Blob Blame Raw

#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)

#ifndef _DEBUG
#undef _STLP_DEBUG
#define _STLP_DEBUG 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

/* brutto! Forse dovremmo metterlo in include */
#include "../image/compatibility/tnz4.h"
#include "../image/compatibility/inforegion.h"

#include "filebmp.h"

typedef unsigned long  ULONG;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef unsigned char  UCHAR;
typedef unsigned int   UINT;
typedef void IMAGERGB;
typedef struct {USHORT m,b,g,r;} SPIXEL;
#define CASE break; case
#define __OR      ; case
#define DEFAULT break; default
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NIL (void*)0

typedef struct bmpimage {
	int xsize,ysize;
	LPIXEL *buffer;


/*-- Defines ----------------------------------------------------------------*/

#define BMP_BI_RGB 0
#define BMP_BI_RLE8 1
#define BMP_BI_RLE4 2

#define BMP_WIN_NEW 40
#define BMP_OS2_NEW 64

#define BMP_READ_INFO 1
#define BMP_READ_IMAGE 2

#define BMP_FERROR(fp) (ferror(fp) || feof(fp))

#define BMP_RMAP(x) (x & 0xe0) | ((x & 0xe0) >> 3) | ((x & 0xc0) >> 6)
#define BMP_GMAP(x) ((x & 0x1c) << 3) | (x & 0x1c) | ((x & 0x18) >> 3)
#define BMP_BMAP(x) ((x & 0x03) << 6) | ((x & 0x03) << 4) | ((x & 0x03) << 2) | (x & 0x03)

#define BMP_RMAP16(x) ((x & 0xc0) << 0) | ((x & 0xc0) >> 2) | ((x & 0xc0) >> 4) | ((x & 0xc0) >> 6)
#define BMP_GMAP16(x) ((x & 0x60) << 1) | ((x & 0x60) >> 1) | ((x & 0x60) >> 3) | ((x & 0x60) >> 5)
#define BMP_BMAP16(x) ((x & 0x30) << 2) | ((x & 0x30) << 0) | ((x & 0x30) >> 2) | ((x & 0x30) >> 4)

#define BMP_CUT(a, b, c) \
	{                    \
		if (a < b)       \
			a = b;       \
		else if (a > c)  \
			a = c;       \

#define BMP_REDUCE_COLORS(r, g, b) ((r & 0xe0) | ((g & 0xe0) >> 3) | ((b & 0xc0) >> 6))

#define BMP_ADD_ERROR(pix, weight)            \
	{                                         \
		tmp = (pix).r + ((r1 * weight) >> 4); \
		BMP_CUT(tmp, 0, 255);                 \
		(pix).r = tmp;                        \
		tmp = (pix).g + ((g1 * weight) >> 4); \
		BMP_CUT(tmp, 0, 255);                 \
		(pix).g = tmp;                        \
		tmp = (pix).b + ((b1 * weight) >> 4); \
		BMP_CUT(tmp, 0, 255);                 \
		(pix).b = tmp;                        \

#define BMP_ADD_ERROR_BW(pix, error) \
	{                                \
		tmp = (pix).r + (error);     \
		BMP_CUT(tmp, 0, 255);        \
		(pix).r = tmp;               \
		tmp = (pix).g + (error);     \
		BMP_CUT(tmp, 0, 255);        \
		(pix).g = tmp;               \
		tmp = (pix).b + (error);     \
		BMP_CUT(tmp, 0, 255);        \
		(pix).b = tmp;               \

/*-- Structures and Enums ---------------------------------------------------*/

/*-- Prototypes -------------------------------------------------------------*/

int load_bmp_header(FILE *fp, BMP_HEADER **pHd);
int write_bmp_header(FILE *fp, BMP_HEADER *hd);
void release_bmp_header(BMP_HEADER *hd);

int write_bmp_palette(FILE *fp, int nc, UCHAR *b, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *r);

int make_bmp_palette(int colors, int grey, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b);

BMP_SUBTYPE bmp_get_colorstyle(IMAGE *img);

int error_checking_bmp(BMP_HEADER *hd);

int read_bmp_line(FILE *fp, void *line,
				  UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR **map, BMP_SUBTYPE type);

int write_bmp_line(FILE *fp, void *line_buffer,
				   UINT w, UINT row, UCHAR *map, BMP_SUBTYPE type);

int skip_bmp_lines(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT rows, int whence, BMP_SUBTYPE type);

/*-- Local Prototypes -------------------------------------------------------*/

static UINT getshort(FILE *fp);
static UINT getint(FILE *fp);
static void putshort(FILE *fp, int value);
static void putint(FILE *fp, int value);

/*static int img_read_bmp_generic(const MYSTRING fname, int type, IMAGE **);*/
static UCHAR *reduce_colors(UCHAR *buffin, int xsize, int ysize,
							UCHAR *rmap, UCHAR *gmap, UCHAR *bmap, int nc);


#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__
#ifdef CICCIO

static int loadBMP1(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b);
static int loadBMP4(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h, UINT comp, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b);
static int loadBMP8(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h, UINT comp, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b);
static int loadBMP24(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h);

#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

static int writeBMP1(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *map);
static int writeBMP4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *map);
static int writeBMPC4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *map);
static int writeBMP8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *map);
static int writeBMPC8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *map);
static int writeBMP24(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic24, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *map);

static int load_lineBMP1(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR **map);
static int load_lineBMP4(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR **map);
static int load_lineBMPC4(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT y, UCHAR **map);
static int load_lineBMP8(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR **map);
static int load_lineBMPC8(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT y, UCHAR **map);
static int load_lineBMP24(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padb);

static int line_writeBMP1(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR *pc2nc);
static int line_writeBMP4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR *pc2nc);
static int line_writeBMPC4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT row, UCHAR *pc2nc);
static int line_writeBMP8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR *pc2nc);
static int line_writeBMPC8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT row, UCHAR *pc2nc);
static int line_writeBMP24(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pp, UINT w, UINT padb);

static int skip_rowsBMP1(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence);
static int skip_rowsBMP4(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence);
static int skip_rowsBMPC4(FILE *fp, UINT rows);
static int skip_rowsBMP8(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence);
static int skip_rowsBMPC8(FILE *fp, UINT rows);
static int skip_rowsBMP24(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence);

