Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include <memory>

// TnzLib includes
#include "toonz/txshlevel.h"
#include "toonz/txshleveltypes.h"
#include "toonz/imagemanager.h"

// TnzCore includes
#include "traster.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"

// Qt includes
#include <QObject>
#include <QStringList>

// boost includes
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>

// STD includes
#include <set>

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR


//    Forward declarations

class ImageBuilder;
class LevelProperties;
class TPalette;
class TContentHistory;


//    TXshSimpleLevel  declaration

  \brief    The \p TXshLevel specialization for image levels.

  \todo     Substitute m_frames with a sorted vector or
            a boost flat_set.

class DVAPI TXshSimpleLevel final : public TXshLevel {


  /*! \details  Level frames may have special properties depending on
          the level type they are part of.

\sa       \p TXshSimpleLevel::getFrameStatus() and
          \p setFrameStatus() for further details.                  */

  enum FrameStatusBit  //!  Describes a level's frame status.
    Normal         = 0x0,  //!< Frame has no special status.
    Scanned        = 0x1,  //!< A fullcolor frame (only tlv levels).
    Cleanupped     = 0x2,  //!< A cleanupped frame (only tlv levels).
    CleanupPreview = 0x4   //!< A cleanup preview (only fullcolor levels).

  static bool
      m_rasterizePli;  //!< \internal  Not the proper place for this data.
  static bool m_fillFullColorRaster;  //!< \internal  Not the proper place for
                                      //! this data.

      const std::wstring &name =
          std::wstring());  //!< Constructs a TXshSimpleLevel with a name

  TXshSimpleLevel *getSimpleLevel() override {
    return this;
  }  //!< Reimplemented for TXshLevel.

  bool isSubsequence() const { return m_isSubsequence; }

  bool is16BitChannelLevel() const {
    return getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL && m_16BitChannelLevel;
  void set16BitChannelLevel(bool value) {
    m_16BitChannelLevel = (value && getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL);
  bool isFloatChannelLevel() const {
    return getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL && m_floatChannelLevel;
  void setFloatChannelLevel(bool value) {
    m_floatChannelLevel = (value && getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL);

  bool isReadOnly() const { return m_isReadOnly; }
  void setIsReadOnly(bool value) { m_isReadOnly = value; }
  void updateReadOnly();

  LevelProperties *getProperties()
      const  //!< Returns a pointer to the \a owned level properties.
    return m_properties.get();
  void clonePropertiesFrom(const TXshSimpleLevel *oldSl);

  TPalette *getPalette()
      const;  //!< Returns a pointer to the \a shared level palette.
  void setPalette(TPalette *palette);  //!< Assigns a palette to the level.

  TFilePath getPath() const override { return m_path; }
  void setPath(const TFilePath &path, bool retainCachedImages = false);

  TFilePath getScannedPath() const { return m_scannedPath; }
  void setScannedPath(const TFilePath &path);

  /*! \details      Each level frame have a corresponding image retrievable
              with the getFrame() method and similar.

\remark       Consider using functions getFrameCount() and getFrameId()
              to avoid a container copy.                                      */

  std::vector<TFrameId> getFids()
      const;  //!< Returns a copy of the level's frame ids.
  void getFids(
      std::vector<TFrameId> &fids) const override;  //!< Copies fids() into
                                                    //! fids.  \deprecated  Use
  //! the return valued
  //! variation instead.

  TFrameId getFirstFid()
      const;  //!< Returns the first level frame's id; roughly equivalent to
              //!  <TT>index2fid(0)</TT>.
  TFrameId getLastFid()
      const;  //!< Returns the last level frame's id; roughly equivalent to
              //!  <TT>index2fid(getFrameCount()-1)</TT>.

  bool isEmpty() const override {
    return m_frames.empty();
  }  //!< Returns whether the level is empty.
  bool isFid(const TFrameId &fid)
      const;  //!< Returns whether a given frameId is in the level.

  /*! \details  Unlike function index2fid(), getFrameId() \a asserts
          beyond current frames count.                              */

  const TFrameId &getFrameId(
      int index) const;  //!< Returns the frame id at specified index.
  int getFrameCount() const override {
    return m_frames.size();
  }  //!< Returns the level's frames count.

