Blob Blame Raw

#include "stdfx.h"
#include "tfxparam.h"

#include "tparamset.h"
#include "tparamuiconcept.h"

class SpinBlurFx : public TStandardRasterFx

	TRasterFxPort m_input;
	TPointParamP m_point;
	TDoubleParamP m_radius;
	TDoubleParamP m_blur;

		: m_point(TPointD(0.0, 0.0)), m_radius(0.0), m_blur(2.0)
		bindParam(this, "point", m_point);
		bindParam(this, "radius", m_radius);
		bindParam(this, "blur", m_blur);
		addInputPort("Source", m_input);
		m_radius->setValueRange(0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());
		m_blur->setValueRange(0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());


	int getMaxBraid(const TRectD &bBox, double frame, const TAffine &aff = TAffine())
		double scale = sqrt(fabs(aff.det()));
		TPointD point = aff * m_point->getValue(frame);
		double radius = m_radius->getValue(frame) * scale;
		double blur = 0.001 * m_blur->getValue(frame) / scale;

		double intensity = blur * (TConsts::pi / 180);

		TPointD p1 = bBox.getP00() - point;
		TPointD p2 = bBox.getP01() - point;
		TPointD p3 = bBox.getP10() - point;
		TPointD p4 = bBox.getP11() - point;
		double d1 = p1.x * p1.x + p1.y * p1.y;
		double d2 = p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y;
		double d3 = p3.x * p3.x + p3.y * p3.y;
		double d4 = p4.x * p4.x + p4.y * p4.y;
		double maxD = tmax(tmax(tmax(d3, d4), d2), d1);
		double dist = sqrt(maxD);
		double blurangle;
		if (dist > radius)
			blurangle = intensity * ((dist - radius));
			blurangle = 0;
		if (blurangle > TConsts::pi)
			blurangle = TConsts::pi;
		return tround(4 * blurangle * dist);

	void enlarge(
		const TRectD &bbox, TRectD &requestedGeom,
		const TRenderSettings &ri, double frame);

	bool doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox, const TRenderSettings &info)
		if (m_input.isConnected()) {
			m_input->doGetBBox(frame, bBox, info);
			bBox = bBox.enlarge(getMaxBraid(bBox, frame));
			return true;
		} else {
			bBox = TRectD();
			return false;

	void transform(double frame,
				   int port,
				   const TRectD &rectOnOutput,
				   const TRenderSettings &infoOnOutput,
				   TRectD &rectOnInput,
				   TRenderSettings &infoOnInput);

	void doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &);

	int getMemoryRequirement(const TRectD &rect, double frame, const TRenderSettings &info);
	bool canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame)
		if (info.m_isSwatch)
			return true;

		return m_blur->getValue(frame) == 0 ? true : isAlmostIsotropic(info.m_affine);

	void getParamUIs(TParamUIConcept *&concepts, int &length)
		concepts = new TParamUIConcept[length = 2];

		concepts[0].m_type = TParamUIConcept::POINT;
		concepts[0].m_label = "Center";

		concepts[1].m_type = TParamUIConcept::RADIUS;
		concepts[1].m_label = "Radius";

template <typename PIXEL, typename CHANNEL_TYPE, int MAX_CHANNEL_VALUE>
void doSpinBlur(const TRasterPT<PIXEL> rout, const TRasterPT<PIXEL> rin, double blur,
				double radius, TPointD point)
	int maxRange = 0;
	int dx = (int)point.x;
	int dy = (int)point.y;
	int i, j;
	int lx = rout->getLx();
	int ly = rout->getLy();

	int XMAX = rin->getLx() / 2 - dx;
	int YMAX = rin->getLy() / 2 - dy;
	PIXEL *src_buf, *dst_buf;
	double CROP_VAL = (double)MAX_CHANNEL_VALUE;

	double intensity = blur * (TConsts::pi / 180);
	int cx = lx / 2 + dx;
	int cy = ly / 2 + dy;

	int XMIN = -cx;
	int YMIN = -cy;
	for (i = 0; i < ly; i++) {
		src_buf = rin->pixels(i);
		dst_buf = rout->pixels(i);
		for (j = 0; j < lx; j++, src_buf++, dst_buf++) {
			double valr = 0, valg = 0, valb = 0, valm = 0;

