Kite |
8c766d |
// out: ../Default.qss
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// This is the default theme. All other themes derive from this.
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Include All
Kite |
8c766d |
@import 'main';
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Resource Location
Kite |
8c766d |
@img-url: 'imgs/white';
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@bg: #484848;
Kite |
521c84 |
@accent: darken(@bg, 11);
Kite |
521c84 |
@text-color: rgb(230, 230, 230);
Kite |
521c84 |
@text-color-disabled: fade(@text-color, 40);
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
@hl-bg-color: rgb(83, 133, 166);
Kite |
521c84 |
@hl-bg-color-disabled: darken(desaturate(@hl-bg-color, 15), 15);
Kite |
521c84 |
@hl-text-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
Kite |
521c84 |
@hl-bg-color-secondary: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.10);
Kite |
8c766d |
@hl-text-color-secondary: @text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@dock-bg-color: darken(@bg, 16);
Kite |
521c84 |
@dock-placeholder-color: #f55454;
Kite |
8c766d |
@dialogButtonFrame-bg-color: darken(@bg, 4);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@tooltip-bg-color: #292B2D;
Kite |
521c84 |
@tooltip-border-color: #CFD1D4;
Kite |
521c84 |
@tooltip-text-color: #CFD2D4;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@label-title: rgb(159, 218, 255);
Kite |
8c766d |
@label-error: rgb(255, 0, 0);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Tabs
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@tabbar-bg-color: darken(@bg, 6);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Tabs
Kite |
8c766d |
@tab-bg-color: @tabbar-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@tab-text-color: mix(@tab-bg-color, @text-color, 40);
Kite |
521c84 |
@tab-border-color: darken(@accent, 2);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@tab-bg-color-hover: lighten(@tab-bg-color, 5);
Kite |
521c84 |
@tab-border-color-hover: @tab-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
@tab-text-color-hover: @tab-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@tab-bg-color-selected: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
@tab-border-color-selected: @tab-bg-color-selected;
Kite |
521c84 |
@tab-text-color-selected: #fff;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Topbar & Workspaces
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Topbar
Kite |
8c766d |
@topbar-bg-color: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
@topbar-border-color: @accent;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Workspace Tabs
Kite |
8c766d |
@rooms-tab-bg-color: @tab-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@rooms-tab-text-color: @tab-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@rooms-tab-bg-color-hover: @tab-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
521c84 |
@rooms-tab-bg-color-selected: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@rooms-tab-text-color-selected: @hl-text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@rooms-tab-border-color-selected: @rooms-tab-bg-color-selected;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Menu
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@menu-text-color: @text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@menu-bg-color: @bg;
Kite |
8c766d |
@menu-border-color: @accent;
Kite |
8c766d |
@menu-separator-color: @menu-border-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@menu-item-bg-color-selected: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@menu-item-text-color-selected: @hl-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@menu-checkbox-text-color-selected: @text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@menu-icon-checked-bg-color: @toolbutton-bg-color-checked;
Kite |
521c84 |
@menu-icon-checked-border-color: @toolbutton-border-color-checked;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Scrollbars
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Container
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-bg-color: darken(@bg, 8);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Handle
Kite |
521c84 |
@scrollbar-handle-border-size: 0;
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-handle-radius: 4;
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-handle-margin: 3;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@scrollbar-handle-bg-color: lighten(@bg, 8);
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-handle-border-color: @scrollbar-handle-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-handle-bg-color-hover: lighten(@scrollbar-handle-bg-color, 8);
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-handle-border-color-hover: @scrollbar-handle-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-handle-bg-color-pressed: lighten(@scrollbar-handle-bg-color-hover, 8);
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollbar-handle-border-color-pressed: @scrollbar-handle-bg-color-pressed;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
521c84 |
// Palette Window
Kite |
521c84 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// All views (except list)
Kite |
521c84 |
@palette-SelectedBorderColor: rgb(255, 255, 255);
Kite |
521c84 |
@palette-NumpadShortcutBgColor: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
Kite |
521c84 |
@palette-NumpadShortcutBorderColor: rgb(141, 141, 141);
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// List view
Kite |
521c84 |
@palette-SeparatorColor: @accent;
Kite |
521c84 |
@palette-SelectedCellColor: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@palette-CurrentCellColor: fade(@hl-bg-color, 50);
