Blob Blame Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 (c) 2014-2015 - Copyright Red Hat Inc

   Pierre-Yves Chibon <>


import logging
import os

import flask
import pygit2

import pagure.doc_utils
import pagure.exceptions
import pagure.lib
import pagure.forms

# Create the application.
APP = flask.Flask(__name__)

# set up FAS

if 'PAGURE_CONFIG' in os.environ:

SESSION = pagure.lib.create_session(APP.config['DB_URL'])

if not APP.debug:
        smtp_server=APP.config.get('SMTP_SERVER', ''),
        mail_admin=APP.config.get('MAIL_ADMIN', APP.config['EMAIL_ERROR'])

# Send classic logs into syslog
SHANDLER = logging.StreamHandler()
SHANDLER.setLevel(APP.config.get('log_level', 'INFO'))

LOG = APP.logger

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
  <style type="text/css">
    ul {{
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

def __get_tree(repo_obj, tree, filepath, index=0, extended=False):
    ''' Retrieve the entry corresponding to the provided filename in a
    given tree.
    filename = filepath[index]
    if isinstance(tree, pygit2.Blob):  # pragma: no cover
        # If we were given a blob, then let's just return it
        return (tree, None, None)

    for element in tree:
        if == filename or \
                (not filename and'index')):
            # If we have a folder we must go one level deeper
            if element.filemode == 16384:
                if (index + 1) == len(filepath):
                return __get_tree(
                    repo_obj, repo_obj[element.oid], filepath,
                    index=index + 1, extended=True)
                return (element, tree, False)

    if filename == '':
        return (None, tree, extended)
        raise pagure.exceptions.FileNotFoundException(
            'File %s not found' % ('/'.join(filepath),))

def __get_tree_and_content(repo_obj, commit, path):
    ''' Return the tree and the content of the specified file. '''

    (blob_or_tree, tree_obj, extended) = __get_tree(
        repo_obj, commit.tree, path)

    if blob_or_tree is None:
        return (tree_obj, None, False, extended)

    if not repo_obj[blob_or_tree.oid]:
        # Not tested and no idea how to test it, but better safe than sorry
        flask.abort(404, 'File not found')

    if isinstance(blob_or_tree, pygit2.TreeEntry):  # Returned a file
        ext = os.path.splitext([1]
        blob_obj = repo_obj[blob_or_tree.oid]
        content, safe = pagure.doc_utils.convert_readme(, ext)

    tree = sorted(tree_obj, key=lambda x: x.filemode)
    return (tree, content, safe, extended)

def view_docs(repo, username=None, filename=None):
    """ Display the documentation

    repo = pagure.lib.get_project(SESSION, repo, user=username)

    if not repo:
        flask.abort(404, 'Project not found')

    if not repo.settings.get('project_documentation', True):
        flask.abort(404, 'This project has documentation disabled')

    reponame = os.path.join(APP.config['DOCS_FOLDER'], repo.path)
    if not os.path.exists(reponame):
        flask.abort(404, 'Documentation not found')

    repo_obj = pygit2.Repository(reponame)

    if not repo_obj.is_empty:
        commit = repo_obj[]
        flask.abort(404, 'No content found is the repository')
    branchname = 'master'

    content = None
    tree = None
    safe = False
    if not filename:
        path = ['']
        path = [it for it in filename.split('/') if it]

    if commit:
            (tree, content, safe, extended) = __get_tree_and_content(
                repo_obj, commit, path)
            if extended:
                filename += '/'
        except pagure.exceptions.FileNotFoundException as err:
            flask.flash(err.message, 'error')

    mimetype = None
    if not filename:
    elif filename.endswith('.css'):
        mimetype = 'text/css'
    elif filename.endswith('.js'):
        mimetype = 'application/javascript'

    if not content:
        if not tree or not len(tree):
            flask.abort(404, 'No content found is the repository')
        html = '<li>'
        for el in tree:
            name =
            # Append a trailing '/' to the folders
            if el.filemode == 16384:
                name += '/'
            html += '<ul><a href="{0}">{1}</a></ul>'.format(, name)
        html += '</li>'
        content = TMPL_HTML.format(content=html)

    return flask.Response(content, mimetype=mimetype)