Blob Blame Raw
< /* mc64ad.f -- translated by f2c (version 20100827).
> /* mc64ad.f -- translated by f2c (version 20061008).
< #include "slu_ddefs.h"
> #include "superlu_ddefs.h"
< #define abs(a) ((a) > 0) ? (a) : -(a)
< #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)
> /* extern double dlamch_(char *, int); */
> #define abs(a) ((a) > 0) ? (a) : -(a)
> #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)
< /* Subroutine */ int mc64id_(int_t *icntl)
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64id(int_t *icntl)
<     int_t i__;
>     static int_t i__;
< /* Subroutine */ int mc64ad_(int_t *job, int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64ad(int_t *job, int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *
<     int_t i__, j, k;
<     double fact, rinf;
<     extern /* Subroutine */ int_t mc21ad_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
< 	    int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64bd_(
>     static int_t i__, j, k;
>     static double fact, rinf;
>     extern /* Subroutine */ int_t mc21ad(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
> 	    int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64bd(
< 	    *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, double *),
< 	    mc64rd_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, double *),
< 	    mc64sd_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, double *, int_t *,
< 	    int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
< 	    int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *),
< 	    mc64wd_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, double *, int_t *,
< 	    int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *,
< 	    double *, double *);
> 	    *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
> 	    double *), mc64rd(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *,
> 	     double *), mc64sd(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *
> 	    , double *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
> 	    int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64wd(
> 	    int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, double *, int_t 
> 	    *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t 
> 	    *, double *, double *);
< 	if (icntl[1] >= 0) {
< 	    printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1],
< 		   " because JOB = %d\n", *job);
< 	}
> /*        IF (ICNTL(1).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(1),9001) INFO(1),'JOB',JOB */
< 	if (icntl[1] >= 0) {
< 	    printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1],
< 		   " because N = %d\n", *job);
< 	}
> /*        IF (ICNTL(1).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(1),9001) INFO(1),'N',N */
< 	if (icntl[1] >= 0) {
< 	    printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1],
< 		   " because NE = %d\n", *job);
< 	}
> /*        IF (ICNTL(1).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(1),9001) INFO(1),'NE',NE */
< 	if (icntl[1] >= 0) {
< 	    printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1],
< 		   " LIW too small, must be at least %8d\n", k);
< 	}
> /*        IF (ICNTL(1).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(1),9004) INFO(1),K */
< 	    if (icntl[1] >= 0) {
< 		printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1],
< 		       " LDW too small, must be at least %8d\n", k);
< 	    }
> /*          IF (ICNTL(1).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(1),9005) INFO(1),K */
< 		    if (icntl[1] >= 0) {
< 			printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d",
< 			       info[1], " Column %8d", j, 
< 			       " contains an entry with invalid row index %8d\n", i__);
< 		    }
> /*              IF (ICNTL(1).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(1),9006) INFO(1),J,I */
< 		    if (icntl[1] >= 0) {
< 			printf(" ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1],
< 			       "        Column %8d", j,
< 			       " contains two or more entries with row index %8d\n", i__);
> /*              IF (ICNTL(1).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(1),9007) INFO(1),J,I */
< 	printf("  ****** Input parameters for MC64A/AD: JOB = %8d,"
< 	       " N = %d, NE = %8d\n", *job, *n, *ne);
< 	printf(" IP(1:N+1)   = ");
< 	for (j=1; j<=(*n+1); ++j) {
< 	    printf("%8d", ip[j]);
< 	    if (j%8 == 0) printf("\n");
< 	}
< 	printf("\n IRN(1:NE) = ");
< 	for (j=1; j<=(*ne); ++j) {
< 	    printf("%8d", irn[j]);
< 	    if (j%8 == 0) printf("\n");
< 	}
< 	printf("\n");
< 	if (*job > 1) {
< 	    printf(" A(1:NE)     = ");
< 	    for (j=1; j<=(*ne); ++j) {
< 		printf("%f14.4", a[j]);
< 		if (j%4 == 0) printf("\n");
< 	    }
< 	    printf("\n");
< 	}
> /*        WRITE(ICNTL(3),9020) JOB,N,NE */
> /*        WRITE(ICNTL(3),9021) (IP(J),J=1,N+1) */
> /*        WRITE(ICNTL(3),9022) (IRN(J),J=1,NE) */
> /*        IF (JOB.GT.1) WRITE(ICNTL(3),9023) (A(J),J=1,NE) */
< 	mc21ad_(n, &irn[1], ne, &ip[1], &iw[1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[*n + 1]);
> 	mc21ad(n, &irn[1], ne, &ip[1], &iw[1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[*n + 1]);
< 	mc64bd_(n, ne, &ip[1], &irn[1], &a[1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[1], &iw[*n 
