Blob Blame Raw
{% extends "master.html" %}

{% block title %}Waiting{% endblock %}

{% block content %}


  We are waiting for your task to finish.
  <form action="{{ form_action }}" method="POST" id="waitform">
    <input type="hidden" name="taskid" value="{{ taskid }}">
    {% for field in form_data %}
      <input type="hidden" name="{{ field }}" value="{{ form_data[field] }}">
    {% endfor %}
    {{ csrf }}
    This page should be refreshed automatically, but if not click <input type="submit" value="Here">.

{% endblock %}

{% block jscripts %}
  {{ super() }}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
      {% if initial %}
        {# Perform the initial submit immediately #}
      {% else %}
        {# Perform following requests with a slight delay #}
        window.setTimeout(function() {
        }, 5000);
      {% endif %}
{% endblock %}