Blob Blame Raw
#include "iwa_glarefx.h"

#include "trop.h"
#include "tdoubleparam.h"
#include "trasterfx.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"

#include "tparamuiconcept.h"

#include "kiss_fft.h"
#include "iwa_cie_d65.h"
#include "iwa_xyz.h"
#include "iwa_simplexnoise.h"

#include <random>

#include <QPair>
#include <QVector>
#include <QReadWriteLock>
#include <QMutexLocker>
#include <QMap>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>

namespace {
// FFT coordinate -> Normal corrdinate
inline int getCoord(int i, int j, int lx, int ly) {
  int cx = i - lx / 2;
  int cy = j - ly / 2;

  if (cx < 0) cx += lx;
  if (cy < 0) cy += ly;

  return cy * lx + cx;

};  // namespace

// Iwa_GlareFx

    : m_renderMode(new TIntEnumParam(RendeMode_FilterPreview, "Filter Preview"))
    , m_irisMode(new TIntEnumParam(Iris_InputImage, "Input Image"))
    , m_irisScale(0.2)
    , m_irisGearEdgeCount(10)
    , m_irisRandomSeed(0)
    , m_irisSymmetry(1.0)
    , m_irisAppearance(new TIntEnumParam())
    , m_intensity(0.0)
    , m_size(100.0)
    , m_rotation(0.0)
    , m_aberration(1.0)
    , m_noise_factor(0.0)
    , m_noise_size(0.5)
    , m_noise_octave(new TIntEnumParam(1, "1"))
    , m_noise_evolution(0.0)
    , m_noise_offset(TPointD(0, 0)) {
  // Version 1 : lights had been constantly summed in all wavelength
  // Version 2 : intensities are weighted proportional to 1/(rambda^2)

  // Bind the common parameters
  addInputPort("Source", m_source);
  addInputPort("Iris", m_iris);

  bindParam(this, "renderMode", m_renderMode);
  m_renderMode->addItem(RendeMode_Render, "Render");
  m_renderMode->addItem(RenderMode_Iris, "Iris");

  bindParam(this, "irisMode", m_irisMode);
  m_irisMode->addItem(Iris_Square, "4 Streaks");
  m_irisMode->addItem(Iris_Hexagon, "6 Streaks");
  m_irisMode->addItem(Iris_Octagon, "8 Streaks");
  m_irisMode->addItem(Iris_GearShape, "Multiple Streaks");

  bindParam(this, "irisScale", m_irisScale);
  bindParam(this, "irisGearEdgeCount", m_irisGearEdgeCount);
  bindParam(this, "irisRandomSeed", m_irisRandomSeed);
  bindParam(this, "irisSymmetry", m_irisSymmetry);
  bindParam(this, "irisAppearance", m_irisAppearance);
  m_irisAppearance->addItem(Appearance_ThinLine, "Thin Line");
  m_irisAppearance->addItem(Appearance_MediumLine, "Medium Line");
  m_irisAppearance->addItem(Appearance_ThickLine, "Thick Line");
  m_irisAppearance->addItem(Appearance_Fill, "Filled");

  bindParam(this, "intensity", m_intensity, false);
  bindParam(this, "size", m_size, false);
  bindParam(this, "rotation", m_rotation, false);
  bindParam(this, "aberration", m_aberration, false);

  bindParam(this, "noise_factor", m_noise_factor, false);
  bindParam(this, "noise_size", m_noise_size, false);
  bindParam(this, "noise_octave", m_noise_octave, false);
  m_noise_octave->addItem(2, "2");
  m_noise_octave->addItem(3, "3");

  bindParam(this, "noise_evolution", m_noise_evolution, false);
  bindParam(this, "noise_offset", m_noise_offset, false);

  m_irisScale->setValueRange(0.1, 0.8);
  m_irisGearEdgeCount->setValueRange(3, 50);
  m_irisSymmetry->setValueRange(0.1, 1.0);
  m_irisRandomSeed->setValueRange(0, (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)());

  m_intensity->setValueRange(-5.0, 5.0);
  m_size->setValueRange(10.0, 1500.0);
  m_rotation->setValueRange(-1800, 1800);
  m_aberration->setValueRange(-2.0, 2.0);
  m_noise_factor->setValueRange(0.0, 1.0);
  m_noise_size->setValueRange(0.01, 3.0);