> 	mc64bd(n, ne, &ip[1], &irn[1], &a[1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[1], &iw[*n 
< 	mc64rd_(n, ne, &ip[1], &iw[1], &dw[1]);
> 	mc64rd(n, ne, &ip[1], &iw[1], &dw[1]);
< 	mc64sd_(n, ne, &ip[1], &iw[1], &dw[1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[*ne + 1], &
> 	mc64sd(n, ne, &ip[1], &iw[1], &dw[1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[*ne + 1], &
< 	mc64wd_(n, ne, &ip[1], &irn[1], &dw[(*n << 1) + 1], &cperm[1], num, &
> 	mc64wd(n, ne, &ip[1], &irn[1], &dw[(*n << 1) + 1], &cperm[1], num, &
< 	mc64wd_(n, ne, &ip[1], &irn[1], &dw[*n * 3 + 1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[
> 	mc64wd(n, ne, &ip[1], &irn[1], &dw[*n * 3 + 1], &cperm[1], num, &iw[
< 	if (icntl[2] >= 0) {
< 	    printf(" ****** Warning from MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d", info[1],
< 		   " The matrix is structurally singular.\n");
< 	}
> /*        IF (ICNTL(2).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(2),9011) INFO(1) */
< 	if (icntl[2] >= 0) {
< 	    printf(" ****** Warning from MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = %2d\n", info[1],
< 		   "        Some scaling factors may be too large.\n");
< 	}
> /*        IF (ICNTL(2).GE.0) WRITE(ICNTL(2),9012) INFO(1) */
< 	printf(" ****** Output parameters for MC64A/AD: INFO(1:2)  = %8d%8d\n",
< 	       info[1], info[2]);
< 	printf(" NUM        = ", *num);
< 	printf(" CPERM(1:N) = ");
< 	for (j=1; j<=*n; ++j) {
< 	    printf("%8d", cperm[j]);
< 	    if (j%8 == 0) printf("\n");
< 	}
< 	if (*job == 5) {
< 	    printf("\n DW(1:N)    = ");
< 	    for (j=1; j<=*n; ++j) {
< 		printf("%11.3f", dw[j]);
< 		if (j%5 == 0) printf("\n");
< 	    }
< 	    printf("\n DW(N+1:2N) = ");
< 	    for (j=1; j<=*n; ++j) {
< 		printf("%11.3f", dw[*n+j]);
< 		if (j%5 == 0) printf("\n");
< 	    }
< 	    printf("\n");
< 	}
> /*        WRITE(ICNTL(3),9030) (INFO(J),J=1,2) */
> /*        WRITE(ICNTL(3),9031) NUM */
> /*        WRITE(ICNTL(3),9032) (CPERM(J),J=1,N) */
> /*        IF (JOB.EQ.5) THEN */
> /*          WRITE(ICNTL(3),9033) (DW(J),J=1,N) */
> /*          WRITE(ICNTL(3),9034) (DW(N+J),J=1,N) */
> /*        ENDIF */
> /* L9001: */
> /* L9004: */
> /* L9005: */
> /* L9006: */
> /* L9007: */
> /* L9011: */
> /* L9012: */
> /* L9020: */
> /* L9021: */
> /* L9022: */
> /* L9023: */
> /* L9030: */
> /* L9031: */
> /* L9032: */
> /* L9033: */
> /* L9034: */
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64bd_(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64bd(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
<     int_t i__, j, k;
<     double a0;
<     int_t i0, q0;
<     double ai, di;
<     int_t ii, jj, kk;
<     double bv;
<     int_t up;
<     double dq0;
<     int_t kk1, kk2;
<     double csp;
<     int_t isp, jsp, low;
<     double dnew;
<     int_t jord, qlen, idum, jdum;
<     double rinf;
<     extern /* Subroutine */ int mc64dd_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
< 	    double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64ed_(int_t *, int_t *,
< 	     int_t *, double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64fd_(int_t *
< 	    , int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, double *, int_t *, int_t *);
>     static int_t i__, j, k;
>     static double a0;
>     static int_t i0, q0;
>     static double ai, di;
>     static int_t ii, jj, kk;
>     static double bv;
>     static int_t up;
>     static double dq0;
>     static int_t kk1, kk2;
>     static double csp;
>     static int_t isp, jsp, low;
>     static double dnew;
>     static int_t jord, qlen, idum, jdum;
>     static double rinf;
>     extern /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64dd(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
> 	    double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64ed(int_t *, int_t *,
> 	     int_t *, double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64fd(int_t *
> 	    , int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, double *, int_t *, 
> 	    int_t *);
< 		    mc64dd_(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__1);
> 		    mc64dd(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__1);
< 		    mc64ed_(&qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__1);
> 		    mc64ed(&qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__1);
< 			    mc64fd_(&l[i__], &qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], 
> 			    mc64fd(&l[i__], &qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], 
< 			mc64dd_(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__1);
> 			mc64dd(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__1);
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64dd_(int_t *i__, int_t *n, int_t *q, double 
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64dd(int_t *i__, int_t *n, int_t *q, double 
<     double di;
<     int_t qk, pos, idum, posk;
>     static double di;
>     static int_t qk, pos, idum, posk;
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64ed_(int_t *qlen, int_t *n, int_t *q, 
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64ed(int_t *qlen, int_t *n, int_t *q, 
<     int_t i__;
<     double di, dk, dr;
<     int_t pos, idum, posk;
