Blob Blame Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 (c) 2015-2016 - Copyright Red Hat Inc

   Pierre-Yves Chibon <>


from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import collections
import datetime

import arrow
import flask
import six

import pagure
import pagure.exceptions
import pagure.lib.query
from pagure.api import API, api_method, APIERROR, get_page, get_per_page
from pagure.utils import is_true

def _get_user(username):
    """ Check user is valid or not
        return pagure.lib.query.get_user(flask.g.session, username)
    except pagure.exceptions.PagureException:
        raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(404, error_code=APIERROR.ENOUSER)

def api_view_user(username):
    User information
    Use this endpoint to retrieve information about a specific user.


        GET /api/0/user/<username>


        GET /api/0/user/ralph


    | Key           | Type     | Optionality   | Description              |
    | ``repopage``  | int      | Optional      | | Specifies which        |
    |               |          |               |   page of the projects   |
    |               |          |               |   to return              |
    |               |          |               |   (defaults to: 1)       |
    | ``forkpage``  | int      | Optional      | | Specifies which        |
    |               |          |               |   page of the forks      |
    |               |          |               |   to return              |
    |               |          |               |   (defaults to: 1)       |
    | ``per_page``  | int      | Optional      | | The number of items    |
    |               |          |               |   to return per page.    |
    |               |          |               |   The maximum is 100.    |

    Sample response


          "forks": [],
          "repos": [
              "custom_keys": [],
              "description": "",
              "parent": null,
              "tags": [],
              "namespace": None,
              "priorities": {},
              "close_status": [
                "Insufficient data",
              "milestones": {},
              "user": {
                "fullname": "ralph",
                "name": "ralph"
              "date_created": "1426595173",
              "id": 5,
              "name": "pagure"
          "repos_pagination": {
            "first": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/ralph?per_page=1&repopage=1",
            "last": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/ralph?per_page=1&repopage=123",
            "next": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/ralph?per_page=1&repopage=2",
            "pages": 123,
            "per_page": 1,
            "prev": null,
            "repopage": 1
          "user": {
            "fullname": "ralph",
            "name": "ralph",
            "avatar_url": ""

    """  # noqa
    httpcode = 200
    output = {}

    user = _get_user(username=username)

    per_page = get_per_page()
    repopage = flask.request.args.get("repopage", 1)
        repopage = int(repopage)
    except ValueError:
        repopage = 1

    forkpage = flask.request.args.get("forkpage", 1)
        forkpage = int(forkpage)
    except ValueError:
        forkpage = 1

    repos_cnt = pagure.lib.query.search_projects(
        flask.g.session, username=username, fork=False, count=True

    pagination_metadata_repo = pagure.lib.query.get_pagination_metadata(
        flask.request, repopage, per_page, repos_cnt, key_page="repopage"
    repopage_start = (repopage - 1) * per_page
    repopage_limit = per_page

    repos = pagure.lib.query.search_projects(

    forks_cnt = pagure.lib.query.search_projects(
        flask.g.session, username=username, fork=True, count=True

    pagination_metadata_fork = pagure.lib.query.get_pagination_metadata(
        flask.request, forkpage, per_page, forks_cnt, key_page="forkpage"
    forkpage_start = (forkpage - 1) * per_page
    forkpage_limit = per_page

    forks = pagure.lib.query.search_projects(

    output["user"] = user.to_json(public=True)
    output["user"]["avatar_url"] = pagure.lib.query.avatar_url_from_email(
        user.default_email, size=16
    output["repos"] = [repo.to_json(public=True) for repo in repos]
    output["forks"] = [repo.to_json(public=True) for repo in forks]
    output["repos_pagination"] = pagination_metadata_repo
    output["forks_pagination"] = pagination_metadata_fork

    jsonout = flask.jsonify(output)
    jsonout.status_code = httpcode
    return jsonout

def api_view_user_issues(username):
    List user's issues
    List issues opened by or assigned to a specific user across all projects.


