Blob Blame Raw


#include "tpersist.h"
#include "tsmartpointer.h"
#include <set>

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR

class TParamObserver;

//! This class is an abstract class and is a generic interface to the features of an object.
	It is used to access to the parameters of an object, with the purpose  
	to store and retrieve the key features.
class DVAPI TParam : public TSmartObject, public TPersist

	string m_name;
	string m_description;
	string m_label;

		The contructor store the name of the parameter and initialize his 
		interface with I/O through the class TPersist.
	TParam(string name = "", string description = "", string label = "")
		: TSmartObject(m_classCode), TPersist(), m_name(name), m_description(description),
		  m_label(label) {}

	virtual ~TParam() {}
		Returns the name of the parameter.
	string getName() const { return m_name; };
		This method sets the name of the parameter to \e name.
	void setName(const string &name) { m_name = name; };

		Return the description.
	string getDescription() const { return m_description; }
		Set the description.
	void setDescription(const string &description) { m_description = description; }

	bool hasUILabel() const { return m_label != "" ? true : false; }
	void setUILabel(const std::string &l) { m_label = l; };
	std::string getUILabel() const { return m_label; };

		This method must be implemented with a clone function, i.e a function that make 
		a new copy of the parameter. 
	virtual TParam *clone() const = 0;
		Performs a copy function of the parameter in an existing object.
	virtual void copy(TParam *src) = 0;
		An observer is a generic class that takes care and manages of canghes in the parameters.
		This method must be implemented with a function that add objects to an observer internal list.   
	virtual void addObserver(TParamObserver *) = 0;
		Removes \e this from the observer. 
		\sa addObserver()
	virtual void removeObserver(TParamObserver *) = 0;
		This method is used to sets the status changing notification of the parameter. i.e the 
		observer must take care of the changes. 
	virtual void enableNotification(bool on) {}
		This method must return \e true if the  notification status is enabled.
	virtual bool isNotificationEnabled() const { return true; }

		This pure virtual method must return a string with the value of the parameter 
		and the precision needed.
	virtual string getValueAlias(double frame, int precision) = 0;

	virtual bool isAnimatable() const = 0;
		It must returns \e true if the \e frame is a keyframe.
	virtual bool isKeyframe(double frame) const = 0;
		Removes \e frame from the list of the keyframes associated to this parameter.	
	virtual void deleteKeyframe(double frame) = 0;
		Removes all keyframes from this parameter.
	virtual void clearKeyframes() = 0;
		Makes the \e frame associated to this parameter a keyframe
	virtual void assignKeyframe(
		double frame,
		const TSmartPointerT<TParam> &src, double srcFrame,
		bool changedOnly = false) = 0;
		This function must be overridden with a method that returns as a reference 
		a list of keyframes in the form of a standard list.  
	virtual void getKeyframes(std::set<double> &frames) const {}
		This method must return true if there are keyframes associated to this parameter.
	virtual bool hasKeyframes() const { return false; }
		This method must return the index of the keyframe (if any) after the \e frame, otherwiswe 
		returns -1.
	virtual int getNextKeyframe(double frame) const { return -1; }
		This method must return the index of the keyframe (if any) before the \e frame, otherwiswe 
		returns -1.
	virtual int getPrevKeyframe(double frame) const { return -1; }
		This method must returns a frame given the index \e index. A frame is a double value representing 
		a frame.
	virtual double keyframeIndexToFrame(int index) const { return 0.0; }

	// not implemented
	TParam(const TParam &);
	TParam &operator=(const TParam &);


#ifdef WIN32
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TParam>;
typedef TSmartPointerT<TParam> TParamP;


#ifdef WIN32
	template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<PARAM>; \
	template class DVAPI TDerivedSmartPointerT<PARAM, TParam>;

#define DEFINE_PARAM_SMARTPOINTER(PARAM, TYPE)                         \
	DVAPI_PARAM_SMARTPOINTER(PARAM)                                    \
	class DVAPI PARAM##P : public TDerivedSmartPointerT<PARAM, TParam> \
	{                                                                  \
	public:                                                            \
		PARAM##P(PARAM *p = 0) : DerivedSmartPointer(p) {}             \
		PARAM##P(TYPE v) : DerivedSmartPointer(new PARAM(v)) {}        \
		PARAM##P(TParamP &p) : DerivedSmartPointer(p) {}               \
		PARAM##P(const TParamP &p) : DerivedSmartPointer(p) {}         \
		operator TParamP() const { return TParamP(m_pointer); }        \
