Blob Blame Raw
#include "controlpointselection.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "tmathutil.h"
#include "tools/toolhandle.h"
#include "tools/toolutils.h"
#include "toonz/tobjecthandle.h"
#include "toonz/txshlevelhandle.h"
#include "toonz/tstageobject.h"
using namespace ToolUtils;
namespace {
inline bool isLinearPoint(const TPointD &p0, const TPointD &p1,
const TPointD &p2) {
return (tdistance(p0, p1) < 0.02) && (tdistance(p1, p2) < 0.02);
//! Ritorna \b true se il punto \b p1 e' una cuspide.
bool isCuspPoint(const TPointD &p0, const TPointD &p1, const TPointD &p2) {
TPointD p0_p1(p0 - p1), p2_p1(p2 - p1);
double n1 = norm(p0_p1), n2 = norm(p2_p1);
// Partial linear points are ALWAYS cusps (since directions from them are
// determined by neighbours, not by the points themselves)
if ((n1 < 0.02) || (n2 < 0.02)) return true;
p0_p1 = p0_p1 * (1.0 / n1);
p2_p1 = p2_p1 * (1.0 / n2);
return (p0_p1 * p2_p1 > 0) ||
(fabs(cross(p0_p1, p2_p1)) > 0.09); // more than 5° is yes
// Distance-based check. Unscalable...
// return
// !areAlmostEqual(tdistance(p0,p2),tdistance(p0,p1)+tdistance(p1,p2),2);
TThickPoint computeLinearPoint(const TThickPoint &p1, const TThickPoint &p2,
double factor, bool isIn) {
TThickPoint p = p2 - p1;
TThickPoint v = p * (1 / norm(p));
if (isIn) return p2 - factor * v;
return p1 + factor * v;
/*! Insert a point in the most long chunk between chunk \b indexA and chunk \b
* indexB. */
void insertPoint(TStroke *stroke, int indexA, int indexB) {
int j = 0;
int chunkCount = indexB - indexA;
if (chunkCount % 2 == 0) return;
double length = 0;
double firstW, lastW;
for (j = indexA; j < indexB; j++) {
// cerco il chunk piu' lungo
double w0 = stroke->getW(stroke->getChunk(j)->getP0());
double w1;
if (j == stroke->getChunkCount() - 1)
w1 = 1;
w1 = stroke->getW(stroke->getChunk(j)->getP2());
double length0 = stroke->getLength(w0);
double length1 = stroke->getLength(w1);
if (length < length1 - length0) {
firstW = w0;
lastW = w1;
length = length1 - length0;
stroke->insertControlPoints((firstW + lastW) * 0.5);
} // namespace
// ControlPointEditorStroke
ControlPointEditorStroke *ControlPointEditorStroke::clone() const {
ControlPointEditorStroke *controlPointEditorStroke =
new ControlPointEditorStroke();
controlPointEditorStroke->setStroke(m_vi->clone(), m_strokeIndex);
return controlPointEditorStroke;
int ControlPointEditorStroke::nextIndex(int index) const {
int cpCount = m_controlPoints.size();
if (++index < cpCount) return index;
if (isSelfLoop()) {
index %= cpCount;
return (index < 0) ? index + cpCount : index;
return -1;
int ControlPointEditorStroke::prevIndex(int index) const {
int cpCount = m_controlPoints.size();
if (--index >= 0) return index;
if (isSelfLoop()) {
index %= cpCount;
return (index < 0) ? index + cpCount : index;
return -1;
void ControlPointEditorStroke::adjustChunkParity() {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
int firstChunk;
int secondChunk = stroke->getChunkCount();
int i;
for (i = stroke->getChunkCount() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (tdistance(stroke->getChunk(i - 1)->getP0(),
stroke->getChunk(i)->getP2()) < 0.5)
TPointD p0 = stroke->getChunk(i - 1)->getP1();
TPointD p1 = stroke->getChunk(i - 1)->getP2();
TPointD p2 = stroke->getChunk(i)->getP1();
if (isCuspPoint(p0, p1, p2) || isLinearPoint(p0, p1, p2)) {
firstChunk = i;
insertPoint(stroke, firstChunk, secondChunk);
secondChunk = firstChunk;
insertPoint(stroke, 0, secondChunk);
void ControlPointEditorStroke::resetControlPoints() {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
int i;
int cpCount = stroke->getControlPointCount();
if (cpCount == 3) {
const TThickQuadratic *chunk = stroke->getChunk(0);
if (chunk->getP0() == chunk->getP1() &&
chunk->getP0() == chunk->getP2()) // E' un punto
