Blob Blame Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 (c) 2015-2016 - Copyright Red Hat Inc

   Pierre-Yves Chibon <>


from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sqlalchemy as sa
import wtforms
    from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
except ImportError:
    from flask_wtf import Form as FlaskForm
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref

from pagure.hooks import BaseHook
from pagure.lib.model import BASE, Project

class FedmsgTable(BASE):
    """ Stores information about the fedmsg hook deployed on a project.

    Table -- hook_fedmsg

    __tablename__ = 'hook_fedmsg'

    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    project_id = sa.Column(
            '', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),

    active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)

    project = relation(
        'Project', remote_side=[],
            'fedmsg_hook', cascade="delete, delete-orphan",
            single_parent=True, uselist=False)

class FedmsgForm(FlaskForm):
    ''' Form to configure the fedmsg hook. '''
    active = wtforms.BooleanField(

This hook pushes commit notification to the fedmsg bus to be consumed by other

It is different from the fedmsg setting present in the project options block
which publishes notifications about events happening in the project via
pagure's (web) user interface, for example: new tickets, new comments, new
pull-requests and so on.
This hook on the other only acts on commits.

class Fedmsg(BaseHook):
    ''' Fedmsg hooks. '''

    name = 'Fedmsg'
    description = DESCRIPTION
    form = FedmsgForm
    db_object = FedmsgTable
    backref = 'fedmsg_hook'
    form_fields = ['active']

    def install(cls, project, dbobj):
        ''' Method called to install the hook for a project.

        :arg project: a ``pagure.model.Project`` object to which the hook
            should be installed

        This no longer does anything as the code has now been merged into
        the default hook. So we still need this for people to opt in/out of
        sending fedmsg notifications on commit push, but other than that
        this plugin doesn't do much anymore.


    def remove(cls, project):
        ''' Method called to remove the hook of a project.

        :arg project: a ``pagure.model.Project`` object to which the hook
            should be installed

        This no longer does anything as the code has now been merged into
        the default hook. So we still need this for people to opt in/out of
        sending fedmsg notifications on commit push, but other than that
        this plugin doesn't do much anymore.