Kite |
521c84 |
@palette-ListNumpadShortcutBorderColor: rgb(175, 175, 175);
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Button
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@button-bg-color: lighten(@bg, 11);
Kite |
521c84 |
@button-border-color: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
@button-border-width: 1;
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-text-color: lighten(@text-color, 5);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-bg-color-hover: lighten(@button-bg-color, 5);
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-border-color-hover: @button-border-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-text-color-hover: @button-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-bg-color-pressed: darken(@button-bg-color, 22);
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-border-color-pressed: darken(@button-bg-color-pressed, 2);
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-text-color-pressed: @button-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-bg-color-checked: darken(@button-bg-color-pressed, 0);
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-border-color-checked: darken(@button-bg-color-checked, 2);
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-text-color-checked: @button-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@button-bg-color-checked-hover: lighten(@button-bg-color-checked, 8);
Kite |
521c84 |
@button-border-color-checked-hover: darken(@button-bg-color-checked-hover, 5);
Kite |
521c84 |
@button-bg-color-checked-hover-pressed: darken(@button-bg-color-checked-hover, 5);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-bg-color-focus: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-border-color-focus: @button-dialog-border-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-text-color-focus: lighten(@button-text-color, 10);
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-bg-color-focus-hover: lighten(@button-bg-color-focus, 8);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-bg-color-disabled: lighten(@bg, 5);
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-border-color-disabled: @button-border-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@button-text-color-disabled: @text-color-disabled;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// For QDialogs
Kite |
521c84 |
@button-dialog-border-color: @dialogButtonFrame-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Scrollable Buttons
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollable-button-bg-color: @button-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollable-button-bg-color-hover: @button-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
@scrollable-button-bg-color-pressed: @button-bg-color-pressed;
Kite |
521c84 |
@scrollable-button-border-color: @button-border-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Tool Buttons
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Main
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-border-size: 1;
Kite |
521c84 |
@toolbutton-bg-color: transparent;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-border-color: @toolbutton-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-text-color: @button-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-bg-color-hover: @button-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-border-color-hover: @toolbutton-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-text-color-hover: @button-text-color-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-bg-color-pressed: @button-bg-color-pressed;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-border-color-pressed: @button-border-color-pressed;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-text-color-pressed: @button-text-color-pressed;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-bg-color-checked: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-border-color-checked: @toolbutton-bg-color-checked;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-text-color-checked: @hl-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-bg-color-checked-hover: lighten(@toolbutton-bg-color-checked, 8);
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-border-color-checked-hover: @toolbutton-bg-color-checked-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@toolbutton-bg-color-disabled: fade(@hl-bg-color, 40);
Kite |
521c84 |
@toolbutton-border-color-disabled: @toolbutton-bg-color-disabled;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Lock
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-lock-bg-color-checked: #C34040;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-lock-border-color-checked: @toolbutton-lock-bg-color-checked;
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-lock-bg-color-checked-hover: lighten(@toolbutton-lock-bg-color-checked, 15);
Kite |
8c766d |
@toolbutton-lock-border-color-checked-hover: @toolbutton-lock-bg-color-checked-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// ComboBox
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@combobox-dropdown-border-size: 0;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@combobox-dropdown-border-radius: 1;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@combobox-dropdown-border-color: @button-bg-color;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@combobox-dropdown-border-color-hover: @button-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// For :editable ComboBox with LineEdit
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@combobox-dropdown-bg-color-hover-editable: @button-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@combobox-dropdown-bg-color-disabled-editable: @button-bg-color-disabled;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Textfield