ControlPoint(0, TPointD(0.0, 0.0), TPointD(0.0, 0.0), true));
for (i = 0; i < cpCount; i = i + 4) {
TThickPoint speedIn, speedOut;
bool isPickOut = false;
TThickPoint p = stroke->getControlPoint(i);
TThickPoint precP = stroke->getControlPoint(i - 1);
TThickPoint nextP = stroke->getControlPoint(i + 1);
if (0 < i && i < cpCount - 1) // calcola speedIn e speedOut
speedIn = p - precP;
speedOut = nextP - p;
if (i == 0) // calcola solo lo speedOut
speedOut = nextP - p;
if (isSelfLoop()) speedIn = p - stroke->getControlPoint(cpCount - 2);
if (i == cpCount - 1) // calcola solo lo speedIn
speedIn = p - precP;
if (i == cpCount - 1 && isSelfLoop())
break; // Se lo stroke e' selfLoop inserisco solo il primo dei due punti
// coincidenti
bool isCusp = ((i != 0 && i != cpCount - 1) || (isSelfLoop() && i == 0))
? isCuspPoint(precP, p, nextP)
: true;
m_controlPoints.push_back(ControlPoint(i, speedIn, speedOut, isCusp));
TThickPoint ControlPointEditorStroke::getPureDependentPoint(int index) const {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return TThickPoint();
bool selfLoop = isSelfLoop();
int cpCount = selfLoop ? m_controlPoints.size() + 1 : m_controlPoints.size();
int nextIndex = (selfLoop && index == cpCount - 2) ? 0 : index + 1;
int pointIndex = m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex;
TThickPoint oldP(stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex + 2));
TPointD oldSpeedOutP = stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex + 1);
TPointD oldSpeedInP = stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex + 3);
double dist = tdistance(oldSpeedOutP, oldSpeedInP);
double t = (dist > 1e-4) ? tdistance(oldSpeedInP, convert(oldP)) / dist : 0.5;
TPointD speedOutPoint(getSpeedOutPoint(index));
TPointD nextSpeedInPoint(getSpeedInPoint(nextIndex));
return TThickPoint((1 - t) * nextSpeedInPoint + t * speedOutPoint,
// return TThickPoint(0.5 * (speedOutPoint + nextSpeedInPoint), oldThick);
void ControlPointEditorStroke::getDependentPoints(
int index, std::vector<std::pair<int, TThickPoint>> &points) const {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
int cpCount = m_controlPoints.size();
if (index == cpCount && isSelfLoop()) // strange, but was treated...
index = 0;
if (index == 0 && cpCount == 1) {
// Single point case
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
TThickPoint pos(stroke->getControlPoint(m_controlPoints[0].m_pointIndex));
points.push_back(std::make_pair(1, pos));
points.push_back(std::make_pair(2, pos));
int prev = prevIndex(index);
if (prev >= 0) {
int prevPointIndex = m_controlPoints[prev].m_pointIndex;
if (isSpeedOutLinear(prev))
std::make_pair(prevPointIndex + 1, getSpeedOutPoint(prev)));
std::make_pair(prevPointIndex + 2, getPureDependentPoint(prev)));
std::make_pair(prevPointIndex + 3, getSpeedInPoint(index)));
int next = nextIndex(index);
if (next >= 0) {
int pointIndex = m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex;
points.push_back(std::make_pair(pointIndex + 1, getSpeedOutPoint(index)));
std::make_pair(pointIndex + 2, getPureDependentPoint(index)));
if (isSpeedInLinear(next))
points.push_back(std::make_pair(pointIndex + 3, getSpeedInPoint(next)));
void ControlPointEditorStroke::updatePoints() {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
bool selfLoop = isSelfLoop();
// Se e' rimasto un unico punto non ha senso che la stroke sia selfloop
if (selfLoop && m_controlPoints.size() == 1) {
selfLoop = false;
// Se e' self loop devo aggiungere un punto in piu' al cpCount
std::vector<TThickPoint> points;
int cpCount = selfLoop ? m_controlPoints.size() + 1 : m_controlPoints.size();
if (cpCount == 1)
// Single point case
points.resize(3, getControlPoint(0));
else {
std::vector<std::pair<int, TThickPoint>> dependentPoints;
int i, pointIndex, currPointIndex = m_controlPoints[0].m_pointIndex + 1;
