Blob Blame Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 (c) 2014-2016 - Copyright Red Hat Inc

   Pierre-Yves Chibon <>


import os

import flask
import sqlalchemy as sa
import wtforms
    from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
except ImportError:
    from flask_wtf import Form as FlaskForm
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref

from pagure.config import config as pagure_config
from pagure.hooks import BaseHook
from pagure.lib.model import BASE, Project

class PagureTicketsTable(BASE):
    """ Stores information about the pagure tickets hook deployed on a project.

    Table -- hook_pagure_tickets

    __tablename__ = 'hook_pagure_tickets'

    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    project_id = sa.Column(
            '', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),

    active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)

    project = relation(
        'Project', remote_side=[],
            'pagure_hook_tickets', cascade="delete, delete-orphan",
            single_parent=True, uselist=False)

class PagureTicketsForm(FlaskForm):
    ''' Form to configure the pagure hook. '''
    active = wtforms.BooleanField(

class PagureTicketHook(BaseHook):
    ''' Pagure ticket hook. '''

    name = 'Pagure tickets'
    description = 'Pagure specific hook to update tickets stored in the '\
        'database based on the information pushed in the tickets git '\
    form = PagureTicketsForm
    db_object = PagureTicketsTable
    backref = 'pagure_hook_tickets'
    form_fields = ['active']

    def set_up(cls, project):
        ''' Install the generic post-receive hook that allow us to call
        multiple post-receive hooks as set per plugin.
        repopath = os.path.join(pagure_config['TICKETS_FOLDER'], project.path)
        if not os.path.exists(repopath):
            flask.abort(404, 'No git repo found')

        hook_files = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'files')

        # Make sure the hooks folder exists
        hookfolder = os.path.join(repopath, 'hooks')
        if not os.path.exists(hookfolder):

        # Install the main post-receive file
        postreceive = os.path.join(hookfolder, 'post-receive')
        hook_file = os.path.join(hook_files, 'post-receive')
        if not os.path.exists(postreceive):
            os.symlink(hook_file, postreceive)

    def install(cls, project, dbobj):
        ''' Method called to install the hook for a project.

        :arg project: a ``pagure.model.Project`` object to which the hook
            should be installed

        repopaths = [os.path.join(
            pagure_config['TICKETS_FOLDER'], project.path)]

        cls.base_install(repopaths, dbobj, 'pagure-ticket',

    def remove(cls, project):
        ''' Method called to remove the hook of a project.

        :arg project: a ``pagure.model.Project`` object to which the hook
            should be installed

        repopaths = [os.path.join(
            pagure_config['TICKETS_FOLDER'], project.path)]

        cls.base_remove(repopaths, 'pagure-ticket')