Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once

#ifndef TMATH_UTIL_H
#define TMATH_UTIL_H

//#include "tcommon.h"
#include "texception.h"

#include <numeric>

#ifndef __sgi
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR

enum TMathError { INFINITE_SOLUTIONS = -1 };


class DVAPI TMathException : public TException {
  TString m_msg;

  TMathException(std::string msg);
  virtual ~TMathException() {}
  virtual TString getMessage() const { return m_msg; }


  Decompose a square matrix [A] dim(A)=[n x n]  using the LU method.
  A is a matrix stored for row.
  \par A array of coeff
  \par n size of matrix
  \par indx array with permutation from pivoting
  \par d +1/-1 and depend wheter the number of row interchanges (even or odd)
  \note If error a TException is thrown.
  \include mathutils_ex2.cpp
DVAPI void tLUDecomposition(double *A, int n, int *indx, double &d);


  Use the back-substitution method to solve the linear
  system A*x=b.
  \par A matrix exited from tLUDecomposition
  \par n size of matrix
  \par indx array exited from tLUDecomposition
  \par b in input is array of element
  \ret b in output contains result
  \note A is the square matrix [n x n] returned from tLUDecomposition routine.
  \sa tLUDecomposition
DVAPI void tbackSubstitution(double *A, int n, int *indx, double *b);


  Solve the system A*x=b.
  It`s needed to insert b in res.
  A and res are modifyed in the routine.
  \par A matrix
  \par n size of matrix
  \note A is square [n x n]
  \include mathutils_ex1.cpp
DVAPI void tsolveSistem(double *A, int n, double *res);


  Solve the system A*x=b.
  It`s needed to insert b in res.
  A and res are modifyed in the routine.
  \note A is square [n x n]
  \include mathutils_ex1.cpp
inline void tsolveSistem(std::vector<double> &A, std::vector<double> &res) {
  assert(res.size() * res.size() == A.size());
  tsolveSistem(&A[0], res.size(), &res[0]);


  Find determinant of square matrix A
  \par A is matrix to test
  \par n size of matrix
DVAPI double tdet(double *A, int n);


  Find determinant of square matrix A [n x n], using information
  from tLUDecomposition decomposition.
  \par LUa output matrix from tLUDecomposition
  \par n size of matrix
  \par d parameter from tLUDecomposition
  \sa tLUDecomposition
DVAPI double tdet(double *LUa, int n, double d);


  Find real root of a polynomious
  \par poly is a vector with coeff of polynomious in crescent order.
  \ret sol is the vector of solution and contain real found solution.
DVAPI int rootFinding(const std::vector<double> &poly,
                      std::vector<double> &sol);


  Check if val is nearest to epsilon.
  \par val value to test
  \par eps tolerance required
  \ret true if value is nearest to zero
inline bool isAlmostZero(double val, double eps = TConsts::epsilon) {
  return -eps < val && val < eps;


  Find number of roots of a poly in interval min max.
  \par order degree of polynomious
  \par coeff of poly in crescent order
  \par lesser extreme
  \par greater extreme
  \ret number of root
DVAPI int numberOfRootsInInterval(int order, const double *polyH, double min,
                                  double max);


  Find the real root of the poly a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d in [0,1]
  \par a coeff of x^3
  \par b coeff of x^2
  \par c coeff of x^1
  \par d coeff of x^0
  \ret the real root of the poly, or 1.0 if the root is not in [0,1]
DVAPI double cubicRoot(double a, double b, double c, double d);


  Find the root of the poly a*x^2+b*x+c
  \par a coeff of x^2
  \par b coeff of x^1
  \par c coeff of x^0
  \ret the root of the poly, or 1.0 if it does not exist
DVAPI double quadraticRoot(double a, double b, double c);


#endif  // #ifndef TMATH_UTIL_H
// End Of File