double Iwa_GlareFx::getSizePixelAmount(const double val, const TAffine affine) {
  /*--- Convert to vector --- */
  TPointD vect;
  vect.x = val;
  vect.y = 0.0;
  /*--- Apply geometrical transformation ---*/
  // For the following lines I referred to lines 586-592 of
  // sources/stdfx/motionblurfx.cpp
  TAffine aff(affine);
  aff.a13 = aff.a23 = 0; /* ignore translation */
  vect              = aff * vect;
  /*--- return the length of the vector ---*/
  return sqrt(vect.x * vect.x + vect.y * vect.y);


void Iwa_GlareFx::drawPresetIris(TRaster32P irisRas, double irisSize,
                                 const double frame) {
  QImage img(irisRas->getLx(), irisRas->getLy(),
  QPainter painter(&img);
  painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
      QPointF((float)irisRas->getLx() / 2.0, (float)irisRas->getLy() / 2.0));
  painter.scale(irisSize, irisSize);
  // shrink a bit
  painter.scale(0.9, 0.9);

  QPen pen(Qt::white);
  double lineWidthRatio;
  int appearance = m_irisAppearance->getValue();
  if (appearance == Appearance_Fill) {
  } else {
    assert(appearance >= 0 && appearance <= 2);
    double ratio[3] = {0.05, 0.1, 0.2};
    lineWidthRatio  = ratio[appearance];

  double symmetry = m_irisSymmetry->getValue(frame);

  switch (m_irisMode->getValue()) {
  case Iris_Square:
    painter.scale(1.0, symmetry);
    painter.drawRect(QRectF(-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0));
  case Iris_Hexagon: {
    QPointF p(1.0 - 0.5 * symmetry, symmetry * std::sqrt(3) * 0.5);
    const QPointF points[6] = {-p, QPointF(-1.0, 0.0), QPointF(-p.x(), p.y()),
                               p,  QPointF(1.0, 0.0),  QPointF(p.x(), -p.y())};
    if (appearance != Appearance_Fill) {
      if (symmetry < 1.0) {
        painter.drawPolyline(points, 3);
        painter.drawPolyline(&points[3], 3);
      pen.setWidthF(lineWidthRatio * symmetry);
    painter.drawPolygon(points, 6);
    if (appearance != Appearance_Fill && symmetry < 1.0) {
          QRectF(-1.2, -p.y() - symmetry, 2.4, (p.y() + symmetry) * 2.0));
  } break;
  case Iris_Octagon: {
    double u = (2 + std::sqrt(2) * (1 - symmetry)) / (2 * std::sqrt(2) + 2);
    double v = (2 + std::sqrt(2) * (1 + symmetry)) / (2 * std::sqrt(2) + 2);
    const QPointF points[8] = {QPointF(u, v),  QPointF(v, u),   QPointF(v, -u),
                               QPointF(u, -v), QPointF(-u, -v), QPointF(-v, -u),
                               QPointF(-v, u), QPointF(-u, v)};
    if (appearance != Appearance_Fill) {
      if (symmetry < 1.0) {
        painter.drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
        painter.drawLine(points[2], points[3]);
        painter.drawLine(points[4], points[5]);
        painter.drawLine(points[6], points[7]);
      pen.setWidthF(lineWidthRatio * symmetry);
    painter.drawPolygon(points, 8);
    if (appearance != Appearance_Fill && symmetry < 1.0) {
      painter.drawRect(QRectF(-v - symmetry, -v - symmetry,
                              (v + symmetry) * 2.0, (v + symmetry) * 2.0));
  } break;
  case Iris_GearShape: {
    int edgeCount   = (int)std::round(m_irisGearEdgeCount->getValue(frame));
    QPointF* points = new QPointF[edgeCount * 2];
    QList<double> thickness;
    double angleUnit = M_PI / (double)edgeCount;
    std::mt19937_64 mt;
    std::uniform_real_distribution<> random_plusminus1(-1.0, 1.0);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<> random_thickness(symmetry * lineWidthRatio,
    for (int e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) {
      double baseAngle = angleUnit * e * 2.0;
      double theta =
          baseAngle + random_plusminus1(mt) * angleUnit * (1.0 - symmetry);
      points[e * 2] = QPointF(std::cos(theta), std::sin(theta));
      baseAngle += angleUnit;
      theta = baseAngle + random_plusminus1(mt) * angleUnit * (1.0 - symmetry);
      points[e * 2 + 1] = QPointF(0.5 * std::cos(theta), 0.5 * std::sin(theta));

