Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once

#ifndef IKNODE_H
#define IKNODE_H

#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "tgeometry.h"

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR

class DVAPI IKNode {
  enum Purpose { JOINT, EFFECTOR };

  IKNode() : m_parent(0), m_pos() {
    r = TPointD(0.0, 1.0);  // r will be updated when the node is added
                            // in the skeleton
    theta    = 0.0;
    m_parent = 0;

  void setParent(IKNode *parent) { m_parent = parent; }
  void setRealParent(IKNode *realParent) { m_parent = realParent; }

  void setTheta(double newTheta) { theta = newTheta; }
  void setTheta0(double newTheta) { theta0 = newTheta; }

  void setIndex(int index) { m_index = index; }
  int getIndex() const { return m_index; }

  IKNode *getParent() const { return m_parent; }

  Purpose getPurpose() { return m_purpose; }

  void setPos(const TPointD &pos) { m_pos = pos; }
  TPointD getPos() const { return m_pos; }
  void setPurpose(Purpose purpose);

  void setSeqNumJoint(int number) { m_seqNumJoint = number; }
  void setSeqNumEffector(int number) { m_seqNumEffector = number; }

  int getEffectorNum() const { return m_seqNumEffector; }
  int getJointNum() const { return m_seqNumJoint; }

  double getTheta() const { return theta; }
  double getTheta0() const { return theta0; }

  bool IsEffector() const { return m_purpose == EFFECTOR; }
  bool IsJoint() const { return m_purpose == JOINT; }

  const TPointD &GetS() const { return s; }

  void setR(TPointD pos) { r = pos; }
  void setS(TPointD pos) { s = pos; }

  void computeS(void);

  double AddToTheta(double delta) {
    theta += delta;
    return theta;

  bool isFrozen() const { return freezed; }
  void freeze() { freezed = true; }  // keeps the theta angle constant
  void unFreeze() { freezed = false; }

  int m_index;
  IKNode *m_parent;

  TPointD m_pos;
  Purpose m_purpose;
  int m_seqNumJoint;     // Joint index in the Joint sequence
  int m_seqNumEffector;  // index of the effector in the sequence of effectors

  TPointD r;  // Relative position
  TPointD s;  // Global position
  // TPointD w; // Global axis rotation

  double theta;      // joint angle(radians)
  double theta0;     // initial angle of the joint(radians)
  double minTheta;   // lower angle limit
  double maxTheta;   // high angle limit
  double restAngle;  

  bool freezed;  

#endif  // IKNODE_H