// TnzTools includes
#include "assistantellipse.h"
// TAssistantEllipse implementation
TAssistantEllipse::TAssistantEllipse(TMetaObject &object):
m_center( addPoint("center", TAssistantPoint::CircleCross) ),
m_a( addPoint("a", TAssistantPoint::CircleFill, TPointD(150, 0)) ),
m_b( addPoint("b", TAssistantPoint::Circle, TPointD( 0, 100)) ),
m_grid0( addPoint("grid0", TAssistantPoint::CircleDoubleDots, TPointD( 10, -30)) ),
m_grid1( addPoint("grid1", TAssistantPoint::CircleDots, TPointD( 60, -60)) )
addProperty( new TBoolProperty(m_idCircle.str(), getCircle()) );
addProperty( new TBoolProperty(m_idRestrictA.str(), getRestrictA()) );
addProperty( new TBoolProperty(m_idRestrictB.str(), getRestrictB()) );
addProperty( new TBoolProperty(m_idRepeat.str(), getRepeat()) );
addProperty( new TBoolProperty(m_idGrid.str(), getGrid()) );
addProperty( new TBoolProperty(m_idPerspective.str(), getPerspective()) );
QString TAssistantEllipse::getLocalName()
{ return tr("Ellipse"); }
void TAssistantEllipse::updateTranslation() const {
setTranslation(m_idCircle, tr("Circle"));
setTranslation(m_idRestrictA, tr("Restrict A"));
setTranslation(m_idRestrictB, tr("Restrict B"));
setTranslation(m_idRepeat, tr("Repeat"));
setTranslation(m_idGrid, tr("Grid"));
setTranslation(m_idPerspective, tr("Perspective"));
void TAssistantEllipse::onDataChanged(const TVariant &value) {
m_grid0.visible = m_grid1.visible = getGrid();
if (getCircle() == m_b.visible) {
m_b.visible = !getCircle();
if (!m_b.visible)
fixBAndGrid(m_center.position, m_a.position, m_b.position);
void TAssistantEllipse::fixBAndGrid(
TPointD prevCenter,
TPointD prevA,
TPointD prevB )
const TPointD ¢er = m_center.position;
TPointD da0 = prevA - prevCenter;
TPointD da1 = m_a.position - center;
double la0 = norm2(da0);
double la1 = norm2(da1);
if (!(la0 > TConsts::epsilon) || !(la1 > TConsts::epsilon))
TPointD db = m_b.position - center;
TPointD dp0 = TPointD(-da0.y, da0.x);
TPointD dp1 = TPointD(-da1.y, da1.x);
if (getCircle()) {
m_b.position = center + (db*dp0 < 0 ? -dp1 : dp1);
} else {
m_b.position = db*dp0/la0*dp1 + center;
TPointD db0 = prevB - prevCenter;
TPointD db1 = m_b.position - center;
double lb0 = norm2(db0);
double lb1 = norm2(db1);
if (!(lb0 > TConsts::epsilon) || !(lb1 > TConsts::epsilon))
TPointD dg0 = m_grid0.position - center;
TPointD dg1 = m_grid1.position - center;
m_grid0.position = dg0*da0/la0*da1 + dg0*db0/lb0*db1 + center;
m_grid1.position = dg1*da0/la0*da1 + dg1*db0/lb0*db1 + center;
void TAssistantEllipse::onMovePoint(TAssistantPoint &point, const TPointD &position) {
TPointD prevCenter = m_center.position;
TPointD prevA = m_a.position;
TPointD prevB = m_b.position;
point.position = position;
if (&point == &m_center) {
TPointD d = m_center.position - prevCenter;
m_a.position += d;
m_b.position += d;
m_grid0.position += d;
m_grid1.position += d;
} else
if (&point == &m_a || &point == &m_b) {
fixBAndGrid(prevCenter, prevA, prevB);
TAffine TAssistantEllipse::calcEllipseMatrix() const {
TPointD da = m_a.position - m_center.position;
TPointD db = m_b.position - m_center.position;
double r1 = norm(da);
if (r1 <= TConsts::epsilon) return TAffine::zero();