    if (appearance != Appearance_Fill) {
      for (int v = 0; v < edgeCount * 2; v++) {
        int next_v = (v == edgeCount * 2 - 1) ? 0 : v + 1;
        painter.drawLine(points[v], points[next_v]);
    } else {
      painter.drawPolygon(points, edgeCount * 2);
    delete[] points;
  } break;

  for (int j = 0; j < img.height(); j++) {
    TPixel32* pix = irisRas->pixels(j);
    QRgb* img_p   = (QRgb*)img.scanLine(img.height() - j - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < img.width(); i++, img_p++, pix++) {
      pix->r = (unsigned char)(qRed(*img_p));
      pix->g = (unsigned char)(qGreen(*img_p));
      pix->b = (unsigned char)(qBlue(*img_p));
      pix->m = (unsigned char)(qAlpha(*img_p));


void Iwa_GlareFx::doCompute(TTile& tile, double frame,
                            const TRenderSettings& settings) {
  int irisMode = m_irisMode->getValue();
  // If the iris is not connected, then do nothing
  if (irisMode == Iris_InputImage && !m_iris.isConnected()) {

  int renderMode = m_renderMode->getValue();
  // If the source is not connected & it is render mode, then do nothing.
  if (!m_source.isConnected() && renderMode == RendeMode_Render) {

  // Get the original size of Iris image
  TRectD irisBBox;
  TTile irisTile;
  TRasterP irisRas;
  double size = getSizePixelAmount(m_size->getValue(frame), settings.m_affine);
  if (irisMode == Iris_InputImage) {
    m_iris->getBBox(frame, irisBBox, settings);
    // Compute the iris tile.
        irisTile, irisBBox.getP00(),
        TDimension(static_cast<int>(irisBBox.getLx() + 0.5),
                   static_cast<int>(irisBBox.getLy() + 0.5)),
        tile.getRaster(), frame, settings);
    irisRas = irisTile.getRaster();
  } else {
    // obtain iris bbox based on the glare pattern size
    double irisSize = size * m_irisScale->getValue(frame);
    irisBBox        = TRectD(-irisSize, -irisSize, irisSize, irisSize);
    int dimIrisRas  = int(std::ceil(irisSize) * 2.0);
    irisRas         = TRaster32P(dimIrisRas, dimIrisRas);
    drawPresetIris(irisRas, irisSize, frame);

  if (renderMode == RenderMode_Iris) {
    TTranslation aff(
        (double)(tile.getRaster()->getLx() - irisRas->getLx()) * 0.5,
        (double)(tile.getRaster()->getLy() - irisRas->getLy()) * 0.5);
    TRop::quickPut(tile.getRaster(), irisRas, aff);

  int dimIris = int(std::ceil(size) * 2.0);
  dimIris     = kiss_fft_next_fast_size(dimIris);
  while ((tile.getRaster()->getSize().lx - dimIris) % 2 != 0)
    dimIris = kiss_fft_next_fast_size(dimIris + 1);
  double irisResizeFactor = double(dimIris) * 0.5 / size;

  kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_iris;
  // create the iris data for FFT (in the same size as the source tile)
  TRasterGR8P kissfft_comp_iris_ras(dimIris * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx), dimIris);
  kissfft_comp_iris = (kiss_fft_cpx*)kissfft_comp_iris_ras->getRawData();

    // Create the Iris image for FFT
    kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_iris_before;
    TRasterGR8P kissfft_comp_iris_before_ras(dimIris * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx),
    kissfft_comp_iris_before =

    convertIris(kissfft_comp_iris_before, dimIris, irisBBox, irisRas);