        GET /api/0/user/<username>/issues


    | Key           | Type    | Optionality  | Description               |
    | ``page``      | integer | Mandatory    | | The page requested.     |
    |               |         |              |   Defaults to 1.          |
    | ``per_page``  | int     | Optional     | | The number of items     |
    |               |         |              |   to return per page.     |
    |               |         |              |   The maximum is 100.     |
    | ``status``    | string  | Optional     | | Filters the status of   |
    |               |         |              |   issues. Fetches all the |
    |               |         |              |   issues if status is     |
    |               |         |              |   ``all``. Default:       |
    |               |         |              |   ``Open``                |
    | ``tags``      | string  | Optional     | | A list of tags you      |
    |               |         |              |   wish to filter. If      |
    |               |         |              |   you want to filter      |
    |               |         |              |   for issues not having   |
    |               |         |              |   a tag, add an           |
    |               |         |              |   exclamation mark in     |
    |               |         |              |   front of it             |
    | ``milestones``| list of | Optional     | | Filter the issues       |
    |               | strings |              |   by milestone            |
    | ``no_stones`` | boolean | Optional     | | If true returns only the|
    |               |         |              |   issues having no        |
    |               |         |              |   milestone, if false     |
    |               |         |              |   returns only the issues |
    |               |         |              |   having a milestone      |
    | ``since``     | string  | Optional     | | Filter the issues       |
    |               |         |              |   updated after this date.|
    |               |         |              |   The date can either be  |
    |               |         |              |   provided as an unix date|
    |               |         |              |   or in the format Y-M-D  |
    | ``order``     | string  | Optional     | | Set the ordering of the |
    |               |         |              |   issues. This can be     |
    |               |         |              |   ``asc`` or ``desc``.    |
    |               |         |              |   Default: ``desc``       |
    | ``order_key`` | string  | Optional     | | Set the ordering key.   |
    |               |         |              |   This can be ``assignee``|
    |               |         |              |   , ``last_updated`` or   |
    |               |         |              |   name of other column.   |
    |               |         |              |   Default:                |
    |               |         |              |          ``date_created`` |
    | ``assignee``  | boolean | Optional     | | A boolean of whether to |
    |               |         |              |   return the issues       |
    |               |         |              |   assigned to this user   |
    |               |         |              |   or not. Defaults to True|
    | ``author``    | boolean | Optional     | | A boolean of whether to |
    |               |         |              |   return the issues       |
    |               |         |              |   created by this user or |
    |               |         |              |   not. Defaults to True   |

    Sample response


          "args": {
            "assignee": true,
            "author": true,
            "milestones": [],
            "no_stones": null,
            "order": null,
            "order_key": null,
            "page": 1,
            "since": null,
            "status": null,
            "tags": []
          "issues_assigned": [
              "assignee": {
                "fullname": "Anar Adilova",
                "name": "anar"
              "blocks": [],
              "close_status": null,
              "closed_at": null,
              "closed_by": null,
              "comments": [],
              "content": "Test Issue",
              "custom_fields": [],
              "date_created": "1510124763",
              "depends": [],
              "id": 2,
              "last_updated": "1510124763",
              "milestone": null,
              "priority": null,
              "private": false,
              "status": "Open",
              "tags": [],
              "title": "issue4",
              "user": {
                "fullname": "Anar Adilova",
                "name": "anar"
          "issues_created": [
              "assignee": {
                "fullname": "Anar Adilova",
                "name": "anar"
              "blocks": [],
              "close_status": null,
              "closed_at": null,
              "closed_by": null,
              "comments": [],
              "content": "Test Issue",
              "custom_fields": [],
              "date_created": "1510124763",
              "depends": [],
              "id": 2,
              "last_updated": "1510124763",
              "milestone": null,
              "priority": null,
              "private": false,
              "status": "Open",
              "tags": [],
              "title": "issue4",
              "user": {
                "fullname": "Anar Adilova",
                "name": "anar"
          "pagination_issues_assigned": {
            "first": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/anar/issues?per_page=1&page=1",
            "last": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/anar/issues?per_page=1&page=0",
            "next": null,
            "page": 1,
            "pages": 0,
            "per_page": 1,
            "prev": null
          "pagination_issues_created": {
            "first": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/anar/issues?per_page=1&page=1",
            "last": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/anar/issues?per_page=1&page=200",
            "next": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/anar/issues?per_page=1&page=2",
            "page": 1,
            "pages": 200,
            "per_page": 1,
            "prev": null
          "total_issues_assigned": 1,
          "total_issues_created": 1