double r2 = fabs( (rotate90(da)*db)*(1.0/r1) );
if (r2 <= TConsts::epsilon) return TAffine::zero();
return TAffine::translation(m_center.position)
* TAffine::rotation(atan(da))
* TAffine::scale(r1, r2);
void TAssistantEllipse::getGuidelines(
const TPointD &position,
const TAffine &toTool,
TGuidelineList &outGuidelines ) const
bool restrictA = getRestrictA();
bool restrictB = getRestrictB();
bool repeat = getRepeat();
TAffine matrix = calcEllipseMatrix();
if (matrix.isZero()) return;
if (!restrictA && restrictB) {
std::swap(matrix.a11, matrix.a12);
std::swap(matrix.a21, matrix.a22);
std::swap(restrictA, restrictB);
matrix = toTool*matrix;
TAffine matrixInv = matrix.inv();
if (restrictA && restrictB) {
// ellipse
new TGuidelineEllipse(
matrixInv )));
} else
if (!restrictA && !restrictB) {
// scaled ellipse
TPointD p = matrixInv*position;
double l = norm(p);
new TGuidelineEllipse(
matrix * TAffine::scale(l) )));
} else { // restrictA
TPointD p = matrixInv*position;
if (repeat) {
double ox = round(0.5*p.x)*2.0;
p.x -= ox;
matrix *= TAffine::translation(ox, 0.0);
// scale by Y
if (p.x <= TConsts::epsilon - 1.0) {
// line x = -1
new TGuidelineInfiniteLine(
matrix*TPointD(-1.0, 0.0),
matrix*TPointD(-1.0, 1.0) )));
} else
if (p.x >= 1.0 - TConsts::epsilon) {
// line x = 1
new TGuidelineInfiniteLine(
matrix*TPointD(1.0, 0.0),
matrix*TPointD(1.0, 1.0) )));
} else {
// ellipse scaled by Y
double k = fabs(p.y/sqrt(1.0 - p.x*p.x));
new TGuidelineEllipse(
matrix * TAffine::scale(1.0, k) )));
void TAssistantEllipse::drawEllipseRanges(
const TAngleRangeSet &ranges,
const TAffine &ellipseMatrix,
const TAffine &screenMatrixInv,
double pixelSize,
double alpha )
TAngleRangeSet actualRanges(ranges);
const TRectD oneBox(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (!TGuidelineEllipse::truncateEllipse(actualRanges, ellipseMatrix.inv()*screenMatrixInv, oneBox))
int segments = TGuidelineEllipse::calcSegmentsCount(ellipseMatrix, pixelSize);
double da = M_2PI/segments;
double s = sin(da);
double c = cos(da);
for(TAngleRangeSet::Iterator i(actualRanges); i; ++i) {
double a0 = i.d0();
double a1 = i.d1greater();
int cnt = (int)floor((a1 - a0)/da);
TPointD r(cos(a0), sin(a0));
TPointD p0 = ellipseMatrix*r;
for(int j = 0; j < cnt; ++j) {
r = TPointD(r.x*c - r.y*s, r.y*c + r.x*s);
TPointD p1 = ellipseMatrix*r;
drawSegment(p0, p1, pixelSize, alpha);
p0 = p1;
drawSegment(p0, ellipseMatrix*TPointD(cos(a1), sin(a1)), pixelSize, alpha);
void TAssistantEllipse::drawRuler(
const TAffine &ellipseMatrix,
const TPointD &grid0,
const TPointD &grid1,
bool perspective,
double alpha
) {
double pixelSize = sqrt(tglGetPixelSize2());
double minStep = (perspective ? 5 : 10)*pixelSize;
TAffine em = ellipseMatrix;
TAffine ellipseMatrixInv = ellipseMatrix.inv();
TPointD g0 = ellipseMatrixInv * grid0;
TPointD g1 = ellipseMatrixInv * grid1;
if (norm2(g0) <= TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) return;
if (norm2(g1) <= TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) return;
double ga0 = atan(g0);
double ga1 = atan(g1);
// x and y radiuses
TPointD r( norm2(TPointD(em.a11, em.a21)), norm2(TPointD(em.a12, em.a22)) );
double avgR = 0.5*(r.x + r.y);