for (i = 1; i < cpCount; ++i) {
bool isLastSelfLoopPoint = (selfLoop && i == cpCount - 1);
int index = isLastSelfLoopPoint ? 0 : i;
TThickPoint p = getControlPoint(index);
pointIndex = isLastSelfLoopPoint ? getStroke()->getControlPointCount()
: m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex;
getDependentPoints(index, dependentPoints);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < (int)dependentPoints.size() &&
dependentPoints[j].first < pointIndex;
j++) {
if (currPointIndex < dependentPoints[j].first) {
currPointIndex = dependentPoints[j].first;
for (; j < (int)dependentPoints.size(); j++) {
if (currPointIndex < dependentPoints[j].first) {
currPointIndex = dependentPoints[j].first;
stroke->reshape(&points[0], points.size());
void ControlPointEditorStroke::updateDependentPoint(int index) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
std::vector<std::pair<int, TThickPoint>> points;
getDependentPoints(index, points);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); i++)
stroke->setControlPoint(points[i].first, points[i].second);
void ControlPointEditorStroke::moveSpeedOut(int index, const TPointD &delta,
double minDistance) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
// If the next cp has linear speed in, it must be recomputed
bool selfLoop = isSelfLoop();
int cpCount = selfLoop ? m_controlPoints.size() + 1 : m_controlPoints.size();
int nextIndex = (selfLoop && index == cpCount - 2) ? 0 : index + 1;
if (m_controlPoints[nextIndex].m_isCusp && isSpeedInLinear(nextIndex))
setLinearSpeedIn(nextIndex, true, false);
// Update the speedOut
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut += delta;
TPointD newP = m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut;
if (areAlmostEqual(newP.x, 0, minDistance) &&
areAlmostEqual(newP.y, 0, minDistance)) // Setto a linear
if (!m_controlPoints[index].m_isCusp && !isSpeedInLinear(index)) {
// Devo ricalcolare lo SpeedIn
TPointD v(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut *
(1.0 / norm(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut)));
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn =
TThickPoint(v * norm(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn),
void ControlPointEditorStroke::moveSpeedIn(int index, const TPointD &delta,
double minDistance) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
// If the prev cp has linear speed out, it must be recomputed
bool selfLoop = isSelfLoop();
int cpCount = selfLoop ? m_controlPoints.size() + 1 : m_controlPoints.size();
int prevIndex = (selfLoop && index == 0) ? cpCount - 2 : index - 1;
if (m_controlPoints[prevIndex].m_isCusp && isSpeedOutLinear(prevIndex))
setLinearSpeedOut(prevIndex, true, false);
// Update the speedOut
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn -= delta;
TPointD newP = m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn;
if (areAlmostEqual(newP.x, 0, minDistance) &&
areAlmostEqual(newP.y, 0, minDistance)) // Setto a linear
if (!m_controlPoints[index].m_isCusp && !isSpeedOutLinear(index)) {
// Devo ricalcolare lo SpeedOut
TPointD v(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn *
(1.0 / norm(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn)));
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut =
TThickPoint(v * norm(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut),
void ControlPointEditorStroke::moveSingleControlPoint(int index,
const TPointD &delta) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
int pointIndex = m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex;
assert(stroke && 0 <= pointIndex &&
pointIndex < stroke->getControlPointCount());
bool selfLoop = isSelfLoop();
int cpCount = selfLoop ? m_controlPoints.size() + 1 : m_controlPoints.size();