    // Create the FFT plan for the iris image.
    kiss_fftnd_cfg iris_kissfft_plan;
    while (1) {
      int dims[2]       = {dimIris, dimIris};
      int ndims         = 2;
      iris_kissfft_plan = kiss_fftnd_alloc(dims, ndims, false, 0, 0);
      if (iris_kissfft_plan != NULL) break;
    // Do FFT the iris image.
    kiss_fftnd(iris_kissfft_plan, kissfft_comp_iris_before, kissfft_comp_iris);

  double3* glare_pattern;
  TRasterGR8P glare_pattern_ras(dimIris * sizeof(double3), dimIris);
  glare_pattern = (double3*)glare_pattern_ras->getRawData();
  // Resize the power spectrum according to each wavelength and combine into the
  // glare pattern
  double intensity = m_intensity->getValue(frame);
  powerSpectrum2GlarePattern(frame, settings.m_affine, kissfft_comp_iris,
                             glare_pattern, dimIris, intensity,


  // clear the raster memory
  TRaster32P ras32 = tile.getRaster();
  TRaster64P ras64 = tile.getRaster();
  if (ras32)
  else if (ras64)

  // filter preview mode
  if (renderMode == RendeMode_FilterPreview) {
    int2 margin = {(dimIris - tile.getRaster()->getSize().lx) / 2,
                   (dimIris - tile.getRaster()->getSize().ly) / 2};

    if (ras32)
      setFilterPreviewToResult<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(ras32, glare_pattern,
                                                     dimIris, margin);
    else if (ras64)
      setFilterPreviewToResult<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(ras64, glare_pattern,
                                                     dimIris, margin);


  // render mode

  // Range of computation
  TRectD _rectOut(tile.m_pos, TDimensionD(tile.getRaster()->getLx(),
  _rectOut = _rectOut.enlarge(static_cast<double>(dimIris / 2));

  TDimensionI dimOut(static_cast<int>(_rectOut.getLx() + 0.5),
                     static_cast<int>(_rectOut.getLy() + 0.5));

  // Enlarge the size to the "fast size" for kissfft which has no factors other
  // than 2,3, or 5.
  if (dimOut.lx < 10000 && < 10000) {
    int new_x = kiss_fft_next_fast_size(dimOut.lx);
    int new_y = kiss_fft_next_fast_size(;
    // margin should be integer
    while ((new_x - dimOut.lx) % 2 != 0)
      new_x = kiss_fft_next_fast_size(new_x + 1);
    while ((new_y - % 2 != 0)
      new_y = kiss_fft_next_fast_size(new_y + 1);

    _rectOut = _rectOut.enlarge(static_cast<double>(new_x - dimOut.lx) / 2.0,
                                static_cast<double>(new_y - / 2.0);

    dimOut.lx = new_x; = new_y;

  kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_tmp;
  kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_glare;
  kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_source;
  TRasterGR8P kissfft_comp_tmp_ras(dimOut.lx * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx),;
  TRasterGR8P kissfft_comp_glare_ras(dimOut.lx * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx),
  TRasterGR8P kissfft_comp_source_ras(dimOut.lx * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx),
  kissfft_comp_tmp    = (kiss_fft_cpx*)kissfft_comp_tmp_ras->getRawData();
  kissfft_comp_glare  = (kiss_fft_cpx*)kissfft_comp_glare_ras->getRawData();
  kissfft_comp_source = (kiss_fft_cpx*)kissfft_comp_source_ras->getRawData();

  int dims[2]              = {, dimOut.lx};
  int ndims                = 2;
  kiss_fftnd_cfg plan_fwd  = kiss_fftnd_alloc(dims, ndims, false, 0, 0);
  kiss_fftnd_cfg plan_bkwd = kiss_fftnd_alloc(dims, ndims, true, 0, 0);

  // store the source image to tmp
    // obtain the source tile
    TTile sourceTile;
    m_source->allocateAndCompute(sourceTile, _rectOut.getP00(), dimOut,
                                 tile.getRaster(), frame, settings);

    if (ras32)
      setSourceTileToBuffer<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(sourceTile.getRaster(),
    else if (ras64)
      setSourceTileToBuffer<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(sourceTile.getRaster(),
  // FFT the source
  kiss_fftnd(plan_fwd, kissfft_comp_tmp, kissfft_comp_source);

  // compute for each rgb channels
  for (int ch = 0; ch < 3; ch++) {
    // store the glare pattern to tmp
    setGlarePatternToBuffer(glare_pattern, kissfft_comp_tmp, ch, dimIris,

