# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(c) 2014-2016 - Copyright Red Hat Inc
Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
# pylint: disable=no-init
# pylint: disable=super-on-old-class
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import datetime
import re
import flask
import flask_wtf as wtf
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
except ImportError:
from flask_wtf import Form as FlaskForm
import six
import wtforms
import pagure.lib.query
import pagure.validators
from pagure.config import config as pagure_config
from pagure.utils import urlpattern, is_admin
STRICT_REGEX = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$"
# This regex is used when creating tags, there we do not want to allow ','
# as otherwise it breaks the UI.
TAGS_REGEX = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_ .:]+$"
# In the issue page tags are sent as a comma-separated list, so in order to
# allow having multiple tags in an issue, we need to allow ',' in them.
TAGS_REGEX_MULTI = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_, .:]+$"
FALSE_VALUES = ("false", "", False, "False", 0, "0")
WTF_VERSION = tuple()
if hasattr(wtf, "__version__"):
WTF_VERSION = tuple(int(v) for v in wtf.__version__.split("."))
class PagureForm(FlaskForm):
""" Local form allowing us to form set the time limit. """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
delta = pagure_config.get("WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT", 3600)
if delta and WTF_VERSION < (0, 10, 0):
self.TIME_LIMIT = datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
self.TIME_LIMIT = delta
if "csrf_enabled" in kwargs and kwargs["csrf_enabled"] is False:
kwargs["meta"] = {"csrf": False}
if WTF_VERSION >= (0, 14, 0):
super(PagureForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def convert_value(val):
""" Convert the provided values to strings when possible. """
if val:
if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, six.text_type)):
return val.decode("utf-8")
elif isinstance(val, six.string_types):
return val
class MultipleEmail(wtforms.validators.Email):
""" Split the value by comma and run them through the email validator
of wtforms.
def __call__(self, form, field):
message = field.gettext("One or more invalid email address.")
for data in field.data.split(","):
data = data.strip()
if not self.regex.match(data or ""):
raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(message)
def user_namespace_if_private(form, field):
""" Check if the data in the field is the same as in the password field.
if form.private.data:
field.data = flask.g.fas_user.username
def file_virus_validator(form, field):
""" Checks for virus in the file from flask request object,
raises wtf.ValidationError if virus is found else None. """
if not pagure_config["VIRUS_SCAN_ATTACHMENTS"]:
from pyclamd import ClamdUnixSocket
if (
field.name not in flask.request.files
or flask.request.files[field.name].filename == ""
# If no file was uploaded, this field is correct
uploaded = flask.request.files[field.name]
clam = ClamdUnixSocket()
if not clam.ping():
raise wtforms.ValidationError(
"Unable to communicate with virus scanner"
results = clam.scan_stream(uploaded.stream.read())
if results is None:
result = results.values()
res_type, res_msg = result
if res_type == "FOUND":
raise wtforms.ValidationError("Virus found: %s" % res_msg)
raise wtforms.ValidationError("Error scanning uploaded file")
def ssh_key_validator(form, field):
""" Form for ssh key validation """
if not pagure.lib.query.are_valid_ssh_keys(field.data):
raise wtforms.ValidationError("Invalid SSH keys")
class ProjectFormSimplified(PagureForm):
""" Form to edit the description of a project. """
description = wtforms.StringField(
'Description <span class="error">*</span>',
url = wtforms.StringField(
wtforms.validators.Regexp(urlpattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
avatar_email = wtforms.StringField(
"Avatar email",
pagure.validators.EmailValidator("avatar_email must be an email"),
tags = wtforms.StringField(
"Project tags",
[wtforms.validators.optional(), wtforms.validators.Length(max=255)],
private = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Private", [wtforms.validators.Optional()], false_values=FALSE_VALUES
class ProjectForm(ProjectFormSimplified):
""" Form to create or edit project. """
name = wtforms.StringField('Project name <span class="error">*</span>')
mirrored_from = wtforms.StringField(
"Mirror from URL",
