]?:?\s?(?:to)?\s?#(\d+)', re.I),
re.compile('.*\s+relate[sd]?:?\s?#(\d+)', re.I),
'.*\s+relate[sd]?:?\s?(?:to)?\s?https?://.*/(\w+)/issue/(\d+)', re.I),
re.compile('.*\s+relate[sd]?:?\s?(?:to)?\s?https?://.*/(\w+)/issue/(\d+)', re.I),
def get_relation(session, reponame, username, text, reftype='relates'):
''' For a given text, searches using regex if the text contains
reference to another issue in this project or another one.
Returns the list of issues referenced (possibly empty).
By default it searches for references of type: `relates`, for example:
``this commits relates to #2``.
Another reference type is: `fixes` refering to text including for
example: ``this commits fixes #3``.
repo = progit.lib.get_project(session, reponame, user=username)
if not repo:
return []
regex = RELATES
if reftype == 'fixes':
regex = FIXES
issues = []
for motif in regex:
issueid = None
project = None
if motif.match(text):
if len(motif.match(text).groups()) >= 2:
issueid = motif.match(text).group(2)
project = motif.match(text).group(1)
issueid = motif.match(text).group(1)
if issueid:
issue = progit.lib.search_issues(
session, repo=repo, issueid=issueid)
if issue is None or issue.project.name not in [project, repo.name]:
if issue not in issues:
return issues