    """  # noqa
    milestone = flask.request.args.getlist("milestones", None)
    no_stones = flask.request.args.get("no_stones", None)
    if no_stones is not None:
        no_stones = is_true(no_stones)
    since = flask.request.args.get("since", None)
    order = flask.request.args.get("order", None)
    order_key = flask.request.args.get("order_key", None)
    status = flask.request.args.get("status", None)
    tags = flask.request.args.getlist("tags")
    tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags if tag.strip()]

    page = get_page()
    per_page = get_per_page()

    assignee = flask.request.args.get("assignee", "").lower() not in [
    author = flask.request.args.get("author", "").lower() not in [

    offset = (page - 1) * per_page
    limit = per_page

    params = {
        "session": flask.g.session,
        "tags": tags,
        "milestones": milestone,
        "order": order,
        "order_key": order_key,
        "no_milestones": no_stones,
        "offset": offset,
        "limit": limit,

    if status is not None:
        if status.lower() == "all":
            params.update({"status": None})
        elif status.lower() == "closed":
            params.update({"closed": True})
            params.update({"status": status})
        params.update({"status": "Open"})

    updated_after = None
    if since:
        # Validate and convert the time
        if since.isdigit():
            # We assume its a timestamp, so convert it to datetime
                updated_after = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(since))
            except ValueError:
                raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(
                    400, error_code=APIERROR.ETIMESTAMP
            # We assume datetime format, so validate it
                updated_after = datetime.datetime.strptime(since, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except ValueError:
                raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(
                    400, error_code=APIERROR.EDATETIME

    params.update({"updated_after": updated_after})

    issues_created = []
    issues_created_pages = 1
    issues_created_cnt = 0
    pagination_issues_created = None
    if author:
        # Issues authored by this user
        params_created = params.copy()
        params_created.update({"author": username})
        issues_created = pagure.lib.query.search_issues(**params_created)
        params_created.update({"offset": None, "limit": None, "count": True})
        issues_created_cnt = pagure.lib.query.search_issues(**params_created)
        pagination_issues_created = pagure.lib.query.get_pagination_metadata(
            flask.request, page, per_page, issues_created_cnt

    issues_assigned = []
    issues_assigned_pages = 1
    issues_assigned_cnt = 0
    pagination_issues_assigned = None
    if assignee:
        # Issues assigned to this user
        params_assigned = params.copy()
        params_assigned.update({"assignee": username})
        issues_assigned = pagure.lib.query.search_issues(**params_assigned)
        params_assigned.update({"offset": None, "limit": None, "count": True})
        issues_assigned_cnt = pagure.lib.query.search_issues(**params_assigned)
        pagination_issues_assigned = pagure.lib.query.get_pagination_metadata(
            flask.request, page, per_page, issues_assigned_cnt

    jsonout = flask.jsonify(
            "pagination_issues_created": pagination_issues_created,
            "pagination_issues_assigned": pagination_issues_assigned,
            "total_issues_created_pages": issues_created_pages,
            "total_issues_assigned_pages": issues_assigned_pages,
            "total_issues_created": issues_created_cnt,
            "total_issues_assigned": issues_assigned_cnt,
            "issues_created": [
                issue.to_json(public=True, with_project=True)
                for issue in issues_created
            "issues_assigned": [
                issue.to_json(public=True, with_project=True)
                for issue in issues_assigned
            "args": {
                "milestones": milestone,
                "no_stones": no_stones,
                "order": order,
                "order_key": order_key,
                "since": since,
                "status": status,
                "tags": tags,
                "page": page,
                "assignee": assignee,
                "author": author,
    return jsonout

def api_view_user_activity_stats(username):
    User activity stats
    Use this endpoint to retrieve activity stats about a specific user over
    the last year.