TThickPoint p = stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex);
p = TThickPoint(p + delta, p.thick);
stroke->setControlPoint(pointIndex, p);
if (pointIndex == 0 && selfLoop)
stroke->setControlPoint(stroke->getControlPointCount() - 1, p);
// Directions must be recalculated in the linear cases
if ((selfLoop || index > 0) && isSpeedInLinear(index)) {
setLinearSpeedIn(index, true, false);
// Furthermore, if the NEIGHBOUR point is linear, it has to be
// recalculated too
int prevIndex = (selfLoop && index == 0) ? cpCount - 2 : index - 1;
if (m_controlPoints[prevIndex].m_isCusp && isSpeedOutLinear(prevIndex))
setLinearSpeedOut(prevIndex, true, false);
if ((selfLoop || index < cpCount - 1) && isSpeedOutLinear(index)) {
setLinearSpeedOut(index, true, false);
int nextIndex = (selfLoop && index == cpCount - 2) ? 0 : index + 1;
if (m_controlPoints[nextIndex].m_isCusp && isSpeedInLinear(nextIndex))
setLinearSpeedIn(nextIndex, true, false);
void ControlPointEditorStroke::setStroke(const TVectorImageP &vi,
int strokeIndex) {
m_strokeIndex = strokeIndex;
m_vi = vi;
if (!vi || strokeIndex == -1) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
const TThickQuadratic *chunk = stroke->getChunk(0);
if (stroke->getControlPointCount() == 3 && chunk->getP0() == chunk->getP1() &&
chunk->getP0() == chunk->getP2()) {
TThickPoint ControlPointEditorStroke::getControlPoint(int index) const {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
assert(stroke && 0 <= index && index < (int)m_controlPoints.size());
return stroke->getControlPoint(m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex);
int ControlPointEditorStroke::getIndexPointInStroke(int index) const {
return m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex;
TThickPoint ControlPointEditorStroke::getSpeedInPoint(int index) const {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
assert(stroke && 0 <= index && index < (int)m_controlPoints.size());
ControlPoint cp = m_controlPoints[index];
return stroke->getControlPoint(cp.m_pointIndex) - cp.m_speedIn;
TThickPoint ControlPointEditorStroke::getSpeedOutPoint(int index) const {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
assert(stroke && 0 <= index && index < (int)m_controlPoints.size());
ControlPoint cp = m_controlPoints[index];
return stroke->getControlPoint(cp.m_pointIndex) + cp.m_speedOut;
bool ControlPointEditorStroke::isCusp(int index) const {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
assert(stroke && 0 <= index && index < (int)getControlPointCount());
return m_controlPoints[index].m_isCusp;
void ControlPointEditorStroke::setCusp(int index, bool isCusp,
bool setSpeedIn) {
m_controlPoints[index].m_isCusp = isCusp;
if (isCusp == true) return;
moveSpeed(index, TPointD(0.0, 0.0), setSpeedIn, 0.0);
bool ControlPointEditorStroke::isSpeedInLinear(int index) const {
assert(index < (int)m_controlPoints.size());
return (fabs(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn.x) <= 0.02) &&
(fabs(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn.y) <= 0.02);
bool ControlPointEditorStroke::isSpeedOutLinear(int index) const {
assert(index < (int)m_controlPoints.size());
return (fabs(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut.x) <= 0.02) &&
(fabs(m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut.y) <= 0.02);
void ControlPointEditorStroke::setLinearSpeedIn(int index, bool linear,
bool updatePoints) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke || m_controlPoints.size() == 1) return;
int pointIndex = m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex;
if (pointIndex == 0) {
if (isSelfLoop())
pointIndex = stroke->getControlPointCount() - 1;
int precIndex =
(index == 0 && isSelfLoop()) ? m_controlPoints.size() - 1 : index - 1;
TThickPoint point = stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex);