    // FFT the glare pattern
    kiss_fftnd(plan_fwd, kissfft_comp_tmp, kissfft_comp_glare);

    // multiply the glare and the source
    multiplyFilter(kissfft_comp_glare, kissfft_comp_source,
                   dimOut.lx *;

    // Backward-FFT the glare pattern to tmp
    kiss_fftnd(plan_bkwd, kissfft_comp_glare,
               kissfft_comp_tmp);  // Backward FFT

    // convert tmp to channel values, store it into the tile
    if (ras32)
      setChannelToResult<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(ras32, kissfft_comp_tmp, ch,
    else if (ras64)
      setChannelToResult<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(ras64, kissfft_comp_tmp, ch,




void Iwa_GlareFx::powerSpectrum2GlarePattern(
    const double frame, const TAffine affine, kiss_fft_cpx* spectrum,
    double3* glare, int dimIris, double intensity, double irisResizeFactor) {
  auto lerp = [](double val1, double val2, double ratio) {
    return val1 * (1.0 - ratio) + val2 * ratio;

  auto lerpGlarePtn = [&](double i, double j, double* gp) {
    int iId[2], jId[2];
    double iRatio, jRatio;
    iId[0] = int(i);
    iId[1] = (iId[0] < dimIris - 1) ? iId[0] + 1 : iId[0];
    iRatio = i - double(iId[0]);
    jId[0] = int(j);
    jId[1] = (jId[0] < dimIris - 1) ? jId[0] + 1 : jId[0];
    jRatio = j - double(jId[0]);
    if (iRatio == 0.0 && jRatio == 0.0) return gp[jId[0] * dimIris + iId[0]];

    return lerp(lerp(gp[jId[0] * dimIris + iId[0]],
                     gp[jId[0] * dimIris + iId[1]], iRatio),
                lerp(gp[jId[1] * dimIris + iId[0]],
                     gp[jId[1] * dimIris + iId[1]], iRatio),

  double factor =
      (m_renderMode->getValue() == RendeMode_FilterPreview) ? -5 : -11;

  double* glarePattern_p;
  TRasterGR8P glarePattern_ras(dimIris * sizeof(double), dimIris);
  glarePattern_p = (double*)glarePattern_ras->getRawData();
  double* g_p = glarePattern_p;
  for (int j = 0; j < dimIris; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < dimIris; i++, g_p++) {
      kiss_fft_cpx sp_p = spectrum[getCoord(i, j, dimIris, dimIris)];
      (*g_p)            = sqrt(sp_p.r * sp_p.r + sp_p.i * sp_p.i) *
               std::exp(intensity + factor);

  // distort the pattern with noise here
  double noise_factor = m_noise_factor->getValue(frame);
  double rotation     = m_rotation->getValue(frame);
  if (noise_factor > 0.0 || m_rotation != 0.0) {
    distortGlarePattern(frame, affine, glarePattern_p, dimIris);

  double3* glare_xyz;
  TRasterGR8P glare_xyz_ras(dimIris * sizeof(double3), dimIris);
  glare_xyz = (double3*)glare_xyz_ras->getRawData();

  double irisRadius = double(dimIris / 2);
  double aberration = m_aberration->getValue(frame);

  // old version had summed each wavelength constantly.
  // it was not physically-collect but keep it in order to maintain backward
  // compatibility.
  bool isOldVersion = getFxVersion() < 2;

  // accumurate xyz values for each optical wavelength
  for (int ram = 0; ram < 34; ram++) {
    double rambda = 0.38 + 0.01 * (double)ram;
    // double scale = 0.55 / rambda;
    double scale = std::pow(0.55 / rambda, aberration);
    double intensity_scale =
        (isOldVersion) ? 1.0 : std::pow(0.55 / rambda, 2.0 * aberration);
    scale *= irisResizeFactor;
    for (int j = 0; j < dimIris; j++) {
      double j_scaled = (double(j) - irisRadius) * scale + irisRadius;
      if (j_scaled < 0)
      else if (j_scaled > double(dimIris - 1))

      double3* g_xyz_p = &glare_xyz[j * dimIris];
      for (int i = 0; i < dimIris; i++, g_xyz_p++) {
        double i_scaled = (double(i) - irisRadius) * scale + irisRadius;
        if (i_scaled < 0)
        else if (i_scaled > double(dimIris - 1))

        double gl =
            lerpGlarePtn(i_scaled, j_scaled, glarePattern_p) * intensity_scale;
        g_xyz_p->x += gl * cie_d65[ram] * xyz[ram * 3 + 0];
        g_xyz_p->y += gl * cie_d65[ram] * xyz[ram * 3 + 1];
        g_xyz_p->z += gl * cie_d65[ram] * xyz[ram * 3 + 2];

