// TnzBase includes
#include "tfx.h"
// TnzLib includes
#include "toonz/txshcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshlevelcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshsoundcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshpalettecolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshzeraryfxcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshsoundtextcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshmeshcolumn.h"
#include "toonz/txshcell.h"
#include "toonz/txsheet.h"
#include "toonz/fxdag.h"
#include "toonz/tcolumnfxset.h"
#include "toonz/preferences.h"
#include "toonz/txshleveltypes.h"
#include <QMap>
#include "tstream.h"
namespace {
QMap<int, QPair<QString, TPixel32>> filterColors;
// TXshCellColumn
TXshCellColumn::TXshCellColumn() : m_first(0) {}
TXshCellColumn::~TXshCellColumn() { m_cells.clear(); }
int TXshCellColumn::getRange(int &r0, int &r1) const {
int cellCount = m_cells.size();
r0 = m_first;
r1 = r0 + cellCount - 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cellCount && m_cells[i].isEmpty(); i++) {
if (i >= cellCount) {
r0 = 0;
r1 = -1;
return 0;
r0 = m_first + i;
for (i = cellCount - 1; i >= 0 && m_cells[i].isEmpty(); i--) {
r1 = m_first + i;
return r1 - r0 + 1;
int TXshCellColumn::getRowCount() const {
int i = m_cells.size();
for (; i > 0 && m_cells[i - 1].isEmpty(); i--) {
if (i == 0)
return 0;
return m_first + i;
int TXshCellColumn::getMaxFrame() const {
int r0, r1;
getRange(r0, r1);
return r1;
int TXshCellColumn::getFirstRow() const { return m_first; }
const TXshCell &TXshCellColumn::getCell(int row) const {
static TXshCell emptyCell;
if (row < 0 || row < m_first || row >= m_first + (int)m_cells.size())
return emptyCell;
return m_cells[row - m_first];
bool TXshCellColumn::isCellEmpty(int row) const {
return getCell(row).isEmpty();
//--- debug only
void TXshCellColumn::checkColumn() const {
assert(m_first >= 0);
int r0, r1;
int range = getRange(r0, r1);
assert(range >= 0);
assert(range == (int)m_cells.size());
assert(getRowCount() >= 0);
TXshCell firstCell = getCell(m_first);
TXshCell lastCell = getCell(r1);
if (range == 0)
assert(firstCell.isEmpty() && lastCell.isEmpty());
else {
assert(firstCell.isEmpty() == 0);
assert(lastCell.isEmpty() == 0);
int maxFrame = getMaxFrame();
assert(maxFrame == r1);
assert(getCell(maxFrame).isEmpty() == 0);
void TXshCellColumn::getCells(int row, int rowCount, TXshCell cells[]) {
const TXshCell emptyCell;
int first = m_first;
int i;
int cellCount = m_cells.size();
if (row < 0 || row + rowCount - 1 < first || row >= first + cellCount) {
for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) cells[i] = emptyCell;
int dst, src, n, delta;
n = rowCount;
delta = m_first - row;
if (delta < 0) { // le celle cominciano PRIMA della zona da leggere
dst = 0;
src = -delta;
} else { // le celle cominciano DOPO della zona da leggere
dst = delta;
src = 0;
n -= delta;
if (n + src > cellCount) n = cellCount - src;
TXshCell *dstCell = cells;
TXshCell *endDstCell = dstCell + dst;
while (dstCell < endDstCell) *dstCell++ = emptyCell;
endDstCell += n;
while (dstCell < endDstCell) *dstCell++ = m_cells[src++];
endDstCell = cells + rowCount;
while (dstCell < endDstCell) *dstCell++ = emptyCell;
bool TXshCellColumn::setCell(int row, const TXshCell &cell) {
if (!canSetCell(cell)) return false;
assert(row >= 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (m_cells.empty()) // se la colonna e' vuota
if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
m_first = row;
// updateIcon();
return true;
int oldCellCount = m_cells.size();
assert(oldCellCount > 0);
int lastRow = m_first + oldCellCount - 1;
if (row < m_first) // prima
if (cell.isEmpty()) return false; // non faccio nulla
int delta = m_first - row;
assert(delta > 0);
m_cells.insert(m_cells.begin(), delta - 1, TXshCell()); // celle vuote
cell); // devo settare la prima comp. del vettore
m_first = row; // row 'e la nuova firstrow
// updateIcon();
#ifndef NDEBUG
return true;
} else if (row > lastRow) // dopo