TThickPoint precPoint = (pointIndex > 2)
? stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex - 3)
: TThickPoint();
if (linear) {
TThickPoint p(point - precPoint);
double n = norm(p);
TThickPoint speedIn =
(n != 0.0) ? (0.01 / n) * p : TThickPoint(0.001, 0.001, 0.0);
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn = speedIn;
} else {
TThickPoint newPrec2 = (precPoint + point) * 0.5;
TThickPoint speedIn = (point - newPrec2) * 0.5;
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedIn = speedIn;
if (updatePoints) updateDependentPoint(index);
void ControlPointEditorStroke::setLinearSpeedOut(int index, bool linear,
bool updatePoints) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke || m_controlPoints.size() == 1) return;
int cpCount = stroke->getControlPointCount();
int pointIndex = m_controlPoints[index].m_pointIndex;
if (pointIndex == cpCount - 1) {
if (isSelfLoop())
pointIndex = 0;
int nextIndex =
(index == m_controlPoints.size() - 1 && isSelfLoop()) ? 0 : index + 1;
TThickPoint point = stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex);
TThickPoint nextPoint = (pointIndex < cpCount - 3)
? stroke->getControlPoint(pointIndex + 3)
: TThickPoint();
if (linear) {
TThickPoint p(nextPoint - point);
double n = norm(p);
TThickPoint speedOut =
(n != 0.0) ? (0.01 / n) * p : TThickPoint(0.001, 0.001, 0.0);
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut = speedOut;
} else {
TThickPoint newNext2 = (nextPoint + point) * 0.5;
TThickPoint speedOut = (newNext2 - point) * 0.5;
m_controlPoints[index].m_speedOut = speedOut;
if (updatePoints) updateDependentPoint(index);
bool ControlPointEditorStroke::setLinear(int index, bool isLinear,
bool updatePoints) {
bool movePrec = (!isSelfLoop()) ? index > 0 : true;
bool moveNext = (!isSelfLoop()) ? (index < getControlPointCount() - 1) : true;
if (isLinear != isSpeedInLinear(index))
setLinearSpeedIn(index, isLinear, updatePoints);
movePrec = false;
if (isLinear != isSpeedOutLinear(index))
setLinearSpeedOut(index, isLinear, updatePoints);
moveNext = false;
bool ret = moveNext || movePrec;
if (ret) m_controlPoints[index].m_isCusp = true;
return ret;
bool ControlPointEditorStroke::setControlPointsLinear(std::set<int> points,
bool isLinear) {
std::set<int>::iterator it;
bool isChanged = false;
for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++)
isChanged = setLinear(*it, isLinear, false) || isChanged;
for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++) updateDependentPoint(*it);
return isChanged;
void ControlPointEditorStroke::moveControlPoint(int index,
const TPointD &delta) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
assert(stroke && 0 <= index && index < (int)getControlPointCount());
moveSingleControlPoint(index, delta);
int ControlPointEditorStroke::addControlPoint(const TPointD &pos) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return -1;
double d = 0.01;
int indexAtPos;
int cpCount = stroke->getControlPointCount();
if (cpCount <= 3) // e' un unico chunk e in questo caso rappresenta un punto
getPointTypeAt(pos, d, indexAtPos);
return indexAtPos;
double w = stroke->getW(pos);
int pointIndex = stroke->getControlPointIndexAfterParameter(w);
int i, index;
for (i = 0; i < getControlPointCount(); i++) {
// Cerco il ControlPoint corrispondente all'indice pointIndex. OSS.:
// Effettuo il
// controllo da zero a getControlPointCount()-1 per gestire il caso del
// selfLoop
if (pointIndex == m_controlPoints[i].m_pointIndex + 1 ||
pointIndex == m_controlPoints[i].m_pointIndex + 2 ||
pointIndex == m_controlPoints[i].m_pointIndex + 3 ||
pointIndex == m_controlPoints[i].m_pointIndex + 4)
index = i;
ControlPoint precCp = m_controlPoints[index];
assert(precCp.m_pointIndex >= 0);
std::vector<TThickPoint> points;
for (i = 0; i < cpCount; i++) {