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-bg-color: darken(@bg, 10);
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-border-color: darken(@input-bg-color, 1);
Kite |
521c84 |
@input-border-radius: 2;
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-text-color: @text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-bg-color-focus: @input-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-border-color-focus: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-text-color-focus: @input-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-bg-color-disabled: mix(@input-bg-color, @bg, 50);
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-border-color-disabled: mix(@input-border-color, @bg, 50);
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-text-color-disabled: @text-color-disabled;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Text Selection
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-selection-text-color: @hl-text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@input-selection-bg-color: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// CheckBox
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@checkbox-size: 9;
Kite |
8c766d |
@checkbox-bg-color: @input-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@checkbox-border-color: @input-border-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@checkbox-border-radius: 2;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@checkbox-bg-color-hover: @checkbox-bg-color;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@checkbox-border-color-hover: lighten(@bg, 50);
Kite |
8c766d |
@checkbox-text-color-hover: lighten(@text-color, 25);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@checkbox-bg-color-checked: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@checkbox-border-color-checked: @checkbox-bg-color-checked;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@checkbox-bg-color-checked-hover: @checkbox-bg-color-checked;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@checkbox-border-color-checked-hover: @checkbox-border-color-hover;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
@checkbox-bg-color-disabled: @input-bg-color-disabled;
Kite |
8c766d |
@checkbox-border-color-disabled: @checkbox-bg-color-disabled;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@checkbox-bg-color-checked-disabled: lighten(@bg, 10);
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@checkbox-border-color-checked-disabled: @checkbox-bg-color-checked-disabled;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
521c84 |
@checkbox-img: 'checkmark.svg';
Kite |
521c84 |
@checkbox-img-disabled: 'checkmark_disabled.svg';
Kite |
521c84 |
@checkbox-partially-img: 'checkpartially.svg';
Kite |
521c84 |
@checkbox-partially-img-disabled: 'checkpartially_disabled.svg';
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// For RadioButton
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@radiobutton-img-unchecked: 'radiobutton_unchecked.svg';
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@radiobutton-img-unchecked-hover: 'radiobutton_unchecked_hover.svg';
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@radiobutton-img-unchecked-disabled: 'radiobutton_unchecked_disabled.svg';
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@radiobutton-img-checked: 'radiobutton_checked.svg';
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@radiobutton-img-checked-disabled: 'radiobutton_checked_disabled.svg';
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Slider
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Single
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-groove-img: 'slider-groove.svg';
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-groove-img-disabled: 'slider-groove_disabled.svg';
Kite |
8c766d |
andeon |
ed2678 |
@slider-handle-margin: -2 -1;
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-handle-width: 10;
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-handle-img: 'slider-handle.svg';
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-handle-img-disabled: 'slider-handle_disabled.svg';
andeon |
ed2678 |
andeon |
ed2678 |
@slider-v-handle-margin: -1 -2;
shun-iwasawa |
692990 |
@slider-v-handle-img: 'slider-v-handle.svg';
shun-iwasawa |
692990 |
@slider-v-handle-img-disabled: 'slider-v-handle_disabled.svg';
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// This one is used only for #ViewerFpsSlider
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-handle-bg-color: lighten(@bg, 35);
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-handle-border-color: @slider-handle-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// DoublePairField, IntPairField
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-groove-color: darken(@bg, 11);
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-left-handle: @slider-handle-img;
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-right-handle: @slider-handle-img;
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-left-handle-disabled: @slider-handle-img-disabled;
Kite |
8c766d |
@slider-right-handle-disabled: @slider-handle-img-disabled;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
521c84 |
// Titlebars
Kite |
521c84 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-bg-color: @tabbar-bg-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-text-color: lighten(@bg, 30);
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-text-color-active: #fff;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-active-border-pixmap: 'none';