#define BMP_DEBUG 0

int read_bmp_line(FILE *fp, void *line_buffer,
				  UINT w, UINT row, UCHAR **map, BMP_SUBTYPE type)
	LPIXEL *pic = (LPIXEL *)line_buffer;
	unsigned int pad;
	int rv = 0;

	switch (type) {
	case BMP_BW:
		pad = ((w + 31) / 32) * 32;
		rv = load_lineBMP1(fp, pic, w, (UINT)pad, map);
		CASE BMP_GREY16 : __OR BMP_CMAPPED16 : pad = ((w + 7) / 8) * 8;
		rv = load_lineBMP4(fp, pic, w, (UINT)pad, map);
		CASE BMP_GREY16C : __OR BMP_CMAPPED16C : rv = load_lineBMPC4(fp, pic, w, row, map);
		if (rv == -1)
			rv = 1;
		else if (rv == -2)
			rv = 0;
		else if (rv == -3)
			rv = 0;
			rv = 0;
		CASE BMP_GREY256 : __OR BMP_CMAPPED256 : pad = ((w + 3) / 4) * 4;
		rv = load_lineBMP8(fp, pic, w, (UINT)pad, map);
		CASE BMP_GREY256C : __OR BMP_CMAPPED256C : rv = load_lineBMPC8(fp, pic, w, row, map);
		if (rv == -1)
			rv = 1;
		else if (rv == -2)
			rv = 0;
		else if (rv == -3)
			rv = 0;
			rv = 0;
		CASE BMP_RGB : pad = (4 - ((w * 3) % 4)) & 0x03;
		rv = load_lineBMP24(fp, pic, w, (UINT)pad);

	return !rv; /* return 0 for unsuccess */

int write_bmp_line(FILE *fp, void *line_buffer,
				   UINT w, UINT row, UCHAR *map, BMP_SUBTYPE type)
	UCHAR *pic = (UCHAR *)line_buffer;
	LPIXEL *p24 = (LPIXEL *)line_buffer;
	unsigned int pad;
	int rv = 0;

	switch (type) {
	case BMP_BW:
		pad = ((w + 31) / 32) * 32;
		rv = line_writeBMP1(fp, pic, w, (UINT)pad, map);
		CASE BMP_GREY16 : __OR BMP_CMAPPED16 : pad = ((w + 7) / 8) * 8;
		rv = line_writeBMP4(fp, pic, w, (UINT)pad, map);
		CASE BMP_GREY16C : __OR BMP_CMAPPED16C : rv = line_writeBMPC4(fp, pic, w, row, map);
		CASE BMP_GREY256 : __OR BMP_CMAPPED256 : pad = ((w + 3) / 4) * 4;
		rv = line_writeBMP8(fp, pic, w, (UINT)pad, map);
		CASE BMP_GREY256C : __OR BMP_CMAPPED256C : rv = line_writeBMPC8(fp, pic, w, row, map);
		CASE BMP_RGB : pad = (4 - ((w * 3) % 4)) & 0x03;
		rv = line_writeBMP24(fp, p24, w, (UINT)pad);

	return rv; /* 0 for unsuccess */

int skip_bmp_lines(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT rows, int whence, BMP_SUBTYPE type)
	unsigned int pad;
	int rv = 0;

	switch (type) {
	case BMP_BW:
		pad = ((w + 31) / 32) * 32;
		rv = skip_rowsBMP1(fp, w, (UINT)pad, rows, whence);
		CASE BMP_GREY16 : __OR BMP_CMAPPED16 : pad = ((w + 7) / 8) * 8;
		rv = skip_rowsBMP4(fp, w, (UINT)pad, rows, whence);
		CASE BMP_GREY16C : __OR BMP_CMAPPED16C : rv = skip_rowsBMPC4(fp, rows);
		CASE BMP_GREY256 : __OR BMP_CMAPPED256 : pad = ((w + 3) / 4) * 4;
		rv = skip_rowsBMP8(fp, w, (UINT)pad, rows, whence);
		CASE BMP_GREY256C : __OR BMP_CMAPPED256C : rv = skip_rowsBMPC8(fp, rows);
		CASE BMP_RGB : pad = (4 - ((w * 3) % 4)) & 0x03;
		rv = skip_rowsBMP24(fp, w, (UINT)pad, rows, whence);

	return !rv;

int error_checking_bmp(BMP_HEADER *hd)

	/* error checking */
	if ((hd->biBitCount != 1 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 4 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 8 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 24) ||
		hd->biPlanes != 1 || hd->biCompression > BMP_BI_RLE4) {

	/* error checking */
	if (((hd->biBitCount == 1 || hd->biBitCount == 24) &&
		 hd->biCompression != BMP_BI_RGB) ||
		(hd->biBitCount == 4 && hd->biCompression == BMP_BI_RLE8) ||
		(hd->biBitCount == 8 && hd->biCompression == BMP_BI_RLE4)) {

	return OK;

int load_bmp_header(FILE *fp, BMP_HEADER **header)
	int c, c1;

	*header = NULL;

	hd = (BMP_HEADER *)calloc((size_t)1, sizeof(BMP_HEADER));
	if (!hd)
		return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

	/* figure out the file size */
	fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
	hd->biFilesize = ftell(fp);
	fseek(fp, 0L, 0);

	/* read the file type (first two bytes) */
	c = getc(fp);
	c1 = getc(fp);
	if (c != 'B' || c1 != 'M') {

	hd->bfSize = getint(fp);

	/* reserved and ignored */

	hd->bfOffBits = getint(fp);
	hd->biSize = getint(fp);

	if (hd->biSize == BMP_WIN_NEW || hd->biSize == BMP_OS2_NEW) {
		hd->biWidth = getint(fp);
		hd->biHeight = getint(fp);
		hd->biPlanes = getshort(fp);
		hd->biBitCount = getshort(fp);
		hd->biCompression = getint(fp);
		hd->biSizeImage = getint(fp);
		hd->biXPelsPerMeter = getint(fp);
		hd->biYPelsPerMeter = getint(fp);
		hd->biClrUsed = getint(fp);
		hd->biClrImportant = getint(fp);
	} else /* old bitmap format */
		hd->biWidth = getshort(fp);
		hd->biHeight = getshort(fp);
		hd->biPlanes = getshort(fp);
		hd->biBitCount = getshort(fp);

		/* Not in old versions so have to compute them */
		hd->biSizeImage = (((hd->biPlanes *
							 hd->biBitCount *
							 hd->biWidth) +
							31) /
						   32) *
						  4 * hd->biHeight;

		hd->biCompression = BMP_BI_RGB;
		hd->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
		hd->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
		hd->biClrUsed = 0;
		hd->biClrImportant = 0;

	if (BMP_DEBUG) {
		printf("\nLoadBMP:\tbfSize=%u, bfOffBits=%u\n", hd->bfSize,
		printf("\t\tbiSize=%u, biWidth=%u, biHeight=%u, biPlanes=%u\n",
		printf("\t\tbiBitCount=%u, biCompression=%u, biSizeImage=%u\n",
		printf("\t\tbiX,YPelsPerMeter=%u,%u  biClrUsed=%u, biClrImp=%u\n",

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp)) {

	*header = hd;
	return OK;

void release_bmp_header(BMP_HEADER *hd)
	if (hd)

#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__

#ifdef CICCIO

int img_read_bmp(const MYSTRING fname, IMAGE **pimg)
	return img_read_bmp_generic(fname, BMP_READ_IMAGE, pimg);

static int img_read_bmp_generic(const MYSTRING fname, int type, IMAGE **pimg)
	int retCode = OK;

	UCHAR r[256], g[256], b[256];
	IMAGE *img = NULL;

	int rv, c, i;
	LPIXEL *pic;
	FILE *fp;

	*pimg = 0;

	/* returns  'NULL' on unsuccess */

	pic = (LPIXEL *)NULL;

	/* open image file */
	fp = _wfopen(fname, L"rb");
	if (!fp)
		return CANT_OPEN_FILE;

	/* load up the image header */
	retCode = load_bmp_header(fp, &hd);
	if (retCode != OK)
		goto ERROR;

