Blob Blame Raw


#include "trasterfx.h"

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR


//  Forward declarations

class TRenderer;
class TRendererImp;
class TException;
class TRenderSettings;
class TRasterFxP;
class TFxCacheManager;
class TRenderResourceManager;
class TRenderResourceManagerGenerator;

class TFxPair
	TRasterFxP m_frameA, m_frameB;
	TFxPair() : m_frameA(), m_frameB() {}
	TFxPair(const TRasterFxP &frameA, TRasterFxP &frameB)
		: m_frameA(frameA), m_frameB(frameB) {}

//typedef std::pair<TRasterFxP, TRasterFxP> TFxPair;


//    TRenderPort

//! The TRenderPort class acts as a spatially-declared listener to a TRenderer instance.
//! TRenderPorts are the formally supported receivers of TRenderer's activity notifications;
//! they provide some basic pure virtual members that are appropriately invoked by the TRenderer
//! when an associated interesting render event takes place.

class DVAPI TRenderPort
	TRectD m_renderArea;

	struct RenderData;

	virtual ~TRenderPort();

	void setRenderArea(const TRectD &area);
	TRectD &getRenderArea();

	virtual void onRenderRasterStarted(const RenderData &renderData) {}
	virtual void onRenderRasterCompleted(const RenderData &renderData) {}
	virtual void onRenderFailure(const RenderData &renderData, TException &e) {}
	virtual void onRenderFinished(bool isCanceled = false) {}


//    TRenderPort::RenderData

//! This storage struct contains the elementary data necessary to identify a cluster of identical
//! rendered frames from TRenderer. In order to avoid recalculation of identical frames during a
//! render process, they are merged in one 'equivalence cluster' of which only one representant is
//! rendered; the m_frames member stores each frame of such cluster. The associated raster is stored
//! in the m_ras member. Additional returned infos include the TRenderSettings under which the frames
//! were rendered, and unique identification vars.

struct TRenderPort::RenderData {
	std::vector<double> m_frames; //!< Frames this output represents
	TRenderSettings m_info;		  //!< Output settings description
	TRasterP m_rasA, m_rasB;	  //!< The output images; m_rasB is not empty only for interlacacing and stereoscopic.
	unsigned long m_renderId;	 //!< Identifier of the rendering session this output belongs to
	unsigned long m_taskId;		  //!< Task identifier in the rendering session. Starts at 0, preserves
								  //!< the original submission order except for cluster equivalence.

	RenderData() : m_renderId((unsigned long)-1), m_taskId((unsigned long)-1) {}
	RenderData(const std::vector<double> &frames,
			   const TRenderSettings &info, const TRasterP &rasA, const TRasterP &rasB,
			   unsigned long renderId, unsigned long taskId)
		: m_frames(frames), m_info(info), m_rasA(rasA), m_rasB(rasB), m_renderId(renderId), m_taskId(taskId) {}


//    TRenderer

//! The TRenderer class provides the core operative interface to the Toonz
//! rendering library.

//! The TRenderer's main purpose is that of invoking a render process on a group
//! of separate threads through the \b startRendering() methods. After this is done,
//! the activated process communicates with any TRenderPort previously set through
//! the \b addPort() method in order to notify the render status.
//! The rendering process can be interrupted with the stopRendering() method, which
//! makes all rendering threads quit safely at the most appropriate time; the more
//! specific abortRendering() method may be used to terminate a render process id in case
//! more than one process is running.
//! \n \n
//! Technically, this class is an \a interface to the actual rendering class,
//! which remains in background. This means that users have no necessity of maintaining the
//! TRenderer instance alive as a render process is running. We may, for example,
//! create a TRenderer, set its properties, launch the render, and release the TRenderer
//! instance immediately after as the internal rendering class will continue working on.
//! TRenderers may therefore be copied and assigned freely to refer an already existing
//! internal rendering instance. These are created anew only using the default
//! TRenderer(int) constructor.
//! \n \n
//! On the other hand, TRenderer's lifespan may last longer than that of a single rendering
//! process. This is especially useful when it is known that multiple rendering processes share
//! some common resources (likewise, intermediate cache results), which can be maintained
//! in the same internal TRenderer representation for later use.
//! \n \n
//! Some final notes about methods dealing with Toonz's lower-level API. Direct invocation
//! of rendering functions, such as the TRasterFx::compute() method, is discouraged. Further
//! improvements of the TRenderer's API will eventually make the need for these calls obsolete. However,
//! we've implemented the possibilty to rely on TRenderer's management support even in those cases -
//! it can be done by declaring the render process' interesting events through the apposite <a> declare..() <\a>
//! methods and invoking install() and uninstall() on each rendering thread you'll raise
//! for the process.

class DVAPI TRenderer
	TRendererImp *m_imp;

	friend class TRenderResourceManagerGenerator;
	TRenderResourceManager *getManager(unsigned int id) const;

	//! The RenderData struct contains the frame specifics to supply for a
	//! TRenderer::startRendering() call.
	struct RenderData {
		double m_frame;
		TRenderSettings m_info;
		TFxPair m_fxRoot; //The second of pair is used for field interlacing or stereoscopic render.

		RenderData(double frame, const TRenderSettings &info, const TFxPair &fxRoot)
			: m_frame(frame), m_info(info), m_fxRoot(fxRoot) {}

	TRenderer(int nThread = 1);
	TRenderer(TRendererImp *);

	TRenderer(const TRenderer &);
	void operator=(const TRenderer &);

	operator bool() const { return m_imp; }

	void addPort(TRenderPort *port);
	void removePort(TRenderPort *port);

	unsigned long startRendering(const std::vector<TRenderer::RenderData> *renderDatas);
	unsigned long startRendering(double f, const TRenderSettings &info, const TFxPair &actualRoot);

	void abortRendering(unsigned long renderId);
	void stopRendering(bool waitForCompleteStop = false);

	void enablePrecomputing(bool on);
	bool isPrecomputingEnabled() const;

	void setThreadsCount(int nThreads);

	static TRenderer instance();

	unsigned long rendererId();
	static unsigned long renderId();
	static unsigned long nextRenderId();


	//Render instance properties

	enum RenderStatus { IDLE = 0x0,
						FIRSTRUN = 0x1,
						TESTRUN = 0x2,
						COMPUTING = 0x4 };
	int getRenderStatus(unsigned long renderId) const;
	bool isAborted(unsigned long renderId) const;


	//  To install the TRenderer on lower-level rendering invocations
	static unsigned long buildRenderId();

	void declareRenderStart(unsigned long renderId);
	void declareRenderEnd(unsigned long renderId);

	void declareFrameStart(double frame);
	void declareFrameEnd(double frame);

	void install(unsigned long renderId);
	void uninstall();

	// Be sure that this method is called at least once before a rendering driven by a working thread
	// (the TRendererStartInvoker singleton must be referred first by a thread that survives, e.g. the main thread)
	static void initialize();


typedef std::vector<TRenderer::RenderData> RenderDataVector;