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-border-width: 1px;
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-border-color: @accent;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Title pane icon colors
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-button-rollover-color: @button-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-button-pressed-color: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-button-freeze-color: @toolbutton-lock-bg-color-checked;
Kite |
521c84 |
@title-button-preview-color: #1baf7e;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// File Browser / Trees
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Filebrowser window color
Kite |
521c84 |
@filebrowser-bg-color: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Trees
Kite |
521c84 |
@tree-bg-color: darken(@bg, 10);
Kite |
521c84 |
@tree-bg-color-alt: lighten(@tree-bg-color, 3);
Kite |
521c84 |
@prefs-tree-bg-color: darken(@bg, 8);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// All Panes
Kite |
8c766d |
@browser-folder-text-color: @label-title;
Kite |
8c766d |
@browser-folder-text-color-selected: @hl-text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-selected-item-bg-color: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Left Pane
Kite |
8c766d |
@browser-listview-bg-color: @tree-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@browser-listview-bg-color-alt: @browser-listview-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Right Pane: Order Column
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-itemview-col-color: darken(@bg, 5);
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-itemview-col-color-sorted: @browser-itemview-col-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-itemview-col-text-color: @text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-itemview-col-border-color: @accent;
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-itemview-col-relief-color: @browser-itemview-col-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Right Pane: BG
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-itemview-bg-color: darken(@bg, 5);
Kite |
521c84 |
@browser-itemview-bg-color-alt: lighten(@browser-itemview-bg-color, 3);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Viewer Window
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// FlipSlider
Kite |
8c766d |
@flipmarker-img: 'flipmarker.svg';
Kite |
8c766d |
@flipslider-img: 'flipslider.svg';
Kite |
8c766d |
@flipslider-base-color: darken(@bg, 10);
Kite |
8c766d |
@flipslider-notstarted-color: rgba(205, 101, 101, 0.78);
Kite |
8c766d |
@flipslider-started-color: rgb(26, 188, 63);
Kite |
8c766d |
@flipslider-finished-color: @flipslider-base-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Ruler
Kite |
8c766d |
@viewer-ruler-bg-color: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
@viewer-ruler-scale-color: fade(@text-color, 70);
Kite |
8c766d |
@viewer-ruler-ToolOptionValues-color: darken(@bg, 50);
Kite |
521c84 |
@viewer-ruler-border-color: fade(@accent, 70);
Kite |
521c84 |
@viewer-ruler-handle-color: lighten(saturate(@hl-bg-color, 35), 15);
Kite |
521c84 |
@viewer-ruler-handle-drag-color: yellow;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// Progress Bar
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@progressbar-bg-color: darken(@bg, 10);
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@progressbar-border-color: @accent;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@progressbar-chunk-bg-color: rgb(21, 161, 54);
Kite |
b0dac2 |
@progressbar-chunk-border-color: @accent;
Kite |
b0dac2 |
Kite |
b0dac2 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// XSheet
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// XSheet Context Menus
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-menu-preview-color: #E6E678;
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-menu-lock-color: #F5F5F5;
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-menu-camstand-color: #FFA480;
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-menu-text-color: #000;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// XSheet Notes
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-notes-text-color: #000;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// XSheet Spreadsheet Viewer
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-text-color: @text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-error-text-color: rgb(255, 123, 123);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-bg-color: darken(@bg, 3);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-empty-bg-color: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-LightLine-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-MarkerLine-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-VerticalLine-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-VerticalLineHead-color: darken(@bg, 13);
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-PreviewFrameText-color: @label-title;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-CurrentRowBG-color: fade(@hl-bg-color, 70);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-OnionSkinAreaBG-color: darken(@bg, 6);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-EmptyColumnHead-color: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-ColumnHeadPastelizer-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-SelectedColumnHead-color: fade(tint(@cellHighlightTintColor, 80), 30);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-PlayRange-Color: @bg;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-LightBG-color: lighten(@bg, 65.8824);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-DarkBG-color: lighten(@bg, 60.0000);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-DarkLine-color: lighten(@bg, 30.5882);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-ColumnIconLine-color: @accent;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-CellArea-bg-color-focus: rgb(0, 0, 0);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-CellFocus-color: #000;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-FoldedColumnBG-color: lighten(@bg, 10);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-FoldedColumnLine-color: darken(@bg, 5);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Level Type Colors Adjustment