	/* error checking */
	if ((hd->biBitCount != 1 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 4 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 8 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 24) ||
		hd->biPlanes != 1 || hd->biCompression > BMP_BI_RLE4) {
		goto ERROR;

	/* error checking */
	if (((hd->biBitCount == 1 || hd->biBitCount == 24) &&
		 hd->biCompression != BMP_BI_RGB) ||
		(hd->biBitCount == 4 && hd->biCompression == BMP_BI_RLE8) ||
		(hd->biBitCount == 8 && hd->biCompression == BMP_BI_RLE4)) {
		goto ERROR;

	img = new_img();
	img->type = TOONZRGB;

	if (type == BMP_READ_INFO) {
		img->xSBsize = img->xsize = hd->biWidth;
		img->ySBsize = img->ysize = hd->biHeight;
		*pimg = img;
		return OK;

	allocate_pixmap(img, (int)hd->biWidth, (int)hd->biHeight);

	/* hd->biPad; */
	if (hd->biSize != BMP_WIN_OS2_OLD) {
		/* skip ahead to colormap, using biSize */
		c = hd->biSize - 40; /* 40 bytes read from biSize to biClrImportant */
		for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
		hd->biPad = hd->bfOffBits - (hd->biSize + 14);

	/* load up colormap, if any */
	if (hd->biBitCount != 24) {
		int i, cmaplen;

		/*cmaplen = (hd->biClrUsed) ? hd->biClrUsed : 1 << hd->biBitCount;*/
		if (hd->biClrUsed)
			cmaplen = hd->biClrUsed;
			cmaplen = 1 << hd->biBitCount;

		for (i = 0; i < cmaplen; i++) {
			b[i] = getc(fp);
			g[i] = getc(fp);
			r[i] = getc(fp);
			if (hd->biSize != BMP_WIN_OS2_OLD) {
				hd->biPad -= 4;

		if (BMP_FERROR(fp)) {
			retCode = UNEXPECTED_EOF;
			goto ERROR;

		if (BMP_DEBUG) {
			printf("LoadBMP:  BMP colormap:  (RGB order)\n");
			for (i = 0; i < cmaplen; i++)
				printf("%02x%02x%02x  ", r[i], g[i], b[i]);

	if (hd->biSize != BMP_WIN_OS2_OLD) {
		/* Waste any unused bytes between the colour map (if present)
         and the start of the actual bitmap data. 

		while (hd->biPad > 0) {

	/* create 32 bit image buffer */

	pic = (LPIXEL *)img->buffer;

	/* load up the image */
	switch (hd->biBitCount) {
	case 1:
		rv = loadBMP1(fp, pic, hd->biWidth, hd->biHeight, r, g, b);
		CASE 4 : rv = loadBMP4(fp, pic, hd->biWidth, hd->biHeight, hd->biCompression, r, g, b);
		CASE 8 : rv = loadBMP8(fp, pic, hd->biWidth, hd->biHeight, hd->biCompression, r, g, b);
		CASE 24 : rv = loadBMP24(fp, pic, hd->biWidth, hd->biHeight);
		goto ERROR;

	if (rv) {
		goto ERROR;


	*pimg = img;
	return OK;



	if (img) {

	return retCode;


#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

#ifdef CICCIO
static int img_read_bmp_region(const MYSTRING fname, IMAGE **pimg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int scale)
	UCHAR r[256], g[256], b[256] /*  ,*map[3]  */;
	LPIXEL *line = NULL;
	UINT line_size = 0;
	BMP_SUBTYPE subtype;
	LPIXEL *pic, *appo;
	IMAGE *img = NULL;
	UINT start_offset;
	UINT c, i, j;
	char buf[512];
	FILE *fp;
	UINT pad;
	enum BMP_ERROR_CODE bmp_error = OK;

	/* initialize some variables */
	i = pad = 0;

	/* returns  'NULL' on unsuccess */
	pic = (LPIXEL *)NULL;

	/* open image file */
	fp = _wfopen(fname, L"rb");
	if (!fp) {
		return CANT_OPEN_FILE;

	/* load up the image header */
	load_bmp_header(fp, &hd);
	if (!hd)
		goto ERROR;

	/* error checking */
	if ((hd->biBitCount != 1 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 4 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 8 &&
		 hd->biBitCount != 24) ||
		hd->biPlanes != 1 || hd->biCompression > BMP_BI_RLE4) {
		sprintf(buf, "Bogus BMP File! (bitCount=%d, Planes=%d, Compression=%d)",
				hd->biBitCount, hd->biPlanes, hd->biCompression);

		goto ERROR;

	/* error checking */
	if (((hd->biBitCount == 1 || hd->biBitCount == 24) &&
		 hd->biCompression != BMP_BI_RGB) ||
		(hd->biBitCount == 4 && hd->biCompression == BMP_BI_RLE8) ||
		(hd->biBitCount == 8 && hd->biCompression == BMP_BI_RLE4)) {
		sprintf(buf, "Bogus BMP File!  (bitCount=%d, Compression=%d)",
				hd->biBitCount, hd->biCompression);
		goto ERROR;

	img = new_img();

	img->type = TOONZRGB;

	img->xsize = hd->biWidth;
	img->ysize = hd->biHeight;
	img->xSBsize = hd->biWidth;
	img->ySBsize = hd->biHeight;
	img->x_dpi = (double)(hd->biXPelsPerMeter / 39);
	img->y_dpi = (double)(hd->biYPelsPerMeter / 39);

	hd->biPad = 0;
	if (hd->biSize != BMP_WIN_OS2_OLD) {
		/* skip ahead to colormap, using biSize */
		c = hd->biSize - 40; /* 40 bytes read from biSize to biClrImportant */
		for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
		hd->biPad = hd->bfOffBits - (hd->biSize + 14);

	/* load up colormap, if any */
	if (hd->biBitCount != 24) {
		int i, cmaplen;

		/*cmaplen = (hd->biClrUsed) ? hd->biClrUsed : 1 << hd->biBitCount;*/
		if (hd->biClrUsed)
			cmaplen = hd->biClrUsed;
			cmaplen = hd->biBitCount;

		for (i = 0; i < cmaplen; i++) {
			b[i] = getc(fp);
			g[i] = getc(fp);
			r[i] = getc(fp);
			if (hd->biSize != BMP_WIN_OS2_OLD) {
				hd->biPad -= 4;

		if (BMP_FERROR(fp)) {
			bmp_error = UNEXPECTED_EOF;
			goto ERROR;

		if (BMP_DEBUG) {
			printf("LoadBMP:  BMP colormap:  (RGB order)\n");
			for (i = 0; i < cmaplen; i++)
				printf("%02x%02x%02x  ", r[i], g[i], b[i]);

	if (hd->biSize != BMP_WIN_OS2_OLD) {
		/* Waste any unused bytes between the colour map (if present)
         and the start of the actual bitmap data. 

		while (hd->biPad > 0) {

	/* get information about the portion of the image to load */
	get_info_region(&info, x1, y1, x2, y2, scale,
					(int)hd->biWidth, (int)hd->biHeight, TNZ_BOTLEFT);