if (avgR <= TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) return;
avgR = sqrt(avgR);
double actualMinStep = minStep/avgR;
r.x = sqrt(r.x);
r.y = sqrt(r.y);
// remove radiuses from ellipse matrix
double rkx = r.x > TConsts::epsilon ? 1.0/r.x : 0.0;
double rky = r.y > TConsts::epsilon ? 1.0/r.y : 0.0;
em.a11 *= rkx; em.a21 *= rkx;
em.a12 *= rky; em.a22 *= rky;
if (perspective) {
// draw perspective
if (ga0 < 0.0) { if (ga1 > 0.0) ga1 -= M_2PI; }
else { if (ga1 < 0.0) ga1 += M_2PI; }
double w, i0, i1;
double bound0 = ga0 < 0 ? -M_2PI : 0;
double bound1 = ga0 < 0 ? 0 : M_2PI;
if (!calcPerspectiveStep(actualMinStep, bound0, bound1, 0, ga0, ga1, w, i0, i1)) return;
for(double i = i0; i < i1; i += 1) {
double a = 1/(i*w + 1);
TPointD p( cos(a), sin(a) );
TPointD n( p.x*r.y, p.y*r.x ); // perp to allipse
double nl2 = norm2(n);
if (nl2 > TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) {
p.x *= r.x;
p.y *= r.y;
n = n*(1.0/sqrt(nl2));
drawMark(em*p, em.transformDirection(n), pixelSize, alpha);
} else {
// draw linear
double da = ga1 - ga0;
if (da < 0.0) { da = -da; std::swap(ga0, ga1); }
if (ga1 - ga0 > M_PI) { da = M_2PI - da; std::swap(ga0, ga1); }
if (da < actualMinStep) return;
for(double a = ga0 - floor(M_PI/da)*da; a < ga0 + M_PI; a += da) {
TPointD p( cos(a), sin(a) );
TPointD n( p.x*r.y, p.y*r.x ); // perp to allipse
double nl2 = norm2(n);
if (nl2 > TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) {
p.x *= r.x;
p.y *= r.y;
n = n*(1.0/sqrt(nl2));
drawMark(em*p, em.transformDirection(n), pixelSize, alpha);
void TAssistantEllipse::drawConcentricGrid(
const TAffine &ellipseMatrix,
const TPointD &grid0,
const TPointD &grid1,
bool perspective,
double alpha )
TAffine4 modelview, projection;
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview.a);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection.a);
TAffine screenMatrix = (projection*modelview).get2d();
TAffine screenMatrixInv = screenMatrix.inv();
double pixelSize = sqrt(tglGetPixelSize2());
double minStep = (perspective ? 2.5 : 10.0)*pixelSize;
TAffine ellipseMatrixInv = ellipseMatrix.inv();
// calculate bounds
TAffine matrixInv = ellipseMatrixInv * screenMatrixInv;
TPointD o = matrixInv * TPointD(-1.0, -1.0);
TPointD dx = matrixInv.transformDirection( TPointD(2.0, 0.0) );
TPointD dy = matrixInv.transformDirection( TPointD(0.0, 2.0) );
double max = 0.0;
double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// distance to points
TPointD corners[] = { o, o+dx, o+dx+dy, o+dy };
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
double k = norm(corners[i]);
if (k < min) min = k;
if (k > max) max = k;
// distance to sides
TPointD lines[] = { dx, dy, -1.0*dx, -1.0*dy };
int positive = 0, negative = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
double len2 = norm2(lines[i]);
if (len2 <= TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) continue;
double k = (corners[i]*rotate90(lines[i]))/sqrt(len2);
if (k > TConsts::epsilon) ++positive;
if (k < TConsts::epsilon) ++negative;
double l = -(corners[i]*lines[i]);
if (l <= TConsts::epsilon || l >= len2 - TConsts::epsilon) continue;
k = fabs(k);