if (i != precCp.m_pointIndex + 1 && i != precCp.m_pointIndex + 2 &&
i != precCp.m_pointIndex + 3)
if (i == precCp.m_pointIndex + 2) {
bool isBeforePointLinear = isSpeedOutLinear(index);
int nextIndex =
(isSelfLoop() && index == m_controlPoints.size() - 1) ? 0 : index + 1;
bool isNextPointLinear =
nextIndex < (int)m_controlPoints.size() && isSpeedInLinear(nextIndex);
TThickPoint a0 = stroke->getControlPoint(precCp.m_pointIndex);
TThickPoint a1 = stroke->getControlPoint(precCp.m_pointIndex + 1);
TThickPoint a2 = stroke->getControlPoint(precCp.m_pointIndex + 2);
TThickPoint a3 = stroke->getControlPoint(precCp.m_pointIndex + 3);
TThickPoint a4 = stroke->getControlPoint(precCp.m_pointIndex + 4);
double dist2 = tdistance2(pos, TPointD(a2));
TThickPoint d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6;
if (isBeforePointLinear && isNextPointLinear) {
// Se sono entrambi i punti lineari inserisco un punto lineare
d0 = a1;
d3 = stroke->getThickPoint(w);
d6 = a3;
d2 = computeLinearPoint(d0, d3, 0.01, true); // SpeedIn
d4 = computeLinearPoint(d3, d6, 0.01, false); // SpeedOut
d1 = 0.5 * (d0 + d2);
d5 = 0.5 * (d4 + d6);
} else if (dist2 < 32) {
// Sono molto vicino al punto che non viene visualizzato
TThickPoint b0 = 0.5 * (a0 + a1);
TThickPoint b1 = 0.5 * (a2 + a1);
TThickPoint c0 = 0.5 * (b0 + b1);
TThickPoint b2 = 0.5 * (a2 + a3);
TThickPoint b3 = 0.5 * (a3 + a4);
TThickPoint c1 = 0.5 * (b2 + b3);
d0 = b0;
d1 = c0;
d2 = b1;
d3 = a2;
d4 = b2;
d5 = c1;
d6 = b3;
} else {
bool isInFirstChunk = true;
if (pointIndex > precCp.m_pointIndex + 2) {
// nel caso in cui sono nel secondo chunk scambio i punti
a0 = a4;
tswap(a1, a3);
isInFirstChunk = false;
double w0 = (isSelfLoop() && precCp.m_pointIndex + 4 == cpCount - 1 &&
? 1
: stroke->getW(a0);
double w1 = stroke->getW(a2);
double t = (w - w0) / (w1 - w0);
TThickPoint p = stroke->getThickPoint(w);
TThickPoint b0 = TThickPoint((1 - t) * a0 + t * a1,
(1 - t) * a0.thick + t * a1.thick);
TThickPoint b1 = TThickPoint((1 - t) * a1 + t * a2,
(1 - t) * a1.thick + t * a2.thick);
TThickPoint c0 =
TThickPoint(0.5 * a0 + 0.5 * b0, (1 - t) * a0.thick + t * b0.thick);
TThickPoint c1 =
TThickPoint(0.5 * b0 + 0.5 * p, (1 - t) * b0.thick + t * p.thick);
TThickPoint c2 =
TThickPoint(0.5 * c0 + 0.5 * c1, (1 - t) * c0.thick + t * c1.thick);
d0 = (isInFirstChunk) ? c0 : a3;
d1 = (isInFirstChunk) ? c2 : a2;
d2 = (isInFirstChunk) ? c1 : b1;
d3 = p;
d4 = (isInFirstChunk) ? b1 : c1;
d5 = (isInFirstChunk) ? a2 : c2;
d6 = (isInFirstChunk) ? a3 : c0;
if (isBeforePointLinear && !isNextPointLinear)
d1 = computeLinearPoint(d0, d2, 0.01, false);
else if (isNextPointLinear && !isBeforePointLinear)
d5 = computeLinearPoint(d4, d6, 0.01, true);
stroke->reshape(&points[0], points.size());
getPointTypeAt(pos, d, indexAtPos);
return indexAtPos;
void ControlPointEditorStroke::deleteControlPoint(int index) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
assert(stroke && 0 <= index && index < (int)getControlPointCount());
// E' un unico chunk e in questo caso rappresenta un punto
if (stroke->getControlPointCount() <= 3 ||
(isSelfLoop() && stroke->getControlPointCount() <= 5)) {
QList<int> newPointsIndex;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)getControlPointCount() - 1; i++)
// Aggiorno gli indici dei punti nella stroke
assert((int)newPointsIndex.size() == (int)getControlPointCount());
for (i = 0; i < (int)getControlPointCount(); i++)
m_controlPoints[i].m_pointIndex =;
int prev = prevIndex(index);
if (prev >= 0 && isSpeedOutLinear(prev)) {
if (index < (int)m_controlPoints.size() && isSpeedInLinear(index)) {
void ControlPointEditorStroke::moveSpeed(int index, const TPointD &delta,
bool isIn, double minDistance) {
if (!isIn)
moveSpeedOut(index, delta, minDistance);
moveSpeedIn(index, delta, minDistance);
void ControlPointEditorStroke::moveSegment(int beforeIndex, int nextIndex,