	/* create 32 bit image buffer */
	if (!allocate_pixmap(img, info.xsize, info.ysize)) {
		bmp_error = OUT_OF_MEMORY;
		goto ERROR;

	start_offset = info.y_offset * info.xsize + info.x_offset;
	pic = ((LPIXEL *)img->buffer) + start_offset;

	if (line_size < hd->biWidth + 32) {
		line_size = hd->biWidth + 32;
		if (!line)
			TCALLOC((LPIXEL *)line, (size_t)line_size)
			TREALLOC(line, line_size)
	if (!line) {
		bmp_error = OUT_OF_MEMORY;
		goto ERROR;

	switch (hd->biBitCount) {
	case 1:
		pad = ((hd->biWidth + 31) / 32) * 32;
		CASE 4 : pad = ((hd->biWidth + 7) / 8) * 8;
		CASE 8 : pad = ((hd->biWidth + 3) / 4) * 4;
		CASE 24 : pad = (4 - ((hd->biWidth * 3) % 4)) & 0x03;
		/* segnala errore ed esci */

	subtype = bmp_get_colorstyle(img);
	if (subtype == BMP_NONE)
		goto ERROR;

	if (info.y_offset > 0)
	if (info.x_offset > 0)

	/*  print_info_region(&info);      */

	if (info.startScanRow > 0)
		skip_bmp_lines(fp, hd->biWidth, (unsigned int)(info.startScanRow - 1), (unsigned int)SEEK_CUR, subtype);

	for (i = 0; i < (UINT)info.scanNrow; i++) {
		if (load_lineBMP24(fp, line, hd->biWidth, pad))
			goto ERROR;

      switch (subtype)
	     if (load_lineBMP1(fp, line, hd->biWidth, pad, map))
	        goto ERROR;
	     if (load_lineBMP4(fp, line, hd->biWidth, pad, map))
	        goto ERROR;
	     if (load_lineBMPC4(fp, line, hd->biWidth, i, map)==-1)
	        goto ERROR;
	     if (load_lineBMP8(fp, line, hd->biWidth, pad, map))
	        goto ERROR;
	     if (load_lineBMPC8(fp, line, hd->biWidth, i, map)==-1)
	        goto ERROR;
	     if (load_lineBMP24(fp, line, hd->biWidth, pad))
	        goto ERROR;
		for (appo = pic, j = c = 0; j < (UINT)info.scanNcol; j++, c += info.step)
			*appo++ = *(line + info.startScanCol + c);
		pic += info.xsize;

		skip_bmp_lines(fp, hd->biWidth, (unsigned int)(info.step - 1), (unsigned int)SEEK_CUR, subtype);

  if (BMP_FERROR(fp)) 
     bmp_error(fname, "File appears truncated.  Winging it.\n");
     goto ERROR;

	*pimg = img;
	return OK;


	printf("error: (row=%d)\n", i);


	if (img)
	return bmp_error;



#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__
#ifdef CICCIO

static int loadBMP1(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b)
	UINT i, j, c, bitnum, padw, rv;
	UCHAR byte;
	LPIXEL *pp;
	UCHAR *map[3];

	map[0] = r;
	map[1] = g;
	map[2] = b;

	rv = c = 0;
	padw = ((w + 31) / 32) * 32; /* 'w', padded to be a multiple of 32 */

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp = pic + (i * w);
		rv = load_lineBMP1(fp, pp, w, padw, map);
		if (rv)
		pp = pic + (i * w);
		for (j = bitnum = 0; j < padw; j++, bitnum++) {
			if ((bitnum & 7) == 0) /* read the next byte */
				c = getc(fp);
				bitnum = 0;
			if (j < w) {
				byte = (c & 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
				c <<= 1;

				pp->r = r[byte];
				pp->g = g[byte];
				pp->b = b[byte];
				pp->m = 255;

		if (BMP_FERROR(fp))

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		rv = 1;

	return rv;

#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

int load_lineBMP1(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR **map)
	UINT j, c, bitnum;
	UCHAR byte;
	LPIXEL *pp;

	for (c = 0, pp = pic, j = bitnum = 0; j < padw; j++, bitnum++) {
		if ((bitnum & 7) == 0) /* read the next byte */
			c = getc(fp);
			bitnum = 0;
		if (j < w) {
			byte = (c & 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
			c <<= 1;

			pp->r = map[0][byte];
			pp->g = map[1][byte];
			pp->b = map[2][byte];
			pp->m = 255;


	return (BMP_FERROR(fp));

static int skip_rowsBMP1(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence)
	UINT offset = pad * rows;
	UINT i, bitnum;

	for (i = bitnum = 0; i < offset; i++, bitnum++) {
		if ((bitnum & 7) == 0) {
			bitnum = 0;

	return (BMP_FERROR(fp));


#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__
#ifdef CICCIO

static int loadBMP4(FILE *fp,
					LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h, UINT comp, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b)
	UINT i, j, c, c1, x, y, nybnum, padw, rv;
	UCHAR byte;
	LPIXEL *pp;
	UCHAR *map[3];

	map[0] = r;
	map[1] = g;
	map[2] = b;

	rv = 0;
	c = c1 = 0;

	if (comp == BMP_BI_RGB) /* read uncompressed data */
		padw = ((w + 7) / 8) * 8; /* 'w' padded to a multiple of 8pix (32 bits) */
		for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
			pp = pic + (i * w);
			rv = load_lineBMP4(fp, pp, w, padw, map);
			if (rv)
			for (j = nybnum = 0; j < padw; j++, nybnum++) {
				if ((nybnum & 1) == 0) /* read next byte */
					c = getc(fp);
					nybnum = 0;
				if (j < w) {
					byte = (c & 0xf0) >> 4;
					c <<= 4;

					pp->r = r[byte];
					pp->g = g[byte];
					pp->b = b[byte];
					pp->m = 255;

			if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
	} else if (comp == BMP_BI_RLE4) /* read RLE4 compressed data */
		x = y = 0;
		pp = pic + x + (y)*w;
		while (y < h) {

			rv = load_lineBMPC4(fp, pp, w, y, map);
			if (rv == -1) {
				rv = 1;
			} else if (rv == -2) {
				rv = 0;
				pp = pic + y * w;
			} else if (rv == -3) {
				rv = 0;
			} else {
				y += (rv / w);
				pp = pic + rv;
				rv = 0;

			c = getc(fp);
			if ((int)c == EOF) {
				rv = 1;

			if (c) /* encoded mode */
				c1 = getc(fp);
				for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
					byte = (i & 1) ? (c1 & 0x0f) : ((c1 >> 4) & 0x0f);
					pp->r = r[byte];
					pp->g = g[byte];
					pp->b = b[byte];
					pp->m = 255;
			} else /* c==0x00  :  escape codes */
				c = getc(fp);
				if ((int)c == EOF) {
					rv = 1;

				if (c == 0x00) /* end of line */
					x = 0;
					if (y < h)
						pp = pic + x + (y)*w;
				} else if (c == 0x01)
					break;			/* end of  pic */
				else if (c == 0x02) /* delta */
					c = getc(fp);
					x += c;
					c = getc(fp);
					y += c;
					if (y < h)
						pp = pic + x + (y)*w;
				} else /* absolute mode */
					for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
						if ((i & 1) == 0)
							c1 = getc(fp);
						byte = (i & 1) ? (c1 & 0x0f) : ((c1 >> 4) & 0x0f);
						pp->r = r[byte];
						pp->g = g[byte];
						pp->b = b[byte];
						pp->m = 255;
					if (((c & 3) == 1) || ((c & 3) == 2)) /* read pad byte */
			if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
	} else {
		return 1;