Kite |
521c84 |
@columnBorderDesaturation: 0;
Kite |
521c84 |
@columnBorderDarkness: 10;
Kite |
521c84 |
@cellHighlightLightness: -20;
Kite |
521c84 |
@cellHighlightDesaturation: 8;
Kite |
521c84 |
@cellHighlightTintColor: @hl-bg-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@cellHighlightTintAmount: 77;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-EmptyCell-color: @xsheet-OnionSkinAreaBG-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-NotEmptyColumn-color: darken(@bg, 3);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-SelectedEmptyCell-color: fade(mix(lighten(@xsheet-EmptyCell-color, 20), @cellHighlightTintColor, 80), 50);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-LevelColumn-color: #4C6E4C;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-VectorColumn-color: #7B7B4C;
Kite |
d70a4f |
@xsheet-ChildColumn-color: #6b4e69;
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-FullColorColumn-color: #657A96;
Kite |
d70a4f |
@xsheet-FxColumn-color: #5e5645;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-ReferenceColumn-color: lighten(@bg, 5);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-PaletteColumn-color: #42756e;
Kite |
d70a4f |
@xsheet-MeshColumn-color: #594d75;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-SoundTextColumn-color: #a7a7a7;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-SoundColumn-color: #578a8a;
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-SoundColumnHL-color: #34FE5E;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-SoundColumnTrack-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-SoundPreviewTool-color: darken(@xsheet-SoundColumnTrack-color, 20);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-ActiveCamera-color: #4073a3;
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-OtherCamera-color: #5e9aa3;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Orientation: XSheet
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-ColumnNameBg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-DragBarHighlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-PreviewButtonBgOn-color: rgba(200, 200, 100, 1);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-CamstandButtonBgOn-color: rgba(235, 144, 107, 1);
Kite |
521c84 |
@xsheet-LockButtonBgOn-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
Kite |
8c766d |
@xsheet-ConfigButtonBg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Orientation: Timeline
Kite |
521c84 |
@timeline-FrameRangeMarkerLine-color: lighten(@bg, 15);
Kite |
521c84 |
@timeline-IconLine-color: @xsheet-VerticalLine-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
521c84 |
// Schematic Viewer
Kite |
521c84 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Node Viewer
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-viewer-bg-color: darken(@bg, 5);
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-label-text-color: #a0e680;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Help Button
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-help-button-bg-color: transparent;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-help-button-bg-color-hover: @button-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Node Type Colors Adjustment
Kite |
521c84 |
@nodeLightness: 0;
Kite |
521c84 |
@nodeSaturation: 0;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-TableColor: #62628c;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-ActiveCameraColor: @xsheet-ActiveCamera-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-OtherCameraColor: @xsheet-OtherCamera-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-GroupColor: #3b6e9c;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-PegColor: #9f6e3c;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-SplineColor: #6a9d1c;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-ActiveOutputcolor: @xsheet-ActiveCamera-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-OtherOutputcolor: @xsheet-OtherCamera-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-XsheetColor: #62628c;
shun-iwasawa |
a8fd67 |
@schematic-PassThroughColor: #858585;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-NormalFxColor: #5b90a3;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-MacroFxColor: #815c79;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-ImageAdjustFxColor: #656287;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-LayerBlendingFxColor: #57958f;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-MatteFxColor: #ae7171;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Node Selected Color
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-SelectedBorderColor: rgb(255, 255, 255);
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// All Node Link Colors
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-LinkColor: rgb(223, 223, 223);
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-SelectedLinkColor: cyan;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Motion Path Link Colors