  // convert to rgb
  double3* g_xyz_p = glare_xyz;
  double3* g_out_p = glare;
  for (int i = 0; i < dimIris * dimIris; i++, g_xyz_p++, g_out_p++) {
    (*g_out_p).x = 3.240479f * (*g_xyz_p).x - 1.537150f * (*g_xyz_p).y -
                   0.498535f * (*g_xyz_p).z;
    (*g_out_p).y = -0.969256f * (*g_xyz_p).x + 1.875992f * (*g_xyz_p).y +
                   0.041556f * (*g_xyz_p).z;
    (*g_out_p).z = 0.055648f * (*g_xyz_p).x - 0.204043f * (*g_xyz_p).y +
                   1.057311f * (*g_xyz_p).z;



void Iwa_GlareFx::distortGlarePattern(const double frame, const TAffine affine,
                                      double* glare, const int dimIris) {
  auto lerp = [](double val1, double val2, double ratio) {
    return val1 * (1.0 - ratio) + val2 * ratio;

  auto lerpGlarePtn = [&](double i, double j, double* gp) {
    int iId[2], jId[2];
    double iRatio, jRatio;
    iId[0] = int(i);
    iId[1] = (iId[0] < dimIris - 1) ? iId[0] + 1 : iId[0];
    iRatio = i - double(iId[0]);
    jId[0] = int(j);
    jId[1] = (jId[0] < dimIris - 1) ? jId[0] + 1 : jId[0];
    jRatio = j - double(jId[0]);
    if (iRatio == 0.0 && jRatio == 0.0) return gp[jId[0] * dimIris + iId[0]];

    return lerp(lerp(gp[jId[0] * dimIris + iId[0]],
                     gp[jId[0] * dimIris + iId[1]], iRatio),
                lerp(gp[jId[1] * dimIris + iId[0]],
                     gp[jId[1] * dimIris + iId[1]], iRatio),

  double size         = m_noise_size->getValue(frame);
  double evolution    = m_noise_evolution->getValue(frame);
  int octave          = m_noise_octave->getValue();
  double noiseFactor  = m_noise_factor->getValue(frame);
  double offsetFactor = 0.005;
  TPointD offset =
      TScale(offsetFactor) * affine * m_noise_offset->getValue(frame);
  double theta = m_rotation->getValue(frame) * M_PI_180;
  double cos_t = std::cos(theta);
  double sin_t = std::sin(theta);

  QList<double> noise_intensity;
  double intensity_sum = 0.0;
  double tmp_intensity = 1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < octave; i++) {
    intensity_sum += tmp_intensity;
    tmp_intensity *= 0.5;
  for (double& n_i : noise_intensity) n_i /= intensity_sum;

  // raster for storing the result
  double* distortedPtn_p;
  TRasterGR8P distortedPtn_ras(dimIris * sizeof(double), dimIris);
  distortedPtn_p = (double*)distortedPtn_ras->getRawData();

  double* dist_p = distortedPtn_p;
  for (int j = 0; j < dimIris; j++) {
    double v = double(j) - double(dimIris) / 2.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dimIris; i++, dist_p++) {
      double u = double(i) - double(dimIris) / 2.0;

      // obtain the noise coordinate
      double2 noiseUV;
      double len             = std::sqrt(u * u + v * v) * size;
      noiseUV.x              = (len == 0.0) ? 0.0 : u / len;
      noiseUV.y              = (len == 0.0) ? 0.0 : v / len;
      double currentSize     = 1.0;
      double currentEvoScale = 1.0;
      double noiseVal        = 0.5;
      noiseUV.x += offset.x;
      noiseUV.y += offset.y;
      for (int oct = 0; oct < octave; oct++) {
        double2 currentNoiseUV = {noiseUV.x / currentSize,
                                  noiseUV.y / currentSize};
        noiseVal += noise_intensity[oct] *
                    SimplexNoise::noise(currentNoiseUV.x, currentNoiseUV.y,
                                        evolution * currentEvoScale);
        currentSize *= 0.5;
        currentEvoScale *= 2.0;