        GET /api/0/user/<username>/activity/stats


        GET /api/0/user/ralph/activity/stats

        GET /api/0/user/ralph/activity/stats?format=timestamp


    | Key           | Type     | Optionality  | Description                |
    | ``username``  | string   | Mandatory    | | The username of the user |
    |               |          |              |   whose activity you are   |
    |               |          |              |   interested in.           |
    | ``format``    | string   | Optional     | | Allows changing the      |
    |               |          |              |   of the date/time returned|
    |               |          |              |   from iso format to unix  |
    |               |          |              |   timestamp                |
    |               |          |              |   Can be: `timestamp`      |
    |               |          |              |   or `isoformat`           |

    Sample response


          "2015-11-04": 9,
          "2015-11-06": 3,
          "2015-11-09": 6,
          "2015-11-13": 4,
          "2015-11-15": 3,
          "2015-11-18": 15,
          "2015-11-19": 3,
          "2015-11-20": 15,
          "2015-11-26": 18,
          "2015-11-30": 116,
          "2015-12-02": 12,
          "2015-12-03": 2


          "1446591600": 9,
          "1446764400": 3,
          "1447023600": 6,
          "1447369200": 4,
          "1447542000": 3,
          "1447801200": 15,
          "1447887600": 3,
          "1447974000": 15,
          "1448492400": 18,
          "1448838000": 116,
          "1449010800": 12,
          "1449097200": 2

    date_format = flask.request.args.get("format", "isoformat")
    tz = flask.request.args.get("tz", "UTC")

    user = _get_user(username=username)

    stats = pagure.lib.query.get_yearly_stats_user(
        datetime.datetime.utcnow().date() + datetime.timedelta(days=1),

    def format_date(d, tz):
        if date_format == "timestamp":
            # the reason we have this at all is the cal-heatmap js lib
            # wants times as timestamps. We're trying to feed it a
            # timestamp it will count as having happened on date 'd'.
            # However, cal-heatmap always uses the browser timezone,
            # so we have to be careful to produce a timestamp which
            # falls on the correct date *in the browser timezone*. We
            # aim for noon on the desired date.

                return arrow.get(d, tz).replace(hour=12).timestamp
            except arrow.parser.ParserError:
                # if tz is invalid for some reason, just go with UTC
                return arrow.get(d).replace(hour=12).timestamp
            d = d.isoformat()
        return d

    stats = {format_date(d[0], tz): d[1] for d in stats}

    jsonout = flask.jsonify(stats)
    return jsonout

def api_view_user_activity_date(username, date):
    User activity on a specific date
    Use this endpoint to retrieve activity information about a specific user
    on the specified date.


        GET /api/0/user/<username>/activity/<date>


        GET /api/0/user/ralph/activity/2016-01-02

        GET /api/0/user/ralph/activity/2016-01-02?grouped=true


    | Key           | Type     | Optionality  | Description                |
    | ``username``  | string   | Mandatory    | | The username of the user |
    |               |          |              |   whose activity you are   |
    |               |          |              |   interested in.           |
    | ``date``      | string   | Mandatory    | | The date of interest,    |
    |               |          |              |   best provided in ISO     |
    |               |          |              |   format: YYYY-MM-DD       |
    | ``grouped``   | boolean  | Optional     | | Whether or not to group  |
    |               |          |              |   the commits              |