wtforms.validators.Regexp(urlpattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
create_readme = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Create README",
namespace = wtforms.SelectField(
"Project Namespace",
[user_namespace_if_private, wtforms.validators.optional()],
ignore_existing_repos = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Ignore existing repositories",
repospanner_region = wtforms.SelectField(
"repoSpanner Region",
[("none", "Disabled")]
+ [
(region, region)
for region in pagure_config["REPOSPANNER_REGIONS"].keys()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(ProjectForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# set the name validator
regex = pagure_config.get(
"PROJECT_NAME_REGEX", "^[a-zA-z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9-_.+]*$"
self.name.validators = [
wtforms.validators.Regexp(regex, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
# Set the list of namespace
if "namespaces" in kwargs:
self.namespace.choices = [
(namespace, namespace) for namespace in kwargs["namespaces"]
if not pagure_config.get("USER_NAMESPACE", False):
self.namespace.choices.insert(0, ("", ""))
if not (
and pagure_config.get("ALLOW_ADMIN_IGNORE_EXISTING_REPOS")
) and (
not in pagure_config["USERS_IGNORE_EXISTING_REPOS"]
self.ignore_existing_repos = None
if not (
self.repospanner_region = None
class IssueFormSimplied(PagureForm):
""" Form to create or edit an issue. """
title = wtforms.StringField(
'Title<span class="error">*</span>',
issue_content = wtforms.TextAreaField(
'Content<span class="error">*</span>',
private = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Private", [wtforms.validators.optional()], false_values=FALSE_VALUES
milestone = wtforms.SelectField(
priority = wtforms.SelectField(
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(IssueFormSimplied, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.priority.choices = []
if "priorities" in kwargs:
for key in sorted(kwargs["priorities"]):
self.priority.choices.append((key, kwargs["priorities"][key]))
self.milestone.choices = []
if "milestones" in kwargs and kwargs["milestones"]:
for key in kwargs["milestones"]:
self.milestone.choices.append((key, key))
self.milestone.choices.insert(0, ("", ""))
class IssueForm(IssueFormSimplied):
""" Form to create or edit an issue. """
status = wtforms.SelectField(
"Status", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()], choices=[]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(IssueForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "status" in kwargs:
self.status.choices = [
(status, status) for status in kwargs["status"]
class RequestPullForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to create a pull request. """
title = wtforms.StringField(
'Title<span class="error">*</span>',
initial_comment = wtforms.TextAreaField(
"Initial Comment", [wtforms.validators.Optional()]
allow_rebase = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Allow rebasing",
class RemoteRequestPullForm(RequestPullForm):
""" Form to create a remote pull request. """
git_repo = wtforms.StringField(
'Git repo address<span class="error">*</span>',
wtforms.validators.Regexp(urlpattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
branch_from = wtforms.StringField(
'Git branch<span class="error">*</span>',
branch_to = wtforms.StringField(
'Git branch to merge in<span class="error">*</span>',
class DeleteIssueTagForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to remove a tag to from a project. """
tag = wtforms.StringField(
wtforms.validators.Regexp(TAGS_REGEX, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
class AddIssueTagForm(DeleteIssueTagForm):
""" Form to add a tag to a project. """
tag_description = wtforms.StringField(
"Tag Description", [wtforms.validators.Optional()]
tag_color = wtforms.StringField(
"Tag Color", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
class StatusForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add/change the status of an issue. """
status = wtforms.SelectField(
"Status", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()], choices=[]
close_status = wtforms.SelectField(
"Closed as", [wtforms.validators.Optional()], choices=[]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(StatusForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "status" in kwargs:
self.status.choices = [
(status, status) for status in kwargs["status"]
self.close_status.choices = []
