Jaroslav 203cc8
#pragma once
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#undef DVAPI
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#undef DVVAR
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Jaroslav 203cc8
#include "tcommon.h"
Jaroslav 203cc8
#include "cellposition.h"
Jaroslav 203cc8
#include "toonz/cellpositionratio.h"
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#include <qpoint></qpoint>
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#include <qline></qline>
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#include <qrect></qrect>
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#include <qpainterpath></qpainterpath>
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#include <map></map>
Jaroslav 203cc8
#include <vector></vector>
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Jaroslav 203cc8
// Defines timeline direction: top to bottom;  left to right.
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// old (vertical timeline) = new (universal)    = old (kept)
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//                x        =   layer axis       =   column
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//                y        =   frame axis       =    row
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// A pair of numbers
Jaroslav 203cc8
class DVAPI NumberRange {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  int _from, _to;  // _from <= _to
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  NumberRange() : _from(0), _to(0) {}
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Jaroslav 203cc8
otakuto 158f9f
  NumberRange(int from, int to)
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      : _from(std::min(from, to)), _to(std::max(from, to)) {}
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  int from() const { return _from; }
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  int to() const { return _to; }
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  int length() const { return _to - _from; }
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  int middle() const { return (_to + _from) / 2; }
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  int weight(double toWeight) const;
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  double ratio(int at) const;
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  NumberRange adjusted(int addFrom, int addTo) const;
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Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
class ColumnFan;
Jaroslav 203cc8
class QPixmap;
Jaroslav 203cc8
class QPainterPath;
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//! lists predefined rectangle sizes and positions (relative to top left corner
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//! of a cell)
Jaroslav 203cc8
enum class PredefinedRect {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  CELL,                     //! size of a cell
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  CAMERA_CELL,              //! size of a cell of the camera column
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  DRAG_HANDLE_CORNER,       //! area for dragging a cell
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  KEY_ICON,                 //! position of key icon
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  CAMERA_KEY_ICON,          //! position of key icon in the camera column
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  CELL_NAME,                //! cell name box
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  CELL_NAME_WITH_KEYFRAME,  //! cell name box when keyframe is displayed
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  END_EXTENDER,             //! bottom / right extender
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  BEGIN_EXTENDER,           //! top / left extender
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  KEYFRAME_AREA,            //! part of cell dedicated to key frames
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  DRAG_AREA,                //! draggable side bar
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  CELL_MARK_AREA,           //! cell mark
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  SOUND_TRACK,              //! area dedicated to waveform display
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  PREVIEW_TRACK,            //! sound preview area
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  BEGIN_SOUND_EDIT,         //! top sound resize
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  END_SOUND_EDIT,           //! bottom sound resize
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  NOTE_AREA,                //! size of top left note controls
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  NOTE_ICON,                //! size of note icons that appear in cells area
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  FRAME_LABEL,              //! area for writing frame number
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  FOLDED_LAYER_HEADER,  //! size of layer header when it is folded
shun-iwasawa 52004d
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  PLAY_RANGE,       //! area for play range marker within frame header
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  ONION,            //! onion handle placement
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  ONION_DOT,        //! moveable dot placement
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  ONION_DOT_FIXED,  //! fixed dot placement
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  ONION_AREA,       //! area where mouse events will alter onion
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  PINNED_CENTER_KEY,   //! displays a small blue number
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  RENAME_COLUMN,       //! where column rename control appears after clicking
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  EYE_AREA,            //! clickable area larger than the eye, containing it
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  EYE,                 //! the eye itself
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  PREVIEW_LAYER_AREA,  //! clickable area larger than preview icon, containing
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                       //! it
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  LOCK_AREA,          //! clickable area larger than lock icon, containing it
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  LOCK,               //! the lock icon itself
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  CAMERA_LOCK_AREA,   //! lock area for the camera column
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  CAMERA_LOCK,        //! the lock icon for camera column
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  DRAG_LAYER,         //! draggable area in layer header
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  LAYER_NAME,         //! where to display column name. clicking will rename
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  CAMERA_LAYER_NAME,  //! where to display the camera column name
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  LAYER_NUMBER,       //! where to display column number.