  /*! \details  Function index2fid() attempts guessing frame ids for
          frame indexes beyond current frames count. See function
          guessStep() for further details.                          */

  TFrameId index2fid(int index) const;  //!< Returns a frame id corresponding to
                                        //! the specified frame index, or
  //!  an invalid frame otherwise.
  int fid2index(const TFrameId &fid) const;  //!< Returns the frame \a index
                                             //! corresponding to the specified
  //! frame id,
  //!  or \p -1 if not found.

if the table contains 'fid' it returns fid2index(fid).
if fid is greater than the last fid in the table, it returns a "guessed" index.
e.g. if fids = [1,3,5,7] then fid2index(11) == 5
if fid is smaller than the last fid in the table (and is not contained in the
table) it returns the proper insertion index
  int guessIndex(const TFrameId &fid) const;

  //! Analyzes the level's frames table and returns the alleged entries \a step
  //! - ie the distance
  //! from each entry to the next.
  int guessStep() const;

  void formatFId(TFrameId &fid, TFrameId tmplFId);
  void setFrame(const TFrameId &fid, const TImageP &img);

  TImageP getFrame(const TFrameId &fid, UCHAR imgManagerParamsMask,
                   int subsampling) const;
  TImageP getFrame(const TFrameId &fid, bool toBeModified) const {
    return getFrame(
        fid, toBeModified ? ImageManager::toBeModified : ImageManager::none, 0);
  TImageP getFullsampledFrame(const TFrameId &fid,
                              UCHAR imgManagerParamsMask) const;

  TImageInfo *getFrameInfo(const TFrameId &fid, bool toBeModified);
  TImageP getFrameIcon(const TFrameId &fid) const;

  // load icon (and image) data of all frames into cache
  void loadAllIconsAndPutInCache(bool cacheImagesAsWell);

  TRasterImageP getFrameToCleanup(const TFrameId &fid,
                                  bool toBeLineProcessed) const;

  std::string getImageId(const TFrameId &fid, int frameStatus = -1) const;
  std::string getIconId(const TFrameId &fid, int frameStatus = -1) const;
  std::string getIconId(const TFrameId &fid, const TDimension &size) const;

  void eraseFrame(const TFrameId &fid);
  void clearFrames();
  void invalidateFrames();

  void invalidateFrame(const TFrameId &fid);

Set the range of frame that can be edited and saved.
Editable range is contained in \b m_editableRange.
  void setEditableRange(unsigned int from, unsigned int to,
                        const std::wstring &userName);
  void mergeTemporaryHookFile(unsigned int from, unsigned int to,
                              const TFilePath &hookFile);
  void clearEditableRange();
  std::wstring getEditableFileName();

  getEditableRange();  //!< Returns the set of editable frames.

  int getFrameStatus(const TFrameId &fid) const;
  void setFrameStatus(const TFrameId &fid, int status);

  /*! \details      This function will implicitly convert the input path
              extension to a correctly formatted \a tlv. Behavior
              is undefined in case the level is not of fullcolor type.

\deprecated   Function is obviously an implementation detail of the
              cleanup process. Should be moved there.                         */

  void makeTlv(const TFilePath &tlvPath);  //!< Transforms the level from \a
                                           //! fullcolor to tlv (colormap),
  //!  and assigns the specified level path.
  TImageP createEmptyFrame();

  void initializePalette();
  void initializeResolutionAndDpi(const TDimension &dim = TDimension(),
                                  double dpi            = 0);

  TDimension getResolution();

  TPointD getImageDpi(const TFrameId &fid = TFrameId::NO_FRAME,
                      int frameStatus     = -1);
  int getImageSubsampling(const TFrameId &fid) const;
  TPointD getDpi(const TFrameId &fid = TFrameId::NO_FRAME,
                 int frameStatus     = -1);

  /*! \brief    Returns the bbox for the level's fid, specified in standard
          \a inch coordinates (which are \a different from Toonz's
          standard world coordinates, by a \p Stage::inch factor).            */

  TRectD getBBox(const TFrameId &fid) const;

  void setDirtyFlag(bool on) override;
  bool getDirtyFlag() const;

  //! Updates content history (invokes setDirtyFlag(true))
  //! \warning Not what users may expect!
  void touchFrame(const TFrameId &fid);

  void loadData(TIStream &is) override;
  void saveData(TOStream &os) override;

  //! Loads the level from disk, translating encoded level paths relative
  //! to the level's scene path.
  void load() override;
  void load(const std::vector<TFrameId> &fIds);

  //! Saves the level to disk, with the same path deduction from load()
  void save() override;