if (cell.isEmpty()) return false; // non faccio nulla
int count = row - lastRow - 1;
// se necessario, inserisco celle vuote
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) m_cells.push_back(TXshCell());
#ifndef NDEBUG
return true;
int index = row - m_first;
assert(0 <= index && index < (int)m_cells.size());
m_cells[index] = cell;
// if(index == 0) updateIcon();
if (cell.isEmpty()) {
if (row == lastRow) {
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche alla fine
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.back().isEmpty()) m_cells.pop_back();
} else if (row == m_first) {
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche all'inizio
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.front().isEmpty()) {
if (m_cells.empty()) m_first = 0;
return true;
bool TXshCellColumn::setCells(int row, int rowCount, const TXshCell cells[]) {
assert(row >= 0);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
if (!canSetCell(cells[i])) return false;
int oldCellCount = m_cells.size();
// le celle da settare sono [ra, rb]
int ra = row;
int rb = row + rowCount - 1;
assert(ra <= rb);
// le celle non vuote sono [c_ra, c_rb]
int c_rb = m_first + oldCellCount - 1;
if (row > c_rb) // sono oltre l'ultima riga
if (oldCellCount == 0) m_first = row; // row 'e la nuova firstrow
int newCellCount = row - m_first + rowCount;
} else if (row < m_first) {
int delta = m_first - row;
m_cells.insert(m_cells.begin(), delta, TXshCell());
m_first = row; // row e' la nuova firstrow
if (rb > c_rb) {
for (int i = 0; i < rb - c_rb; ++i) m_cells.push_back(TXshCell());
int index = row - m_first;
assert(0 <= index && index < (int)m_cells.size());
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) m_cells[index + i] = cells[i];
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche alla fine
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.back().isEmpty()) {
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche all'inizio
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.front().isEmpty()) {
if (m_cells.empty()) {
m_first = 0;
// updateIcon();
return true;
void TXshCellColumn::insertEmptyCells(int row, int rowCount) {
if (m_cells.empty())
return; // se la colonna e' vuota non devo inserire
// celle
if (row >= m_first + (int)m_cells.size()) return; // dopo:non inserisco nulla
if (row <= m_first) // prima
m_first += rowCount;
} else // in mezzo
int delta = row - m_first;
std::vector<TXshCell>::iterator it = m_cells.begin();
std::advance(it, delta);
m_cells.insert(it, rowCount, TXshCell());
// sbianca le celle [row, row+rowCount-1] (senza shiftare)
void TXshCellColumn::clearCells(int row, int rowCount) {
if (rowCount <= 0) return;
if (m_cells.empty()) return; // se la colonna e' vuota
// le celle da cancellare sono [ra, rb]
int ra = row;
int rb = row + rowCount - 1;
assert(ra <= rb);
int cellCount = m_cells.size();
// le celle non vuote sono [c_ra, c_rb]
int c_ra = m_first;
int c_rb = m_first + cellCount - 1;
assert(c_ra <= c_rb);
// se e' sotto o sopra le celle occupate non devo far nulla
if (rb < c_ra || ra > c_rb) return;
// restringo l'area da cancellare in modo che comprenda solo celle non vuote
if (ra < c_ra) ra = c_ra;
if (rb > c_rb) rb = c_rb;
// devo "sbiancare" n celle
int n = rb - ra + 1;
assert(n >= 0);
if (n == cellCount) // ho cancellato tutto
m_first = 0;
} else {
assert(ra - c_ra < (int)m_cells.size());
assert(ra - c_ra + n <= (int)m_cells.size());
// std::fill_n(&m_cells[ra-c_ra],n, TXshCell());
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) m_cells[ra - c_ra + i] = TXshCell();
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche alla fine
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.back().isEmpty()) {
if (m_cells.empty()) {
m_first = 0;
} else {
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche all'inizio
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.front().isEmpty()) {
// updateIcon();
// rimuove le celle [row, row+rowCount-1] (shiftando)
void TXshCellColumn::removeCells(int row, int rowCount) {
if (rowCount <= 0) return;