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  VOLUME_TRACK,        //! area where track is displayed
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  VOLUME_AREA,         //! active area for volume control
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  LOOP_ICON,           //! area for repeat animation icon
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  CAMERA_LOOP_ICON,    //! area for repeat icon in the camera column
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  LAYER_HEADER_PANEL,  //! panel displaying headers for the layer rows in
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                       //! timeline mode
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  THUMBNAIL_AREA,      //! area for header thumbnails and other icons
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  THUMBNAIL,           //! the actual thumbnail, if there is one
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  CAMERA_ICON_AREA,    //! area for the camera column icon
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  CAMERA_ICON,         //! the actual camera column icon
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  PEGBAR_NAME,         //! where to display pegbar name
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  PARENT_HANDLE_NAME,  //! where to display parent handle number
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  FILTER_COLOR,        //! where to show layer's filter color
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  CONFIG_AREA,  //! clickable area larger than the config icon, containing it
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  CONFIG,       //! the config icon itself
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  CAMERA_CONFIG_AREA,        //! config area for the camera column
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  CAMERA_CONFIG,             //! the config icon for camera column
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  FRAME_MARKER_AREA,         //! Cell's frame indicator
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  CAMERA_FRAME_MARKER_AREA,  //! Cell's frame indicator for camera column
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  FRAME_INDICATOR,           //! Row # indicator
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Jaroslav 203cc8
enum class PredefinedLine {
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  LOCKED,              //! dotted vertical line when cell is locked
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  SEE_MARKER_THROUGH,  //! horizontal marker visible through drag handle
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  CONTINUE_LEVEL,      //! level with the same name represented by vertical line
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  CONTINUE_LEVEL_WITH_NAME,  //! adjusted when level name is on each marker
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  EXTENDER_LINE              //! see grid through extender handle
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Jaroslav 203cc8
enum class PredefinedDimension {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  LAYER,                 //! width of a layer column / height of layer row
Jaroslav 203cc8
  FRAME,                 //! height of frame row / width of frame column
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  INDEX,                 //! index of this orientation in the array of all
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  SOUND_AMPLITUDE,       //! amplitude of sound track, in pixels
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  FRAME_LABEL_ALIGN,     //! alignment flag for frame number
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  ONION_TURN,            //! onion handle turn in degrees
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  QBOXLAYOUT_DIRECTION,  //! direction of QBoxLayout
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  CENTER_ALIGN,          //! horizontal / vertical align
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  CAMERA_LAYER,          //! width of a camera column / height of camera row
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  SCALE_THRESHOLD        //! scale threshold to simplify the view
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Jaroslav 203cc8
enum class PredefinedPath {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  DRAG_HANDLE_CORNER,   //! triangle corner at drag sidebar
Jaroslav 203cc8
  BEGIN_EASE_TRIANGLE,  //! triangle marking beginning of ease range
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  END_EASE_TRIANGLE,    //! triangle marking end of ease range
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  BEGIN_PLAY_RANGE,     //! play range markers
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  VOLUME_SLIDER_TRACK,  //! slider track
manongjohn 1be264
  VOLUME_SLIDER_HEAD,   //! slider head
manongjohn a21b06
  TIME_INDICATOR_HEAD,  //! current time indicator head
manongjohn a21b06
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Jaroslav 203cc8
enum class PredefinedPoint {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  KEY_HIDDEN,  //! move extender handle that much if key icons are disabled
Jaroslav 203cc8
  EXTENDER_XY_RADIUS,        //! x and y radius for rounded rectangle
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  VOLUME_DIVISIONS_TOP_LEFT  //! where to draw volume slider
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
enum class PredefinedRange {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  HEADER_FRAME,  //! size of of column header height(v) / row header width(h)
Jaroslav 203cc8
  HEADER_LAYER,  //! size of row header width(v) / column header height(h)
Jaroslav 203cc8
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enum class PredefinedFlag {
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Jaroslav 203cc8
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// Knows everything about geometry of a particular orientation.