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		rv = 1;

	return rv;

#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

int load_lineBMP4(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR **map)
	UINT nybnum, j, c;
	UCHAR byte;
	LPIXEL *pp;

	for (c = 0, pp = pic, j = nybnum = 0; j < padw; j++, nybnum++) {
		if ((nybnum & 1) == 0) /* read next byte */
			c = getc(fp);
			nybnum = 0;
		if (j < w) {
			byte = (c & 0xf0) >> 4;
			c <<= 4;

			pp->r = map[0][byte];
			pp->g = map[1][byte];
			pp->b = map[2][byte];
			pp->m = 255;


	return (BMP_FERROR(fp));

static int skip_rowsBMP4(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence)
	UINT offset = pad * rows;
	UINT i, nybnum;

	for (i = nybnum = 0; i < offset; i++, nybnum++) {
		if ((nybnum & 1) == 0) {
			nybnum = 0;

	return (BMP_FERROR(fp));

int load_lineBMPC4(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT y, UCHAR **map)
	UINT i, c, c1, x;
	UCHAR byte;
	LPIXEL *pp;

   *  Codici di ritorno:
   *     -1:   incontrata la file del file       (EOF)
   *     -2:   incontrata la fine della linea    (Escape code 0x00 0x00)
   *     -3:   incontrata la fine dell' immagine (Escape code 0x00 0x01)
   *    altro:   incontrato un delta               (Escape code 0x00 0x02)

	/* initialize some variables */
	x = 0;
	pp = pic;
	c = c1 = 0;

	while (1) {
		c = getc(fp);
		if ((int)c == EOF)
			return -1;
		if (c) { /* encoded mode */
			c1 = getc(fp);
			for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
				byte = (i & 1) ? (c1 & 0x0f) : ((c1 >> 4) & 0x0f);
				pp->r = map[0][byte];
				pp->g = map[1][byte];
				pp->b = map[2][byte];
				pp->m = 255;
		} else /* c==0x00  :  escape codes */
			c = getc(fp);
			if ((int)c == EOF)
				return -1;
			if (c == 0x00) /* end of line */
				return -2;
			else if (c == 0x01) /* end of pic */
				return -3;
			else if (c == 0x02) /* delta */
				c = getc(fp);
				x += c;
				c = getc(fp);
				y += c;

				return (x + y * w);
			} else /* absolute mode */
				for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
					if ((i & 1) == 0)
						c1 = getc(fp);
					byte = (i & 1) ? (c1 & 0x0f) : ((c1 >> 4) & 0x0f);
					pp->r = map[0][byte];
					pp->g = map[1][byte];
					pp->b = map[2][byte];
					pp->m = 255;
				if (((c & 3) == 1) || ((c & 3) == 2)) /* read pad byte */
		if (BMP_FERROR(fp))

	return -1;

static int skip_rowsBMPC4(FILE *fp, UINT rows)
	UINT i, c, c1, rv = 0;

	while (rows > 0) {
		c = getc(fp);
		switch (c) {
		case 0x00:
			c = getc(fp);
			switch (c) {
			case 0x00:
				CASE 0x01 : rows = 0;
				CASE 0x02 : c1 = getc(fp); /* x buffer offest */
				c1 = getc(fp);			   /* y buffer offest */
				rows -= c1;
				for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
					if ((i & 1) == 0)
				if (((c & 3) == 1) || ((c & 3) == 2))
			c1 = getc(fp);

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		rv = 1;

	return rv;


#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__
#ifdef CICCIO

static int loadBMP8(FILE *fp,
					LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h, UINT comp, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b)
	UINT i, j, c, c1, padw, x, y, rv;

	LPIXEL *pp;
	UCHAR *map[3];

	map[0] = r;
	map[1] = g;
	map[2] = b;

	rv = 0;

	if (comp == BMP_BI_RGB) /* read uncompressed data */
		padw = ((w + 3) / 4) * 4; /* 'w' padded to a multiple of 4pix (32 bits) */
		for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
			pp = pic + (i * w);
			rv = load_lineBMP8(fp, pp, w, padw, map);
			if (rv)
			pp = pic + (i * w);
			for (j = 0; j < padw; j++) {
				c = getc(fp);
				if ((int)c == EOF)
					rv = 1;
				if (j < w) {
					pp->r = r[c];
					pp->g = g[c];
					pp->b = b[c];
					pp->m = 255;

			if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
	} else if (comp == BMP_BI_RLE8) /* read RLE8 compressed data */
		x = y = 0;
		pp = pic + x + y * w;
		while (y < h) {

			rv = load_lineBMPC8(fp, pp, w, y, map);
			if (rv == -1) {
				rv = 1;
			} else if (rv == -2) {
				rv = 0;
				pp = pic + y * w;
			} else if (rv == -3) {
				rv = 0;
			} else {
				y += (rv / w);
				pp = pic + rv;
				rv = 0;

			c = getc(fp);
			if ((int)c == EOF) {
				rv = 1;

			if (c) { /* encoded mode */
				c1 = getc(fp);
				for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
					pp->r = r[c1];
					pp->g = g[c1];
					pp->b = b[c1];
					pp->m = 255;
			} else /* c==0x00  :  escape codes */
				c = getc(fp);
				if ((int)c == EOF) {
					rv = 1;

				if (c == 0x00) /* end of line */
					x = 0;
					pp = pic + x + y * w;
				} else if (c == 0x01)
					break;			/* end of pic */
				else if (c == 0x02) /* delta */
					c = getc(fp);
					x += c;
					c = getc(fp);
					y += c;
					pp = pic + x + y * w;
				} else /* absolute mode */
					for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
						c1 = getc(fp);

						pp->r = r[c1];
						pp->g = g[c1];
						pp->b = b[c1];
						pp->m = 255;
					if (c & 1) /* odd length run: read an extra pad byte */
			if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
	} else {
		return 1;

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		rv = 1;

	return rv;

#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

int load_lineBMP8(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR **map)
	UINT j, c, rv = 0;
	LPIXEL *pp;

	for (pp = pic, j = 0; j < padw; j++) {
		c = getc(fp);
		if ((int)c == EOF) {
			rv = 1;
		if (j < w) {
			pp->r = map[0][c];
			pp->g = map[1][c];
			pp->b = map[2][c];
			pp->m = 255;

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		rv = 1;

	return rv;

static int skip_rowsBMP8(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence)
	UINT offset = pad * rows;

	fseek(fp, (long)offset, whence);

	return (BMP_FERROR(fp));

int load_lineBMPC8(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT y, UCHAR **map)
	int i, c, c1, x;
	LPIXEL *pp;