if (m_cells.empty()) return; // se la colonna e' vuota
int cellCount = m_cells.size();
if (row >= m_first + cellCount) return; // sono "sotto" l'ultima cella
if (row < m_first) {
if (row + rowCount <= m_first) //"sono sopra la prima cella"
{ // aggiorno solo m_first
m_first -= rowCount;
rowCount += row - m_first;
m_first = row;
assert(row >= m_first);
// le celle sotto m_first+cellCount sono gia' vuote
if (rowCount > m_first + cellCount - row)
rowCount = m_first + cellCount - row;
if (rowCount <= 0) return;
if (row == m_first) {
// cancello all'inizio
assert(rowCount <= cellCount);
std::vector<TXshCell>::iterator it = m_cells.begin();
std::vector<TXshCell>::iterator it2 = m_cells.begin();
std::advance(it2, rowCount);
m_cells.erase(it, it2);
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche all'inizio
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.front().isEmpty()) {
} else {
// cancello dopo l'inizio
int d = row - m_first;
std::vector<TXshCell>::iterator it = m_cells.begin();
std::vector<TXshCell>::iterator it2 = m_cells.begin();
std::advance(it, d);
std::advance(it2, d + rowCount);
m_cells.erase(it, it2);
if (row + rowCount == m_first + cellCount) {
// verifico la presenza di celle bianche alla fine
while (!m_cells.empty() && m_cells.back().isEmpty()) {
if (m_cells.empty()) {
m_first = 0;
// updateIcon();
bool TXshCellColumn::getLevelRange(int row, int &r0, int &r1) const {
r0 = r1 = row;
TXshCell cell = getCell(row);
if (cell.isEmpty()) return false;
while (r0 > 0 &&
getCell(r0 - 1).m_level.getPointer() == cell.m_level.getPointer())
while (getCell(r1 + 1).m_level.getPointer() == cell.m_level.getPointer())
return true;
void TXshCellColumn::saveCellMarks(TOStream &os) {
if (m_cellMarkIds.isEmpty()) return;
// gather frame numbers with the same id
QMap<int, QString> idStrMap;
QMap<int, int>::const_iterator i = m_cellMarkIds.constBegin();
while (i != m_cellMarkIds.constEnd()) {
if (!idStrMap.contains(i.value()))
idStrMap.insert(i.value(), QString::number(i.key()));
idStrMap[i.value()] += " " + QString::number(i.key());
QMap<int, QString>::const_iterator j = idStrMap.constBegin();
while (j != idStrMap.constEnd()) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> attr;
attr["id"] = std::to_string(j.key());
os.openChild("cellMark", attr);
os << j.value();
bool TXshCellColumn::loadCellMarks(std::string tagName, TIStream &is) {
if (tagName != "cellMarks") return false;
while (is.openChild(tagName)) {
if (tagName == "cellMark") {
int id;
QString frameStr;
if (is.getTagParam("id", id)) {
is >> frameStr;
#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0))
QStringList frameStrList = frameStr.split(" ", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
QStringList frameStrList = frameStr.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for (auto fStr : frameStrList) m_cellMarkIds.insert(fStr.toInt(), id);
return true;
void TXshCellColumn::setCellMark(int frame, int id) {
if (id < 0)
m_cellMarkIds.insert(frame, id);
int TXshCellColumn::getCellMark(int frame) const {
return m_cellMarkIds.value(frame, -1);
QMap<int, int> TXshCellColumn::getCellMarks() const { return m_cellMarkIds; }
void TXshCellColumn::clearCellMarks() { m_cellMarkIds.clear(); }
// TXshColumn
void TXshColumn::setStatusWord(int status) { m_status = status; }
TXshColumn *TXshColumn::createEmpty(int type) {
switch (type) {
case eSoundType:
return new TXshSoundColumn;
case eZeraryFxType:
return new TXshZeraryFxColumn(0);
case ePaletteType:
return new TXshPaletteColumn;
case eSoundTextType:
return new TXshSoundTextColumn;
case eMeshType:
return new TXshMeshColumn;
assert(type == eLevelType);
return new TXshLevelColumn;
TXshColumn::ColumnType TXshColumn::toColumnType(int levelType) {
ColumnType colType = TXshColumn::eLevelType;
colType = TXshColumn::eLevelType;
else if (levelType == ZERARYFX_XSHLEVEL)
colType = TXshColumn::eZeraryFxType;
else if (levelType == PLT_XSHLEVEL)
colType = TXshColumn::ePaletteType;
else if (levelType == SND_XSHLEVEL)
colType = TXshColumn::eSoundType;