      double scale = 1.0 / (1.0 + (noiseVal - 1) * noiseFactor);
      double rot_u = u * cos_t - v * sin_t;
      double rot_v = u * sin_t + v * cos_t;

      double distorted_i = rot_u * scale + double(dimIris) / 2.0;
      double distorted_j = rot_v * scale + double(dimIris) / 2.0;

      if (distorted_i < 0.0 || distorted_i >= double(dimIris - 1) ||
          distorted_j < 0.0 || distorted_j >= double(dimIris - 1))
        (*dist_p) = 0.0;
        (*dist_p) = lerpGlarePtn(distorted_i, distorted_j, glare);

  dist_p       = distortedPtn_p;
  double* gl_p = glare;
  for (int i = 0; i < dimIris * dimIris; i++, dist_p++, gl_p++)
    (*gl_p) = (*dist_p);



template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_GlareFx::setFilterPreviewToResult(const RASTER ras, double3* glare,
                                           int dimIris, int2 margin) {
  auto clamp01 = [](double chan) {
    if (chan < 0.0) return 0.0;
    if (chan > 1.0) return 1.0;
    return chan;
  int j = margin.y;
  for (int out_j = 0; out_j < ras->getLy(); j++, out_j++) {
    if (j < 0)
    else if (j >= dimIris)
    PIXEL* pix = ras->pixels(out_j);
    int i      = margin.x;
    for (int out_i = 0; out_i < ras->getLx(); i++, out_i++, pix++) {
      if (i < 0)
      else if (i >= dimIris)
      double3 gl_p = glare[j * dimIris + i];
      pix->r       = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(gl_p.x) *
      pix->g       = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(gl_p.y) *
      pix->b       = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(gl_p.z) *
      pix->m       = PIXEL::maxChannelValue;


// put the source tile's brightness to fft buffer
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_GlareFx::setSourceTileToBuffer(const RASTER ras, kiss_fft_cpx* buf) {
  kiss_fft_cpx* buf_p = buf;
  for (int j = 0; j < ras->getLy(); j++) {
    PIXEL* pix = ras->pixels(j);
    for (int i = 0; i < ras->getLx(); i++, pix++, buf_p++) {
      // Value = 0.3R 0.59G 0.11B
      (*buf_p).r = (double(pix->r) * 0.3 + double(pix->g) * 0.59 +
                    double(pix->b) * 0.11) /


void Iwa_GlareFx::setGlarePatternToBuffer(const double3* glare,
                                          kiss_fft_cpx* buf, const int channel,
                                          const int dimIris,
                                          const TDimensionI& dimOut) {
  int margin_x = (dimOut.lx - dimIris) / 2;
  int margin_y = ( - dimIris) / 2;
  for (int j = margin_y; j < margin_y + dimIris; j++) {
    const double3* glare_p = &glare[(j - margin_y) * dimIris];
    kiss_fft_cpx* buf_p    = &buf[j * dimOut.lx + margin_x];
    for (int i = margin_x; i < margin_x + dimIris; i++, buf_p++, glare_p++) {
      (*buf_p).r = (channel == 0)
                       ? (*glare_p).x
                       : (channel == 1) ? (*glare_p).y : (*glare_p).z;


void Iwa_GlareFx::multiplyFilter(kiss_fft_cpx* glare,
                                 const kiss_fft_cpx* source, const int count) {
  kiss_fft_cpx* g_p       = glare;
  const kiss_fft_cpx* s_p = source;
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, g_p++, s_p++) {
    double re = (*g_p).r * (*s_p).r - (*g_p).i * (*s_p).i;
    double im = (*g_p).r * (*s_p).i + (*s_p).r * (*g_p).i;
    (*g_p).r  = re;
    (*g_p).i  = im;

template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_GlareFx::setChannelToResult(const RASTER ras, kiss_fft_cpx* buf,
                                     int channel, const TDimensionI& dimOut) {
  auto clamp01 = [](double chan) {
    if (chan < 0.0) return 0.0;
    if (chan > 1.0) return 1.0;
    return chan;