    Sample response


          "activities": [
              "date": "2016-02-24",
              "date_created": "1456305852",
              "description": "pingou created PR test#44",
              "description_mk": "<p>pingou created PR <a href=\"/test/pull-request/44\" title=\"Update test_foo\">test#44</a></p>",
              "id": 4067,
              "user": {
                "fullname": "Pierre-YvesC",
                "name": "pingou"
              "date": "2016-02-24",
              "date_created": "1456305887",
              "description": "pingou commented on PR test#44",
              "description_mk": "<p>pingou commented on PR <a href=\"/test/pull-request/44\" title=\"Update test_foo\">test#44</a></p>",
              "id": 4112,
              "user": {
                "fullname": "Pierre-YvesC",
                "name": "pingou"

    """  # noqa
    grouped = is_true(flask.request.args.get("grouped"))
    tz = flask.request.args.get("tz", "UTC")

        date = arrow.get(date)
        date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    except arrow.parser.ParserError as err:
        raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(
            400, error_code=APIERROR.ENOCODE, error=str(err)

    user = _get_user(username=username)

    activities = pagure.lib.query.get_user_activity_day(
        flask.g.session, user, date, tz=tz
    js_act = []
    if grouped:
        commits = collections.defaultdict(list)
        acts = []
        for activity in activities:
            if activity.log_type == "committed":
        for project in commits:
            if len(commits[project]) == 1:
                tmp = dict(
                tmp = dict(
                        "@%s pushed %s commits to %s"
                        % (username, len(commits[project]), project)
        activities = acts

    for act in activities:
        activity = act.to_json(public=True)
        activity["description_mk"] = pagure.lib.query.text2markdown(

    jsonout = flask.jsonify(dict(activities=js_act, date=date))
    return jsonout

def api_view_user_requests_filed(username):
    List pull-requests filled by user
    Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of open pull requests a user has
    filed over the entire pagure instance.


        GET /api/0/user/<username>/requests/filed


        GET /api/0/user/dudemcpants/requests/filed


    | Key           | Type     | Optionality  | Description                |
    | ``username``  | string   | Mandatory    | | The username of the user |
    |               |          |              |   whose activity you are   |
    |               |          |              |   interested in.           |
    | ``status``    | string   | Optional     | | Filter the status of     |
    |               |          |              |   pull requests. Default:  |
    |               |          |              |   ``Open`` (open pull      |
    |               |          |              |   requests), can be        |
    |               |          |              |   ``Closed`` for closed    |
    |               |          |              |   requests, ``Merged``     |
    |               |          |              |   for merged requests, or  |
    |               |          |              |   ``Open`` for open        |
    |               |          |              |   requests.                |
    |               |          |              |   ``All`` returns closed,  |
    |               |          |              |   merged and open requests.|
    | ``page``      | integer  | Mandatory    | | The page requested.      |
    |               |          |              |   Defaults to 1.           |
    | ``per_page``  | int      | Optional     | | The number of items  to  |
    |               |          |              |   return per page.         |
    |               |          |              |   The maximum is 100.      |