   *  Codici di ritorno:
   *     -1:   incontrata la file del file       (EOF)
   *     -2:   incontrata la fine della linea    (Escape code 0x00 0x00)
   *     -3:   incontrata la fine dell' immagine (Escape code 0x00 0x01)
   *  altro:   incontrato un delta               (Escape code 0x00 0x02)

	x = 0;
	pp = pic;

	while (1) {
		c = getc(fp);
		if (c == EOF)
			return -1;
		if (c) { /* encoded mode */
			c1 = getc(fp);
			for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
				pp->r = map[0][c1];
				pp->g = map[1][c1];
				pp->b = map[2][c1];
				pp->m = 255;
		} else /* c==0x00  :  escape codes */
			c = getc(fp);
			if (c == EOF)
				return -1;
			if (c == 0x00) /* end of line */
				return -2;
			else if (c == 0x01) /* end of pic */
				return -3;
			else if (c == 0x02) /* delta */
				c = getc(fp);
				x += c;
				c = getc(fp);
				y += c;

				return (x + y * w);
			} else /* absolute mode */
				for (i = 0; i < c; i++, x++, pp++) {
					c1 = getc(fp);

					pp->r = map[0][c1];
					pp->g = map[1][c1];
					pp->b = map[2][c1];
					pp->m = 255;
				if (c & 1) /* odd length run: read an extra pad byte */

static int skip_rowsBMPC8(FILE *fp, UINT rows)
	int i, c, c1, rv = 0;

	while (rows > 0) {
		c = getc(fp);
		switch (c) {
		case 0x00:
			c = getc(fp);
			switch (c) {
			case 0x00:
				CASE 0x01 : rows = 0;
				CASE 0x02 : c1 = getc(fp); /* x buffer offest */
				c1 = getc(fp);			   /* y buffer offest */
				rows -= c1;
				for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
				if (c & 1)
			c1 = getc(fp);

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		rv = 1;

	return rv;


#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__
#ifdef CICCIO

static int loadBMP24(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT h)
	UINT i, j, padb, rv;
	LPIXEL *pp;

	rv = 0;

	padb = (4 - ((w * 3) % 4)) & 0x03; /* # of pad bytes to read at EOscanline */

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp = pic + i * w;
		rv = load_lineBMP24(fp, pp, w, padb);
		for (pp = pic + i * w, j = 0; j < w; j++, pp++) {
			pp->b = getc(fp); /* blue  */
			pp->g = getc(fp); /* green */
			pp->r = getc(fp); /* red   */
			pp->m = 255;
		for (j = 0; j < padb; j++)

		rv = (BMP_FERROR(fp));
		if (rv)

	return rv;

#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

int load_lineBMP24(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pic, UINT w, UINT padb)
	LPIXEL *pp;
	UINT j;

	for (pp = pic, j = 0; j < w; j++, pp++) {
		pp->b = getc(fp); /* blue  */
		pp->g = getc(fp); /* green */
		pp->r = getc(fp); /* red   */
		pp->m = 255;
	for (j = 0; j < padb; j++)

	return (BMP_FERROR(fp));

static int skip_rowsBMP24(FILE *fp, UINT w, UINT pad, UINT rows, int whence)
	UINT offset = (w * 3 + pad) * rows;

	fseek(fp, (long)offset, whence);

	return (BMP_FERROR(fp));

/*-- BMP WRITE --------------------------------------------------------------*/

BMP_SUBTYPE bmp_get_colorstyle(IMAGE *img)
	return img->type;

int write_bmp_header(FILE *fp, BMP_HEADER *hd)
	putc('B', fp);
	putc('M', fp); /* BMP file magic number           */

	putint(fp, (int)hd->bfSize);
	putshort(fp, 0); /* reserved1                       */
	putshort(fp, 0); /* reserved2                       */

	putint(fp, (int)hd->bfOffBits); /* offset from BOfile to BObitmap */

	putint(fp, (int)hd->biSize);		  /* size of bitmap info header     */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biWidth);		  /* width                          */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biHeight);		  /* height                         */
	putshort(fp, (int)hd->biPlanes);	  /* must be '1'                    */
	putshort(fp, (int)hd->biBitCount);	/* 1,4,8, or 24                   */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biCompression);   /* BMP_BI_RGB, BMP_BI_RLE8 or BMP_BI_RLE4     */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biSizeImage);	 /* size of raw image data         */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biXPelsPerMeter); /* dpi * 39" per meter            */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biYPelsPerMeter); /* dpi * 39" per meter            */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biClrUsed);		  /* colors used in cmap            */
	putint(fp, (int)hd->biClrImportant);  /* same as above                  */

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

int write_bmp_palette(FILE *fp, int nc, UCHAR *b, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *r)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
		putc(b[i], fp);
		putc(g[i], fp);
		putc(r[i], fp);
		putc(0, fp);

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__

int img_write_bmp(const MYSTRING fname, IMAGE *img)
	int (*write_function)(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *map);
	int h, w, i, nc, nbits, bperlin, comp;
	UCHAR val;
	UCHAR pc2nc[256], r1[256], g1[256], b1[256];
	UCHAR *pic, *graypic;
	BMP_SUBTYPE subtype;
	FILE *fp;

	subtype = bmp_get_colorstyle(img);
	if (subtype == BMP_NONE)

	fp = _wfopen(fname, L"wb");
	if (!fp)
		return CANT_OPEN_FILE;

	graypic = NULL;
	nc = 0;
	nbits = 0;
	comp = 0;
	h = img->ysize;
	w = img->xsize;
	pic = (UCHAR *)img->buffer;

	switch (subtype) {
	case BMP_BW:
		__OR BMP_GREY16 : __OR BMP_GREY16C :

		CASE BMP_GREY256 : __OR BMP_GREY256C : nbits = 8;
		CASE BMP_RGB : nbits = 24;

	/* number bytes written per line */
	bperlin = ((w * nbits + 31) / 32) * 4;

	/* compute filesize and write it */
	i = 14 +		 /* size of bitmap file header */
		40 +		 /* size of bitmap info header */
		(nc * 4) +   /* size of colormap */
		bperlin * h; /* size of image data */

	switch (nbits) {
	case 4:
		comp = (comp == TRUE) ? BMP_BI_RLE4 : BMP_BI_RGB;
		CASE 8 : comp = (comp == TRUE) ? BMP_BI_RLE8 : BMP_BI_RGB;
		comp = BMP_BI_RGB;

	/* fill image header */
	hd.bfSize = i;
	hd.bfOffBits = 14 + 40 + (nc * 4);
	hd.biSize = 40;
	hd.biWidth = w;
	hd.biHeight = h;
	hd.biPlanes = 1;
	hd.biBitCount = nbits;
	hd.biCompression = comp;
	hd.biSizeImage = bperlin * h;
	hd.biXPelsPerMeter = 0 * 39;
	hd.biYPelsPerMeter = 0 * 39;
	hd.biClrUsed = nc;
	hd.biClrImportant = nc;

	if (!write_bmp_header(fp, &hd))

	write_bmp_palette(fp, nc, b1, g1, r1);

	switch (nbits) {
	case 1:
		write_function = writeBMP1;
		CASE 4 : if (comp == BMP_BI_RGB) write_function = writeBMP4;
		else write_function = writeBMPC4;
		CASE 8 : if (comp == BMP_BI_RGB) write_function = writeBMP8;
		else write_function = writeBMPC8;
		CASE 24 : write_function = writeBMP24;

	/* write out the image */
	val = write_function(fp, pic, w, h, pc2nc);

	if (graypic)