			double angle = 0, blurangle, dist, ddist = 0, rangeinv = 0, tmpangle = 0;
			int ii, vx, vy;
			int shiftx, shifty, range = 0;
			vx = (int)(j - cx);
			vy = (int)(i - cy);
			dist = sqrt((double)(vx * vx + vy * vy));
			if (dist > radius)
				blurangle = intensity * ((dist - radius));
				blurangle = 0;
			if (blurangle > TConsts::pi)
				blurangle = TConsts::pi;
			range = (int)(4 * blurangle * dist);
			if (range >= 1) {
				angle = atan2((double)vy, (double)vx) - blurangle;
				ddist = 0.5 / dist;
				for (ii = 0; ii <= range; ii++) {
					tmpangle = angle + ii * (ddist);
					shiftx = (int)(dist * cos(tmpangle));
					shifty = (int)(dist * sin(tmpangle));
					if ((shiftx) < XMIN)
						continue; //shiftx=XMIN;
					if ((shiftx) >= XMAX)
						continue; //=XMAX-1;
					if ((shifty) < YMIN)
						continue; //=YMIN;
					if ((shifty) >= YMAX)
						continue; //=YMAX-1;

					valr += rin->pixels(0 + shifty + cy)[shiftx + cx].r;
					valg += rin->pixels(0 + shifty + cy)[shiftx + cx].g;
					valb += rin->pixels(0 + shifty + cy)[shiftx + cx].b;
					valm += rin->pixels(0 + shifty + cy)[shiftx + cx].m;
				rangeinv = 1.0 / (range + 1);
				valr *= rangeinv;
				valg *= rangeinv;
				valb *= rangeinv;
				valm *= rangeinv;
				dst_buf->r = (valr > CROP_VAL) ? U_CROP_VAL : ((valr < 0) ? 0 : (CHANNEL_TYPE)valr);
				dst_buf->g = (valg > CROP_VAL) ? U_CROP_VAL : ((valg < 0) ? 0 : (CHANNEL_TYPE)valg);
				dst_buf->b = (valb > CROP_VAL) ? U_CROP_VAL : ((valb < 0) ? 0 : (CHANNEL_TYPE)valb);
				dst_buf->m = (valm > CROP_VAL) ? U_CROP_VAL : ((valm < 0) ? 0 : (CHANNEL_TYPE)valm);
			} else {
				*(dst_buf) = *(src_buf);


//!Calculates the geometry we need for this node computation, given
//!the known input data (bbox) and the requested output (requestedGeom).
void SpinBlurFx::enlarge(
	const TRectD &bbox, TRectD &requestedGeom,
	const TRenderSettings &ri, double frame)
	TRectD enlargedBbox(bbox);
	TRectD enlargedGeom(requestedGeom);
	TPointD originalP00(requestedGeom.getP00());

	double maxRange = getMaxBraid(enlargedBbox, frame, ri.m_affine);
	enlargedBbox = enlargedBbox.enlarge(maxRange);
	enlargedGeom = enlargedGeom.enlarge(maxRange);

	//We are to find out the geometry that is useful for the fx computation.
	//There are some rules to follow:
	//  a) First, the interesting output we can generate is bounded by both
	//     the requestedRect and the blurred bbox (i.e. enlarged by the blur radius).
	//  b) Pixels contributing to any output are necessarily part of bbox - and only
	//     those which are blurrable into the requestedRect are useful to us
	//     (i.e. pixels contained in its enlargement by the blur radius).

	requestedGeom = (enlargedGeom * bbox) + (enlargedBbox * requestedGeom);

	//Finally, make sure that the result is coherent with the original P00
	requestedGeom -= originalP00;
	requestedGeom.x0 = tfloor(requestedGeom.x0);
	requestedGeom.y0 = tfloor(requestedGeom.y0);
	requestedGeom.x1 = tceil(requestedGeom.x1);
	requestedGeom.y1 = tceil(requestedGeom.y1);
	requestedGeom += originalP00;


void SpinBlurFx::transform(
	double frame,
	int port,
	const TRectD &rectOnOutput,
	const TRenderSettings &infoOnOutput,
	TRectD &rectOnInput,
	TRenderSettings &infoOnInput)
	TRectD rectOut(rectOnOutput);

	if (canHandle(infoOnOutput, frame))
		infoOnInput = infoOnOutput;
	else {
		infoOnInput = infoOnOutput;
		infoOnInput.m_affine = TAffine(); // because the affine does not commute
		rectOut = infoOnOutput.m_affine.inv() * rectOut;