const TPointD &delta,
const TPointD &pos) {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return;
int cpCount = getControlPointCount();
// Verifiche per il caso in cui lo stroke e' selfLoop
if (isSelfLoop() && beforeIndex == 0 && nextIndex == cpCount - 1)
tswap(beforeIndex, nextIndex);
int beforePointIndex = m_controlPoints[beforeIndex].m_pointIndex;
int nextPointIndex = (isSelfLoop() && nextIndex == 0)
? stroke->getControlPointCount() - 1
: m_controlPoints[nextIndex].m_pointIndex;
double w = stroke->getW(pos);
double w0 = stroke->getParameterAtControlPoint(beforePointIndex);
double w4 = stroke->getParameterAtControlPoint(nextPointIndex);
assert(w0 <= w && w <= w4);
double t = 1;
double s = 1;
if (isSpeedOutLinear(beforeIndex)) {
m_controlPoints[beforeIndex].m_speedOut =
(stroke->getControlPoint(nextPointIndex) -
stroke->getControlPoint(beforePointIndex)) *
if (!isSpeedInLinear(beforeIndex))
m_controlPoints[beforeIndex].m_isCusp = true;
} else if (!isSpeedOutLinear(beforeIndex) && !isSpeedInLinear(beforeIndex) &&
!isCusp(beforeIndex)) {
t = 1 - abs(w - w0) / abs(w4 - w0);
moveSingleControlPoint(beforeIndex, t * delta);
t = 1 - t;
if (isSpeedInLinear(nextIndex)) {
m_controlPoints[nextIndex].m_speedIn =
(stroke->getControlPoint(nextPointIndex) -
stroke->getControlPoint(beforePointIndex)) *
if (!isSpeedOutLinear(nextIndex))
m_controlPoints[nextIndex].m_isCusp = true;
} else if (!isSpeedInLinear(nextIndex) && !isSpeedOutLinear(nextIndex) &&
!isCusp(nextIndex)) {
s = 1 - abs(w4 - w) / abs(w4 - w0);
moveSingleControlPoint(nextIndex, s * delta);
s = 1 - s;
moveSpeedOut(beforeIndex, delta * s, 0);
// updateDependentPoint(beforeIndex);
moveSpeedIn(nextIndex, delta * t, 0);
// updateDependentPoint(nextIndex);
ControlPointEditorStroke::PointType ControlPointEditorStroke::getPointTypeAt(
const TPointD &pos, double &distance2, int &index) const {
TStroke *stroke = getStroke();
if (!stroke) return NONE;
double w = stroke->getW(pos);
TPointD p = stroke->getPoint(w);
double strokeDistance = tdistance2(p, pos);
int precPointIndex = -1;
double minPrecDistance = 0;
double minDistance2 = distance2;
index = -1;
PointType type = NONE;
int cpCount = m_controlPoints.size();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cpCount; i++) {
ControlPoint cPoint = m_controlPoints[i];
TPointD point = stroke->getControlPoint(cPoint.m_pointIndex);
double cpDistance2 = tdistance2(pos, point);
double distanceIn2 = !isSpeedInLinear(i)
? tdistance2(pos, point - cPoint.m_speedIn)
: cpDistance2 + 1;
double distanceOut2 = !isSpeedOutLinear(i)
? tdistance2(pos, point + cPoint.m_speedOut)
: cpDistance2 + 1;
if (i == 0 && !isSelfLoop())
distanceIn2 = std::max(cpDistance2, distanceOut2) + 1;
if (i == cpCount - 1 && !isSelfLoop())
distanceOut2 = std::max(cpDistance2, distanceIn2) + 1;
if (cpDistance2 < distanceIn2 && cpDistance2 < distanceOut2 &&
(cpDistance2 < minDistance2 || index < 0)) {
minDistance2 = cpDistance2;
index = i;
} else if (distanceIn2 < cpDistance2 && distanceIn2 < distanceOut2 &&
(distanceIn2 < minDistance2 || index < 0)) {
minDistance2 = distanceIn2;
index = i;
type = SPEED_IN;
} else if (distanceOut2 < cpDistance2 && distanceOut2 < distanceIn2 &&
(distanceOut2 < minDistance2 || index < 0)) {
minDistance2 = distanceOut2;
index = i;
type = SPEED_OUT;
double cpw =
if (w <= cpw) continue;
double precDistance = w - cpw;
if (precPointIndex < 0 || precDistance < minPrecDistance) {
precPointIndex = i;
minPrecDistance = precDistance;
if (minDistance2 < distance2)
distance2 = minDistance2;
else if (strokeDistance > distance2) {
distance2 = strokeDistance;
index = -1;
type = NONE;
} else {
distance2 = minPrecDistance;
index = precPointIndex;
type = SEGMENT;
return type;
// ControlPointSelection
bool ControlPointSelection::isSelected(int index) const {
