{% extends "repo_master.html" %}
{% block title %}Docs - {{ repo.name }}{% endblock %}
{%block tag %}home{% endblock %}
{% block repo %}
{% if repo_obj and repo_obj.is_empty %}
<section class="repo_info">
<p>This repo is brand new!</p>
<p>If you already have a git repo:</p>
git remote add origin {{ config.get('GIT_URL') }}:docs/{{ repo.fullname }}.git
git push -u origin master
<p>If you have no create your git repo yet:</p>
git clone {{ config.get('GIT_URL') }}:docs/{{ repo.fullname }}.git
cd {{ repo.name }}
touch README.rst
git add README.rst
git commit -m "Add README file"
git push -u origin master
{% else %}
<a href="{{ url_for('view_docs', username=username,
repo=repo.name, branchname=branchname) }}">
{{ branchname }}</a>/{% if filename %}{%
for file in filename.split('/') %}
{% if loop.first %}
{% set path = file %}
{% else %}
{% set path = path + '/' + file %}
{% endif %}
{% if loop.index != loop.length %}<a href="{{
url_for('view_docs', username=username,
repo=repo.name, branchname=branchname, filename=path) }}"
>{{ file }}</a>/{% else %}{{ file }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if tree %}
<section class="tree_view">
{% for entry in tree %}
{% if entry.filemode == 16384 %}
[ ]
<a href="{{ url_for('view_docs', username=username,
repo=repo.name, branchname=branchname,
filename=filename + '/' + entry.name if filename and '/' in filename else entry.name) }}">
{% else %}
<a href="{{ url_for('view_docs', username=username,
repo=repo.name, branchname=branchname,
filename=filename.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' + entry.name if filename and '/' in filename else entry.name) }}">
{% endif %}
{{ entry.name }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if content %}
<section class="docs_content">
{% autoescape false %}
{{ content }}
{% endautoescape %}
{% endif %}
<section class="git_links">
git url: {{ config.get('GIT_URL') }}:{{ repo.fullname }}.git
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}