Blob Blame Raw


//#include "trasterimage.h"
//#include "texception.h"
//#include "tfilepath.h"
#include <QStringList>

#include "tfilepath_io.h"
#include "traster.h"
#include "timage.h"

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR

// forward declaration
namespace Tiio
class Reader;
class Writer;
class VectorReader;
class VectorWriter;
class TPropertyGroup;
class TImageInfo;


class DVAPI TImageException : public TException
	TFilePath m_fp;

	TImageException(const TFilePath &fp, const string &msg);
	~TImageException() {}

	TString getMessage() const;
	TString getRawMessage() const { return TException::getMessage(); }
	const TFilePath &getFilePath() const { return m_fp; }


class DVAPI TImageVersionException : public TException
	TFilePath m_fp;
	int m_major, m_minor;

	TImageVersionException(const TFilePath &fp, int major, int minor);
	~TImageVersionException() {}

	void getVersion(int &major, int &minor) const
		major = m_major;
		minor = m_minor;
	int getMajor() const { return m_major; }
	int getMinor() const { return m_minor; }

// Image Reader

class TImageReader;
typedef TImageReader *TImageReaderCreateProc(const TFilePath &path);


//! \include imgReader_ex.cpp

class DVAPI TImageReader : public TSmartObject


	friend class TImageReaderP;

	// std::fstream m_stream;
	TFilePath m_path;
	FILE *m_file;
	Tiio::Reader *m_reader;
	Tiio::VectorReader *m_vectorReader;
	void open();
	void close();
	bool isOpen() const;
	bool m_readGreytones;
	bool m_is64BitEnabled;
	int m_shrink;
	TRect m_region;
	static bool m_safeMode;

	static void setSafeModeReadingForTzl(bool activated) { m_safeMode = activated; }
	TImageReader(const TFilePath &path);
	virtual ~TImageReader();

	// not implemented
	TImageReader(const TImageReader &);
	TImageReader &operator=(const TImageReader &src);
	TImageP load0();

	// TImageReader keeps ownership: DO NOT DELETE
	virtual const TImageInfo *getImageInfo() const;

	TFilePath getFilePath() const { return m_path; };

	TPropertyGroup *getProperties();
	void setProperties(const TPropertyGroup *);
	/*! Load Image from disk.
    If set region then loads only image's region.
		If set shrink then loads image (or region, if set) with shrink.

    Note: if the region, or part of it, is not contained in the image
	  then returns only the intersection between the image and region.
		If the intersection is void returns TImageP();
	virtual TImageP load();

	void load(
		const TRasterP &ras,
		const TPoint &pos = TPoint(0, 0),
		int shrinkX = 1, int shrinkY = 1);

	static bool load(const TFilePath &, TRasterP &);
	static bool load(const TFilePath &, TImageP &);

	// Only for TLV (version 13). Return the icon in TLV file.
	virtual TImageP loadIcon() { return TImageP(); }

	static void getSupportedFormats(QStringList &names);

	//TDimension getSize() const;
	//virtual TRect getBBox() const = 0;

	static void define(
		QString extension,
		TImageReaderCreateProc *proc);

	void doReadGraytones(bool readThem);
	void enable16BitRead(bool is64bitEnabled) { m_is64BitEnabled = is64bitEnabled; }

	int getShrink() const { return m_shrink; }
	   Setta lo shrink in modo che al load() viene letta da disco
		 una riga ogni "shrink" righe ed all'interno di queste righe viene letto un pixel ogni "shrink" pixel. 
		 La prima riga viene sempre letta.
		 Il primo pixel di una riga letta viene sempre preso.
	   Nota che se shrink=1 non viene saltata alcuna riga ne pixel. 
	void setShrink(int shrink);

 Set image's region.
 Region dimension doesn't consider shrink.
	void setRegion(TRect rect) { m_region = rect; }
 Returns the image region.
 Region dimension doesn't consider shrink
	TRect getRegion() const { return m_region; }

	void getTzpPaletteColorNames(map<int, pair<string, string>> &pltColorNames); //colorindex(<256: paint), pagename, colorname


#ifdef _WIN32
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TImageReader>;

class DVAPI TImageReaderP : public TSmartPointerT<TImageReader>
	TImageReaderP(TImageReader *ir) : TSmartPointerT<TImageReader>(ir){};
	// il costruttore "non banale"
	TImageReaderP(const TFilePath &filepath);

// Image Writer

class TImageWriter;
typedef TImageWriter *TImageWriterCreateProc(const TFilePath &path);


//! \include imgWriter_ex.cpp

class DVAPI TImageWriter : public TSmartObject


	// std::fstream m_stream;
	TFilePath m_path;

	Tiio::Writer *m_writer;
	Tiio::VectorWriter *m_vectorWriter;
	TPropertyGroup *m_properties;

	TImageWriter(const TFilePath &path);
	virtual ~TImageWriter();

	// not implemented
	TImageWriter(const TImageWriter &);
	TImageWriter &operator=(const TImageWriter &src);

	TFilePath getFilePath() const { return m_path; };

	// don't get ownership
	void setProperties(const TPropertyGroup *);

	virtual void save(const TImageP &img);
	virtual bool is64bitOutputSupported() { return true; }
	static void save(const TFilePath &, TRasterP);
	static void save(const TFilePath &, const TImageP &);

	static void getSupportedFormats(QStringList &names, bool onlyRenderFormats);

	static void define(
		QString extension,
		TImageWriterCreateProc *proc, bool isRenderFormat);


#ifdef _WIN32
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TImageWriter>;

class DVAPI TImageWriterP : public TSmartPointerT<TImageWriter>
	TImageWriterP(TImageWriter *iw) : TSmartPointerT<TImageWriter>(iw){};
	// il costruttore "non banale"
	TImageWriterP(const TFilePath &filepath);

// Image ReaderWriter

class TImageReaderWriter;
typedef TImageReaderWriter *TImageReaderWriterCreateProc(const TFilePath &path);