return m_selectedPoints.find(index) != m_selectedPoints.end();
void ControlPointSelection::select(int index) {
void ControlPointSelection::unselect(int index) {
void ControlPointSelection::addMenuItems(QMenu *menu) {
int currentStrokeIndex = m_controlPointEditorStroke->getStrokeIndex();
if (isEmpty() || currentStrokeIndex == -1 ||
(m_controlPointEditorStroke &&
m_controlPointEditorStroke->getControlPointCount() <= 1))
QAction *linear = menu->addAction(tr("Set Linear Control Point"));
QAction *unlinear = menu->addAction(tr("Set Nonlinear Control Point"));
bool ret = connect(linear, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setLinear()));
ret =
ret && connect(unlinear, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setUnlinear()));
void ControlPointSelection::setLinear() {
TTool *tool = TTool::getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->getTool();
int currentStrokeIndex = m_controlPointEditorStroke->getStrokeIndex();
TVectorImageP vi(tool->getImage(false));
if (!vi || isEmpty() || currentStrokeIndex == -1) return;
TUndo *undo;
if (tool->getApplication()->getCurrentObject()->isSpline())
undo = new UndoPath(
else {
TXshSimpleLevel *level =
UndoControlPointEditor *cpEditorUndo =
new UndoControlPointEditor(level, tool->getCurrentFid());
undo = cpEditorUndo;
if (m_controlPointEditorStroke->getControlPointCount() == 0) return;
bool isChanged = m_controlPointEditorStroke->setControlPointsLinear(
m_selectedPoints, true);
if (!isChanged) return;
void ControlPointSelection::setUnlinear() {
TTool *tool = TTool::getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->getTool();
int currentStrokeIndex = m_controlPointEditorStroke->getStrokeIndex();
TVectorImageP vi(tool->getImage(false));
if (!vi || isEmpty() || currentStrokeIndex == -1) return;
TUndo *undo;
if (tool->getApplication()->getCurrentObject()->isSpline())
undo = new UndoPath(
else {
TXshSimpleLevel *level =
UndoControlPointEditor *cpEditorUndo =
new UndoControlPointEditor(level, tool->getCurrentFid());
undo = cpEditorUndo;
if (m_controlPointEditorStroke->getControlPointCount() == 0) return;
bool isChanged = m_controlPointEditorStroke->setControlPointsLinear(
m_selectedPoints, false);
if (!isChanged) return;
void ControlPointSelection::deleteControlPoints() {
TTool *tool = TTool::getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->getTool();
TVectorImageP vi(tool->getImage(false));
int currentStrokeIndex = m_controlPointEditorStroke->getStrokeIndex();
if (!vi || isEmpty() || currentStrokeIndex == -1) return;
// Inizializzo l'UNDO
TUndo *undo;
bool isCurrentObjectSpline =
if (isCurrentObjectSpline)
undo = new UndoPath(
else {
TXshSimpleLevel *level =
UndoControlPointEditor *cpEditorUndo =
new UndoControlPointEditor(level, tool->getCurrentFid());
undo = cpEditorUndo;
int i;
for (i = m_controlPointEditorStroke->getControlPointCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (isSelected(i)) m_controlPointEditorStroke->deleteControlPoint(i);
if (m_controlPointEditorStroke->getControlPointCount() == 0) {
m_controlPointEditorStroke->setStroke((TVectorImage *)0, -1);
if (!isCurrentObjectSpline) {
UndoControlPointEditor *cpEditorUndo =
dynamic_cast<UndoControlPointEditor *>(undo);
if (cpEditorUndo) cpEditorUndo->isStrokeDelete(true);
// La spline non puo' essere cancellata completamente!!!
if (vi->getStrokeCount() == 0) {
if (TTool::getApplication()->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) {
std::vector<TPointD> points;
double d = 10;
points.push_back(TPointD(-d, 0));
points.push_back(TPointD(0, 0));
points.push_back(TPointD(d, 0));
TStroke *stroke = new TStroke(points);
vi->addStroke(stroke, false);
// Registro l'UNDO
void ControlPointSelection::enableCommands() {
enableCommand(this, "MI_Clear", &ControlPointSelection::deleteControlPoints);