Blob Blame Raw


#include "schematicviewer.h"
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include <QMap>

//forward declaration
class TStageObject;
class TXsheetHandle;
class TObjectHandle;
class TColumnHandle;
class TSceneHandle;
class TFrameHandle;
class TXsheet;
class StageSchematicNode;
class StageSchematicSplineNode;
class TStageObjectSpline;
class StageObjectSelection;
class SchematicLink;
class StageSchematicGroupNode;
class StageSchematicGroupEditor;

// TreeStageNode
//! Provide a structure representing a node af a tree.
//! This class mantains information about a node of the stage schematic and its children.
//! The tree is generated using the TStageObjectTree.
//! The generated tree is used to oreder stage schematic nodes in the window.
class TreeStageNode
	//! The node to replace in the window
	StageSchematicNode *m_node;
	//! The childre of the node
	vector<TreeStageNode *> m_cildren;

	TreeStageNode(StageSchematicNode *node)
		: m_node(node)

		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < (int)m_cildren.size(); i++) {
			delete m_cildren[i];

	void setSchematicNode(StageSchematicNode *node) { m_node = node; }
	void addChild(TreeStageNode *child) { m_cildren.push_back(child); }

	StageSchematicNode *getNode() { return m_node; }
	int getChildrenCount() { return m_cildren.size(); }
	TreeStageNode *getChildTreeNode(int i) { return m_cildren[i]; }
	//! Sort the children container.
	//! The sorting follows this rules:\n
	//! \li TableNode < CameraNode < PegbarNode < ColumnNode
	//! \li if two nodes are of the same type, they are odered using indexes
	void sortChildren(int startIndex, int lastIndex);
	void reverseChildren() { std::reverse(m_cildren.begin(), m_cildren.end()); }

// StageSchematic

//! It is the implementation of the SchematicScene representig the QGraphicsScene for the Stage Schematic.
//! All StageSchematicNode,  StageSchematicSplineNode and link are pleced and handled in this scene.
//! The scene mantains two mapping:
//! one for StageSchematicNode and one for StageSchematicSplineNode. These mapping can be used to retrieve
//! nodes and spline.\n
//! To regenearte the scene use the updateScene().\n
//! To oreder nodes in the scene use the reorderScene().

class StageSchematicScene : public SchematicScene
	TXsheetHandle *m_xshHandle;
	TObjectHandle *m_objHandle;
	TColumnHandle *m_colHandle;
	TSceneHandle *m_sceneHandle;
	TFrameHandle *m_frameHandle;
	TPointD m_nextNodePos;
	TPointD m_firstPos;
	QMap<TStageObjectId, StageSchematicNode *> m_nodeTable;
	QMap<int, StageSchematicGroupNode *> m_GroupTable;
	QMap<int, StageSchematicGroupEditor *> m_groupEditorTable;
	QMap<TStageObjectSpline *, StageSchematicSplineNode *> m_splineTable;
	StageObjectSelection *m_selection;
	int m_gridDimension;

	QMap<TStageObjectId, QList<StageSchematicNode *>> m_nodesToPlace;

	bool m_showLetterOnPortFlag;

	StageSchematicScene(QWidget *parent);

	//! Clear all item an regenerate the Stage Schematic graph.
	void updateScene();

	//! Reurns the current node.
	QGraphicsItem *getCurrentNode();

	//! Replace all nodes in the scene.
	void reorderScene();
	TXsheet *getXsheet();
	TXsheetHandle *getXsheetHandle() { return m_xshHandle; }

	void setXsheetHandle(TXsheetHandle *xshHandle);
	void setObjectHandle(TObjectHandle *objHandle);
	void setColumnHandle(TColumnHandle *colHandle);
	void setFxHandle(TFxHandle *fxHandle);
	void setSceneHandle(TSceneHandle *sceneHandle) { m_sceneHandle = sceneHandle; }
	void setFrameHandle(TFrameHandle *frameHandle) { m_frameHandle = frameHandle; }
	TStageObjectId getCurrentObject();
	TFrameHandle *getFrameHandle() { return m_frameHandle; }
	TColumnHandle *getColumnHandle() { return m_colHandle; }
	void updateNestedGroupEditors(StageSchematicNode *node, const QPointF &newPos);
	void resizeNodes(bool maximizedNode);

	bool isShowLetterOnPortFlagEnabled(){ return m_showLetterOnPortFlag; }

	StageSchematicNode *addStageSchematicNode(TStageObject *pegbar);
	StageSchematicGroupNode *addStageGroupNode(QList<TStageObject *> objs);
	StageSchematicSplineNode *addSchematicSplineNode(TStageObjectSpline *spline);
	StageSchematicGroupEditor *addEditedGroupedStageSchematicNode(int groupId, const QList<SchematicNode *> &groupedObjs);
	StageSchematicNode *createStageSchematicNode(StageSchematicScene *scene, TStageObject *pegbar);

	//! Places all nodes in the window
	void placeNodes();

	//! Search nodes in the TStageObjectTree that are roots of a tree.
	//! Roots are placed in the container \b roots
	void findRoots(vector<TreeStageNode *> &roots);

	//! Build the tree starting from \b treenode.
	//! The tree is build recursively on each children of \b treeNode.
	void makeTree(TreeStageNode *treeNode);

	//! Give the right position to the \b treeNode children.
	//! All nodes of the stage schematic are replaced recursively on each children starting from a root.
	//! \b xPos and \b yPos are update from the method.
	//! \sa findRoots(vector<TreeNode*> &roots)
	void placeChildren(TreeStageNode *treeNode, double &xPos, double &yPos, bool isCameraTree = false);

	//! Place a StageSchematicNode in the window.
	//! It is usually used to place new nodes that have not position.
	void placeNode(StageSchematicNode *node);

	//! Place a StageSchematicSplineNode in the window.
	//! It is usually used to place new splines that have not position.
	void placeSplineNode(StageSchematicSplineNode *splineNode);

	SchematicNode *getNodeFromPosition(const QPointF &pos);

	void updatePosition(StageSchematicNode *node, const TPointD &pos);
	void highlightLinks(StageSchematicNode *node, bool value);
	void updateEditedGroups(const QMap<int, QList<SchematicNode *>> &editedGroup);
	void updatePositionOnResize(TStageObject *obj, bool maximizedNode);
	void updateSplinePositionOnResize(TStageObjectSpline *spl, bool maximizedNode);

	void contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *cme);
	void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);

	void editObject();
	void doCollapse(QList<TStageObjectId>);
	void doExplodeChild(QList<TStageObjectId>);

protected slots:
	void onSelectionSwitched(TSelection *oldSel, TSelection *newSel);

	void onPegbarAdded();
	void onSplineAdded();
	void onCameraAdded();
	void onResetCenter();
	void onCameraActivate();
	void onRemoveSpline();
	void onSaveSpline();
	void onLoadSpline();

	void onPathToggled(int state);
	void onCpToggled(bool toggled);

	void onXsheetChanged();
	void onSceneChanged();
	void onCurrentObjectChanged(const TStageObjectId &, bool);
	void onCurrentColumnChanged(int);
	void onSelectionChanged();
	void onCollapse(QList<TStageObjectId>);
	void onOpenSubxsheet();
	void onEditGroup();

	void onSwitchPortModeToggled(bool withLetter);