if "close_status" in kwargs:
for key in sorted(kwargs["close_status"]):
self.close_status.choices.append((key, key))
self.close_status.choices.insert(0, ("", ""))
class MilestoneForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to change the milestone of an issue. """
milestone = wtforms.SelectField(
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(MilestoneForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.milestone.choices = []
if "milestones" in kwargs and kwargs["milestones"]:
for key in kwargs["milestones"]:
self.milestone.choices.append((key, key))
self.milestone.choices.insert(0, ("", ""))
class NewTokenForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a new token. """
description = wtforms.StringField(
"description", [wtforms.validators.Optional()]
acls = wtforms.SelectMultipleField(
"ACLs", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()], choices=[]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(NewTokenForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "acls" in kwargs:
self.acls.choices = [
(acl.name, acl.name) for acl in kwargs["acls"]
if "sacls" in kwargs:
self.acls.choices = [(acl, acl) for acl in kwargs["sacls"]]
class UpdateIssueForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a comment to an issue. """
tag = wtforms.StringField(
wtforms.validators.Regexp(TAGS_REGEX_MULTI, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
depending = wtforms.StringField(
"depending issue", [wtforms.validators.Optional()]
blocking = wtforms.StringField(
"blocking issue", [wtforms.validators.Optional()]
comment = wtforms.TextAreaField("Comment", [wtforms.validators.Optional()])
assignee = wtforms.TextAreaField(
"Assigned to", [wtforms.validators.Optional()]
status = wtforms.SelectField(
"Status", [wtforms.validators.Optional()], choices=[]
priority = wtforms.SelectField(
"Priority", [wtforms.validators.Optional()], choices=[]
milestone = wtforms.SelectField(
private = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Private", [wtforms.validators.optional()], false_values=FALSE_VALUES
close_status = wtforms.SelectField(
"Closed as",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(UpdateIssueForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "status" in kwargs:
self.status.choices = [
(status, status) for status in kwargs["status"]
self.priority.choices = []
if "priorities" in kwargs:
for key in sorted(kwargs["priorities"]):
self.priority.choices.append((key, kwargs["priorities"][key]))
self.milestone.choices = []
if "milestones" in kwargs and kwargs["milestones"]:
for key in kwargs["milestones"]:
self.milestone.choices.append((key, key))
self.milestone.choices.insert(0, ("", ""))
self.close_status.choices = []
if "close_status" in kwargs:
for key in sorted(kwargs["close_status"]):
self.close_status.choices.append((key, key))
self.close_status.choices.insert(0, ("", ""))
class AddPullRequestCommentForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a comment to a pull-request. """
commit = wtforms.HiddenField("commit identifier")
filename = wtforms.HiddenField("file changed")
row = wtforms.HiddenField("row")
requestid = wtforms.HiddenField("requestid")
tree_id = wtforms.HiddenField("treeid")
comment = wtforms.TextAreaField(
'Comment<span class="error">*</span>',
class AddPullRequestFlagFormV1(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a flag to a pull-request or commit. """
username = wtforms.StringField(
"Username", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
percent = wtforms.StringField(
"Percentage of completion", [wtforms.validators.optional()]
comment = wtforms.TextAreaField(
"Comment", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
url = wtforms.StringField(
wtforms.validators.Regexp(urlpattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
uid = wtforms.StringField("UID", [wtforms.validators.optional()])
class AddPullRequestFlagForm(AddPullRequestFlagFormV1):
""" Form to add a flag to a pull-request or commit. """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# we need to instantiate dynamically because the configuration
# values may change during tests and we want to always respect
# the currently set value
super(AddPullRequestFlagForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.status.choices = list(
status = wtforms.SelectField(
"status", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()], choices=[]
class AddSSHKeyForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a SSH key to a user. """