else if (levelType == SND_TXT_XSHLEVEL)
colType = TXshColumn::eSoundTextType;
else if (levelType == MESH_XSHLEVEL)
colType = TXshColumn::eMeshType;
assert(!"Unknown level type!");
return colType;
bool TXshColumn::canBeParent() const {
switch (getColumnType()) {
case eLevelType:
case eZeraryFxType:
case ePaletteType:
case eMeshType:
return true;
case eSoundType:
case eSoundTextType:
return false;
assert(!"Unknown level type!");
return false;
bool TXshColumn::isRendered() const {
// if (!getXsheet() || !getFx()) return false;
// if (!isPreviewVisible()) return false;
if (!getXsheet() || !isPreviewVisible()) return false;
if (getColumnType() == eSoundType) return true;
if (!getFx()) return false;
return getXsheet()->getFxDag()->isRendered(getFx());
bool TXshColumn::isReference() const
if(!getXsheet() || !getFx()) return true;
if(getXsheet()->getFxDag()->getTerminalFxs()->containsFx(getFx())) return
return getFx()->getOutputConnectionCount()==0;
bool TXshColumn::isControl() const {
if (!getXsheet() || !getFx()) return false;
return getXsheet()->getFxDag()->isControl(getFx());
TFx *fx = getFx();
if(!fx) return false;
if(!getXsheet()) return false;
if(getXsheet()->getFxDag()->getTerminalFxs()->containsFx(getFx())) return false;
for(int i=0;i<fx->getOutputConnectionCount();i++)
TFxPort *port = fx->getOutputConnection(i);
if(port->getOwnerFx()->getInputPort(0) != port)
return true;
return false;
#ifdef LEVO
void TXshColumn::setCamstandNextState() {
if (Preferences::instance()->isCamStandOpacityEnabled()) {
// camera stand, 3-state-toggle: notvisible -> visible+nottransparent ->
// visible+transparent
if (isCamstandVisible()) {
if (isCamstandTransparent())
} else {
} else {
bool TXshColumn::isCamstandVisible() const {
return (m_status & eCamstandVisible) == 0;
bool TXshColumn::isCamstandTransparent() const
return (m_status&eCamstandTransparent)!=0;
void TXshColumn::setCamstandTransparent(bool on)
const int mask = eCamstandTransparent;
if(!on) m_status&=~mask; else m_status|=mask;
void TXshColumn::setCamstandVisible(bool on) {
const int mask = eCamstandVisible;
if (on)
m_status &= ~mask;
m_status |= mask;
bool TXshColumn::isPreviewVisible() const {
return (m_status & ePreviewVisible) == 0;
void TXshColumn::setPreviewVisible(bool on) {
const int mask = ePreviewVisible;
if (on)
m_status &= ~mask;
m_status |= mask;
bool TXshColumn::isLocked() const { return (m_status & eLocked) != 0; }
void TXshColumn::lock(bool on) {
const int mask = eLocked;
if (on)
m_status |= mask;
m_status &= ~mask;
bool TXshColumn::isMask() const { return (m_status & eMasked) != 0; }
void TXshColumn::setIsMask(bool on) {
const int mask = eMasked;
if (on)
m_status |= mask;
m_status &= ~mask;
void TXshColumn::initColorFilters() {
static bool _firstTime = true;
if (!_firstTime) return;
filterColors[TXshColumn::FilterNone] =
QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("None"), TPixel::Black);
filterColors[TXshColumn::FilterRed] =
QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("Red"), TPixel::Red);
filterColors[TXshColumn::FilterGreen] =
QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("Green"), TPixel::Green);
filterColors[TXshColumn::FilterBlue] =
QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("Blue"), TPixel::Blue);
filterColors[TXshColumn::FilterDarkYellow] =
QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("DarkYellow"), TPixel(128, 128, 0));
filterColors[TXshColumn::FilterDarkCyan] =
QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("DarkCyan"), TPixel(0, 128, 128));
filterColors[TXshColumn::FilterDarkMagenta] =
QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("DarkMagenta"), TPixel(128, 0, 128));
_firstTime = false;
TPixel32 TXshColumn::getFilterColor() {
return TXshColumn::getFilterInfo(m_filterColorId).second;
QPair<QString, TPixel32> TXshColumn::getFilterInfo(
TXshColumn::FilterColor key) {
if (!filterColors.contains(key))
return QPair<QString, TPixel32>(QObject::tr("None"), TPixel::Black);
return filterColors.value(key);
void TXshColumn::resetColumnProperties() {