if (k < min) min = k;
if (k > max) max = k;
// if center is inside bounds
if (min < 0.0 || positive == 0 || negative == 0) min = 0.0;
if (max <= min) return;
// draw
const TAffine &em = ellipseMatrix;
double r = sqrt(std::min( norm2(TPointD(em.a11, em.a21)), norm2(TPointD(em.a12, em.a22)) ));
double actualMinStep = minStep/r;
double gs0 = norm(ellipseMatrixInv*grid0);
double gs1 = norm(ellipseMatrixInv*grid1);
if (gs0 <= TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) return;
if (gs1 <= TConsts::epsilon*TConsts::epsilon) return;
if (perspective) {
// draw perspective
double w, i0, i1;
actualMinStep /= 2;
if (!calcPerspectiveStep(actualMinStep, min, max, 0, gs0, gs1, w, i0, i1)) return;
for(double i = i0; i < i1; i += 1) {
double x = 1/(i*w + 1);
double curStep = fabs(w*x*x);
double curAlpha = (curStep - actualMinStep)/actualMinStep;
if (curAlpha < 0) continue;
if (curAlpha > 1) curAlpha = 1;
drawEllipse(ellipseMatrix * TAffine::scale(x), screenMatrixInv, pixelSize, alpha*curAlpha);
} else {
// draw linear
double dx = fabs(gs1 - gs0);
if (dx*r < minStep) return;
for(double x = gs0 + ceil((min - gs0)/dx)*dx; x < max; x += dx)
drawEllipse(ellipseMatrix * TAffine::scale(x), screenMatrixInv, pixelSize, alpha);
void TAssistantEllipse::drawParallelGrid(
const TAffine &ellipseMatrix,
const TPointD &grid0,
const TPointD &grid1,
bool perspective,
bool repeat,
double alpha )
TAffine4 modelview, projection;
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview.a);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection.a);
TAffine screenMatrix = (projection*modelview).get2d();
TAffine screenMatrixInv = screenMatrix.inv();
double pixelSize = sqrt(tglGetPixelSize2());
double minStep = (perspective ? 5 : 10)*pixelSize;
TAffine ellipseMatrixInv = ellipseMatrix.inv();
const TAffine &em = ellipseMatrix;
double r = sqrt(0.5*(norm2(TPointD(em.a11, em.a21)) + norm2(TPointD(em.a12, em.a22))));
double actualMinStep = minStep/r;
TPointD g0 = ellipseMatrixInv*grid0;
TPointD g1 = ellipseMatrixInv*grid1;
if (repeat)
{ g0.x -= round(0.5*g0.x)*2.0; g1.x -= round(0.5*g1.x)*2.0; }
if (fabs(g0.x) >= 1.0 - TConsts::epsilon) return;
if (fabs(g1.x) >= 1.0 - TConsts::epsilon) return;
double gs0 = g0.y/sqrt(1.0 - g0.x*g0.x);
double gs1 = g1.y/sqrt(1.0 - g1.x*g1.x);
if (fabs(gs0) >= 1.0 - TConsts::epsilon) return;
if (fabs(gs1) >= 1.0 - TConsts::epsilon) return;
TAngleRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add( TAngleRangeSet::fromDouble(0.0), TAngleRangeSet::fromDouble(M_PI) );
if (perspective) {
// draw perspective
if (!( fabs(gs0) < 1 - TConsts::epsilon
&& fabs(gs1) < 1 - TConsts::epsilon
&& fabs(gs1 - gs0) > TConsts::epsilon )) return;
// the formula is: x = i/sqrt(1 + i*i)
double ig0 = gs0/sqrt(1 - gs0*gs0);
double ig1 = gs1/sqrt(1 - gs1*gs1);
double di = fabs(ig1 - ig0);
double i0 = ig0 - round(ig0/di)*di;
actualMinStep /= 2;
for(int j = 0; j < 2; ++j, di = -di, i0 += di)
for(double i = i0; i+di != i; i += di) {
double x = i/sqrt(1 + i*i);
double curAlpha = 1;
if (fabs(i0) > TConsts::epsilon) {
double curStep = fabs( di*x*(1 - x*x)/i );
curAlpha = (curStep - actualMinStep)/actualMinStep;
if (curAlpha < 0) { if (i == i0) continue; else break; }