  int margin_x = (dimOut.lx - ras->getSize().lx) / 2;
  int margin_y = ( - ras->getSize().ly) / 2;

  for (int j = 0; j < ras->getLy(); j++) {
    // kiss_fft_cpx* buf_p = &buf[(j + margin_y)*dimOut.lx + margin_x];
    PIXEL* pix = ras->pixels(j);
    for (int i = 0; i < ras->getLx(); i++, pix++) {
      kiss_fft_cpx fft_val =
          buf[getCoord(i + margin_x, j + margin_y, dimOut.lx,];
      double val = fft_val.r / (dimOut.lx *;
      if (channel == 0)
        pix->r = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(val) *
      else if (channel == 1)
        pix->g = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(val) *
      else if (channel == 2) {
        pix->b = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(clamp01(val) *
        pix->m = PIXEL::maxChannelValue;

bool Iwa_GlareFx::doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD& bBox,
                            const TRenderSettings& info) {
  bBox = TConsts::infiniteRectD;
  return true;


bool Iwa_GlareFx::canHandle(const TRenderSettings& info, double frame) {
  return false;

// Resize / flip the iris image according to the size ratio.
// Normalize the brightness of the iris image.
// Enlarge the iris to the output size.
void Iwa_GlareFx::convertIris(kiss_fft_cpx* kissfft_comp_iris_before,
                              const int& dimIris, const TRectD& irisBBox,
                              const TRasterP irisRaster) {
  // the original size of iris image
  double2 irisOrgSize = {irisBBox.getLx(), irisBBox.getLy()};

  // add 1 pixel margins to all sides
  int2 filterSize = {(int)std::ceil(irisOrgSize.x) + 2,
                     (int)std::ceil(irisOrgSize.y) + 2};
  TPointD resizeOffset((double)filterSize.x - irisOrgSize.x,
                       (double)filterSize.y - irisOrgSize.y);

  // Try to set the center of the iris to the center of the screen
  if ((dimIris - filterSize.x) % 2 == 1) filterSize.x++;
  if ((dimIris - filterSize.y) % 2 == 1) filterSize.y++;

  TRaster64P resizedIris(TDimension(filterSize.x, filterSize.y));

  TAffine aff;
  TPointD affOffset(0.5, 0.5);
  if (dimIris % 2 == 1) affOffset += TPointD(0.5, 0.5);

  aff = TTranslation(resizedIris->getCenterD() + affOffset);
  aff *= TTranslation(-(irisRaster->getCenterD() + affOffset));

  // resample the iris
  TRop::resample(resizedIris, irisRaster, aff);

  // accumulated value
  float irisValAmount = 0.0;

  int iris_j = 0;
  // Initialize
  for (int i = 0; i < dimIris * dimIris; i++) {
    kissfft_comp_iris_before[i].r = 0.0;
    kissfft_comp_iris_before[i].i = 0.0;
  for (int j = (dimIris - filterSize.y) / 2; iris_j < filterSize.y;
       j++, iris_j++) {
    if (j < 0) continue;
    if (j >= dimIris) break;
    TPixel64* pix = resizedIris->pixels(iris_j);
    int iris_i    = 0;
    for (int i = (dimIris - filterSize.x) / 2; iris_i < filterSize.x;
         i++, iris_i++) {
      if (i < 0) continue;
      if (i >= dimIris) break;
      // Value = 0.3R 0.59G 0.11B
      kissfft_comp_iris_before[j * dimIris + i].r =
          ((float)pix->r * 0.3f + (float)pix->g * 0.59f +
           (float)pix->b * 0.11f) /
      irisValAmount += kissfft_comp_iris_before[j * dimIris + i].r;

  // Normalize value
  for (int i = 0; i < dimIris * dimIris; i++) {
    kissfft_comp_iris_before[i].r /= irisValAmount;

void Iwa_GlareFx::getParamUIs(TParamUIConcept*& concepts, int& length) {
  concepts = new TParamUIConcept[length = 2];

  concepts[0].m_type  = TParamUIConcept::RADIUS;
  concepts[0].m_label = "Size";

  concepts[1].m_type  = TParamUIConcept::POINT;
  concepts[1].m_label = "Noise Offset";

FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(Iwa_GlareFx, "iwa_GlareFx")