	/* 0 failed , 1 ok */
	return val == 1 ? OK : WRITE_ERROR;


	if (graypic)


	return WRITE_ERROR;

#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

static int writeBMP1(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UINT i, j, c, bitnum, padw;
	UCHAR *pp;

	padw = ((w + 31) / 32) * 32; /* 'w', padded to be a multiple of 32 */

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp = pic8 + (i * w);
		if (line_writeBMP1(fp, pp, w, padw, pc2nc) == FALSE)
			return FALSE;
		for (j = bitnum = c = 0; j <= padw; j++, bitnum++) {
			if (bitnum == 8) /* write the next byte */
				putc((int)c, fp);
				bitnum = c = 0;
			c <<= 1;
			if (j < w) {
				c |= (pc2nc[*pp++] & 0x01);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int line_writeBMP1(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UCHAR *pp = pic8;
	UINT j, c, bitnum;

	for (j = bitnum = c = 0; j <= padw; j++, bitnum++) {
		if (bitnum == 8) /* write the next byte */
			putc((int)c, fp);
			bitnum = c = 0;
		c <<= 1;
		if (j < w) {
			c |= (pc2nc[*pp++] & 0x01);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int writeBMP4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UINT i, j, c, nybnum, padw;
	UCHAR *pp;

	padw = ((w + 7) / 8) * 8; /* 'w' padded to a multiple of 8pix (32 bits) */

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp = pic8 + (i * w);
		if (line_writeBMP4(fp, pp, w, padw, pc2nc) == FALSE)
			return FALSE;
		for (j = nybnum = c = 0; j <= padw; j++, nybnum++) {
			if (nybnum == 2) /* write next byte */
				putc((int)(c & 0xff), fp);
				nybnum = c = 0;
			c <<= 4;
			if (j < w) {
				c |= (pc2nc[*pp] & 0x0f);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int line_writeBMP4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UINT j, c, nybnum;
	UCHAR *pp = pic8;

	for (j = nybnum = c = 0; j <= padw; j++, nybnum++) {
		if (nybnum == 2) /* write next byte */
			putc((int)(c & 0xff), fp);
			nybnum = c = 0;
		c <<= 4;
		if (j < w) {
			c |= (pc2nc[*pp] & 0x0f);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int writeBMPC4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UCHAR *pp1, *pp2, *pp3, byte1, byte2;
	UINT i, cnt;

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp1 = pic8 + i * w;
		pp2 = pp1 + 2;
		pp3 = pp1 + w + 2;

		for (; pp2 < pp3; pp2 += 2) {
			cnt = 2;

			byte1 = ((pc2nc[*pp1] << 4) & 0xf0) | (pc2nc[*(pp1 + 1)] & 0x0f);
			byte2 = ((pc2nc[*pp2] << 4) & 0xf0) | (pc2nc[*(pp2 + 1)] & 0x0f);

			if (byte1 != byte2) {
				putc((int)cnt, fp);
				putc(byte1, fp);
				pp1 = pp2;
			} else {
				while (cnt <= 254 && pp2 < pp3) {
					cnt += 2;
					pp2 += 2;
					byte2 = ((pc2nc[*pp2] << 4) & 0xf0) | (pc2nc[*(pp2 + 1)] & 0x0f);
					if (byte1 != byte2 || cnt >= 254 || pp2 + 2 > pp3) {
						if (pp2 + 2 > pp3)
							cnt -= 2;
						putc((int)cnt, fp);
						putc(byte1, fp);
				pp1 = pp2;
		putc(0x00, fp);
		putc(0x00, fp);
		if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
			return FALSE;
	putc(0x00, fp);
	putc(0x01, fp);

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int line_writeBMPC4(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT row, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UCHAR *pp1, *pp2, *pp3, byte1, byte2;
	UINT cnt;

	pp1 = pic8 + row * w;
	pp2 = pp1 + 2;
	pp3 = pp1 + w + 2;

	for (; pp2 < pp3; pp2 += 2) {
		cnt = 2;

		byte1 = ((pc2nc[*pp1] << 4) & 0xf0) | (pc2nc[*(pp1 + 1)] & 0x0f);
		byte2 = ((pc2nc[*pp2] << 4) & 0xf0) | (pc2nc[*(pp2 + 1)] & 0x0f);

		if (byte1 != byte2) {
			putc((int)cnt, fp);
			putc(byte1, fp);
			pp1 = pp2;
		} else {
			while (cnt <= 254 && pp2 < pp3) {
				cnt += 2;
				pp2 += 2;
				byte2 = ((pc2nc[*pp2] << 4) & 0xf0) | (pc2nc[*(pp2 + 1)] & 0x0f);
				if (byte1 != byte2 || cnt >= 254 || pp2 + 2 > pp3) {
					if (pp2 + 2 > pp3)
						cnt -= 2;
					putc((int)cnt, fp);
					putc(byte1, fp);
			pp1 = pp2;
	putc(0x00, fp);
	putc(0x00, fp);

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int writeBMP8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UINT i, j, padw;
	UCHAR *pp;

	padw = ((w + 3) / 4) * 4; /* 'w' padded to a multiple of 4pix (32 bits) */

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp = pic8 + (i * w);
		if (line_writeBMP8(fp, pp, w, padw, pc2nc) == FALSE)
			return FALSE;
		/* for (j=0; j<w; j++) putc(pc2nc[*pp++], fp);*/
		for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
			putc(*pp, fp);
		for (; j < padw; j++)
			putc(0, fp);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int line_writeBMP8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT padw, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UCHAR *pp = pic8;
	UINT j;

	for (j = 0; j < w; j++)
		putc(pc2nc[*pp++], fp);
	for (; j < padw; j++)
		putc(0, fp);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int writeBMPC8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UCHAR *pp1, *pp2, *pp3, byte1, byte2;
	UINT i, cnt;

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp1 = pic8 + i * w;
		pp2 = pp1 + 1;
		pp3 = pp1 + w + 1;

		for (; pp2 < pp3; pp2++) {
			cnt = 1;

			byte1 = pc2nc[*pp1];
			byte2 = pc2nc[*pp2];

			if (byte1 != byte2) {
				putc((int)cnt, fp);
				putc(byte1, fp);
				pp1 = pp2;
			} else {
				while (cnt <= 254 && pp2 < pp3) {
					byte2 = pc2nc[*pp2];
					if (byte1 != byte2 || cnt >= 254 || pp2 + 1 > pp3) {
						if (pp2 + 1 > pp3)
						putc((int)cnt, fp);
						putc(byte1, fp);
				pp1 = pp2;
		putc(0x00, fp);
		putc(0x00, fp);
		if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
			return FALSE;
	putc(0x00, fp);
	putc(0x01, fp);

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int line_writeBMPC8(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic8, UINT w, UINT row, UCHAR *pc2nc)
	UCHAR *pp1, *pp2, *pp3, byte1, byte2;
	UINT cnt;

	pp1 = pic8 + row * w;
	pp2 = pp1 + 1;
	pp3 = pp1 + w + 1;

	for (; pp2 < pp3; pp2++) {
		cnt = 1;

		byte1 = pc2nc[*pp1];
		byte2 = pc2nc[*pp2];

		if (byte1 != byte2) {
			putc((int)cnt, fp);
			putc(byte1, fp);
			pp1 = pp2;
		} else {
			while (cnt <= 254 && pp2 < pp3) {
				byte2 = pc2nc[*pp2];
				if (byte1 != byte2 || cnt >= 254 || pp2 + 1 > pp3) {
					if (pp2 + 1 > pp3)
					putc((int)cnt, fp);
					putc(byte1, fp);
			pp1 = pp2;
	putc(0x00, fp);
	putc(0x00, fp);

