Blob Blame Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 (c) 2016-2017 - Copyright Red Hat Inc

   Mark Reynolds <>


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from import Style
from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, Comment, String, Error, \
     Number, Operator, Generic, Whitespace, Punctuation, Other, Literal

class DiffStyle(Style):  # flake8: noqa  - Ignore this entire file
    """This style is based off of "tango", and has been updated to show the
    background color of changed lines so that trailing white spaces can be

    background_color = "#f8f8f8"
    default_style = ""

    styles = {
        # No corresponding class for the following:
        #Text:                     "", # class:  ''
        Whitespace:                "underline #f8f8f8",      # class: 'w'
        Error:                     "#a40000 border:#ef2929", # class: 'err'
        Other:                     "#000000",                # class 'x'

        Comment:                   "italic #8f5902", # class: 'c'
        Comment.Multiline:         "italic #8f5902", # class: 'cm'
        Comment.Preproc:           "italic #8f5902", # class: 'cp'
        Comment.Single:            "italic #8f5902", # class: 'c1'
        Comment.Special:           "italic #8f5902", # class: 'cs'

        Keyword:                   "bold #204a87",   # class: 'k'
        Keyword.Constant:          "bold #204a87",   # class: 'kc'
        Keyword.Declaration:       "bold #204a87",   # class: 'kd'
        Keyword.Namespace:         "bold #204a87",   # class: 'kn'
        Keyword.Pseudo:            "bold #204a87",   # class: 'kp'
        Keyword.Reserved:          "bold #204a87",   # class: 'kr'
        Keyword.Type:              "bold #204a87",   # class: 'kt'

        Operator:                  "bold #ce5c00",   # class: 'o'
        Operator.Word:             "bold #204a87",   # class: 'ow' - like keywords

        Punctuation:               "bold #000000",   # class: 'p'

        # Because special names such as Name.Class, Name.Function, etc.
        # are not recognized as such later in the parsing, we choose them
        # to look the same as ordinary variables.
        Name:                      "#000000",        # class: 'n'
        Name.Attribute:            "#c4a000",        # class: 'na' - to be revised
        Name.Builtin:              "#204a87",        # class: 'nb'
        Name.Builtin.Pseudo:       "#3465a4",        # class: 'bp'
        Name.Class:                "#000000",        # class: 'nc' - to be revised
        Name.Constant:             "#000000",        # class: 'no' - to be revised
        Name.Decorator:            "bold #5c35cc",   # class: 'nd' - to be revised
        Name.Entity:               "#ce5c00",        # class: 'ni'
        Name.Exception:            "bold #cc0000",   # class: 'ne'
        Name.Function:             "#000000",        # class: 'nf'
        Name.Property:             "#000000",        # class: 'py'
        Name.Label:                "#f57900",        # class: 'nl'
        Name.Namespace:            "#000000",        # class: 'nn' - to be revised
        Name.Other:                "#000000",        # class: 'nx'
        Name.Tag:                  "bold #204a87",   # class: 'nt' - like a keyword
        Name.Variable:             "#000000",        # class: 'nv' - to be revised
        Name.Variable.Class:       "#000000",        # class: 'vc' - to be revised
        Name.Variable.Global:      "#000000",        # class: 'vg' - to be revised
        Name.Variable.Instance:    "#000000",        # class: 'vi' - to be revised

        # since the tango light blue does not show up well in text, we choose
        # a pure blue instead.
        Number:                    "bold #0000cf",   # class: 'm'
        Number.Float:              "bold #0000cf",   # class: 'mf'
        Number.Hex:                "bold #0000cf",   # class: 'mh'
        Number.Integer:            "bold #0000cf",   # class: 'mi'
        Number.Integer.Long:       "bold #0000cf",   # class: 'il'
        Number.Oct:                "bold #0000cf",   # class: 'mo'

        Literal:                   "#000000",        # class: 'l'
        Literal.Date:              "#000000",        # class: 'ld'

        String:                    "#4e9a06",        # class: 's'
        String.Backtick:           "#4e9a06",        # class: 'sb'
        String.Char:               "#4e9a06",        # class: 'sc'
        String.Doc:                "italic #8f5902", # class: 'sd' - like a comment
        String.Double:             "#4e9a06",        # class: 's2'
        String.Escape:             "#4e9a06",        # class: 'se'
        String.Heredoc:            "#4e9a06",        # class: 'sh'
        String.Interpol:           "#4e9a06",        # class: 'si'
        String.Other:              "#4e9a06",        # class: 'sx'
        String.Regex:              "#4e9a06",        # class: 'sr'
        String.Single:             "#4e9a06",        # class: 's1'
        String.Symbol:             "#4e9a06",        # class: 'ss'

        Generic:                   "#000000",        # class: 'g'
        Generic.Deleted:           'bg:#ffdddd #a40000',  # trac bg color
        Generic.Inserted:          'bg:#ddffdd #00A000',  # trac bg color
        Generic.Emph:              "italic #000000", # class: 'ge'
        Generic.Error:             "#ef2929",        # class: 'gr'
        Generic.Heading:           "bold #000080",   # class: 'gh'
        Generic.Output:            "italic #000000", # class: 'go'
        Generic.Prompt:            "#8f5902",        # class: 'gp'
        Generic.Strong:            "bold #000000",   # class: 'gs'
        Generic.Subheading:        "bold #800080",   # class: 'gu'
        Generic.Traceback:         "bold #a40000",   # class: 'gt'