>     static int_t i__;
>     static double di, dk, dr;
>     static int_t pos, idum, posk;
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64fd_(int_t *pos0, int_t *qlen, int_t *n, 
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64fd(int_t *pos0, int_t *qlen, int_t *n, 
<     int_t i__;
<     double di, dk, dr;
<     int_t qk, pos, idum, posk;
>     static int_t i__;
>     static double di, dk, dr;
>     static int_t qk, pos, idum, posk;
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64rd_(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64rd(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
<     int_t j, k, r__, s;
<     double ha;
<     int_t hi, td, mid, len, ipj;
<     double key;
<     int_t last, todo[50], first;
>     static int_t j, k, r__, s;
>     static double ha;
>     static int_t hi, td, mid, len, ipj;
>     static double key;
>     static int_t last, todo[50], first;
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64sd_(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64sd(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
<     int_t i__, j, k, l, ii, mod, cnt, num;
<     double bval, bmin, bmax, rinf;
<     int_t nval, wlen, idum1, idum2, idum3;
<     extern /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64qd_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
>     static int_t i__, j, k, l, ii, mod, cnt, num;
>     static double bval, bmin, bmax, rinf;
>     static int_t nval, wlen, idum1, idum2, idum3;
>     extern /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64qd(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
< 	    mc64ud_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
> 	    mc64ud(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
<     mc64ud_(&cnt, &mod, n, &irn[1], ne, &ip[1], &len[1], &fc[1], &iw[1], numx,
>     mc64ud(&cnt, &mod, n, &irn[1], ne, &ip[1], &len[1], &fc[1], &iw[1], numx,
< 		mc64qd_(&ip[1], &lenl[1], &len[1], &w[1], &wlen, &a[1], &nval,
> 		mc64qd(&ip[1], &lenl[1], &len[1], &w[1], &wlen, &a[1], &nval,
< 	    mc64qd_(&ip[1], &len[1], &lenh[1], &w[1], &wlen, &a[1], &nval, &
> 	    mc64qd(&ip[1], &len[1], &lenh[1], &w[1], &wlen, &a[1], &nval, &
< 	mc64ud_(&cnt, &mod, n, &irn[1], ne, &ip[1], &len[1], &fc[1], &iw[1], &
> 	mc64ud(&cnt, &mod, n, &irn[1], ne, &ip[1], &len[1], &fc[1], &iw[1], &
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64qd_(int_t *ip, int_t *lenl, int_t *lenh, 
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64qd(int_t *ip, int_t *lenl, int_t *lenh, 
<     int_t j, k, s;
<     double ha;
<     int_t ii, pos;
<     double split[10];
>     static int_t j, k, s;
>     static double ha;
>     static int_t ii, pos;
>     static double split[10];
< /* Subroutine */ int mc64ud_(int_t *id, int_t *mod, int_t *n, int_t *
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64ud(int_t *id, int_t *mod, int_t *n, int_t *
<     int_t i__, j, k, j1, ii, kk, id0, id1, in1, in2, nfc, num0, num1, num2, 
< 	    jord, last;
>     static int_t i__, j, k, j1, ii, kk, id0, id1, in1, in2, nfc, num0, num1,
> 	     num2, jord, last;
< /* Integers ID0+1 to ID0+N are unique numbers for call ID to MC64U/UD, */
> /* Ints ID0+1 to ID0+N are unique numbers for call ID to MC64U/UD, */
< /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64wd_(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
> /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64wd(int_t *n, int_t *ne, int_t *ip, int_t *
<     int_t i__, j, k, i0, k0, k1, k2, q0;
<     double di;
<     int_t ii, jj, kk;
<     double vj;
<     int_t up;
<     double dq0;
<     int_t kk1, kk2;
<     double csp;
<     int_t isp, jsp, low;
<     double dmin__, dnew;
<     int_t jord, qlen, jdum;
<     double rinf;
<     extern /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64dd_(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
< 	    double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64ed_(int_t *, int_t *,
< 	     int_t *, double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64fd_(int_t *
>     static int_t i__, j, k, i0, k0, k1, k2, q0;
>     static double di;
>     static int_t ii, jj, kk;
>     static double vj;
>     static int_t up;
>     static double dq0;
>     static int_t kk1, kk2;
>     static double csp;
>     static int_t isp, jsp, low;
>     static double dmin__, dnew;
>     static int_t jord, qlen, jdum;
>     static double rinf;
>     extern /* Subroutine */ int_t mc64dd(int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, 
> 	    double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64ed(int_t *, int_t *,
> 	     int_t *, double *, int_t *, int_t *), mc64fd(int_t *
< 		mc64dd_(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__2);
> 		mc64dd(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__2);
< 		mc64ed_(&qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__2);
> 		mc64ed(&qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__2);
< 			    mc64fd_(&l[i__], &qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], 
> 			    mc64fd(&l[i__], &qlen, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], 
< 			mc64dd_(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__2);
> 			mc64dd(&i__, n, &q[1], &d__[1], &l[1], &c__2);