Jaroslav 203cc8
class DVAPI Orientation {
Jaroslav 203cc8
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  std::map<predefinedrect, qrect=""> _rects;</predefinedrect,>
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  std::map<predefinedline, qline=""> _lines;</predefinedline,>
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  std::map<predefineddimension, int=""> _dimensions;</predefineddimension,>
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  std::map<predefinedpath, qpainterpath=""> _paths;</predefinedpath,>
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  std::map<predefinedpoint, qpoint=""> _points;</predefinedpoint,>
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  std::map<predefinedrange, numberrange=""> _ranges;</predefinedrange,>
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  std::map<predefinedflag, bool=""> _flags;</predefinedflag,>
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  virtual CellPosition xyToPosition(const QPoint &xy,
shun-iwasawa 692990
                                    const ColumnFan *fan) const           = 0;
Jaroslav 203cc8
  virtual QPoint positionToXY(const CellPosition &position,
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                              const ColumnFan *fan) const                 = 0;
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  virtual CellPositionRatio xyToPositionRatio(const QPointF &xy) const    = 0;
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  virtual QPointF positionRatioToXY(const CellPositionRatio &ratio) const = 0;
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  virtual int colToLayerAxis(int layer, const ColumnFan *fan) const = 0;
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  virtual int rowToFrameAxis(int frame) const                       = 0;
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  virtual QPoint frameLayerToXY(int frameAxis, int layerAxis) const = 0;
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  QRect frameLayerRect(const NumberRange &frameAxis,
Jaroslav 203cc8
                       const NumberRange &layerAxis) const;
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  virtual NumberRange layerSide(const QRect &area) const = 0;
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  virtual NumberRange frameSide(const QRect &area) const = 0;
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  virtual int layerAxis(const QPoint &xy) const          = 0;
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  virtual int frameAxis(const QPoint &xy) const          = 0;
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  //! top right corner in vertical layout. bottom left in horizontal
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  virtual QPoint topRightCorner(const QRect &area) const = 0;
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  QRect foldedRectangle(int layerAxis, const NumberRange &frameAxis,
Jaroslav 203cc8
                        int i) const;
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  QLine foldedRectangleLine(int layerAxis, const NumberRange &frameAxis,
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                            int i) const;
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  virtual CellPosition arrowShift(int direction) const = 0;
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  //! line was vertical in vertical timeline. adjust accordingly
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  QLine verticalLine(int layerAxis, const NumberRange &frameAxis) const;
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  QLine horizontalLine(int frameAxis, const NumberRange &layerAxis) const;
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  virtual bool isVerticalTimeline() const = 0;
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  virtual bool flipVolume() const         = 0;
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  virtual QString name() const            = 0;
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  virtual QString caption() const         = 0;
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  virtual const Orientation *next() const = 0;
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  const QRect &rect(PredefinedRect which) const { return _rects.at(which); }
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  const QLine &line(PredefinedLine which) const { return _lines.at(which); }
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  int dimension(PredefinedDimension which) const {
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    return _dimensions.at(which);
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  const QPainterPath &path(PredefinedPath which) const {
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    return _paths.at(which);
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  const QPoint &point(PredefinedPoint which) const { return _points.at(which); }
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  const NumberRange &range(PredefinedRange which) const {
Jaroslav 203cc8
    return _ranges.at(which);
Jaroslav 203cc8
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  const bool &flag(PredefinedFlag which) const { return _flags.at(which); }
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  virtual int cellWidth() const      = 0;
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  virtual int cellHeight() const     = 0;
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  virtual int foldedCellSize() const = 0;
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  virtual ~Orientation() {}
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  void addRect(PredefinedRect which, const QRect &rect);
Jaroslav 203cc8
  void addLine(PredefinedLine which, const QLine &line);
Jaroslav 203cc8
  void addDimension(PredefinedDimension which, int dimension);
Jaroslav 203cc8
  void addPath(PredefinedPath which, const QPainterPath &path);
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  void addPoint(PredefinedPoint which, const QPoint &point);
Jaroslav 203cc8
  void addRange(PredefinedRange which, const NumberRange &range);
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  void addFlag(PredefinedFlag which, const bool &flag);
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Jaroslav 203cc8
// Enumerates all orientations available in the system as global const objects.
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class DVAPI Orientations {
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  const Orientation *_topToBottom, *_leftToRight;
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  std::vector<const *="" orientation=""> _all;</const>
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Jaroslav 203cc8
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  static const Orientations &instance();
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  static const int COUNT = 2;
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  static const Orientation *topToBottom();
Jaroslav 203cc8
  static const Orientation *leftToRight();
Jaroslav 203cc8
otakuto 158f9f
  static const std::vector<const *="" orientation=""> &all();</const>
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Jaroslav 203cc8
  static const Orientation *byName(const QString &name);
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