Blob Blame Raw
{% extends "userdash_master.html" %}

{% block title %}Home{% endblock %}
{% set tag = "projects" %}
{% from "_browseheader.html" import browse_header %}
{% from "_render_repo.html" import pagination_link %}
{% from "_projectstring.html" import projectstring, projecticon %}

{% from "_render_repo.html" import render_repos_as_card %}

{% block userdash %}
<div class="pt-4">
  <div class="container pb-5">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col">
        <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-3">
          <h4 class="font-weight-bold mb-0">My {{projectstring(plural=True)}}</h4>
          <span class="btn btn-outline-secondary disabled opacity-100 border-0 ml-auto font-weight-bold">{{ userdash_counts['repos_length'] }} {{projectstring(plural=True)}}</span>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col">

        <div class="list-group">

        <div class="list-group-item bg-light">
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col">
                  <span class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary border-0 font-weight-bold">
                      <span class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-circle"></span> {{filtered_repos_count}} {{projectstring(plural=True)}}

                <div class="btn-group">
                  <button class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary border-0 dropdown-toggle" data-flip="false" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
                    <span class="font-weight-bold">Filter</span>

                    {% if tags %}
                      <i class="fa fa-tag pl-2 pr-1" title="tagged"></i>
                        {% for tag in tags %}
                        <span>{{ tag }}</span>
                          {% if not loop.last %}
                          {% endif %}
                        {% endfor%}
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if milestones %}
                        <i class="fa fa-map-signs pl-2 pr-1" title="milestone"></i>
                        <span>{{ milestones[0] }}</span>
                    {% elif no_milestones %}
                        <i class="fa fa-map-signs pl-2 pr-1" title="milestone"></i>
                        <span>No Milestone</span>
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if acl %}
                        <i class="fa fa-user-secret pl-2 pr-1" title="acl"></i>
                        <span>{{ acl if acl != 'main admin' else 'maintainer' }}</span>
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if author %}
                        <i class="fa fa-user pl-2 pr-1" title="reported by"></i>
                          {{ author }}
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if assignee %}
                        <i class="fa fa-user-plus pl-2 pr-1" title="assigned to"></i>
                          {{ assignee }}
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if search_pattern %}
                        <i class="fa fa-search pl-2 pr-1" title="tagged"></i>
                        <span>{{ search_pattern }}</span>
                    {% endif %}

                  <div class="dropdown-menu p-4" style="min-width:400px" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" id="filters-dropdown">
                      <form id="filters_form" action="{{ url_for('ui_ns.userdash_projects') }}" method="GET">

                        <div class="form-group row mb-1" id="acls-filter-group">
                          <label for="acls" class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0"><i class="text-muted fa fa-fw fa-user-secret"></i></label>
                          <div class="col pl-1">
                            <select name="acl" id="acls-selectize" placeholder="ACLs">
                              <option value=""></option>
                              <option value="main admin" {% if acl == "main admin" %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Maintainer</option>
                              <option value="admin" {% if acl == "admin" %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Admin</option>
                              <option value="commit" {% if acl == "commit" %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Commit</option>
                              <option value="ticket" {% if acl == "ticket" %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Ticket</option>
                          <div class="col-auto pl-0 pr-1 pt-1">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw text-muted" id="acls-selectize-reset"></i>

                        <div class="form-group row mb-2">
                          <label for="search_pattern" class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0"><i class="text-muted fa fa-fw fa-search"></i></label>
                          <div class="col pl-1">
                            <input type="text" class="form-control"
                                    name="search_pattern" placeholder="Search"
                                    value="{{ search_pattern or '' }}" />
                          <div class="col-auto pl-0 pr-1 pt-1">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw text-muted" id="search_pattern-selectize-reset"></i>
                        <div class="form-group row mb-1" id="milestone-filter-group">
                          <label for="milestone" class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0"><i class="text-muted fa fa-fw fa-map-signs"></i></label>
                          <div class="col pl-1">
                            <select name="milestone" id="milestone-selectize" placeholder="Milestone">
                              <option value=""></option>
                              <option value="none" {% if no_milestones %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Milestone unset</option>
                              {% for stone in repo.milestones %}
                                {% if loop.first %}
                                  <optgroup label="Active">
                                {% endif %}
                                {% if repo.milestones[stone]['active']%}
                                <option value="{{ stone }}" {% if milestones[0] == stone %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{stone}}</option>
                                {% endif %}
                                {% if loop.last %}
                                {% endif %}
                              {% endfor %}
                              {% for stone in repo.milestones %}
                                {% if loop.first %}
                                  <optgroup label="Inactive">
                                {% endif %}
                                {% if not repo.milestones[stone]['active']%}
                                <option value="{{ stone }}" {% if milestones[0] == stone %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{stone}}</option>
                                {% endif %}
                                {% if loop.last %}
                                {% endif %}
                              {% endfor %}
                          <div class="col-auto pl-0 pr-1 pt-1">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw text-muted" id="milestone-selectize-reset"></i>

                        <div class="form-group row mb-1" id="priority-filter-group">
                          <label for="priority" class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0"><i class="text-muted fa fa-fw fa-bolt"></i></label>
                          <div class="col pl-1">
                            <select name="priority" id="priority-selectize" placeholder="Priority">
                            {% for p in repo.priorities | sort %}
                              <option value="{{ p }}" {% if p | int == priority | int %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{repo.priorities[p | string]}}</option>
                            {% endfor %}
                          <div class="col-auto pl-0 pr-1 pt-1">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw text-muted" id="priority-selectize-reset"></i>

