Blob Blame Raw
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# The three lines below are required to run on EL6 as EL6 has
# two possible version of python-sqlalchemy and python-jinja2
# These lines make sure the application uses the correct version.
#import __main__
#__main__.__requires__ = ['SQLAlchemy >= 0.8', 'jinja2 >= 2.4']
#import pkg_resources

#import os
## Set the environment variable pointing to the configuration file
#os.environ['PAGURE_CONFIG'] = '/etc/pagure/pagure.cfg'

## Set the environment variable if the tmp folder needs to be moved
## Might be necessary to work around bug in libgit2:
## refs:
## and
#os.environ['TEMP'] = '/var/tmp/'

## The following is only needed if you did not install pagure
## as a python module (for example if you run it from a git clone).
#import sys
#sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/pagure/')

## The most import line to make the wsgi working
#from pagure import APP as application
#application.debug = True