    Sample response


          "args": {
            "status": "open",
            "username": "dudemcpants",
            "page": 1,
          "pagination": {
            "first": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/dudemcpants/requests/filed?per_page=1&page=1",
            "last": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/dudemcpants/requests/filed?per_page=1&page=61",
            "next": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/dudemcpants/requests/filed?per_page=1&page=2",
            "page": 1,
            "pages": 61,
            "per_page": 1,
            "prev": null
          "requests": [
              "assignee": null,
              "branch": "master",
              "branch_from": "master",
              "closed_at": null,
              "closed_by": null,
              "comments": [],
              "commit_start": "3973fae98fc485783ca14f5c3612d85832185065",
              "commit_stop": "3973fae98fc485783ca14f5c3612d85832185065",
              "date_created": "1510227832",
              "id": 2,
              "initial_comment": null,
              "last_updated": "1510227833",
              "project": {
                  "access_groups": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "ticket": []
                  "access_users": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "owner": [
                    "ticket": []
                  "close_status": [],
                  "custom_keys": [],
                  "date_created": "1510227638",
                  "date_modified": "1510227638",
                  "description": "this is a quick project",
                  "fullname": "aquickproject",
                  "id": 1,
                  "milestones": {},
                  "name": "aquickproject",
                  "namespace": null,
                  "parent": null,
                  "priorities": {},
                  "tags": [],
                  "url_path": "aquickproject",
                  "user": {
                    "fullname": "ryanlerch",
                    "name": "ryanlerch"
              "remote_git": null,
              "repo_from": {
                  "access_groups": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "ticket": []
                  "access_users": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "owner": [
                    "ticket": []
                  "close_status": [],
                  "custom_keys": [],
                  "date_created": "1510227729",
                  "date_modified": "1510227729",
                  "description": "this is a quick project",
                  "fullname": "forks/dudemcpants/aquickproject",
                  "id": 2,
                  "milestones": {},
                  "name": "aquickproject",
                  "namespace": null,
                  "parent": {
                    "access_groups": {
                      "admin": [],
                      "commit": [],
                      "ticket": []
                    "access_users": {
                      "admin": [],
                      "commit": [],
                      "owner": [
                      "ticket": []
                    "close_status": [],
                    "custom_keys": [],
                    "date_created": "1510227638",
                    "date_modified": "1510227638",
                    "description": "this is a quick project",
                    "fullname": "aquickproject",
                    "id": 1,
                    "milestones": {},
                    "name": "aquickproject",
                    "namespace": null,
                    "parent": null,
                    "priorities": {},
                    "tags": [],
                    "url_path": "aquickproject",
                    "user": {
                        "fullname": "ryanlerch",
                        "name": "ryanlerch"
                  "priorities": {},
                  "tags": [],
                  "url_path": "fork/dudemcpants/aquickproject",
                  "user": {
                    "fullname": "Dude McPants",
                    "name": "dudemcpants"
              "status": "Open",
              "title": "Update",
              "uid": "819e0b1c449e414fa291c914f28d73ec",
              "updated_on": "1510227832",
              "user": {
                "fullname": "Dude McPants",
                "name": "dudemcpants"
          "total_requests": 1

    """  # noqa
    status = flask.request.args.get("status", "open")

    page = get_page()
    per_page = get_per_page()
    offset = (page - 1) * per_page
    limit = per_page

    orig_status = status
    if status.lower() == "all":
        status = None
        status = status.capitalize()

    pullrequests_cnt = pagure.lib.query.get_pull_request_of_user(
    pagination = pagure.lib.query.get_pagination_metadata(
        flask.request, page, per_page, pullrequests_cnt

    pullrequests = pagure.lib.query.get_pull_request_of_user(

    pullrequestslist = [
        pr.to_json(public=True, api=True) for pr in pullrequests

    return flask.jsonify(
            "total_requests": len(pullrequestslist),
            "requests": pullrequestslist,
            "args": {
                "username": username,
                "status": orig_status,
                "page": page,
            "pagination": pagination,

def api_view_user_requests_actionable(username):
    List PRs actionable by user

    Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of open pull requests a user is
    able to action (e.g. merge) over the entire pagure instance.


        GET /api/0/user/<username>/requests/actionable


        GET /api/0/user/dudemcpants/requests/actionable


    | Key           | Type     | Optionality  | Description                |
    | ``username``  | string   | Mandatory    | | The username of the user |
    |               |          |              |   whose activity you are   |
    |               |          |              |   interested in.           |
    | ``page``      | integer  | Mandatory    | | The page requested.      |
    |               |          |              |   Defaults to 1.           |
    | ``status``    | string   | Optional     | | Filter the status of     |
    |               |          |              |   pull requests. Default:  |
    |               |          |              |   ``Open`` (open pull      |
    |               |          |              |   requests), can be        |
    |               |          |              |   ``Closed`` for closed    |
    |               |          |              |   requests, ``Merged``     |
    |               |          |              |   for merged requests, or  |
    |               |          |              |   ``Open`` for open        |
    |               |          |              |   requests.                |
    |               |          |              |   ``All`` returns closed,  |
    |               |          |              |   merged and open requests.|