                        <div class="form-group row mb-1" id="assignee-filter-group">
                          <label for="assignee" class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0"><i class="text-muted fa fa-fw fa-user-plus"></i></label>
                          <div class="col pl-1">
                            <select name="assignee" id="assignee-selectize" placeholder="Assignee">
                              {% if assignee %}
                              <option value="{{assignee}}" selected="selected">{{assignee}}</option>
                              {% endif %}
                          <div class="col-auto pl-0 pr-1 pt-1">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw text-muted" id="assignee-selectize-reset"></i>

                        <div class="form-group row mb-1" id="author-filter-group">
                          <label for="author" class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0"><i class="text-muted fa fa-fw fa-user"></i></label>
                          <div class="col pl-1">
                            <select name="author" id="author-selectize" placeholder="Submitted by">
                              {% if author %}
                              <option value="{{author}}" selected="selected">{{author}}</option>
                              {% endif %}
                          <div class="col-auto pl-0 pr-1 pt-1">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw text-muted" id="author-selectize-reset"></i>
                        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-block btn-primary" value="Apply Filters" />

                        <a href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.userdash_projects') }}" class="btn btn-link btn-block">Reset Filters</a>


          {% if repo_list %}
            {% for r in repo_list %}
              {% set repo = r["repo"]%}
              <div class="list-group-item">
                <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
                  <div class="mr-auto">
                  {% if repo.avatar_email %}
                    <img src="{{ repo.avatar_email | avatar_url }}" width=20 height=20 />&nbsp;
                  {% else %}
                    <span class="fa fa-fw {{projecticon()}} mr-1 text-semimuted"></span>
                  {% endif %}
                  <a href="{{url_for(
                    username=repo.user.username if repo.is_fork else None,
                    <strong>{{ repo.namespace + '/' if repo.namespace }}{{ }}</strong>
                  {% if repo.private %}
                    <span title="Private project" class="text-danger fa fa-fw fa-lock"></span>
                  {% endif %}
                    {% if r['grouplist']%}
                    <span class="btn btn-outline-secondary border-0 opacity-100 font-size-09 disabled font-weight-bold">
                        <span class="fa fa-users fa-fw"></span>
                      {% for group in r["grouplist"]%}
                        {{group["group_name"]}} ({{group["access"]}})
                      {% endfor %}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% if r["access"] %}
                    <span class="btn btn-outline-secondary border-0 opacity-100 font-size-09 disabled font-weight-bold">
                      <span class="fa fa-user-secret fa-fw"></span>{{r["access"] if r["access"] != "main admin" else "maintainer"}}
                    {% endif %}
                  {# <div class="btn-group mr-2">
                   {% for fork in repo.forks %}
                    {% if fork.user.user == g.fas_user.username %}
                    <a href="{{ url_for(
                      namespace=repo.namespace) }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary">

                    <i class="fa fa-code-fork fa-fw"></i>
                    {% endif %}
                  {% endfor %}
                  </div> #}
                    <div class="btn-group">

                  {% if config.get('ENABLE_TICKETS', True) and repo.settings.get('issue_tracker', True) %}
                      <a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary font-weight-bold" data-toggle="tooltip"
                        href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_issues',, namespace=repo.namespace) }}"
                        title="{{ repo.open_tickets_public }} open issues against {{}}">
                        <span class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-circle"></span>
                        {{- repo.open_tickets_public }}
                  {% endif %}

                    <a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary font-weight-bold" data-toggle="tooltip"
                      href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.request_pulls',
                      username=repo.user.username if repo.is_fork else None,
                      namespace=repo.namespace) }}"
                      title="{{repo.open_requests}} open pull requests in {{}}">
                      <span class="fa fa-fw fa-arrow-circle-down"></span>
                      {{- repo.open_requests}}

            {% endfor %}
            {% if total_repo_page > 1 %}
            {{ pagination_link('repopage', repopage, total_repo_page, forkpage=forkpage) }}
            {% endif %}

        {% else %}
          {% if userdash_counts['repos_length'] == 0 %}
          <div class="list-group-item">
            <div class="text-center">You have no {{projectstring(plural=True)}}</div>
            <div class="text-center mt-1">
              {% if config.get('ENABLE_NEW_PROJECTS', True) and
                  config.get('ENABLE_UI_NEW_PROJECTS', True) %}
              <a class="btn btn-success" href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.new_project') }}">
                <span class="fa fa-plus" data-toggle="tooltip"
                    title="Create New Project" aria-hidden="true">
                </span> Create a Project
              {% endif %}
          {% else %}
            <div class="list-group-item">
              <div class="text-center">No {{projectstring(plural=True)}} match this filter</div>
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block jscripts %}
    {{ super() }}
      $(document).ready(function() {
        var $acls_selectize = $('#acls-selectize').selectize({
    onInitialize: function(){
      $("#acls-filter-group .selectize-control").on('click', function(event){
      $("#filters-dropdown").on('click', function(event){

    var acls_selectize_control = $acls_selectize[0].selectize;

    $("#acls-selectize-reset").on('click', function(e){

    $("#search_pattern-selectize-reset").on('click', function(e){

  $( "#filters_form" ).submit(function( event ) {

    if ($('select[name="acl"]').val() == ''){
    $('select[name="acl"]').prop("disabled", true);

       if ($('input[name="search_pattern"]').val() == ''){
    $('input[name="search_pattern"]').prop("disabled", true);


{% endblock %}