if (curAlpha > 1) curAlpha = 1;
ellipseMatrix*TAffine::scale(x < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0, x),
alpha * curAlpha );
} else {
// draw linear
double dx = fabs(gs1 - gs0);
if (dx < actualMinStep) return;
for(double x = gs0 + ceil((-1.0 - gs0)/dx)*dx; x < 1.0; x += dx)
ellipseMatrix*TAffine::scale(x < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0, x),
alpha );
void TAssistantEllipse::draw(
const TAffine &ellipseMatrix,
const TAffine &screenMatrixInv,
double ox,
double pixelSize,
bool enabled ) const
const double crossSize = 0.1;
double alpha = getDrawingAlpha(enabled);
double gridAlpha = getDrawingGridAlpha();
bool grid = getGrid();
bool ruler = getRestrictA() && getRestrictB();
bool concentric = !getRestrictA() && !getRestrictB();
drawSegment( ellipseMatrix*TPointD(-crossSize, 0.0),
ellipseMatrix*TPointD( crossSize, 0.0), pixelSize, alpha);
drawSegment( ellipseMatrix*TPointD(0.0, -crossSize),
ellipseMatrix*TPointD(0.0, crossSize), pixelSize, alpha);
drawEllipse(ellipseMatrix, screenMatrixInv, pixelSize, alpha);
if (ox > 1.0)
drawSegment( ellipseMatrix*TPointD(-1.0, -1.0),
ellipseMatrix*TPointD(-1.0, 1.0), pixelSize, alpha);
else if (ox < -1.0)
drawSegment( ellipseMatrix*TPointD( 1.0, -1.0),
ellipseMatrix*TPointD( 1.0, 1.0), pixelSize, alpha);
if (!grid) return;
if (ruler) {
alpha );
} else
if (concentric) {
gridAlpha );
} else {
gridAlpha );
void TAssistantEllipse::draw(TToolViewer*, bool enabled) const {
bool restrictA = getRestrictA();
bool restrictB = getRestrictB();
bool repeat = getRepeat();
double minStep = 30.0;
TAffine ellipseMatrix = calcEllipseMatrix();
if (ellipseMatrix.isZero()) return;
if (!restrictA && restrictB) {
std::swap(ellipseMatrix.a11, ellipseMatrix.a12);
std::swap(ellipseMatrix.a21, ellipseMatrix.a22);
// common data about viewport
const TRectD oneBox(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
TAffine4 modelview, projection;
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview.a);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection.a);
TAffine matrix = (projection*modelview).get2d();
TAffine matrixInv = matrix.inv();
double pixelSize = sqrt(tglGetPixelSize2());
if (!repeat || restrictA == restrictB || norm(TPointD(ellipseMatrix.a11, ellipseMatrix.a21)) < minStep*pixelSize) {
draw(ellipseMatrix, matrixInv, 0.0, pixelSize, enabled);
} else {
// calculate bounds
TPointD o(ellipseMatrix.a13, ellipseMatrix.a23);
TPointD proj(ellipseMatrix.a11, ellipseMatrix.a21);
proj = proj * (1.0/norm2(proj));
TPointD corners[4] = {
TPointD(oneBox.x0, oneBox.y0),
TPointD(oneBox.x0, oneBox.y1),
TPointD(oneBox.x1, oneBox.y0),
TPointD(oneBox.x1, oneBox.y1) };
double minX = 0.0, maxX = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
double x = proj * (matrixInv*corners[i] - o);
if (i == 0 || x < minX) minX = x;
if (i == 0 || x > maxX) maxX = x;
if (maxX <= minX) return;
// draw
for(double ox = round(0.5*minX)*2.0; ox - 1.0 < maxX; ox += 2.0)
draw(ellipseMatrix*TAffine::translation(ox, 0.0), matrixInv, ox, pixelSize, enabled);
// Registration
static TAssistantTypeT<TAssistantEllipse> assistantEllipse("assistantEllipse");