	TRectD bbox;
	m_input->getBBox(frame, bbox, infoOnInput);
	if (bbox == TConsts::infiniteRectD)
		bbox = rectOut;

	rectOnInput = rectOut;
	enlarge(bbox, rectOnInput, infoOnInput, frame);


void SpinBlurFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri)
	if (!m_input.isConnected())

	double scale = sqrt(fabs(ri.m_affine.det()));
	TPointD point = ri.m_affine * m_point->getValue(frame);
	double radius = m_radius->getValue(frame) * scale;
	double blur = 0.001 * m_blur->getValue(frame) / scale;

	TRectD tileRect = convert(tile.getRaster()->getBounds()) + tile.m_pos;

	TRectD bBox;
	m_input->getBBox(frame, bBox, ri);
	if (bBox.isEmpty())

	if (bBox == TConsts::infiniteRectD)
		bBox = tileRect;

	enlarge(bBox, tileRect, ri, frame);

	TPointD tileRectCenter = (tileRect.getP00() + tileRect.getP11()) * 0.5;
	point -= tileRectCenter;

	int rasInLx = tileRect.getLx();
	int rasInLy = tileRect.getLy();

	TRaster32P raster32 = tile.getRaster();
	TRaster64P raster64 = tile.getRaster();

	TPoint offset = convert(tile.m_pos - tileRect.getP00());
	TTile tileIn;
	if (raster32) {
		m_input->allocateAndCompute(tileIn, tileRect.getP00(),
									TDimension(rasInLx, rasInLy),
									raster32, frame, ri);
		TRaster32P rin = tileIn.getRaster();
		TRaster32P app = raster32->create(rasInLx, rasInLy);
		doSpinBlur<TPixel32, UCHAR, 255>(app, rin, blur, radius, point);
		raster32->copy(app, -offset);
	} else if (raster64) {
		TRaster64P raster64 = tile.getRaster();
		m_input->allocateAndCompute(tileIn, tileRect.getP00(),
									TDimension(rasInLx, rasInLy),
									raster64, frame, ri);
		TRaster64P rin = tileIn.getRaster();
		TRaster64P app = raster64->create(rasInLx, rasInLy);
		doSpinBlur<TPixel64, USHORT, 65535>(app, rin, blur, radius, point);
		raster64->copy(app, -offset);
	} else
		throw TException("Brightness&Contrast: unsupported Pixel Type");

	/* TRectD rectIn = convert(tile.getRaster()->getBounds()) + tile.m_pos;
  TPointD rectInCenter=(rectIn.getP00()+rectIn.getP11())*0.5;
  //rectIn = rectIn.enlarge(blur);
  int rasInLx = tround(rectIn.getLx())+1;
  int rasInLy = tround(rectIn.getLy())+1;  



  TRaster32P raster32 = tile.getRaster();
  TTile tileIn;
  if (raster32)
    m_input->allocateAndCompute(tileIn, rectIn.getP00(), 
                              TDimension(rasInLx, rasInLy), 
                              raster32, frame, ri);
    TRaster32P rin=tileIn.getRaster();
    doSpinBlur<TPixel32, UCHAR, 255>(raster32, rin, blur, radius, point);
    TRaster64P raster64 = tile.getRaster();
    m_input->allocateAndCompute(tileIn, rectIn.getP00(), 
                              TDimension(rasInLx, rasInLy), 
                              raster64, frame, ri);
    TRaster64P rin=tileIn.getRaster();
    if (raster64)
      doSpinBlur<TPixel64, USHORT, 65535>(raster64, rin, blur, radius, point);
      throw TException("Brightness&Contrast: unsupported Pixel Type");



int SpinBlurFx::getMemoryRequirement(const TRectD &rect, double frame, const TRenderSettings &info)
	double scale = sqrt(fabs(info.m_affine.det()));
	TPointD point = info.m_affine * m_point->getValue(frame);
	double blur = 0.001 * m_blur->getValue(frame) / scale;

	TRectD bBox;
	m_input->getBBox(frame, bBox, info);
	if (bBox.isEmpty())
		return 0;

	if (bBox == TConsts::infiniteRectD)
		bBox = rect;

	TRectD tileRect(rect);
	enlarge(bBox, tileRect, info, frame);

	return TRasterFx::memorySize(tileRect.enlarge(blur), info.m_bpp);


FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(SpinBlurFx, "rotationalBlurFx")