	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int writeBMP24(FILE *fp, UCHAR *pic24, UINT w, UINT h, UCHAR *whence)
	UINT i, j, padb;
	LPIXEL *pixel;
	UCHAR *pp;

	/* pc2nc not used */

	padb = (4 - ((w * 3) % 4)) & 0x03; /* # of pad bytes to write at EOscanline */

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
		pp = pic24 + (i * w * 4);
		pixel = (LPIXEL *)pp;
		if (line_writeBMP24(fp, pixel, w, padb) == FALSE)
			return FALSE;
		for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
			putc(pixel->b, fp);
			putc(pixel->g, fp);
			putc(pixel->r, fp);

		for (j = 0; j < padb; j++)
			putc(0, fp);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int line_writeBMP24(FILE *fp, LPIXEL *pp, UINT w, UINT padb)
	UINT j;

	for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
		putc(pp->b, fp);
		putc(pp->g, fp);
		putc(pp->r, fp);

	for (j = 0; j < padb; j++)
		putc(0, fp);
	if (BMP_FERROR(fp))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

#ifndef __LIBSIMAGE__

static UCHAR *reduce_colors(UCHAR *buffin, int xsize, int ysize,
							UCHAR *rmap, UCHAR *gmap, UCHAR *bmap, int nc)
	LPIXEL *curr_pix, *next_pix, *prev_pix, *buffer;
	static LPIXEL *mbuffer = NULL;
	static UCHAR *ret_buf = NULL;
	static int outbuf_size = 0;
	static int buffin_size = 0;
	int r1, g1, b1, dim;
	int i, j, tmp;
	int imax, jmax;
	UCHAR *outbuf;
	USHORT val;

	dim = xsize * ysize;

	if (dim > outbuf_size) {
		if (!ret_buf)
			TCALLOC(ret_buf, dim)
			TREALLOC(ret_buf, dim);
		if (!ret_buf)
			return NULL;
		outbuf_size = dim;

	if (dim > buffin_size) {
		if (!mbuffer)
			TCALLOC(mbuffer, dim)
			TREALLOC(mbuffer, dim);
		if (!ret_buf)
			return NULL;
		buffin_size = dim;

	memcpy(mbuffer, buffin, dim * sizeof(LPIXEL));
	buffer = mbuffer;
	outbuf = ret_buf;

	imax = ysize - 1;
	jmax = xsize - 1;

	for (i = 0; i < ysize; i++) {
		curr_pix = buffer;
		buffer += xsize;
		next_pix = buffer;
		prev_pix = NIL;

		for (j = 0; j < xsize; j++) {
			r1 = curr_pix->r;
			g1 = curr_pix->g;
			b1 = curr_pix->b;

			val = BMP_REDUCE_COLORS(r1, g1, b1);

			*(outbuf++) = (unsigned char)val;

			/* errors on colors */
			r1 -= rmap[val];
			g1 -= gmap[val];
			b1 -= bmap[val];

			if (j != jmax)
				BMP_ADD_ERROR(curr_pix[1], 7) /*  RIGHT   */
			if (i != imax)					  /*  UP      */
				BMP_ADD_ERROR(*next_pix, 5)
				if (j > 0)
					BMP_ADD_ERROR(*prev_pix, 3) /* UP LEFT  */
				if (j != jmax)
					BMP_ADD_ERROR(next_pix[1], 1) /* UP RIGHT */
				prev_pix = next_pix;

	return ret_buf;

#endif /* __LIBSIMAGE__ */

int make_bmp_palette(int colors, int grey, UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b)
	int i, j, ind, val;

	switch (colors) {
	case 2:
		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
			r[i] = g[i] = b[i] = i * 255;
		CASE 16 : for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
				ind = i * 16 + j;
				val = i * 16;
				r[ind] = g[ind] = b[ind] = val;
		CASE 256 : if (grey)
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				r[i] = g[i] = b[i] = i;
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
				r[i] = BMP_RMAP(i);
				g[i] = BMP_GMAP(i);
				b[i] = BMP_BMAP(i);
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static UINT getshort(FILE *fp)
	int c = getc(fp),
		c1 = getc(fp);

	return ((UINT)c) + (((UINT)c1) << 8);

static UINT getint(FILE *fp)
	int c = getc(fp),
		c1 = getc(fp),
		c2 = getc(fp),
		c3 = getc(fp);

	return (((UINT)c) << 0) +
		   (((UINT)c1) << 8) +
		   (((UINT)c2) << 16) +
		   (((UINT)c3) << 24);

static void putshort(FILE *fp, int i)
	int c = (((UINT)i)) & 0xff,
		c1 = (((UINT)i) >> 8) & 0xff;

	putc(c, fp);
	putc(c1, fp);

static void putint(FILE *fp, int i)
	int c = ((UINT)i) & 0xff,
		c1 = (((UINT)i) >> 8) & 0xff,
		c2 = (((UINT)i) >> 16) & 0xff,
		c3 = (((UINT)i) >> 24) & 0xff;

	putc(c, fp);
	putc(c1, fp);
	putc(c2, fp);
	putc(c3, fp);


int writebmp(const MYSTRING filename, int xsize, int ysize, void *buffer, int bpp)
	IMAGE img;
	img.xsize = xsize;
	img.ysize = ysize;
	img.buffer = buffer;
	switch (bpp) {
	case 8:
		img.type = BMP_GREY256C;
		CASE 32 : img.type = BMP_RGB;
	return img_write_bmp(filename, &img);


#ifdef CICCIO

int readbmp(const MYSTRING filename, int *xsize, int *ysize, void **buffer)
	IMAGE *img;
	int retCode = img_read_bmp(filename, &img);
	if (retCode != OK) {
		*xsize = *ysize = 0;
		*buffer = 0;
	} else {
		*xsize = img->xsize;
		*ysize = img->ysize;
		*buffer = img->buffer;
		img->buffer = 0;
	return retCode;


int readbmpregion(const MYSTRING filename, void **pimg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int scale)
	IMAGE *img;

	int retCode = img_read_bmp_region(filename, &img, x1, y1, x2, y2, scale);

	if (retCode != OK) {
		*pimg = 0;
	} else {
		*pimg = img->buffer;
	return retCode;


int readbmp_size(const MYSTRING fname, int *lx, int *ly)
	IMAGE *img;
	int retCode = img_read_bmp_generic(fname, BMP_READ_INFO, &img);
	if (retCode == OK) {
		*lx = img->xsize;
		*ly = img->ysize;
	return retCode;


int readbmp_bbox(const MYSTRING fname, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1)
	IMAGE *img;
	int retCode = img_read_bmp_generic(fname, BMP_READ_INFO, &img);
	if (retCode == OK) {
		*x0 = 0;
		*x1 = 0;
		*x1 = img->xsize - 1;
		*y1 = img->ysize - 1;
	return retCode;