Save the level in the specified fp.
The oldFp is used when the current scene path change...
  void save(const TFilePath &fp, const TFilePath &oldFp = TFilePath(),
            bool overwritePalette = true);

  //! note gets the contentHistory. can be 0
  const TContentHistory *getContentHistory() const {
    return m_contentHistory.get();
  TContentHistory *getContentHistory() { return m_contentHistory.get(); }

  //! destroys the old contentHistory and replaces it with the new one. Gets
  //! ownership
  void setContentHistory(TContentHistory *contentHistory);

  //! Set elements of m_renumberTable with m_frames.
  void setRenumberTable();
  const std::map<TFrameId, TFrameId> &renumberTable() const {
    return m_renumberTable;

  //! Renumbers the level frames to the specified fids (fids and this->fids()
  //! must have the same size).
  void renumber(const std::vector<TFrameId> &fids);

  bool isFrameReadOnly(TFrameId fid);

  // Auxiliary files management: hooks, tpl, etc.
  // May throw; copy and rename perform touchparentdir

  static void copyFiles(const TFilePath &dst,
                        const TFilePath &src);  //!< Copy files from src to dst.
  static void renameFiles(
      const TFilePath &dst,
      const TFilePath &src);  //!< Rename files from src to dst.
  static void removeFiles(const TFilePath &fp);  //!< Remove files at fp.

  //! Get the auxiliary files list: hooks, tpl, etc.
  static void getFiles(const TFilePath &fp, TFilePathSet &fpset);

Translates a level path into the corresponding hook path (no check for
the existence of said hook file).
  static TFilePath getHookPath(const TFilePath &levelPath);

\brief    Returns the list of \a existing hook files associated to the
        specified level, sorted by modification date (last modified at front).
        The list stores <I>local paths<\I> relative to

\note     A level may have multiple hook files if the hook set was edited
        with older Toonz versions. Use this function if you need to access all
        of them. Only the latest file format is considered when loading a level.
  static QStringList getHookFiles(const TFilePath &decodedLevelPath);

\brief    Returns the path of the newest \a existing hook file associated to the
        specified \b decoded level path - or an empty path if none was found.

\note     In case there are more than one hook file (ie files from older
        Toonz version), the latest file version is used.
  static TFilePath getExistingHookFile(const TFilePath &decodedLevelPath);

  static void setCompatibilityMasks(int writeMask, int neededMask,
                                    int forbiddenMask);

public Q_SLOTS:

  void onPaletteChanged();  //!< Invoked when some colorstyle has been changed

  typedef boost::container::flat_set<TFrameId> FramesSet;

  std::unique_ptr<LevelProperties> m_properties;
  std::unique_ptr<TContentHistory> m_contentHistory;

  TPalette *m_palette;

  FramesSet m_frames;

  std::map<TFrameId, TFrameId>
      m_renumberTable;  //!< Maps disk-frames to level-frames.
  //!  Typically, the 2 match - however, the situation changes
  //!  after an explicit frame renumbering process. In case
  //!  a level-frame is deleted, the table entry is removed;
  //!  it will be physically removed only when the level is saved.
  //!  A similar thing happens with newly inserted frames.
  std::map<TFrameId, int> m_framesStatus;

  std::set<TFrameId> m_editableRange;

  TFilePath m_path, m_scannedPath;

  std::string m_idBase;
  std::wstring m_editableRangeUserInfo;

  bool m_isSubsequence, m_16BitChannelLevel, m_floatChannelLevel, m_isReadOnly,
      m_temporaryHookMerged;  //!< Used only during hook merge (and hence during
                              //! saving)

  //! Save simple level in scene-decoded path \p decodedFp.
  void saveSimpleLevel(
      const TFilePath &decodedFp,
      bool overwritePalette = true);  // Difference from save(..)?

  // Not copyable
  TXshSimpleLevel(const TXshSimpleLevel &);
  TXshSimpleLevel &operator=(const TXshSimpleLevel &);


#ifdef _WIN32
template class DV_EXPORT_API TSmartPointerT<TXshSimpleLevel>;
typedef TSmartPointerT<TXshSimpleLevel> TXshSimpleLevelP;


void DVAPI setLoadingLevelRange(const TFrameId &fromFid, const TFrameId &toFid);
void DVAPI getLoadingLevelRange(TFrameId &fromFid, TFrameId &toFid);