Blob Blame Raw
#ifndef KEYBOARD_H
#define KEYBOARD_H
#include "graph.h"
#include "input.h"
// key flags
enum {
KF_HIGHLIGHT = 1 << 0, // key will be hightlighted
KF_HOLD = 1 << 1, // key will be hold until it will pressed again or non-hold key will pressed
KF_MOD = 1 << 2, // visible value depends on modifier state (using optValue field)
KF_LAYOUT = 1 << 3, // key to switch layout (using optValue field);
KF_MOVE = 1 << 4, // handle to move the window
KF_SIZE = 1 << 5, // key to resize the window
KF_CLOSE = 1 << 6, // key to close the window
// special layout indices
enum {
LI_PREV = -1, // switch to previous layout in the list
LI_NEXT = -2, // switch to next layout in the list
LI_REVERT = -3 }; // switch to previously used layout
struct Key;
struct Layout;
struct Keyboard;
typedef struct Key Key;
typedef struct Layout Layout;
typedef struct Keyboard Keyboard;
struct Key {
// keep these filds at the begining for easyest static initialization
int ox, oy, ow, oh;
unsigned int keySym;
unsigned int keySym2;
char label[K_LBL_SIZE];
char label2[K_LBL_SIZE];
unsigned int flags;
int optValue;
// these fields will be set while initialization
Layout *l;
int isLetter;
int isKeypad;
TextLayout tl;
TextLayout tl2;
// dynamic fields
int x, y, w, h;
int down;
int longDown;
int downKeycode;
int mx, my; // values for move and size buttons
Key *nextHeld, *prevHeld;
Key *orig, *clone;
struct Layout {
// keep these filds at the begining for easyest static initialization
Key *keys;
int keysCount;
int ow, oh;
// these fields will be set while initialization
Keyboard *kbd;
int hidden;
// dynamic fields
int w, h;
Key *downKey; // key that received the last mouse down event
struct Keyboard {
// keep these filds at the begining for easyest static initialization
Layout *layouts;
int layoutsCount;
int ow, oh;
// these fields will be set while initialization
App *app;
// dynamic fields
unsigned int lastModifiers;
Layout *current;
Layout *lastVisible;
Key *firstHeld;
int keyInit(Key *k, Layout *l);
void keyDeinit(Key *k);
void keyInvalidateRect(Key *k);
void keyDraw(Key *k, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
void keyDown(Key *k, int x, int y);
void keyMotion(Key *k, int x, int y);
void keyLongDown(Key *k);
void keyUp(Key *k, int force);
int layoutInit(Layout *l, Keyboard *kbd);
void layoutDeinit(Layout *l);
void layoutResize(Layout *l);
void layoutDraw(Layout *l, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
void layoutMouseDown(Layout *l, int x, int y);
void layoutMouseMotion(Layout *l, int x, int y);
void layoutMouseLongDown(Layout *l);
void layoutMouseUp(Layout *l);
int keyboardInit(Keyboard *kbd, App *app);
void keyboardDeinit(Keyboard *kbd);
void keyboardResize(Keyboard *kbd);
void keyboardUpdateModifiers(Keyboard *kbd);
void keyboardDraw(Keyboard *kbd, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
void keyboardMouseDown(Keyboard *kbd, int x, int y);
void keyboardMouseMotion(Keyboard *kbd, int x, int y);
void keyboardMouseLongDown(Keyboard *kbd);
void keyboardMouseUp(Keyboard *kbd);
void keyboardSwitchLayout(Keyboard *kbd, int index);
void keyboardRelaseHeld(Keyboard *kbd);