    Sample response


          "args": {
            "status": "open",
            "username": "ryanlerch",
            "page": 1,
          "pagination": {
            "first": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/ryanlerch/requests/actionable?per_page=1&page=1",
            "last": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/ryanlerch/requests/actionable?per_page=1&page=61",
            "next": "http://localhost:5000/api/0/user/ryanlerch/requests/actionable?per_page=1&page=2",
            "page": 1,
            "pages": 61,
            "per_page": 1,
            "prev": null
          "requests": [
              "assignee": null,
              "branch": "master",
              "branch_from": "master",
              "closed_at": null,
              "closed_by": null,
              "comments": [],
              "commit_start": "3973fae98fc485783ca14f5c3612d85832185065",
              "commit_stop": "3973fae98fc485783ca14f5c3612d85832185065",
              "date_created": "1510227832",
              "id": 2,
              "initial_comment": null,
              "last_updated": "1510227833",
              "project": {
                  "access_groups": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "ticket": []
                  "access_users": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "owner": [
                    "ticket": []
                  "close_status": [],
                  "custom_keys": [],
                  "date_created": "1510227638",
                  "date_modified": "1510227638",
                  "description": "this is a quick project",
                  "fullname": "aquickproject",
                  "id": 1,
                  "milestones": {},
                  "name": "aquickproject",
                  "namespace": null,
                  "parent": null,
                  "priorities": {},
                  "tags": [],
                  "url_path": "aquickproject",
                  "user": {
                    "fullname": "ryanlerch",
                    "name": "ryanlerch"
              "remote_git": null,
              "repo_from": {
                  "access_groups": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "ticket": []
                  "access_users": {
                    "admin": [],
                    "commit": [],
                    "owner": [
                    "ticket": []
                  "close_status": [],
                  "custom_keys": [],
                  "date_created": "1510227729",
                  "date_modified": "1510227729",
                  "description": "this is a quick project",
                  "fullname": "forks/dudemcpants/aquickproject",
                  "id": 2,
                  "milestones": {},
                  "name": "aquickproject",
                  "namespace": null,
                  "parent": {
                    "access_groups": {
                      "admin": [],
                      "commit": [],
                      "ticket": []
                    "access_users": {
                      "admin": [],
                      "commit": [],
                      "owner": [
                      "ticket": []
                    "close_status": [],
                    "custom_keys": [],
                    "date_created": "1510227638",
                    "date_modified": "1510227638",
                    "description": "this is a quick project",
                    "fullname": "aquickproject",
                    "id": 1,
                    "milestones": {},
                    "name": "aquickproject",
                    "namespace": null,
                    "parent": null,
                    "priorities": {},
                    "tags": [],
                    "url_path": "aquickproject",
                    "user": {
                      "fullname": "ryanlerch",
                      "name": "ryanlerch"
                  "priorities": {},
                  "tags": [],
                  "url_path": "fork/dudemcpants/aquickproject",
                  "user": {
                    "fullname": "Dude McPants",
                    "name": "dudemcpants"
              "status": "Open",
              "title": "Update",
              "uid": "819e0b1c449e414fa291c914f28d73ec",
              "updated_on": "1510227832",
              "user": {
                "fullname": "Dude McPants",
                "name": "dudemcpants"
          "total_requests": 1

    """  # noqa
    status = flask.request.args.get("status", "open")

    page = get_page()
    per_page = get_per_page()
    offset = (page - 1) * per_page
    limit = per_page

    orig_status = status
    if status.lower() == "all":
        status = None
        status = status.capitalize()

    pullrequests_cnt = pagure.lib.query.get_pull_request_of_user(
    pagination = pagure.lib.query.get_pagination_metadata(
        flask.request, page, per_page, pullrequests_cnt

    pullrequests = pagure.lib.query.get_pull_request_of_user(

    pullrequestslist = [
        pr.to_json(public=True, api=True) for pr in pullrequests

    return flask.jsonify(
            "total_requests": len(pullrequestslist),
            "requests": pullrequestslist,
            "args": {
                "username": username,
                "status": orig_status,
                "page": page,
            "pagination": pagination,