Blob Blame Raw

#include "stdfx.h"
#include "tfxparam.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include "globalcontrollablefx.h"

class Bright_ContFx final : public GlobalControllableFx {

  TRasterFxPort m_input;
  TDoubleParamP m_bright;
  TDoubleParamP m_contrast;

  Bright_ContFx() : m_bright(0.0), m_contrast(0.0) {
    bindParam(this, "brightness", m_bright);
    bindParam(this, "contrast", m_contrast);
    m_bright->setValueRange(-127, 127);
    m_contrast->setValueRange(-127, 127);
    addInputPort("Source", m_input);



  bool canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame) override {
    return true;

  bool doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox,
                 const TRenderSettings &info) override {
    if (!m_input.isConnected()) {
      bBox = TRectD();
      return false;
    return m_input->doGetBBox(frame, bBox, info);

  void doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &) override;


template <typename PIXEL, typename T>
void my_compute_lut(double contrast, double brightness, std::vector<T> &lut) {
  int i;
  double value, nvalue, power;

  int half_maxChannelValue = tfloor(PIXEL::maxChannelValue / 2.0);

  int lutSize = PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 1;
  for (i = 0; i < lutSize; i++) {
    value = i / double(PIXEL::maxChannelValue);
    if (brightness < 0.0)
      value = value * (1.0 + brightness);
      value = value + ((1.0 - value) * brightness);
    if (contrast < 0.0) {
      if (value > 0.5)
        nvalue = 1.0 - value;
        nvalue = value;
      if (nvalue < 0.0) nvalue = 0.0;
      nvalue = 0.5 * pow(nvalue * 2.0, (double)(1.0 + contrast));
      if (value > 0.5)
        value = 1.0 - nvalue;
        value = nvalue;
    } else {
      if (value > 0.5)
        nvalue = 1.0 - value;
        nvalue = value;
      if (nvalue < 0.0) nvalue = 0.0;
      power = (contrast == 1.0) ? half_maxChannelValue : 1.0 / (1.0 - contrast);
      nvalue = 0.5 * pow(2.0 * nvalue, power);
      if (value > 0.5)
        value = 1.0 - nvalue;
        value = nvalue;
    lut[i] = (int)(value * PIXEL::maxChannelValue);

template <typename PIXEL, typename CHANNEL_TYPE>
void doBrightnessContrast(TRasterPT<PIXEL> ras, double contrast,
                          double brightness) {
  int lx = ras->getLx();
  int ly = ras->getLy();

  std::vector<CHANNEL_TYPE> lut(PIXEL::maxChannelValue + 1);
  my_compute_lut<PIXEL, CHANNEL_TYPE>(contrast, brightness, lut);

  int j;
  for (j = 0; j < ly; j++) {
    PIXEL *pix    = ras->pixels(j);
    PIXEL *endPix = pix + lx;
    while (pix < endPix) {
      if (pix->m) {
        *pix   = depremultiply(*pix);
        pix->r = lut[pix->r];
        pix->g = lut[pix->g];
        pix->b = lut[pix->b];
        pix->m = pix->m;
        *pix   = premultiply(*pix);

void my_compute_lut_float(double contrast, double brightness,
                          std::vector<float> &lut, float &d0, float &d1) {
  int i;
  float value, nvalue, power;

  int half_maxChannelValue = tfloor(TPixel64::maxChannelValue / 2.0);

  int lutSize = TPixel64::maxChannelValue + 1;
  for (i = 0; i < lutSize; i++) {
    value = i / float(TPixel64::maxChannelValue);
    if (brightness < 0.0)
      value = value * (1.f + brightness);
      value = value + ((1.f - value) * brightness);
    if (contrast < 0.f) {
      if (value > 0.5f)
        nvalue = 1.f - value;
        nvalue = value;
      if (nvalue < 0.f) nvalue = 0.f;
      nvalue = 0.5f * pow(nvalue * 2.f, (double)(1.f + contrast));
      if (value > 0.5f)
        value = 1.0f - nvalue;
        value = nvalue;
    } else {
      if (value > 0.5f)
        nvalue = 1.f - value;
        nvalue = value;
      if (nvalue < 0.f) nvalue = 0.f;
      power =
          (contrast == 1.0f) ? half_maxChannelValue : 1.f / (1.f - contrast);
      nvalue = 0.5f * pow(2.f * nvalue, power);
      if (value > 0.5f)
        value = 1.f - nvalue;
        value = nvalue;
    lut[i] = value;

  d0 = (lut[1] - lut[0]) * float(TPixel64::maxChannelValue);
  d1 = (lut[TPixel64::maxChannelValue] - lut[TPixel64::maxChannelValue - 1]) *

void doBrightnessContrastFloat(TRasterFP ras, double contrast,
                               double brightness) {
  int lx = ras->getLx();
  int ly = ras->getLy();

  // create lut with 65536 levels
  std::vector<float> lut(TPixel64::maxChannelValue + 1);
  // values less than 0.0 and more than 1.0 will be linear
  float d0, d1;
  my_compute_lut_float(contrast, brightness, lut, d0, d1);

  auto getLutValue = [&](float val) {
    if (val < 0.f)
      return lut[0] + d0 * val;
    else if (val >= 1.f)
      return lut[TPixel64::maxChannelValue] + d1 * (val - 1.f);
    float v     = val * float(TPixel64::maxChannelValue);
    int id      = (int)tfloor(v);
    float ratio = v - float(id);
    return lut[id] * (1.f - ratio) + lut[id + 1] * ratio;

  int j;
  for (j = 0; j < ly; j++) {
    TPixelF *pix    = ras->pixels(j);
    TPixelF *endPix = pix + lx;
    while (pix < endPix) {
      if (pix->m) {
        *pix   = depremultiply(*pix);
        pix->r = getLutValue(pix->r);
        pix->g = getLutValue(pix->g);
        pix->b = getLutValue(pix->b);
        pix->m = pix->m;
        *pix   = premultiply(*pix);

void Bright_ContFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame,
                              const TRenderSettings &ri) {
  if (!m_input.isConnected()) return;

  m_input->compute(tile, frame, ri);

  double brightness = m_bright->getValue(frame) / 127.0;
  double contrast   = m_contrast->getValue(frame) / 127.0;
  if (contrast > 1) contrast = 1;
  if (contrast < -1) contrast = -1;
  TRaster32P raster32 = tile.getRaster();
  TRaster64P raster64 = tile.getRaster();
  TRasterFP rasterF   = tile.getRaster();
  if (raster32)
    doBrightnessContrast<TPixel32, UCHAR>(raster32, contrast, brightness);
  else if (raster64)
    doBrightnessContrast<TPixel64, USHORT>(raster64, contrast, brightness);
  else if (rasterF)
    doBrightnessContrastFloat(rasterF, contrast, brightness);
    throw TException("Brightness&Contrast: unsupported Pixel Type");

FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(Bright_ContFx, "brightContFx")