ssh_key = wtforms.StringField(
'SSH Key <span class="error">*</span>',
# TODO: Add an ssh key validator?
class AddDeployKeyForm(AddSSHKeyForm):
""" Form to add a deploy key to a project. """
pushaccess = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Push access",
class AddUserForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a user to a project. """
user = wtforms.StringField(
'Username <span class="error">*</span>',
access = wtforms.StringField(
'Access Level <span class="error">*</span>',
class AddUserToGroupForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a user to a pagure group. """
user = wtforms.StringField(
'Username <span class="error">*</span>',
class AssignIssueForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to assign an user to an issue. """
assignee = wtforms.StringField(
'Assignee <span class="error">*</span>',
class AddGroupForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to add a group to a project. """
group = wtforms.StringField(
'Group <span class="error">*</span>',
wtforms.validators.Regexp(STRICT_REGEX, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
access = wtforms.StringField(
'Access Level <span class="error">*</span>',
class ConfirmationForm(PagureForm):
""" Simple form used just for CSRF protection. """
class ModifyACLForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to change ACL of a user or a group to a project. """
user_type = wtforms.SelectField(
"User type",
choices=[("user", "User"), ("group", "Group")],
name = wtforms.StringField(
'User- or Groupname <span class="error">*</span>',
acl = wtforms.SelectField(
"ACL type",
("admin", "Admin"),
("ticket", "Ticket"),
("commit", "Commit"),
(None, None),
class UploadFileForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to upload a file. """
filestream = wtforms.FileField(
"File", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), file_virus_validator]
class UserEmailForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to edit the description of a project. """
email = wtforms.StringField("email", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(UserEmailForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "emails" in kwargs:
if kwargs["emails"]:
self.email.validators = [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
class ProjectCommentForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to represent project. """
objid = wtforms.StringField(
"Ticket/Request id", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
useremail = wtforms.StringField(
"Email", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
class CommentForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to upload a file. """
comment = wtforms.FileField(
"Comment", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired(), file_virus_validator]
class EditGroupForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to ask for a password change. """
display_name = wtforms.StringField(
"Group name to display",
description = wtforms.StringField(
class NewGroupForm(EditGroupForm):
""" Form to ask for a password change. """
group_name = wtforms.StringField(
'Group name <span class="error">*</span>',
wtforms.validators.Regexp(STRICT_REGEX, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
group_type = wtforms.SelectField(
"Group type", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()], choices=[]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(NewGroupForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "group_types" in kwargs:
self.group_type.choices = [
(grptype, grptype) for grptype in kwargs["group_types"]
class EditFileForm(PagureForm):
""" Form used to edit a file. """
content = wtforms.TextAreaField("content", [wtforms.validators.Optional()])
commit_title = wtforms.StringField(
"Title", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
commit_message = wtforms.TextAreaField(
"Commit message", [wtforms.validators.optional()]
email = wtforms.SelectField(
"Email", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()], choices=[]
branch = wtforms.StringField("Branch", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(EditFileForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "emails" in kwargs:
self.email.choices = [
(email.email, email.email) for email in kwargs["emails"]
class DefaultBranchForm(PagureForm):
"""Form to change the default branh for a repository"""
branches = wtforms.SelectField(
"default_branch", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()], choices=[]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(DefaultBranchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "branches" in kwargs:
self.branches.choices = [
(branch, branch) for branch in kwargs["branches"]
class DefaultPriorityForm(PagureForm):
"""Form to change the default priority for a repository"""
priority = wtforms.SelectField(
"default_priority", [wtforms.validators.optional()], choices=[]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Calls the default constructor with the normal argument but
uses the list of collection provided to fill the choices of the
drop-down list.
super(DefaultPriorityForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "priorities" in kwargs:
self.priority.choices = [
(priority, priority) for priority in kwargs["priorities"]
class EditCommentForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to verify that comment is not empty
update_comment = wtforms.TextAreaField(
'Comment<span class="error">*</span>',
class ForkRepoForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to fork a project in the API. """
repo = wtforms.StringField(
"The project name", [wtforms.validators.DataRequired()]
username = wtforms.StringField(
"User who forked the project", [wtforms.validators.optional()]
namespace = wtforms.StringField(
"The project namespace", [wtforms.validators.optional()]
class AddReportForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to verify that comment is not empty
report_name = wtforms.TextAreaField(
'Report name<span class="error">*</span>',
class PublicNotificationForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to verify that comment is not empty
issue_notifs = wtforms.TextAreaField(
'Public issue notification<span class="error">*</span>',
[wtforms.validators.optional(), MultipleEmail()],
pr_notifs = wtforms.TextAreaField(
'Public PR notification<span class="error">*</span>',
[wtforms.validators.optional(), MultipleEmail()],
class SubscribtionForm(PagureForm):
""" Form to subscribe to or unsubscribe from an issue or a PR. """
status = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Subscription status",
class MergePRForm(PagureForm):
delete_branch = wtforms.BooleanField(
"Delete branch after merging",
class TriggerCIPRForm(PagureForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# we need to instantiate dynamically because the configuration
# values may change during tests and we want to always respect
# the currently set value
super(TriggerCIPRForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
choices = []
trigger_ci = pagure_config["TRIGGER_CI"]
if isinstance(trigger_ci, dict):
# make sure to preserver compatibility with older configs
# which had TRIGGER_CI as a list
for comment, meta in trigger_ci.items():
if meta is not None:
choices.append((comment, comment))
self.comment.choices = choices
comment = wtforms.SelectField(
"comment", [wtforms.validators.Required()], choices=[]