Blob Blame Raw
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 (c) 2014 - Copyright Red Hat Inc

   Pierre-Yves Chibon <>


## These two lines are needed to run on EL6
__requires__ = ['SQLAlchemy >= 0.7', 'jinja2 >= 2.4']
import pkg_resources

__version__ = '0.1'

import logging
import os
from logging.handlers import SMTPHandler

import arrow
import flask
import pygit2
from flask_fas_openid import FAS
from functools import wraps
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

import progit.lib
import progit.doc_utils

# Create the application.
APP = flask.Flask(__name__)
APP.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True
APP.jinja_env.lstrip_blocks = True

# set up FAS

if 'PROGIT_CONFIG' in os.environ:

SESSION = progit.lib.create_session(APP.config['DB_URL'])

# Set up the logger
## Send emails for big exception
mail_handler = SMTPHandler(
    APP.config.get('SMTP_SERVER', ''),
    APP.config.get('MAIL_ADMIN', APP.config['EMAIL_ERROR']),
    'Fedocal error')
    Message type:       %(levelname)s
    Location:           %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d
    Module:             %(module)s
    Function:           %(funcName)s
    Time:               %(asctime)s


if not APP.debug:

## Send classic logs into syslog
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.setLevel(APP.config.get('log_level', 'INFO'))

LOG = APP.logger

def authenticated():
    return hasattr(flask.g, 'fas_user') and flask.g.fas_user

def is_admin():
    """ Return whether the user is admin for this application or not. """
    if not authenticated() \
            or not flask.g.fas_user.cla_done \
            or len(flask.g.fas_user.groups) < 1:
        return False

    admins = APP.config['ADMIN_GROUP']
    if isinstance(admins, basestring):
        admins = set([admins])
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        admins = set(admins)
    groups = set(flask.g.fas_user.groups)
    return not groups.isdisjoint(admins)

def cla_required(function):
    """ Flask decorator to retrict access to CLA signed user.
To use this decorator you need to have a function named 'auth_login'.
Without that function the redirect if the user is not logged in will not
    def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
        """ Decorated function, actually does the work. """
        if not authenticated():
            return flask.redirect(
                flask.url_for('auth_login', next=flask.request.url))
        elif not flask.g.fas_user.cla_done:
            flask.flash('You must sign the CLA (Contributor License '
                        'Agreement to use fedocal', 'errors')
            return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('.index'))
        return function(*args, **kwargs)
    return decorated_function

def inject_variables():
    """ With this decorator we can set some variables to all templates.
    user_admin = is_admin()

    return dict(

def lastcommit_date_filter(repo):
    """ Template filter returning the last commit date of the provided repo.
    if not repo.is_empty:
        commit = repo[]
        return arrow.get(commit.commit_time).humanize()

def rst2html(rst_string):
    """ Template filter transforming rst text into html
    return progit.doc_utils.convert_doc(rst_string)

@APP.route('/login/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def auth_login():
    """ Method to log into the application using FAS OpenID. """

    return_point = flask.url_for('index')
    if 'next' in flask.request.args:
        return_point = flask.request.args['next']

    if authenticated():
        return flask.redirect(return_point)

    return FAS.login(return_url=return_point)

def auth_logout():
    """ Method to log out from the application. """
    if not authenticated():
        return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('index'))
    flask.flash('You have been logged out')
    return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('index'))

def __get_file_in_tree(repo_obj, tree, filepath):
    ''' Retrieve the entry corresponding to the provided filename in a
    given tree.
    filename = filepath[0]
    if isinstance(tree, pygit2.Blob):
    for el in tree:
        if == filename:
            if len(filepath) == 1:
                return repo_obj[el.oid]
                return __get_file_in_tree(
                    repo_obj, repo_obj[el.oid], filepath[1:])

## Import the application

import progit.fork
import progit.urls