Blob Blame Raw

env = Environment(tools = ['default', 'textfile'])

name = 'helianthus'
description = 'Helianthus is a library to create small games'
version = '0.1.0'

# user options


opts = Variables(name + '.conf')
opts.Add(PathVariable('PREFIX', 'Directory to install under', '/usr/local', PathVariable.PathAccept))
opts.Save(name + '.conf', env)

# config

libs = ['gtk+-3.0', 'glib-2.0', 'cairo', 'SDL2_mixer']

# compute build options

flags = ' -lm -Wall -fmessage-length=0 '
if int(DEBUG):
	flags += ' -O0 -g '
	flags += ' -O3 '

# files lists

target = name

headers = [
	'world.h' ]

root_headers = [
	name + '.h' ]

sources = [
	'world.c' ]

# build

env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs ' + ' '.join(libs))

static_library = env.StaticLibrary(
	target = target,
	source = sources,
	parse_flags = flags )

shared_library = env.SharedLibrary(
	target = target,
	source = sources,
	parse_flags = flags,
	SHLIBVERSION = version )

# install

idir_prefix = '$PREFIX'
idir_lib    = '$PREFIX/lib'
idir_inc    = '$PREFIX/include'
env.Export('env idir_prefix idir_lib idir_inc')

pcdict = {
	'@prefix@'        : idir_prefix,
	'@exec_prefix@'   : '$${prefix}',
	'@libdir@'        : ('$${exec_prefix}/lib' if idir_lib == '$PREFIX/lib' else idir_lib),
	'@includedir@'    : ('$${prefix}/include' if idir_inc == '$PREFIX/include' else idir_inc) + '/' + name,
	'@NAME@'          : name,
	'@DESC@'          : description,
	'@VERSION@'       : version,
	'@DEPS@'          : ' '.join(libs),
	'@CONFIG_LIBS@'   : '-l' + name,
	'@CONFIG_CFLAGS@' : '',
pcfile = env.Substfile(name + '', SUBST_DICT = pcdict)

env.Install(idir_lib, [static_library, shared_library])
env.Install(idir_lib + '/pkgconfig', pcfile)
env.Install(idir_inc + '/' + name + '/' + name, headers)
env.Install(idir_inc + '/' + name, root_headers)
env.Alias('install', idir_prefix)