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-MotionPathLinkColor: #94ee1e;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-MotionPathSelectedLinkColor: yellow;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// For Column Based Schematic Nodes: Use the Xsheet viewer colors by default
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-text-color: @xsheet-text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-VerticalLine-color: @xsheet-VerticalLine-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-PreviewButtonBgOn-color: @xsheet-PreviewButtonBgOn-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-PreviewButtonBgOff-color: @xsheet-ReferenceColumn-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-CamstandButtonBgOn-color: @xsheet-CamstandButtonBgOn-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@schematic-CamstandButtonBgOff-color: @xsheet-ReferenceColumn-color;
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
521c84 |
// Keyframes
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-off-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-off-color-hover: @toolbutton-bg-color-hover;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-off-border-color: @keyframe-off-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-off-border-color-hover: @keyframe-off-color-hover;
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-total-color: #be7323;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-total-color-hover: lighten(@keyframe-total-color, 10);
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-total-border-color: @keyframe-total-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-total-border-color-hover: @keyframe-total-color-hover;
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-partial-color: @keyframe-total-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-partial-color-hover: @keyframe-total-color-hover;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-partial-border-color: @keyframe-partial-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-partial-border-color-hover: @keyframe-partial-color-hover;
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
Kite |
521c84 |
// FX Settings Panel Only
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-highlight-border-color: @keyframe-highlight-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-inbetween-color: #80795b;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-inbetween-border-color: @keyframe-inbetween-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-modified-color: rgb(190, 176, 98);
Kite |
521c84 |
@keyframe-modified-border-color: @keyframe-modified-color;
manongjohn |
d6e3cc |
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
// Function Editor
Kite |
8c766d |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Function Treeview
Kite |
8c766d |
@function-treeview-text-color: @text-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Function Curve Panel
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-panel-bg-color: @xsheet-NotEmptyColumn-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-panel-ValueLine-color: fade(@xsheet-LightLine-color, 10);
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-panel-FrameLine-color: fade(@xsheet-VerticalLine-color, 10);
Kite |
8c766d |
@function-panel-OtherCurves-color: lighten(@function-panel-bg-color, 30);
Kite |
8c766d |
@function-panel-RulerBG-color: darken(@function-panel-bg-color, 3);
Kite |
8c766d |
@function-panel-Text-color: @text-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-panel-Sub-color: @function-panel-bg-color;
Kite |
8c766d |
@function-panel-Selected-color: #FFA500;
Kite |
8c766d |
Kite |
8c766d |
// Function Spreadsheet Viewer
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-LightLightBG-color: @xsheet-OnionSkinAreaBG-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-SelectedSceneRangeEmpty-color: @xsheet-SelectedEmptyCell-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-ColumnHeaderBorder-color: darken(@bg, 13);
shun-iwasawa |
caf3c6 |
@function-ColumnHeaderBG-color: @xsheet-NotEmptyColumn-color;
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Keyframe Colors
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-KeyFrame-color: darken(desaturate(spin(@keyframe-total-color, 0.0000), 0.7570), 8.4314);
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-KeyFrameBorder-color: lighten(@function-KeyFrame-color, 20);
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-SelectedKeyFrame-color: mix(shade(@function-KeyFrame-color, -40), @cellHighlightTintColor, 60);
shun-iwasawa |
4a3868 |
@function-IgnoredKeyFrame-color: rgb(172,42,57);
shun-iwasawa |
4a3868 |
@function-SelectedIgnoredKeyFrame-color: mix(shade(@function-IgnoredKeyFrame-color, -40), @cellHighlightTintColor, 60);
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-Inbetween-color: darken(desaturate(spin(@keyframe-inbetween-color, 0.4423), 4.8071), 7.2549);
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-InbetweenBorder-color: lighten(@keyframe-inbetween-color, 20);
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-SelectedInbetween-color: mix(shade(@function-Inbetween-color, @cellHighlightLightness), @cellHighlightTintColor, @cellHighlightTintAmount);
shun-iwasawa |
4a3868 |
@function-IgnoredInbetween-color: rgb(138,105,94);
shun-iwasawa |
4a3868 |
@function-SelectedIgnoredInbetween-color: mix(shade(@function-IgnoredInbetween-color, @cellHighlightLightness), @cellHighlightTintColor, @cellHighlightTintAmount);
Kite |
521c84 |
Kite |
521c84 |
// Expression Field
Kite |
521c84 |
@function-ExpressionFieldBG-color: lighten(@bg, 61.9608);
Kite |
8c766d |
@function-ExpressionFieldBorder-color: darken(@bg, 8.2353);